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आखें मेरी हर जगह 

ढूंढे तुझे बेवजह 

ये मैं हूँ या कोई और है 

मेरी तरह.. 

कैसे हुआ.. कैसे हुआ.. 

तू इतना ज़रूरी कैसे हुआ

Author's POV

Rubbing her palms over her face in exhaustion, she left the warm premises of her mansion to let the cold air envelop her. For the first time in life, she felt disappointed by following the path she did. Her desire to touch the moon brought her to her knees in a painfully cold way, leaving her alone in the middle of a crowd. A blow of wind gushed past her, making her throat clog with emotions. This afternoon she had given him hopes of a tomorrow with her, but by night she snatched them brutally. She wanted him to be done with her. To be over her. Something which the past four years failed to do. Her words wanted to make the impossible possible. She craved to be in his arms, yet her destination seemed so far away. She shivered as the furious blows of wind reminded her of the conversation she had with her mother.

She was able to bear everything, but the weight of her mother's words was killing her. Her every merry step towards her room was analyzed with ardent apprehension as if her smile was an obstacle in her path. She had noticed Payal whispering something to her, but she didn't dare imagine her mother would blame her for something so cheap.

When their angry banter escalated, it took the form of lava that burned her heart. She had hopes that one day her mother would be back to her, ignoring whatever ropes of hatred Payal was tying her with. Today her hope shattered like a pack of cards, unable to bear the force of the air of distrust.

"You are planning to run away and humiliate me, right? Shivanshi, I have always ordered you around, but this time I request you to behave maturely. If you ran away like this, Payal's life would be ruined. The prince coming to see her next week would refuse to marry her due to your flaws. It's a humble request, Shivanshi, don't spoil lives with your recklessness," Gayathri pleaded, frustrated by her daughter's inconsiderate behavior.

Shivanshi gaped at her, unable to understand what she was talking about. Why would she even run away from a wedding with the man she loved like a mad woman? How did her mother even get that absurd idea?

"Why would I run away?" she questioned.

"Your love letters addressed to an unknown man must answer this for you." Her mother threw an array of envelopes at her. She opened them to see the letters she had stored for her door prince in the first year of his absence. She was about to smile fondly, but her mother's next words snatched the land beneath her feet.

"I am going to fly to you, leaving everything behind. I don't care about the world" Her mother read one of her notes that she had written to him in the past, not knowing the context. She was missing him dearly, so she wrote her feelings out in a letter.

"I won't marry anyone except you and this Abhijay, whatever? Never. I will leave him at the altar because there is no way I will marry someone my mother chose for me," Her mother concluded and she felt those words like a punch in her gut. She never wrote anything like that. She quickly snatched the letter from her and sighed, seeing Payal's handwriting that nearly matched hers. How low would she stoop? She rummaged through her drawers like a thief and stole her letters, only to manipulate them. Payal's deeds no longer mattered to her because all she expected was for her mother to say that she trusted her daughter enough that she would never spoil her reputation.

"Maa Sa..."

"Shivanshi! I beg you to please marry Abhijay at the altar. All your sisters are unmarried. You will ruin them. You will ruin my reputation. Return this as a favor of me giving birth to you." Gayathri said, folding her hands. Shivanshi sat on the bed with a thud. She rubbed her forehead in frustration. She was done proving herself.

"What if I don't?" she asked, hoping her mother would just say one damn time that it would ruin her life. That Shivanshi's well-being mattered to her.

"You have to! I will make you marry him at the same place you plan on running from, even if I have to cage you. I so wish they had agreed to see Payal instead of you. I wouldn't have been so helpless then..." she said as tears gathered in her eyes. Why could her daughter not obey her? Why could she not love her mother enough to save her respect in society? Why could she just not love her enough to think about her mother above herself? Gayathri thought to herself.

"I won't! I'd die before I marry someone you give my hand to," Shivanshi said, smiling sadly at her kismet. She patted the space beside her on the bed before her mother could open her mouth to berate her. Gayathri quietly sat beside her daughter, trying to read her for the first time in her life. She witnessed an emotion she had never seen before. Pain.

"It was your 50th birthday..." Shivanshi started to narrate, staring into oblivion while Gayathri keenly looked at her, trying to understand her intention behind narrating the past event.

"I knew you loved celebrating with your friends–" she started, but was cut off when her mother taunted, "And yet you didn't even grace my birthday party at home with your presence"

Gayathri was still sour about that day when her daughter refused to show up at her birthday party. It pricked her heart. Shivanshi looked her dead in the eye but turned her face away, ignoring her comment as she continued.

"I arranged a party for you at one of your favorite hotels, Grand Hayat. Yes, the same one whose booking people are never able to arrange. Even you weren't because I booked it a year before the actual date. I was THAT excited. Crazy to be precise. I wanted to surprise you. Your best friends Divya Kataria, Neha Sood, Amrita Tripathi, and the closest one Shweta Narang were the ones I chose to invite amongst the rest of the world. Shweta Narang who lives in Dubai refused to come but as you know your daughter; shivanshi gets what she wants. I persuaded her and paid for her tickets with my first income. Arranged her accommodation, even the golden saree she wore was the one I exclusively got designed for her because she came at the last moment and had nothing arranged to match the golden-white themed party. I spent whatever I ever earned to arrange the celebration. I did everything in my power to see a smile on my mother's face and mend our broken bond. Everything was there starting from a four-tier cake, sparkling drapes, gifts, and decorations except one thing...The birthday girl. Every damn one came, even the ones who thought it was impossible to make it but you didn't—"

"What are you even saying? How is it–" Gayathri tried to interrupt but Shivanshi said,

"Not your fault mother. I sent the wrong person to escort you to the venue. I didn't know the same Ragini Chachi Sa who was on my side since the beginning of this whole planning would choose to change sides and be on team payal. Yeah, the same Payal who shredded the invitation card I kept with your glimmering saree in the morning into pieces. You even saw my texts to come to a specific venue but the moment Payal told you that I was playing a prank you thought I didn't care. Guests kept waiting, everyone kept asking me about you and I had no bloody answers. I rushed home to see a very beautiful moment. Your birthday cake was cut and you were feeding it to your beloved Payal. You asked about me to her in front of my eyes and I heard her answer loud and clear, 'She is out with friends on a trip to Manali. I saw her Instagram post. When has she ever informed us about her whereabouts?'.

Her reply didn't hurt because everyone in the family stayed quiet despite knowing I had arranged a grand birthday party for you trying not to spoil your mood. What hurt was the minute you nodded at her words questionlessly, not even trying to ring my phone to know if her words had a tinge of truth in them. You are right! I never attended your birthday celebration at home because I was busy directing everyone I invited to where you were. I requested each one of them with folded hands that the venue was changed at the last moment and arranged cars for them to reach you. I was busy cutting your birthday cake and feeding it to the kids at the orphanage because I wasn't really needed on your occasion as you had already fed the sweets to your daughter by heart. I couldn't afford to stand by your side that day because the media houses I invited would have written shit about you. Someone had to do damage control. I appreciate that you kept a piece of cake for me in the fridge but I am sorry because I lost whatever share of you I owned in your heart. I love you Maa Sa I really do but I can't be the daughter in the shadows. I would rather fight with you to have your attention because at least then it's my mother scolding me and not Payal's Badi Maa showing her indifference.

I refuse to obey like every damn time because it's not my mother sitting beside me. It's Payal's badi maa begging for her future. You never in your speech asked if running away with a random guy would spoil my life. You didn't even run a background check. News flash, Mom...Abhijay is the man I wrote these letters to. I love him but I won't marry him for your sake. If I marry him at the altar you have set up it would be my biggest defeat in life because my mother once told me, 'A princess if has to kill then she must in order to walk with her head held high.' If I marry after being insulted in the harshest way possible after getting slapped by the distrust of my mother I would never walk with my head held up high. You are right! I am selfish but if I run away at least I would make it worth your tears. At least I would hold the right to be blamed by you. Call the army if you please but stubborn, high-headed, rude, carefree shivanshi Rathore for the first time will make it to the news where your name is attached. If I am to be blamed for ruining Payal's life, I would do it with pleasure. Goodbye, mom...Your rebel is gonna be back once she has ruined herself with her own hands" Saying this Shivanshi walked out of the room wiping her tears leaving a shaken Gayathri behind. She had stopped calling her 'mom' long back but today she heard it in the worst of circumstances. She had lost her daughter completely in her blind urge to care for Payal. If it was a challenge that she would drag Shivanshi to the Altar then she may use all her powers from hell and heaven but Shivanshi Rathore was called a resolute rebel for a reason.

The horn of a passing vehicle blew her out of her stupor. She didn't know when her Thar was parked in front of her favorite fast food stall. She laughed at her brilliant mind to bring her where she just wanted to be. She stepped out of the car as if she ruled the area. She actually did.

Settling in front of a Special Mumbai style Pav Bhaji stall on a creaky wooden desk with both legs dangling on either side of the stool she demanded, "Chotu, ek boyfriend pav bhaji bina Nimbu Ke. Tune nimbu dala na toh main tere haath Tod dungi (Chotu, get me a boyfriend Pav Bhaji without lemon. If you add lemon, I will break your hands)"

"What! But you never have pav bhaji without lemon. You are the bhaji and your 'vo' is your lemon (Love interest/husband)," the boy yelled, confused while crushing the potatoes harshly.

"If there is no 'vo' so should I stop having my pav bhaji?" she asked sarcastically.

"But you were having fiancé pav bhaji yesterday with extra lemon," he asked, unable to understand her problem.

"Yesterday I had a fiancé, who made me go berserk with his antics. Today I am back to stage 1 as you call it, boyfriend in dreams for people who don't have any man in life"

"I told you before also, find a good lemon. Bad ones are sour and flaccid. They never stay," he said in the local language, making a face. His comment made Shivanshi's lips tip up.

"Bring me a plate of fried green chilies and listen to my freshly dished out sob story," shivanshi said with a laugh, making him shake his head at her habit of hiding her pain while standing near her seat to listen to her. She was a regular customer and all the stall owners of the area knew her well.

"Beer la du (Want some beer?)" he asked, knowing very well she doesn't drink.

"Jinhone unki aanknon ka jaam apne labon se lagaya ho, unpe duniya ki koi sharab kaise asar karegi (How can the world's intoxication affect a woman who has the taste of Abhijay's love on her lips?)," she said and looked at him, who looked at her with a hand on his heart saying "Waah waah" before they both burst out laughing. Every word that her tongue uttered was the sole truth, but it seemed fun to her to joke about her twisted life. She was madly, deeply, and irrevocably in love with her door prince. She had been waiting for him since forever, even if her mind had lost the hope of seeing him again. Now, when he was introduced to her as Abhijay, she never admitted to herself, but his flirtatious self made tingles arise all over her form. He had her heart in whatever form he appeared in front of her. One word from his mouth and she melted just there. If she had to save herself from the torment of watching him walk away from her due to her insane stubbornness, she had to leave as soon as possible.

"Tell me what happened with this fine lemon of yours," he asked. She was the 'Patakha Didi' of the entire area. The man was young. At the age of 19, he was successfully running a food stall of his own while attending college side by side.

"What happened was I had a lemon, and it fell from my hands. It fell too far away that I couldn't pick it up. Then my mom found it for me and she asked for a really heavy price in exchange for giving my lemon back to me. So I quit. I told her to keep the lemon and now the bhaji is weeping because it's bland without him. The bhaji can't afford the lemon as it's out of her reach, while the lemon would never get back to a bland bhaji. In simple words, he is the sea of brightness, vast and mesmerizing. The hypnotized princess can admire him but not afford to keep him. She can worship him from afar, but can't be the prayer on his lips. Some matches aren't meant to be. He is too good for someone as wild as me. It's over. So no lemon in my meal–" she was about to finish while looking at the moon sparkling bright in the sky, making her want to cry. She felt like he was the moon who would never be hers. Her heart was cracking, but she couldn't express it. She was designed that way, maybe.

A strong smell of citrus hit her nostrils. She looked at her plate of Pav Bhaji and saw a man squeezing lemon on the top of the bright orangish-red delicacy. She fumed at the audacity of the stall owner and looked up from her plate to lash out at him, but as soon as her eyes met his, the world stopped for her. She couldn't believe he was sitting in front of her with a sexy smirk on his lips while garnishing her food with the flavor she had forbidden herself from relishing. The flavor of love, togetherness, and companionship.

Seeing the love of his life gaping at him wide-eyed, he softly cupped her jaw with his hand, bringing her out of her stupor, and said, "Staring at your to-be husband is too sexy for my self-control. Keep it subtle unless you want your mouth to be filled with something other than your favorite pav bhaji. Something bigger and tastier, like my–"

"Shut up!" she quickly snapped at him, turning red at his words. Gosh! His mouth had no damn filter. He chuckled. She couldn't help but swoon over his husky, throaty, and deep laughter, even if the reaction he received was an eye roll.

"Is he the lemon?" the stall owner standing there with his jaw touching the floor, seeing a man able to make his badass sister blush, asked in amusement. Instead of answering, Abhijay got up, pulling her along. He wrapped an arm around her shoulder and declared, "Yes, the permanent flavor of her life. The only one that her tongue is allowed to taste in this life and beyond. I am the Nimbu to this bhaji. Aur sun tune kabhi galti se bhi inki pav bhaji mein nimbu nahi daala toh yeh sirf haath todengi main toh tujhe chalne layak nahi chodunga (And listen, if you ever accidentally forget to add lemon to her pav bhaji, she would just break your hands, I would break your complete self)"

"Gosh! A man ready to be called a lemon for his beloved? Interesting. What exactly are you to her?" the boy chuckled ignoring the threat.

"I am whatever she wants me to be. I am hers in every way you consider. I wouldn't let anyone else take over this role if lemon means creating a culinary heaven with my sweetheart Pav Bhaji." he said, looking down at her, clearly indicating that he was the only man she would ever pair with. The only man who is allowed to have her heart. Shivanshi's heart skipped a beat listening to his words, but she shrugged off his hold and marched towards her car.

He held her wrist and pulled her to himself. She turned, making her bangs cover her face. She huffed, removing the wild tresses from her hair while he wasted no time in picking her up in his arms.

"What the hell are you doing, you ape!" she cursed, banging her fist harshly at his chest.

"Ouch! You wound me, princess. You missed the word 'YOUR'...Call me your ape" he winked at her making her sigh.

"You are not mine. Leave me and I am not going to marry you," she said while her tone was laced with harsh anger.

"Fine! Don't marry me" he shrugged, making her mouth open and close like a fish. Whoa! He agreed so easily. She was relieved, on the one hand, and sad on the other. Maybe it was high time she taught her heart to stop expecting more from others when she herself lacked in that department. She lacked in giving love to people because no one really stayed when it came to her. She didn't matter like she was made of air and was invisible to them. Maybe she didn't try hard enough or people wouldn't have left her the way they did. Anyway, she was better off in the company of herself.

"It's me who is going to marry you right now. You are free to consider yourself unmarried because all I want is your love. All I want is the place I have in your heart to stay like this forever and I will make sure it stays either way," he said sincerely, in a voice laced with seriousness.

"What! No, we can't marry" she yelled, exasperated.

"Why?" he asked, even if Ragini's husband had heard the conversation between her and her mother and told him to handle the situation. He was angry, but he wasn't going to be the goat that was sacrificed for the sake of others. He was the lion who never deviated from his prey. Shivanshi, on the other hand, wasn't a prey whom he wanted to consume. She was the woman he wanted to be consumed by. The one he wanted to devour. The one he would let go only when he stopped existing.

"I want to be the runaway bride! That's it," she said. He smiled and answered, "You promised your mother that you wouldn't marry the guy she gives your hand to at the altar. I don't want to be the guy. If you want to be the runaway bride, it's me who's going to be the runaway groom. Let's be a runaway couple. Such a tempting approach to marriage"

She choked on plain air, listening to his words, and coughed uncontrollably. She didn't care how he knew but his creative solution was out of the world. He settled her in his car and made her drink water slowly. He rubbed her back until she finally managed to get hold of her breath. He sat on the ground beneath her, making her look at him tenderly. He held her hands, letting his thumb caress her intimately.

"I know you, Abhijay. You would never be back to any girl who humiliates you by running away from the marriage ceremony. I have given word to my mother that I won't marry at the arena she sets up for me, neither to the guy she gives my hand to," she explained softly, telling him to back out and start afresh.

"You are not any girl. You are my girl, Anshi. The one I would be back to even if she shot me looking straight in the eye," he said, making her head snap to him at a threatening speed. She couldn't believe her ears.

"Why is it only a woman who must respect the words of her man? I would never let the value of the words of my woman fall. Although I refuse to be the sacrificial lamb in this case. I am not letting you go. As per your word, we won't be marrying a day after in front of the world at the altar. We would be marrying today right at this moment. Tumhe shadi se bhagna hai, shauk se bhaag jao par mere bina? No chance. We are together in every damn battle of life. If you don't wanna marry at the decided venue and in the vicinity of your mother's shadow then we won't. So let's go ((If you want to run from marriage, go ahead but not without me)," he said and was about to get up when he felt her grip on his hands tighten pulling him back. He frowned at her resistance to his decision. Now when none of her words was being surpassed then what the hell was her problem in marrying him? He was even ready to run away with her.

He couldn't see anything beyond her. Only he knew how harsh were the years abroad in her absence. He was waiting to marry her the moment his flight landed in India.

"You wanted to be ruined? I promise I have unforgettably erotic ways up my sleeve to make it happen. Either you decently agree to marry me or I am putting you over my shoulder. There's no third option" he warned, making her smile. She leaned down as he was crouched on his knees and kissed his forehead. He smiled feeling serenity wash over his raging heart. His woman was a temptress.

"I think I have finally found my share of uncontrolled happiness in a world full of people who want to tame me. You are my happiness."

"Call your parents, we'll marry in front of them right away. If you wish to keep my words then I am not snatching away your wish of being married with their blessings" she said while he couldn't help but adore the woman he fell for. If she was reckless he would always choose her recklessness over prudence. He loved the whole of her.

"Your this happiness will always ensure that every dream that crosses your heart becomes your reality. This is a vow. A vow from a husband to his wife" he said getting up and returning her forehead kiss. She sighed in bliss. After years she felt belonged.

He knew he would do anything in his power to make her dreams come true. Even the one who considered changing her mother into the mother she deserved. Gayathri Rathore needed an eye-opening reality check and he would make sure she realized her mistakes to become the mother his wife wanted. He would talk with her soon.

"Also I know your mischievous brain might have already chalked out a plan to grab me back because there was no way you were giving up on me again. Were you?" he asked. She groaned, hiding her face in his neck. They had tasted each other's love and were addicts who couldn't let go of their bond even if hell broke loose.

"I swear except for getting you kidnapped I made no dirty plans" he laughed hearing her because he knew her possessiveness. She never let go of her people and that made him fall deeper in love.

"Just how slow you are! Follow the ritual" Meenakshi taunted her son who ignored his mother and turned to his bride dressed in a sparkling red saree with the nuptial chain of his name adoring her neck and her hairline filled with vermillion. He has finally made her his, keeping a promise that has been pending for years. The eyes of the couple twinkled in glee.

Shivanshi looked at her husband confused while he ignored her frown, making her shriek. Before she could tell him to put her down he pecked her successfully silencing her nonstop rantinh train. His mother gave him a teasing smirk while he ignored her die-hard-romantic self and started to walk towards their room. She whistled making Shivanshi look at her and give her a wink. Their family ritual was carrying the bride up to the room. He looked back over his shoulder to hear his mother yell, "What are you gifting each other?"

"I have already got my gift wrapped in a shiny red cover which I am going to unwrap with ardent pleasure tonight. Unfolding every layer of the hypnotized princess to let her know that she is the shore to her sea of brightness would be so much fun" he whispered sensually in her ears. She had mentioned in her speech to the stall owner that he was the sea she could never own but he would make sure she knew that she was the shore the sea would always belong to.

She shivered involuntarily at his direct words. He was going to give her the pleasure of a lifetime punishing her for even saying those words.

"I don't know about gifting her but I am giving you a grandson as a gift very soon" he yelled back while his mother cursed, "You are an idiot" making his father laugh. Their laughter faded as he entered his room and threw her on the bed. She grew serious the moment his eyes started to drink her in. His eyes lay bare the area of skin that they skimmed past. She felt undone in front of him. Removing the unnecessary articles of cloth he lowered himself on her.

His lips met hers in a needy exchange. His one hand held her nape pushing her more into him while the other roamed over her bare waist. He slid her saree aside making his long index finger tease her navel. She moaned into the kiss. He smiled against her lips enjoying the sensation. Her hands tightly clasped around his broad shoulder went to his hair as she pulled him more into her. He rolled them over as he slowly started to unwrap his lifetime gift from the saree she was wearing. As he hungrily fumbled over her pins, it seemed as if he had been waiting to do this since the moment he saw her in a saree. She had no idea how much her Saree turned him on. If not for his on-the-edge patience he would have taken her at their first meet considering how tempting she looked. The room was decorated with diya's and their soft light illuminated their frames. The glow of happiness on her delicate skin that craved his touch could defeat the moonlight in its grace.

His hands started to explore every inch of her skin, baring open the layers she wanted to hide from the world. Not from him though. She was all his. As he started to nibble on her flesh, suck and bite with passion her insane urge to pull him by his collar, put her lips over his, and make him moan her name consumed her. She did exactly what her heart said as she dominated the next moves of their love-making session. She opened the buttons of his white shirt revealing his well-toned abs and sculpted muscles. As her fingers glided over the skin of her husband with shimmering curiosity he couldn't help but groan at her deliberate torture. She started peppering warm kisses all over his excited body making him tremble with want. She captured his lips in a soft kiss and bit on his lower lip leaving her mark. As they parted she joined her head to his while seeing her not following his lead he whispered, "My royal rebel"

"Yes, only yours, and you are exclusively mine," she said. That was what she was, his royal rebel.

"How do I look?" she asked as she saw his eyes never being able to leave hers.

"Like you want me to worship you in a thousand different ways and yet leave you craving for more," he said.

"Not like a woman who loves you beyond anything in the world?" she asked.

"More like a woman who can't see anything except me, fuck the world. Just like I am unable to think about anything except you" he answered.

"I love you" she confessed heartily.

The next second she was under him as he worked on the coverings disturbing his view. He made her scream the name she felt belonged with hers for infinity to show her how much he loved her. They cherished each other not only that night but every other night that passed by. Their love wasn't in her sarcasm or his possessiveness it was reflected by their collective choice of preserving each other in their hearts so delicately that there was no space left for others. Not everything was settled but as they had each other they had the world at their feet. Their path to happiness involved crazy turns but the destination was clear. Each other's hearts. Their permanent home.

The next morning they woke up to the announcement, "Gayathri Rathore announces change in her daughter's marriage plans. She declared that her daughter would marry the love of her life in a setting of her wish and she supports her decisions"

Shivanshi looked at Abhijay who smiled at her as they discussed their reception plans with their parents. Her mother had finally taken a little step towards her. There was a bud of hope to mend what was broken. She knew this wasn't done to save her reputation or else till now her mother would have carried out a search operation. After this news, they informed her about their marriage and despite Payal's outrageous comments Gayathri had just smiled and blessed the couple. The changing equation was going to take time to settle as the scars of the past had to fade to let the ink of love cover them. Abhijay and Shivanshi looked at their joined hands as they walked together towards their home.

"Isn't married life with me worse than hell, Mr. Shekhawat?" she asked teasingly, remembering how she had tried to annoy him for fun in the morning while his comebacks had left her glaring and blushing.

"Who cares if it's hell or heaven until I have you moaning my name like a prayer?" he asked back with a smirk while she huffed walking inside. Their equation was never going to change. He smiled while she looked back at him and blew him a kiss. Their kind was the craziest and they could shamelessly admit it to the world. They had exchanged hearts and souls but the flame of naughty teasing, haughty smirks, and sweet whispers kept them bound tightly. The warmth of love embraced them with such fervor that they were never the same again. He caught up with her and joined their hands again as living without her touch seemed impossible to him. This proximity wasn't due to the physical contact it was due to the way the romantic spell kept them glued to each other. Their love was sheer madness but unique love stories are those which are engraved in madness. He didn't fall for her smiles, he fell for her fierce nature. She didn't fall for his looks, she fell for his amusing character. Their linked hands weren't linked for a journey. They were linked for eternity.



I don't know how it was because it was my first time writing a short story *sigh*

I tried to make it interesting and I hope I didn't disappoint you guys. Thanks for reading. I am a bit unsure so do tell me how was it. 

Running out of time so won't ask much, I have to rush. Please rate the entire story for me:

1. Okayish

2. Hot, crisp and mind-blowing

3. Their happily ever after was worth every minute spent reading

4. A unique tale of love that left me craving for more

So the tale of Abhijay and Shivanshi ends here. The epilogue would be out soon. 

One word about Abhijay

One word about shivanshi..

Your fav dialogue of the entire story

Your fav dialogue from this chapter

Your favorite scene...

The best part of the tale...

This story has officially come to an end. For early updates drop tons of inline comments and press the star button. Your support means the world to me. The acknowledgment of my efforts lies in your views about the chapter. To get the epilogue super soon give me soooo many comments *hehe*

Love you guys! Happy Monday!

Random question: Spring rolls vs Momos?

Stay blessed

With love

Ms. Bhatia

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