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Now those who commented in previous note to continue the story i would love to read ur povs about this chapter please do comments.It motivates writer to write more excitedly.So, please do comments.


Next day,at night Harsh returned from office.He had talked to Mr raizada for arnav's behaviour.They were business partners so they works in one office only with equal shares.Arnav also works in the same office but he did'nt come today.

Mr raizada assured Harsh that he would ask arnav why he did it?Altough both agreed with peace that they should'nt get them marry.They also promised that this would'nt affect their business and friendship because of kids fight.

Mr raizada scolded arnav even slapped him for doing all this to anika.Anika is like daughter to him.Both Mr and mrs raizada treats her like their own daughter.
Mrs raizada called avantika and apologized to her for arnav's behaviour.

Harsh:Where is anika?She had gone college today or not?he asked from avantika as she took laptop bag from him.

"She is in her room.She was't feeling good so i did'nt force her to go."

"It's ok i m going to her room.U please send a mug of coffee there.After that we will go for dinner outside."Harsh smiled giving blazer to her.

Mansi came there.

"Sir mam some guest have arrived!"

"Who came this time??"asked Harsh confused.

"Don't know sir.I have made them sit in guest room."she said and left from there.

Harsh and avantika moved towards guest room.

As they entered in the room.Tejvi stood up in shock.They were also shocked.Avantika gulped hard and looked at Harsh who made stern face.

"C..ome on sit." Avantika said coming out of shocked and pointed them for sitting.Shivaay also got confused looking at them all.

Avantika looked at shivaay quickly remembered him.

Harsh quitely walked out of the room when avantika gave a forced smiled to jhanvi and left behind him.

"Harsh please keep bitter memories aside and sit for sometime." Said avantika and harsh gave her stern look.

"What he is doing here?" He asked in cold tone.

"I don't know please come." She said and dragged him inside.

"How are you jhanvi?" Avantika hugged jhanvi who smiled.

"I m fine how are you?" She sat back.

Harsh did'nt greet them and sat on one of the couch silently.He looked at shivaay who was busy in phone.

"Ho..w are you te.j?" Asked avantika from tej who was now sitting on couch staring at her only.

"Hmm good." Was straight answer.

"Muma has papa come from office?" Anika enters in guest room but got shocked seeing shivaay there along with some persons.

She greeted everyone.

"Beta, u come here sit with dad." Said Harsh in cold voice and pointed beside himself.Anika goes and sit there.

"Avantika she?" Jhanvi asked.

"She is mine and Harsh's daughter.Anika." Avantika smiled.

" She is very beautiful." Jhanvi smiled while shivaay looked at jhanvi.

"He is my son shivaay.Shivaay she is avantika and he is mr trivedi." Jhanvi said and shivaay got shocked.Same woman !Wife of Mr trivedi.

He was totally aware of the cold relationship between his parents as jhanvi had already told him about tej behavior towards her self and kids.He looked at anika and avantika both were carbon copy of each other.

All were now sitting silently.Jhanvi decided to break the silence.

"Avantika actually we are here for pr..o before she can speak shivaay stood up abruptly.

"Let's go mom." He walked out of the room silently.

"Aree,but please sit.You just came." Avantika said.

"No,it's ok we will come again." They bid bye and left from there.

Trivedi family was left in the room.

"Avantika i asked why he came here?" Asked Harsh and avantika looked at him.

"Harsh i also don't know why.Atleast you could have meet them properly."

"I don't wanna see his face again.Tell him don't dare to come again in the house." Said Harsh.

"What happened papa?"

"Nothing beta let's go for dinner." He kissed her forehead and moved out of the room.


Shivaay did'nt talk to his parents during whole journey.He silently walked out of the car as he reached home and entered his room.

He removed his shirt angrily and throwed it on couch.

He was madly in love with the girl whose's mother was his dad's choice.The woman he hated the most in the world.Anika is her daughter.Because of anika's mother ,his dad never gave his mother that place in his heart which she deserved.He was angry to himself what he did.Jhanvi had told shivaay the whole story.

Tej and Harsh were friends.Avantika was their class fellow.Harsh was in love with avantika.Later,he got to know that tej also loves avantika so Harsh married to avantika on gun point.Tej backed out as Harsh threatened to kill his family.

Later,tej tried to create rift between them but of no use.Because of tej only they had lost their first child.Avantika was tej's best friend also.She was seven months pregnant when her birthday arrived.Harsh had gone to office.Tej invited avantika at restaurant but pretended as she has arrived on date with him.He had secretly called harsh there whose blood boiled seeing avantika making tej eat cake.
There they fighted and Harsh took avantika to his home.

Avantika tried to apologized to Harsh but he pushed her unintensionally she fell on her stomach and they lost their child.
Tej also apologized to avantika and harsh later and walked away from their life as his mother fixed his marriage with jhanvi.


Anika was pacing in her room in tension.She for the first time decided to call shivaay but he did'nt picked the call.She got more worried.There shivaay chuckled in sarcasm in what situation he got his love's first call but he disconnected the call as he was upset.

Next morning shivaay's anger was on peak.Firstly watchman got fired because of his carelessness.The poor man opened the gate two seconds late!

He walked towards the dinning table and took his seat without greeting them.

As divya served him coffee.He took few sips.

"What the hell is the taste of the coffee???Who bloody prepared it!!" Shivaay shouted throwing the mug on the floor.Divya shivered in fear.

Tej looked at him for once and again got engrossed in his breakfast.

"Sir,the coffee taste is same as usual." Said divya thus shivaay banged his hand on table angrily.

"Shutup get lost from here!" Shivaay shouted and the poor divya ran out of there seeing his anger.

"The coffee is good only your taste has changed my son.Ur shouting at almost everyone.Better be now change ur choice also." Said tej while eating.

"What do you mean?" Asked shivaay raising his eye brow.

"The mean is you still have chance.Tia is better!"he said while taking the sip of tea.

"Dad please m already very angry so don't irritate my by taking her name!" Said shivaay sternly.

"Ok u don't like tia.There is one more girl ragini.Meet with her!"

"What the need of this useless discussion when you know i will marry anika only!!!" He raised his eyebrow.

"Shutup shivaay m not going there again.They won't give their daughter to you.So better be don't make my fun infront of them." Shouted tej this time.

"Then i don't care whether you or her family agree or not.I will marry to her only!!" Shouted shivaay while standing up infront of tej without any tint of fear in his eyes.

"What will you do haan??Force her or will run away with the girl.Tell me you will force her now???" He raised his hand on him but stopped at the moment only.He was raising his hand on his grown up son.He fisted his palm angrily.The past started playing infront of his eyes when Harsh had married to avantika on gun point.

"I also don't wanna repeat the history again dad.So better be go again with proposal.You also now how much i m ziddi(stubborn).One tej singh oberoi is enough in this mansion.I don't wanna be one more tej singh oberoi by marrying tia or etc."this time shivaay almost requested him with polite tone.

"Do anika want to marry you?" He stared him.

"Yes!" Saying so shivaay left from there.

Jhanvi looked at tej who was staring shivaay's retreating figure.

"Now we will again go to their home?" Jhanvi asked.

"Obviously I have any other option?Your son said right one tej singh oberoi is enough in this mansion." He sat on the chair.Shivaay's word directly hitted his heart.


Anika came to meet shivaay at police station.Shivaay did'nt like her arrival there and brought her to one room.

"Why did you come here??"shivaay asked angrily.

"Why did you send ur parents at my house?"

"You don't know why did they come?Are you kidding me?"shivaay chuckled.

"Look shivaay I m already very worried.Please don't make me worry more.I don't like you and seriously i don't wanna marry you.If you again sent your parents with proposal i will tell papa about your warnings he will kill you and please i request you again don't make fun of your parents by sending them again and again beacuse papa will never agree when i m not agree." She said and looked at him.

"Hogyaa baby? " shivaay said causally making anika angry.

"Get lost shivaay " she started going from there when shivaay pulled her back.

"Now listen to me carefully baby.My parents will come to ur home with my proposal and you know what you will accept it.Your father accept it or not I don't care.U will make him accept the proposal saying him that you are happy with it. ok!Otherwise don't think that i will let you marry with anyone.You are mine just mine!!" He warned her and left her.

Anika looked at him irritated.

"Am i toy u for that you will make me do whatever you want?You don't respect my choice shivaaay.Why can't you understand i don't love youu." She shouted.

"Anika please don't turn my love into obsession i m seriously telling you i won't let you marry anyone." He said in cold voice.

"Then do whatever you wanna do.I will also see how you marry me!!" She hitted on his chest and started going.

"One second baby look at these pics before going!" Shivaay smirked and takes out an envelope from his pocket.

"What's this?" As she opened the envelope her eyes widened in shock.There were pics in it.Ground slipped out of her feet seeing their intimate scenes.Her face turned pale and she started shivering in fear.Shivaay walked around her and stood behind her keeping his chin on her shoulder.

"How are our romantic poses baby?" He asked huskily coming infront of her.

Tears rolled down her eyes.Pics slipped out of her hand.She raised her hand abruptly before she can slap him shivaay held her hand.She raised her other hand but shivaay hold her both hands and twisted behind her back pulling her closer.He looked at her shivering lips.She was trying to make words but tears rolled down her eyes.

""she looked accusingly at him.

"Shhh rona nhi listen to me i did'nt do anything.I promise i did'nt take any advantage.I know it's cheating but anika try to understand i love you and wanna live with you forever." He said polietly wiping her tears with his fingers softly.

"I want you to accept the proposal easily because if i gave these photos to your parents they will definitely make you marry me.But i don't wanna do any drama.So u will accept the proposal.Ur understanding na?" He cupped her face and said polietly but anika jerked his hand.

"I hate you shivaay." She ran from there while crying.

While shivaay stared her back.He did'nt wanted to hurt her neither did'nt want to show these pics to anyone.He just threatened her.He showed it to her so that she could convince her parents.He wants all things happen without any drama with will rituals.He knows that after doing all this now anika will hate him more but right now more important to him was getting anika in any way.


Shivaay on behalf of priyanka came to mall for shopping.

Shivaay became irritated as priyanka was going to different shops.

"Prinku when you will be done with ur shopping come to the parking area ok." Shivay said and started going when priyanka called him.

"Bhai,ur leaving me alone?" She said disappointed.

"No,baby i m there in that food corner only.Inform me when you will complete ur shopping." Said shivaay and left from there after priyanka nodded.

Priyanka moved towards gents section when she noticed arnav there.Smile crept her face.Arnav met her three times before.Firstly ,when priyanka's car ran out of order.Arnav was passing by he dropped her to oberoi mansion.During this priyanka's ring fell in his car.Hem et second time while returning the ring.

After that ,he fighted with daksh when he tried to misbehave with priyanka.The same daksh khuranna whom shivaay had arrested.In these three meetings they became good friends.

"Hello arnav." Priyanka greeted him and he turned around in shock.

"What a pleasant surprize miss priyanka.How are you?" He asked smiling widely.

"I m fine what about you?" Asked priyanka as she can notice arnav was not chirping as usual.

"I m also fine."although he was not good but lied.After that incident he decided to go for shopping to fresh his mind as he was feeling very low.

"I m here to buy shirts for bhai."priyanka smiled and he nodded.

"You did'nt like one?" She asked confused and arnav smiled lightly.

"No whom i loved did'nt love me...i mean did not suited me." He said with double meaning.

"Oh,so u change ur choice!" Priyanka suggested him and he looked up at her smiling painful.

"But i love her." He looked down sadly.

"Her?" Priyanka asked.

" I mean shirt." He let out a fake chuckle.

"Prinku are you done?" Shivaay entered there but got shocked to see arnav with priyanka.

'Bhaii come here!" Priyanka turned around and called him excitedly.

Shivaay took slow step towards arnav as he was seeing his grinning.

"Bhai he is my friend.Arnav!He saved me from daksh that day before ur arrival.He left as he had urgent work." Priyanka said and arnav smirked.

"And arnav he is my one and only handsome bhaiya Shivaay singh oberoi." Said priyanka.

"Nice to meet you." Arnav smirked more before shaking hand to shivaay who was still staring his face.

"Let's go priyanka" shivaay said as he held her hand.

"Bye arnav." She waved him and shivaay started going from there helding her hand.

"Miss priyanka i will think about ur advice." Arnav said.

"Which advice?" She turned around.Shivaay stopped for a moment.

"About changing choice." Said arnav.Priyanka smiled in response and left after waving bye to him.



Anika was pacing in her room whether she tell all this to Harsh or not that her phone ranged.she picked up the call.

"Baby i have called to remind you that my parents are coming tomorrow." Said shivaay and anika's blood boiled.

"Don't you dare shivaay.I won't agree." She shouted.

"Ok u won't agree?Think again." He asked for the last time.He was already angry and it added to his anger more.

"Go to helll but i won't marry uuu." She said irritated.

"Great.You just wasted my time." He disconnected the call angrily.

"You will be responsible for it now." Said shivaay to himslef.

As shivaay disconnected the call.Anika angrily throwed her phone and lied on bed while crying.

After sometime she heard avantika's voice.

"Aniie ur papa is calling u." Avantika entered in room.

"Why?" She stood up and started to go when Harsh entered in the room angrily.

"Anika what iss thisss??" He roared showing her his phone.

Ground slipped off her feet looking at photos.She looked at harsh shocked.

" i..i can ex..plain." before she can say more thing.


Anika's hand reached her cheek.

"Anikaa you did'nt even care about my dignity??" Asked Harsh accusingly.

"P..papaa i promise..i was about to tell you." She can't see tear in her dad's eyes.

"Papaaaa" Suddenly, she let out a loud shout when harsh hand reached near his heart and he stumbled.


Will Harsh survive?

What will anika do now?

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