Part 7

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Anika was pacing in her room, whether she should tell all this to Harsh or not,when her phone  ranged.She picked up the call.Shivaay's words were continuously echoing in her ears.

"What the hell u want now?" She asked irritated.

"Baby, I have called  to remind you that my parents are coming tomorrow." Said shivaay and anika's blood boiled.

"Don't you dare, shivaay!I won't agree." She shouted.

"Ok ,You won't agree?Think again." He asked for the last time.He was already angry and it added to his anger more.

"Go to helll but i won't marry uuu." She said irritated.

"Great,You just have wasted my time." He disconnected the call angrily.

"You will be responsible for it now." Said shivaay to himself.

As shivaay disconnected the call,Anika angrily throwed her phone.She laid on her bed while crying.

After sometime, she heard avantika's voice.

"Aniie ur papa is calling u." Avantika entered in her room.

"Why?" She stood up and started to go when Harsh entered in the room angrily.

"Anika what iss thisss??" He roared showing to her his phone.

Ground slipped off her feet looking at photos.She looked at Harsh shocked.

" i..i can ex..plain." before she can explain to him-----


Anika's hand reached her radiating  cheek.

"Anikaa you did'nt even care about my dignity??" Asked Harsh accusingly.

"Papa i..i..promise it's all...liee.." she tried to explain.

"Anika?You gave my this in return of my love and my trust.Why anu ur toh my princess na.Mera garoor(proud)!" Tears rolled down his eyes and anika shook her head while crying.

"P..papaa i promise..i was about to tell you." She can't see tears in her dad's eyes.

"Papaaaa" Suddenly, she let out a loud shout when harsh hand reached near his heart and he stumbled.


"Papaaaa." Anika got up with jolt.It was all her illusion.Sweat beads formed on her forehead.She was literally shivering and was breathing heavily.She covered her mouth with palms.She sobbed loudly covering her mouth so that no one could hear her crying voice.

"I will not break ur trust dad.I won't let you happen anything.But, Shivaay, I will never forgive you.Never!!"she cried covering her face in her palms.


Avantika was in kitchen, checking for dinner arrangement.Mansi came there.

"Mam ,same guests have arrived." She informed her and left from there.

Avanika got suspacious,Why they are coming again and  again?Anyway,she quickly moved out of the kitchen to welcome them.Shivaay along with his family was there.

"Jhanvi." SHE smiled and both embraced with each other.

She took them to living room.
Avantika smiled at shivaay who smiled back nervously and all sat on the sofas.

"How are you,Tej?" Asked avantika.He just nodded while smiling.He scanned the hall while looking for someone.

"Avantika, She is my daughter. " Jhanvi introduced Priyanka to her  who was very eager to see her to be bhabhi.Avantika gave her blessings.Again,the silence prevailed among them.

"Avantika ,Where is Harsh?" Asked tej looking here and there to see any clue of Harsh.

"Actually, Harsh got late today.He must be on the way!" She just said that Harsh entered in the hall.

"Avantika ,Where is princess??" He asked unaware of the guests who had been arrived.

Suddenly,his eyes fell on Tej and all.He put a stern face.

"Come to the study after attending ur guests, avantika." Said Harsh in cold voice and started going from there.

"One minute, Harsh, We came here  to meet you too.In fact,there is something very important to discuss about.Please come sit with us." Tej said keeping his ego aside just for his son whose words had really affected him.

Shivaay gritted his teeth looking at the cold behaviour of his to be father- -in-law.He glanced at jhanvi for once who gestured her to remain quite.

"Yes, I'm listening. Speak now!" Said Harsh in same cold voice.

"Uncle ,We can't talk about important discussion just by standing na .If you don't mind,Can you listen to dad after getting freshening up?" Shivaay spocked this time. Harsh looked at him raising his eye brow.In the first sight only,Harsh found him a moody boy.

Harsh simply nodded and walked towards them.He sat on the couch next to Tej.

"Look Harsh ,whatever had been happened between us was past, and I'm not here to discuss about that awful time.What I did in the past was'nt right , and I m really very sorry for that.Today,I want us to be friends again ,like, we were in the past.Please keep all the anger aside, and patch up again." Said tej polietly while  looking at Harsh.

For a minute ,silence prevailed in the living room.Now, all were looking at Harsh with hopes.Avantika was nervous how will he react.Shivaay was keenly noticing his facial expressions.

Suddenly he stood up.Tej also stood up and forwaded his hand with hopes.Harsh looked at him for once and the next moment he hugged him.All got happy seeing their reunion.Specially, shivaay was on cloud nine.

"Get ready Miss anika trivedi to be Mrs shivaay singh oberoi." Shivaay smirked evilly and ran his hand through his hair.

"Avantika where is Anika bring her na." Said jhanvi and priyanka winked at shivaay who glared at her.

After few mins anika came there as mansi informed her that she is called in living room.

"Hello." Anika forced a smile but inward she got shocked seeing the devil sitting infront of her with devlish smirk on his face.Priyanka was mesmerized seeing her to be bhabi.

Jhanvi and tej looked at her smilingly.In no time, two families got mingled with each other.Only the reserved couple were shivika.Anika was sitting with priyanka talking to her casually whereas devil was busy fidling with his phone.

Avantika stopped them for dinner.Seeing the long schedule ,anika excused herself in pretext of preparation of exam and left from there.Shivaay had already left from there as he got some call.

After attending call,shivaay started walking in the lawn lightening up the cigarette.He had contented smile on his face.There was a dog in lawn who was looking very dangerous in appearance.Shivaay moved towards him.

Anika who was passing by side of lawn towards kitchen.Cigarettte smell hitted her nostrils.She made bad faces and walked towards lawn.There her mouth formed "o" shaped looking at the devil carrassing her "jack " hair lovingly and was smoking talking to him.Jack who hardly goes to someone accept anika was receiving love from her enemy so friendly as if shivaay is his childhood friend.

Anika cursed jack for deceiving her.Only she has right to love her jack no one else especially this doh takke ka police wala.

She stomped her feet and walked towards shivaay.She pulled out cigarette from his mouth angrily.

"I hate those who smokes.You can't have it here in my house." Anika gritted her teeth throwing the piece away angrily and shivaay looked at her amusingly yet he contolled his anger.No one behave so rudely with him.

"Look baby ur lucky that i bear ur such rude behaviour otherwise if someone else had done this i would have broke his hand by now.By the way ,be careful next time." Shivaay guinuinenly warned her staring at her red face.

"Neither our habits match nor our viewpoints and nature.Such people are never meant to be together." Anika taunted him and shivaay slids his hand in his pocket like a gentle man.

"Don't worry baby i know very well how to retread ur habit,viewpoint and nature according to mine.Just once i get u in our bedroom after making you Mrs ASP." He moved closer to her with devlish smile but anika warned him moving few steps back from him.

"Did some one told you how much you gonna regret after marrying me?" She stared him angrily and shivaay arched his head back

"Baby i m ready to regret whole life by marrying you!"shivaay winked at her.

"Doh takkay ka police wala!!"she said disgustingly.

"Listen marriage will be fixed soon i don't want any issue on it!" Shivay warned getting back to his beast mode.

"You...i will never leave you!" Anika gritted her teeth.Shivaay chuckled..He pulled her by her waist suddenly making her breath hitched.

"I also don't want you to leave me ever." He snaked his arm around her petite waist and huskily whispered looking deep into her brown orbs.

Harsh who came there to attend a call got shocked to see them standing so closer to each other.

"Anika what are you doing here?" He walked towards them.

On hearing his voice they turned around abruptly.Shivaay quickly took few steps away from anika..

"Dad nothing just came for a walk." Anika lied.Harsh was keenly observing her expressions.

"Go in ur room and do study." Said Harsh in cold voice and anika almost slipped out of there.

Harsh looked at shivaay with cold expression and walked away silently.Shivaay stared his retreating figure.

"Like father like daughter!" He shook his head before taking out cigarette from his pocket.


Harsh was in his room standing near a window busy in the deep thoughts.Shivika standing so closer each other!The scene was playing infront of his eyes.

Meanwhile avantika came there.

"Harsh come let's have dinner.They are waiting for you." She said and Harsh looked at her.

"Avantika m tired please i don't wanna eat anything."

"Atleast you don't be like anika.she is also not coming What they will think please come.It's so awkward." She pleaded.

"Ok and don't force anika.If she don't wanna then it's fine.It s better for her to stay away from them." he said and they both goes to dinning table.


All were having dinner silently.Tej looked at Harsh.

"Harsh m very happy today that we got patched up.Now we are friends.I want to strong this bond more!" Said tej and Harsh looked at him confused.

"I did'nt get you?" Harsh was confused.

"Actually i want shivaay and anika to get marry.It's my wish.I promise our past won't affect her in anyway.I will keep her like my own daughter." Said tej smilingly and Harsh and avantika looked at each with mixed emotions.Scene of shivika standing so closer to each came infront of his eyes.

Shivay looked at him eagerly for an answer.

"Look tej,Anika is studying and i did'nt thought about her marriage yet." He indirectly denied the proposal.

"Harsh,she can complete her study after marriage also.If past is bothering you as i told u earlier i will keep her as my own daughter.You won't get any complain." Said tej with hope.

"Tej i don...before he can denied him avantika spoke.

"Ok tej we will give you answer after sometime.We wanna think for once." Said avantika and Harsh looked at her in disbelief.

"Ok i will wait.I hope you all will agree." Said tej smilingly.

Shivaay looked at Harsh gritting his teeths.

"Get ready to be father in law!" He smirked and continued his dinner.


After they left,avantika and Harsh had heated argument that avantika did'nt let him deny the proposal.Harsh said that how can it be possible that in one day meeting only tej liked anika.Avantika tried to make him sure that after what arnav did this was better proposal for anika.As according to her shivaay is a nice guy and will keep their daughter as a queen.Harsh decided to proceed the discussion only after taking anika's opinion.

After few days.

Today was anika's birthday.Harsh took leave from office and spent his whole day with his princess.Anika became happy after a day out with her parents as shivaay's threats had depressed her and she was feeling light today.

They returned home very late after celebrating anika's birthday in their private resort.Anika spent some time with her parents and then walked out of their room bidding them good night.

She was tired and sleepy.She tiringly opened the door of her room and came inside.

As she switched on light.Flowers were showered on her.She got scared and was about to shout out when someone kept his rough hand on her soft lips.

"Happy birthday baby!" Shivaay whispered lovingly in her ear.

Anika pushed him back.

"What the hell is this!" She gritted her teeths seeing her room decorated with ballons and flowers.

"I think it is called birthday wish baby !" Shivaay winked at her.

"I don't want ur wish get lost from here."

"Baby what are u saying how can it be possible i won't make you feel speacial that too on your birthday.I have to come to you to give you gift to celebrate ur birthday na?How will love blossom between us if we won't celebrate these little little happiness haann?"shivaay moved closer to her and she took step backs.

"Stay in ur limits doh takkay k police walay and get lost from here before i call my dad here by shouting." She warned him

"Haha,Do one thing call ur dad so that he can see us together in ur room.What he will think about his princess when he will see you with strange man in her bedroom." Shivaay whispered interwining their fingers and anika closed her eyes to control her anger.She looked at him with bloodshot eyes as if she will eat him alive.

"Fine baby i know i m handsome don't look at me so lovingly i will kiss you hard otherwise!" He winked at her and then held her hand.

He started walking towards corner of the room where there was a cake kept on table.But anika was'nt moving from her place.Shivaay looked back at her and tugged her wrist to move but she did'nt even take a step.

Shivaay tightened his grip on her wrist and warned her through his eyes.

Anika now walked and he took her towards table where knife and cake was kept.Shivaay left her hand and takes out a heart shaped pendant from his pocket.He looked at anika smilingly and turned her around.

He made her wear pendant with so much love yet he was shocked anika did'nt protested.

He made her look at himself and kissed her forehead.

"Beautiful.Now like a good baby just like ring you will not take out this pendant otherwise i won't be happy." He whispered and carrassed her cheeks.

Anika was silently observing his antics.Shivaay felt weird seeing her silent.

"Anika come on now cut the cake." Shivay handed her knife.Aniika looked at knife first then at shivaay who was looking at her smilingly.She took knife silently and leaned towards table.

Shivaay was happy seeing her responding.Anika was about to cut the cake when she looked at knife and abruptly turned around.She attacked on shivaay.

Before she can accomplish her mission,Shivaay was successful in gripping her wrist in his hand roughly.He harshly twisted her hand back and held her neck by other hand pinning her to the wall angrily.

"Are you out of your mind dammit!!!What the hell ur were going to do!!!Till now you have just seen my politeness anika.Today i will tell you what Shivaay snigh oberoi can do"he tightened his grip on her neck.He did'nt imagine ever she can stoop so low.

"" she tried to make words.

"Now you will decide ur punishment itself.What should be ur punsihement on your this useless mistake????" he pushed her towards bed angrily.She fell on bed.

Before she can get up he reached towards her quickly and pushed her back and hovered her.His eyes were spitting fires.He kept his one leg near her arm and pulled her up by neck. "Say sorry dammitt!!!"

Seeing him so much angry anika got scared and tears rolled down her eyes.She started breathing heavily.

As her tears rolled down shivaay got worried and he soften his grip on her neck seeing his finger print on her neck.He realized his mistake!He looked at ger who was now hicupping.

"Ok relax do..don't cry..i .i m sorry." He cupped her face worriedly.He can't see tears in her eyes.He started trembling seeing so much scared of himself.

"I..i am sorry anika." He wiped her tears guiltly.

Anika pushed him away harshly.

"Get lost from here and from my life shivaaaaayyy." She shouted on top of her voice.While hicupping,she pointed towards teracce.

"Relax i..i will go from here but you have to try once to kill me to kick me out of ur life." He said.

"I wish i could have succeedded today only.Get lossstt." She cried and ran towards restroom.

Shivaay stared at restroom door.


Harsh who was sleeping felt something wrong.He quickly got up and wear his slipper.He walked towards anika's room hurriedly.As he entered in room he saw someone escaping through teracce door.Harsh ran there but shivaay had already left.

Harsh returned in room and heard water splashing sound from restroom.He glanced in room.Flowers petal were spread in the room.Cake and knife added to his suspacious.He once again looked through teracce door.


Precap :The SHIVIKA Marriage.😍😍😍😍

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