Fatal Attraction

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Dedicated to @Charmedone22  and @Princesce1. Thank-you to you two guyz for your valuable comments and support.

Lecture hall No – 18

Mount College

Afternoon 1:45 pm

The person holding ragu's hand pulled her inside the empty lecture hall and immediately closed the entrance doors to prevent someone else to enter inside and interrupt them as well as to prevent ragu running away......again.

Amidst all this, ragini was unable to understand what was happening with her and was totally clueless with the person who dared to pull such a pathetic stunt on her. She was mentally preparing a huge speech to deliver it to the stupid jerk messing with her but as soon as she opened her eyes which were closed due to sudden attack and the darkness of the room, her eyes popped out of their sockets. The courage, the speech, the anger......everything flew away within a second as soon as her hazel eyes met with the dark intense gaze of her personnel DEVIL.

R: tummmm........

S: (smiling) kyu tmhe kya laga, kon ho skta hai?

R: Why are you here and wh...yyy did y... you dragged me along with you?

S: (smirking) Why don't u guess it yourself?

R: what do you mean?

S: I'm sure you would have already thought of a million scenario after seeing me here.

R: (shocked) Why do u think I don't have any other work other than thinking about you and your atrocities?

S: (little disappointed) ohhh..... so you were not thinking of me lately?

R:(confused) Why will I think about you among everyone? I'm sure we are neither friends nor anything else that I would keep day dreaming about you.

S: oh is it mam? Then who was the girl practically changing every route of her whenever she spotted me or saw me coming the same way? I'm sure you might noticed her as well.

R: excuse me? Why will I do any of such things?

S: but I never said it was you.

Saying this he started walking towards her in a slow n steady speed without removing his gaze from her shocked and perplexed face.

S: So I guess.... It's time you should confess what were you doing since that libr.....

R: stop. Don't.... don't ever mention that incident again.

S: why?

R: I just don't wanna remember it.

S: That's what I wanna know too. Why are you so weird and being so obnoxious about nothing?

R: none of your concern. And if possible don't ever try this tactic ever again on me. You are no one me and I don't think I am liable to answer any of your stupid questions. So leave my way n let me go.

Saying this she started walking towards the door and was about to open the lock when sankskaar reached near her n made her turn towards him to put some sense in her brain but it all happened so sudden that she slipped and as usual landed directly over his chest. But none of them noticed it n were busy shooting fireballs at each other with their eyes trying to burn one-another.

S: To hell with you and your attitude. What do you think of yourself haan?

R: exactly.... I too have the same question....who do you think you are to order me or boss around me ?

S: I am the sanskaar maheshwari. And I do what I want. No one ....i repeat....no one has ever dared to mess with me. So it would be better if you keep your flight low n be in your senses.

R: look who is saying? Huhh.... Ulta chor kotwaal ko daate.

S: enough! Not a word more.

R: if you are this irritated with my words then why don't you just let me go? N next time do not come within 10 feet of range near me.

S: Excuse me! Are you by any means trying to say that I am interested in you or rather say I want to be near you?

R: Action speak louder than words.

S: (dumbfounded) what the hell is wrong with you?

R: not me... whatever wrong is ...its with you.

In their banter n fight none of them realized that how close were they standing without any hesitation or discomfort......and fighting about not interested in each other. What the hell is seriously wrong with them?

Their not so romantic banter was over only when ragini's lips mistakenly collided with sanky's cheeks thus freezing both of them in their places. They suddenly got alerted of their position and before something else happens.... Sanky moved away na ragini ran off opening the door without sparing a single look at him.

Seeing her going away, sanky felt a pang in his chest as if something was snatched from him. But he just chucked it off and moved in the opposite direction to avoid any more embarrassment .... For her. He was totally not able to understand that what was happening with him actually. The sanky who cared about nothing was now taking care of the smallest things related to her.


PRECAP: Sanskaar's dilemma and ragini's sufferings....or both.


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