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Thanks alot for the inline comments dearies.I really enjoyed reading the comment.Now gonna reply back to comments  as i m free.Please again do inline comments.😃😇.


Next morning ,after having breakfast, shivaay went for his office.

As soon as he entered in office ,all constables stood up.

"Good morning sir!" They all saluted and shivay silently moved towards his table.

Inspector Khanna quickly brought one file and stood infront of him after handing him that file.

"Sir,dinesh had told that he is working for someone.It's kind of a group behind the kidnapping.We have arrested vivek who happened to meet dinesh yesterday." Khanna told him and shivaay was reading  a case.

"Great!Vivek told something or not?" Asked shivaay as he gave file back to him.

"No sir m going to do his service again.Just wait for sometime." Said khanna and shivaay stood up shooking his head.

"I m  going make the particular things ready!!" Said shivaay picking up his baton and khanna stared him with wide eyes.

"!" He asked and shivaay turned around raising his eyebrow.

"Khanna do what  i said!" Shivaay glared at him and moved towards lock up.

Shivaay entered inside after locking up the locker.Vivek shivered seeing shivaay.He had already heard about cruel side of  him and now shivaay's stern face scared hell out of him.

"Haan bhai vivek how are you?" Asked shivaay pulling up the chair infront of him.He sat on chair keeping his one leg over the other.His blue eyes were turning grey.

"ASP Saa..b i don't know why they have arrested me please let me go i did'nt do anything." Said trembling vivek as shivaay leaned towards him dangeroulsy.

"Look vivek if you seriously wanna live in this word speak the damn truth and i will let you go!" Said shivaay poliely.Silence before storm!

"s.aab i don't know anything." He said stammering and shivaay nodded casually.

"Vivek i think you don't know who i am.khannna bring special things!" Shivaay shouted while leaning back on his chair.

All got horified when two inspectors came inside with boiled water.Steam was coming out of it and vivek looked shocked at shivaay.

"Hmm,speak up who is the leader behind girls kidnapping?" Asked shivaay polietly whereas vivek shook his head helplessly.

"Khanna dip his hand in the water!!!" Shouted shivaay angrily.It was enough for him.

One inspector held him from back and khanna dipped his both hand in hot boiling waterr.Whole station echoed by the painful cries of the criminal.

"Ahhhhhhhh saaaaab." He shouted while crying hysterically.

"Open ur mouth dammit!!!" Shivaay shouted punching on his face.Blood oozed out of his nose.

"ASP saab please let me goooo." He cried while shivering.

"Khana feet also!!" Shivaay fisted his hair in his palm mercilessly and khanna dipped his feet in the burning water.All constabeles squeeezed their eyes in fear hearing his cries.Criminal felt like someone has excrated his soul from his body.

"Bol!"  Shivaay kept his foot on his already  burning feet and squeezed it harshly that blood oozed out of his feet.

"S..aab please m..telling m telling." He breathed as shivaay left his hair with jerk.

"Khanna note his statement!" Said shivaay flicking his hair and walked out of the cell.


After noting the statement khanna came to shivaay who was busy in reading a case.

"Sir. he is saying same as dinesh said he don't know about master mind.However,they are going to exchange one girl after somedays at xyz place."

"Fine,make the team ready.Ask the details from him.If he don't tell then cut his fingers i want whole information right on my table after i come back!" Said shivay picking up his car keys.

"Yes sir!"he saluted him and shivaay left from there.


Harsh was working in his office when someone knocked on his door.

"Come in!" Said Harsh busy in file.

"Good morning uncle." Hearing a familiar voice Harsh looked up.

Shivaay came there and sat on chair infront of him.

"Good morning!" Said Harsh raising his eyebrow.

"How come u are here?" Asked Harsh..

"I wanna have talk regarding anika." Shivaay said looking into his eyes.

"Go ahead but remember think before speaking anything about my daughter." Harsh said coldly.

"Uncle i won't make any  loop hole.All i want to say is that I like anika and want to marry her." Shivaay without any hesitation shared his wish infront of Harsh.

Harsh sighed looking at the confidence of this man.

"Don't you feel hesitation before asking this question directly?" Harsh tried to make him feel embarassed.

"I think sharing about ur wish with someone is'nt bad right!" Said shivaay boldly.Look at the guts of man!

" and if i say now?" He raised his eyebrow.

"You are warning me or directly saying no?" Said shivaay staring at him.

"I just asked simple question." Harsh shrugged off his shoulder.

"Then i still think i will get married to anika only." He did'nt break the staring at hi.

" Ur looking so confident man!"Harsh said seeing him playing with paper weight kept on the table.He was talking so casually as if he knows Harsh since ages.

"I m always confident sir!" Said shivaay spinning the paper weight laying on the table.

"Grest u came in anika's room last night!" Shivaay looked shocked at him.How he got to know about it?
He was staring him in shock.

"Being an Asp you entered in my house like a thief.What a rediculous way!" Said Harsh this time making trying to make him feel bit embarrass.He is forgetting the man is Stubborn singh oberoi!

"So i wanna tell you i m here to get permission of coming in your house through door with legal right instead of entering as a thief through teracce door." Said shivaay and Harsh found him very stubborn.

"What anika want?" Harsh stood up and stood near glass window.

"She is hesitant so she won't ask you but will never deny the proposal." Said shivaay and lowered his gaze.

"Fine,i will talk to avantika.she will inform about the decesion."

"Ok sir i m going from here with hopes." Said shivaay looking at Harsh who did'nt reply and shivaay left from there after greeting him.

As shivaay left Harsh called arnav in his office.

"Yes sir?" Asked arnav as he entered in the room.

"Come sit i wanna ask something." He pointed at the chair infront of his table.

Arnav sat infront of him.

" Why did you react like that that day?" Asked Harsh and arnav let out a chuckle.

"Is'nt it too late sir!" He raised his hand in air.

"Just answer me arnav m serious." Said Harsh coldly.

"Nothing much.It's just that shivay and anika like each other." Said arnav coldly and left from there.

Harsh was sitting there with many thoughts in his mind.


Arnav's statement,shivika standing so closer to each other later shivaay's arrival in anika's room.Harsh thought that maybe anika don't want to ask directly yet he thought both love each other.He goes to mr raizada and took his opinion and then talked to avantika.He asked her to invite oberoi at dinner tonight.

Avantika became very happy and goes to anika's room.

"Anika baby m taking out ur dress.Get ready some guests are coming." Avantika moved towards her wardrobe.

Anika was studying sitting on her study table.She had final exams.

"Mom you know na tomorrow is my exam.Please you and dad attened your guests." She said being engrossed in her book.

"Anika,please for sometime.Now don't argue.I m going in kitchen for  checking the arrangements." She said.

"Anika are you listening me?" Asked avantika and anika just nodded.Avantika sighed in disbelief and left from there after arranging dress for her.


At night,Avantika came in her room and anika was standing infront of mirror wearing the 
embroidery dress.

"Anika guests have arrived.What are you doing?Let's go ur dad is calling you." She moved towards her and made her wear earings.

"Mom u know na i hate these kinds of dresses." She pouted.

"Baby,tej and jhanvi have arrived please infront of them you can't wear short short dresses na." She looked at her in disbelief and shock was understandable for anika.

"Wh..y they have come?" She asked feared.

"Anika ur asking as if shivaay did'nt inform you." She faked glared her and anika's face got pale.

Oh..yes i forgot." She lied.

"My baby is looking very gorgeous.Let's go everyone is waiting for you outside.Your dad is very happy today." She said and anika faked smiled.

Avantika takes her to living room where everybody was present.

Anika greeted everyone and looked at the devil who was lost in her beauty.

Everyone complimented her and she looked down in shyness.

She was about to sit near mrs raizada when avantika hold her hand.

"Aniie sit with shivaay." She takes her to shivaay and made her sit beside him.Her heart started beating fastly as shivaay looked at her lovingly.

Anika looked at  Harsh who was looking at both of them smilingly.

"Papa did'nt care to asked about  my opinion." She closed her eyes sadly for a second.

Everyone made them eat sweet.

"Young man i m giving my piece of heart to you.Take care of her.Otherwise i won't leave you." Harsh gave them blessing and shivaay looked at anika with so much  respect in his eyes for her.

"Don't worry uncle ur princess is my first priority now." He said with smile and all smiled looking at the beautiful couple.

After sometime everyone got busy in chatting now.

"So,Harsh what about marriage i can't wait to take my daughter." Said tej.

"Aree what's the hurry now?My daughter is still studying.I was thinking to wait for an year." Said Harsh and shivaay looked at him suddenly.His face was worth seeing.

"I will make sure you continue her study you just fixed the date now." Said tej.

"Baby speak na we wanna marry asap." Whispered shivaay and anika gritted her teeth.

"Excuse me do correction not me only you are  desperate to face the hell asap." She looked at him sharply and shivaay surpressed his laughter.

"Baby already ur looking breath taking now don't look at me with so much love.I can't control" whispered shivaay huskily.

"Huhh doh takke ka police wala." She gave him sharp look.

"Only yours." He winked at her.

There elders were busy discussing about marriage date.

"Ok final now.After ani's exams.Shivika will get married." Announced Harsh and everone hooted.

"Congratulations to be wifey." Said shivaay acting to look at Harsh smilingly.

"Congratualtion to enter in hell soon to be hubby." She gritted forcing a smile to Harsh.

"Hayye mar gyaa.(m dead.)" He acted  to be dead hearing word hubby from her mouth.

Avantika called all of them for dinner.Anika excused herself and left for her room.


She was sitting on bed resting her head on restboard.Shivaay knocked at the door and enters in the room.

"Why did you came here anika?" Asked shivaay moving towards her.Anika was reminded of arnav who also came like this on the day of their engagement.She was very happy that night.

A lone tear escaped her eyes.Her love her arnav pointed at her character.She quickly wiped it before shivaay can notice it.

"Because i can't tolerate the drama happening downstair." She sat on bed composing herself.

"Wao baby we both are too tadibaaz.It's gonna be a very excited life with you.Gid has gifted me such a beautiful baby." Said shivaay lovingly and sat beside her.

"Not god,Lord shivay has written my destiny and i promise you i will make ur life hell after marriage." She was'nt in mode of talking to him and replied irritated.

"I m really very excited baby."said shivaay happily.He was very happy today and promised to himself to keep this angel happy forever.Enough of drama,threatening and forcing!

"I will snatch ur this happiness shivaay singh oberoi." she told angrily pointing at his smiley face.

" ok leave it we are going to marry soon.Atleast we can be friends." Asked shivaay with hope forwading his hand.

" I don't consider this forced mariage.By threatening me you can shut my mouth but can't access my heart shivay and please go from there.I have to prepare for my  exam." She requested him.

"If i can shut ur mouth make you marry me then i will access ur heart too ,sweatheart." Saying so shivaay started going when anika stopped him.

"Here is ur pendant i don't want it." She removed pendant and forwaded to it.

"Keep it with u.When u will feel that i have accessed ur heart wear it on that day.." he cupped her face and carrassed her face lovingly and left from there.

"This will never happen shivaay singh oberoi.I hate you and will hate you my whole life." Anika stared his back and throwed the pendant don't know where.


After attending guests,Harsh came in anika's room with two mug of espresso.

"Dad you here this time?" Asked anika as Harsh came and sat near her.

"Why i can't come to meet my princess?" Asked Harsh giving one mug to her.

" You can come at any time dad." Anika said coldly.

"You are looking disturbed." He carrassed her face.

"Who cares dad?" Said anika looking down.Harah got worried.

"Princess look at dad.Are'nt you happy?" He cupped her face.

"I told na  no one cares." She became teary eyes and thus tears rolles down her eyes.

"Dadd." She hugged him while crying.

"Anika beta what have you said?You are  my first priority.Your happiness matters to me.Tell me you ur not happy i will stop everything.Share with baba,beta." He carrassed her back and anika broke the hug and  looked at him.

"You are  happy?"she asked.

"It does'nt matter.What my princess want?"he looked at her worriedly wiping her tears.She looked at him.She decided to tell him about shivaay what he did but again that pics came infront her.

"I m happy dad!" She forced a smile.

"Then  what's all this?"he asked about her off mode.

"Nothing just got sad.You guys did'nt ask me na." She assured him looking at his worried face.

"I thought u love him baby.Shivaay told me you both love each other." Said Harsh carrassing her face.

" dad." She stammered looking down and Harsh thougtht that she was hesitant.

"What's your opinion about shivaay.I mean aapko kesay lagay shivaay?" She asked.

"He is'nt handsome more than me but it's ok chalay ga." Said Harsh winking at her.

"Dadddd." She whined.

"On a serious note.I liked shivaay.He is perfect for  my princess.I m sure he will be proved best husband of my princess. hmm!I have seen love and affection for you in his eyes.He will never hurt you anika.He will keep you happy and if he did'nt na I will kill him" He carrassed her face and anika smiled.

"Ok now sleep tomorrow is paper na.Best of luck." He got up and anika muttered thanku.

He tucked in duvet and kissed her forehead.Anika smiled in response.Harsh switched off the lamp and left from there.


Today was really a hectic day for shivaay as vivek took shivaay to the appointed place where vivek's gang was coming to take a girl from him.As,he came shivaay and his team hidded in whole area.

When they were about to exhange the girl and money.Shivaay fired in air and caught them red handed.

"You are under arrested.Don't move from place and claim ur self to police.Don't need to do any over smarting whole area is captured by police." Shivaay shouted  coming out of his hidden place and pointed the gun at man standing infront of  vivek.

Man gulped hard looking at vivek who bowed his head.

Suddenly man took out gun from his pocket but shivaay on the mean time fired pointed at his arm making him injured.The team who was hidding came out and arrested the man and other who were sitting in the car.

Girl was safely taken in the police car.Shivaay handcuffed the men.

DSP also came there.

"GOOD job ASP shivaay singh oberoi." He patted his shoulder.

"It was my duty sir.Thanks for cooperation."Shivaay smiled back.

Anika came from college and entered in the hall tiringly.

"Anika you came beta.Get ready shivaay will come any time." Said avantika as they were going to select anika's bridal dress.

"Mom please i m not in mood.You go with him." She said irritated when avantika looked at her in disbelief.

"Anika ur getting married to him not me.Get ready don't show any tantrum.Please behave properly with him." She took bag from her.

"Fineeeeeee." She left from there angrily.

After about an hour shivaay came in trivedi mansion.

"Hello anti how are you?"asked shivaay as he saw avantika sitting in living room.

"I m fine.How are jhanvi and priyanka?Come sit here."she asked after blessing him.

"They are fine." He said sitting on couch.

"What will you have coffe or tea?Did you have lunch?" Asked avantika.

"Thanks but i have already eaten lunch.Where is anika?We have to leave." Said shivaay looking at the watch.

"Mom i m ready.Shivaay came or not?" Anika entered in hall wearing a red top with blue jeans which was extra tight.She was busy fidling with her phone.

Avantika sighed seeing her dressing.Shivaay stood up clearing his throat.

"Anika wait i will bring ur shawl.It will suit on you." Said avantika glaring at her as if trying to tell her look at ur dressing but anika royally ignord her glares.

"Mom, please you don't need to take tension about anything.Anyway m going."she said glancing at shivaay for once and moved towards exit.

Avantika looked at shivaay nervously who smiled lightly.

"Slap was needed!" Said shivaay making her looked at him in shock.


"In childhood." Shivaay gave her a tight smile and walked from there.Avantika sighed and left for her room.

While going outside shivaay ordered mansi to bring anika's jacket.

"Excuse me?Am i your servant to wait for you standing  in this hot summer day?" She exclaimed as she saw shivaay coming towards car wearing his shades.

"Relax baby,our marriage is in some days not tomorrow.Ur looking desperate." He opened car door for her and she sat inside glaring him.

Shivaay moved towards driving seat and sat after opening the door.Meanwhile, mansi came towards anika side.

"Now what is it???"she asked irritated.

"Anika wear this jacket." Said shivaay while starting the car.

"You go from here!!" Anika snatched jacket from her angrily and throwed it on back seat.

Shivaay looked at her shooking his head.

"Hardwork is needed on you baby." He brought out the car from mansion.


Anika tried her best to irritate shivaay as much as she can.She had tried 20 to 25 dresses but did'nt select one in the last three hour.It was the same shivaay who  was ready to leave priyanka in the mall when she  stood in one shop just for fifteen minutes.

"Baby i think we are here to buy dress today only."  shivaay reminded anika for the third time who was busy checking herself standing  infront of mirror keeping the duppata on her head.

"If ur so much in  hurry you can go."said anika checking one bridal dress.

Shivaay's sight fell at  one boy who was staring anika.Anika was busy checking herself in bridal dress from every angle.

Shivaay stood behind  anika's back blocking the sight of boy at anika and  looked at boy with warning eyes who got alerted and turned his side.

Shivaay turned towards anika and looked at her in disblief.

"Baby,will you please do fast?" Said shivaay looking at her who gave him deaf ear.

"Excuse me pack this dress!" Said shivaay to shopkeeper taking out wallet from his pocket.

"Who will wear this dress?
I m not gonna wear this one." Anika stared him angrily.

"Anika gooo and sit in the car." Said shivaay handing dress to shopkeeper.

"I won't wear this one shivaaay." She said stubornly.

Shivaay paid the amount picked up the shopping bag and walked out of the shop holding anika's hand.

"What's this non sense shivaay?If you had to select by yourself why did you brought me???" She was continously cursing him but he gave deaf  ear to her and made her sit in the car.

" I don't see you in this type of dressing again." Said shivaay sitting on his seat starting the car.

"What the hell??Ur not my husband yet to implement rules on me.I do dressing according to my choice keep that in your mind ." She shouted.

"If i see you again in such type of dress i will burn ur wardrobe keep that in ur mind.Pick up the jacket from back seat and wear it." Said shivaay while driving.

"You can' t order me." She stared him angrily.

"I said wear thr jacket."he glanced at her and again concentrated on road.

"No i wont."she said crossing her arm accross her chest angrily.

Shivaay stopped the car at side and picked up the jacket from back seat.

"Wear it like a good girl." he said polietly.

"I Said i wonnttt " she shouted.

"Baby wear it otherwise you  say i always force you." He warned him through his eyes.

Anika stared him for few seconds, then, snatched jacket from him angrily and wore it.

Shivaay started driving again.After sometime he stopped the car at restaurant.Shivaay came out of the car and opened the door of anika's side.

"Come baby anti informed me you did'nt eat lunch.Let's have something." Shivay said polietly holding her hand.

"Oh,don't  be hero drop me to my  homeee." She jerked off his hand angrily and he sighed.

He moved inside the restuarant and got her food packed.

After coming back he kept the shopping bag in car.Anika looked at him angrily whereas he lighted up ciggartee.He is also not less.Anika cursed him under her breath.Shivay surpressed his smiled looking at her through corner of his eyes as if he had burnt anika instead of cigarette.

After reaching home,Anika removed her jacket and throwed it on shivaay's  face.Shivaay fumed removing it from his face.Anika glared at him.She opened the door and walked inside the mansion angrily.

"It's ok shivaay relax.Pyar kia ha toh bardshat bhi kroo." He controlled his anger fisting his palm and let out a deep breath.

He picked up the shopping bags from back seat and came out of the car.He walked inside the mansion.

Nobody was there.He goes to anika's room who come out from restroom wearing comfortable dress.

Shivaay glanced at her once and kept the shopping bags on couch.He moved towards the kitchen and unpacked the food.He prepared the tray and goes back to the room.

Anika was sitting on the bed.He goes and sat infront of her.

"I can't compromise with ur health.Keep the anger aside and eat the food anika." He forwarded spoon to her but she turned her face.

"Anika please i have to go to office then.Am working on the case." He pleaded her but she did'nt budged.

He sighed.

"Ok i won't  have cigarette from now on  infront of you." He made her look at himself .

"I don't  care you smoke or not because i don't consider this marriage nor wanna show any right on you.Do whatever you want i give damn to u and ur doing!!" She told him with fire flickering in her eyes and he nodded obediently.

He kept the bowl on tray and walked out from there silently.Anika shrughed off her shoulder throwing the plate aside angrily.

"I hate you shivaaay." She gritted her  teeth.

In the big royal mansion,a man was sitting in the room.He was drinking and was watching the t.v where media was broadcasting that AsP shivaay singh oberoi has took action against the girl's kidnapping and have arrested the criminals.Fourty  girls have been freed from the gang who had been kidnapped  since last month.

Man throwed the remote angrily on t.v causing it to break into pieces.

"What the hell is thisss man??I had told na do the work carefully from where did  this ASP camee?"he shouted on top of his voice at his employ.

"Sir,we were doing the work carefully but this new Asp is very over smart.He had already arrested our two man." He said trembling in fear.

"What about his amount??Ask him him how much amount he want to stop all this!" He shouted.

"Sorry,sir he is actually an honest policeman and is very dangerous." He replied.

"f***,the same ASP who had beaten my son blue and black right?Inquire about  his weakness.Such man can be controlled by trapping his weakness only." He laughed evilly and man left from there after nodding.

"Get ready ASP for revenge." He smirked while attaching his mouth to whisky.


Jhavi was in her room when priyanka came after knocking.

"Aree ,beta come." She smiled.

"Mom, i wanna talk about something important." She said nervously.

"Yes why not come sit near me." She pointed on bed beside herself.

She and arnav had been dating since the day they met each other at mall.She found him very caring loving and decent.Arnav was acting extra sweet to her that she started falling for him arnav demanded her to talk to her mother for the proposal and also warned him that her brother will strongly oppose this decesion so she have to be bit stubborn.That innocent soul was saying yes to his every talk blind in his love.

"Mom wo i and arnav like each other.I had told u about arnav na.Actually,we wanna marry each other.Please u talk to bhai and dad for approval.I really like him." She said in a go and jhanvi looked at her with wide eyes.

"Prinku how did this happen?"

"Mom please don't ask for explanation na.I really love him.Please talk to dad and bhai.Make us engaged on bhai's marriage."

"Prinku it's too early beta.Ok,i will talk to them but after your bhai's marriage ." She carrassed her hair.

"You will na?" She asked innocently.

"Yes meri jaan i will." She pecked her forehead.

"Thanks mama."she hugged her tightly and jhanvi laughed.



Sorry for pending the  marriage but it was important to show how marriage got fixed!Next one is pkaa marriage.


Will anika love shivaay ever?

Do shivaay really loves anika?

Who is the man?Would he harm shivaay for revenge?

What about priyanka?

Arnav positive or negative?

Chat corner:






Next chapter will be updated soon according to response!It is also ready.

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