Part- 9

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Finally,the exams were over now.Marriage's preparation had been started since yesterday.Anika was going for shopping also with her friends in between.They did'nt talk to each other for a week.Whenever, shivaay called her on phone she always disconnected his call.He did'nt came to meet her as he was also busy in inquiring about some case.

Today was mehendi function and elders decided that nikah should be done today only.Function was held in the lawn of the trivedi mansion.

Shivaay was getting ready in his room for Nikah when tej entered in the room.

"Young man Harsh is getting angry.Get ready fast." Said tej entering in his room.

He smiled looking at his handsome son wearing pure black kurta.He was'nt looking less than any  greek God.Perfectly trimmed beard and face shinning with happiness.Perfectly gelled up hair were adding to his hotness more.

"MashaAllah." Said tej moving towards him  looking at him from head to toe. Shivaay smiled and kept his wallet and phone in his kurta's pocket.

"I m ready dad." He once again took a glance of himself in the mirror.

"Let's go." Tej patted his shoulder and the family left towards trivedi mansion.

On reaching trivedi mansion,Harsh welcomed them whole heartedly.Shivaay glanced here and there for to have a look of his love.

"You can meet her after nikah!" Priyanka whispered in his ear.

Shivaay smiled .

"Go to her room and get a pic of her please." Said shivaay sitting on the couch.

"Bhai,she is'nt ready yet and you can't see her till nikah.After nikah no one will stop you for meeting my bhabhi." Priyanka winked at her and shivaay pouted.

Meanwhile,Harsh brought priest  who was going to recite nikah.

All females left for anika's room.Now only males were present in the living room.

Soon,Imam(priest) started reciting some verses and shivaay recited behind him.

Nikah was going to start.Iman spoke:

"Do you  Shivaay Singh Oberoi son of Tej Singh Oberoi,with the dower of 5 crore ,in the presence of all these witnesses accept ,Anika Trivedi,daughter of Harshvardan trivedi as your wife?

There was silence in whole living area.After few seconds shivaay spoked.

"Yes I do!" Said shivaay calmly yet his heart was thumping fastly.

He was asked for two times more and then made sign the Nikah papers.

A  wave of happiness had ran down shivaay's spine when he had spoken the words "Qubool ha ".He took a deep breath smiling happily.He was officially husband of Anika singh oberoi.

All embraced shivaay as he stood up after prayer.He had peaceful smile on his face.Tej moved towards him smilingly.

"Congratulations my son.I am sure you won't disappoint me ever!" Tej hugged shivaay.

"Thanks dad.I love you." He hugged him tightly as keeping his ego aside he made him married to love of  his life.

Harsh moved forward and took him in hug.

"Today, i have handed you my piece of heart.I hope you will keep my princess happy forever.Always be happy my son." He wishpered in his ear.

"After dad i m very thankful to you that you considered me enough worthy to be  anika's husband.I will never disappoint you uncle.Anika is very important to me." Said shivaay smilingly.

Then ,all congratulated shivaay for his new journey.

Harsh and tej moved towards anika's room with Imam.Anika was sitting on bed.Her face was covered with veil.Today her life was going to take a new turn.She was going to be Mrs. shivaay singh oberoi.

Harsh moved towards her smilingly and sat beside her.Avantika also sat beside her and held her hand as she was shivering.

Imam made anika recite some verses.

"Do anika trivedi,Daughter of Harshvardan trivedi, with dower of 5 crore in the presence of all these witnesses accept Shivaay Singh oberoi ,the son of tej singh oberoi,as her husband?" Asked Imam from anika.

All looked at anika for yes .It was the most breathing taking moment for her.Tears rolled down her  eyes and she clutched avantika's hand  tightly who gave her assurance by carrassing her hand.Harsh kept his hand on anika's head as if saying her he is with her.Anika closed her eyes and takes a deep breath.

"Yes i do," she said in shivering voice.Smiled crept on everyone's face.(Qubool ha).

She was asked for two times more and then made her sign the papers.She was now officially Mrs shivaay singh oberoi.Imam left from there.

All hugged anika one by one and congratulated her.Harsh looked at her teary eyed.She was no more Anika Harshvardhan today.She is  Anika shivaay singh oberoi from now on.He blessed her and immediately left from there not to fall weak infront of her.Avantika quickly wiped her lone tear and kissed anika's forehead.

"I m very happy for you princess.May you live a happy life ahead.My prayers are with you." She carrassed her hair as anika kept her head on her chest feeling mother's warmth.

"Muma papa?" She asked in feeble voice.

"He will be fine.He is bit sad na.Today his princess is now someone's wife.Someone has more right on his princess more than him.It's  ok  he will be fine soon." She kissed her forehead and anika nodded sadly.

"Now m going i have to see arragements also.Get ready for mehndi funtion  on time.Fari you come with me i have some work." Avantika left with fari.Now anika was alone in her room.

She was married to a person whom she hates more than anything in this world.She was resting closing her eyes when shivaay called her on phone.This man is very stuborn.She had disconnected his calls thousands time till now but did't accept the defeat.Sighing, she accepted the call.

"How are you Mrs.shivaay singh oberoi?" Asked shivaay lovingly.

"Why did you call me?" She asked irritated.

"To say welcome to you  baby.Welcome for entering in my life as Mrs shivaay singh oberoi.i m very happy today.I have got you my love." His chirpy voice was saying at all how much happy he was.

" Ur saying wrong let me correct  you.You have lost me today shivaay.What do you think by clicking fake intimate scenes of us and then blackmailing me you have got me?Never!Remember i don't consider this marriage!" She said angrily and cutted the call.

But the person who was standing out of her room stumbled hearing such a big revelation.He took wall's support in regret.


At night,mansion was decorated fully.The function was ongoing in the lawn.Everyone was enjoying happily.Music was being played in the background.

Shivika were sitting on the swing which was decorated with roses and  yellow flowers.

Anika was wearing a designer yellow dress whereas shivaay was wearing white kurta.Mehandi had already been applied on anika's hands.Now ritual was on going.Everyone came to shivika and  did the particular ritual.

Now, anika and shivaay were sitting alone.Smile was'nt leaving shivaay's face tonight and anika was was sitting making a stern face.

"Atleast do smile anika." Said shivaay.

"Ur smiling na it's enough.Don't eat my head and sit silently." She gritted her teeth.

"Ok." Shivaay nodded chuckling.

"Muma m tired please take me to the room." Anika who had called avantika by signal told her.

"Ok i will call fari to take you in ur room." She carrassed her face and left to call fari.

"Anika this is not fair." Shivaay looked at her making pouty.

"Huhh!Everything is fair  in love and war shivaay." She gave him deaf ear and stood up to go.Fari took her to the room.Shivaay shook his head and moved towards his friends.


Fari was accompanying anika in her room.After sometime, she also left from there.Because of loud music anika was feeling headache.She was'nt happy at all just pretending to smile infront of her parents.

After half an hour, shivaay entered in the  room after locking the door.

"You doh takke k police walay."she griited.

"And you wife of  "doh takke k police wala" " he said amusingly.

"What are you doing here?" She said angrily looking at him.

"Why do husband comes to his wife in her room baby?" He winked at her moving towards her bed.

"Husband??  Ur not less than a hell for me instead of a husband." She said irritated and he sat infront of her checking her in her beuatiful yellow green combinant dress.

"Ur looking gorgeous baby!" Said shivaay huskily pulling her towards himself abruptly.she landed on his chest.

"Leave me you beast." She hitted on his chest as he embraced her in his arms.

He gave deaf ear to her and inhaled her flowery fragnance.

He looked at her lips with desires.
Anika looked at him shooking her head.

"No shivaaaay." She moved away from him shooking her head.

"Why not anika?I m your husband now.It's my right." He moved closer to her.

"Don't you dare shivaay.I will kill you." She pushed him angrily and stood up.Shivaay moved closer to her.

"You have already killed me by ur beauty  in the first meeting only baby." He pinned her to wall softly and turned her towards wall.

"Shivaay, if you did anything i swear i will kill you." She said breathing heavily as shivaay kept his chin on her shoulder locking their fingers with each others.He nuzzled into her neck.

"S..hivaaay." she moaned when he opened the dori of her shirt with his teeth.

"!" He whispered and anika widened her eyes as his lips touched her bare skin.Shiver ran down her spines.

"Don't you dareeee." She shouted trying to come out of his grip but he tightened his grip on her wrists. Few bangles got broken and fell down.She wriggled in his grip the next moment she was handcuffed.

"U are  surely a hard task but don't worr baby y i m champion playing in  tough games." He picked her up in bridal style and made her lay on bed.

"Open it shivaaay otherwise you will see what i will do with you." She gritted her teeth.

"Done baby ur hands have been cuffed now time to tied ur tongue!" He said coming on top of her.

"Sh..ivaaay it's not right time." She said closing her eyes.She knew that it was his right but  she could'nt protest when  he kept his lips on her lips.He started kissing her softly yet passionately.She reciprocated sighing.He smiled in between kiss and she  let him complete his desires.He was busy devouring her lips when someone knocked at the door.

"Anika open the door."it was fari who came along with her other friends.

Shivaay who was sucking her lips groaned and looked towards door after breaking the kiss.

"Ask  them to wait in other room.Say fast!"shivaay looked into her eyes who was breathing heavily.

'Fari wait i m coming!!"anika smirked pushing shivaay away who fumed.She enjoyed seeing his condition.

"It's ok how will stop me tommorrow?"he said reminding her of their first night.

"We will see tomorrow.Free my hands now."she said extra sweetly.

Shivaay smiled and turned her around.He first tied her knot   and then freed her hand.She picked up her duppatta staring him and walked out of his room.Shivaay flicked his hair and left from there.


Next day,anika had already got ready.She was sitting in her room alone as barat was going to come at anytime.

She was fidling with her phone when somebody knocked at the door.

"Come in,"as she said arnav entered in  the room in fully messy state.His eyes were red due to contnous crying and he was stumbling.

"Why are you here?"asked anika sternly.She did'nt like his arrival.

"I m sorry anika i had done a biggest mistake by not believing you.Please i m sorry!mujay maaf krdoh!"he said folding his hands infront of her.He goes to her.

"For what?" She raised her eyebrow.

"I did'nt trust you anika." He folded his hands.

"It's ok u can go." She said looking on other side.

" Anika i have got to know what game shivaay had played.I know ur marrying him in pressure.You back out anika.I m with you.We will file a case against him.You get divorce from him.I will support you" he said apologetically.

"Acha,Then what will i do after getting divorce from him?" She asked calmly.

"What do you mean what you will do you will marry me anika.I will marry you ." He said trying to hold her hand.

"Ohh ,would i be happy with you?" She jerked off his hand.

"Ofcourse anika,you love me na i know you love me." He said crying.

"Excuse me u called me characterless without even listening to me.I don't love the man who can't trust me.Go from here please." She said pointing towards the door.

"Anika please dont say like that.Thay day ,shivaay had filled my ears against you.." Arnav explained.He was regretting today he had lost precious friend of his life.

"Don't tell me about him what he said to you.I have many more reasons to hate him.U and shivaay are equally shameless in my sight.I hate the man who pointed at my  character and more than that i hate that man who made others to point a question at my character!" She told expressionless and arnav shook his head.


"Arnav please go from here.See baraat has come and don't you ever  think that i m saying no to you because we have already got married.If i had'nt got married to shivaay still i would have not atleast marry with you." She said and moved towards door.She opened it for arnav and he left from there disappointed.


Anika was taken at the venue.Shivaay was sitting on couch on the stage.As some of friends of anika was taking her towards stage.Shivaay stood up smilingly.HE chuckled when  noticed that anika had'nt wore the bridal dress shivaay had selected.

Shivaay moved forward and offer hand to anika like a gentle man.Anika cursed him under breath as she held his hand and he brought her to the stage.

They both were looking extremely gorgeous together.Perfect couple as if made for each other.

Whole stage was surrounded by their friends and teasing session was ongoing.The milk drinking ceremony was done by Fari who was given money as much as she demanded as return gift.

Now anika was sitting alone on the stage as shivaay got an urgent call.Parents were busy  attending the  guests.Moreover, dinner session was going on  so everybody was busy.

Anika made bad faces sitting alone.Shivay who was busy on call standing at some distance chuckled looking at her facial expressions.As,he got free from call he started moving towards stage when he saw fari going to her.He decided to wait for her to go.

"Fari where the hell u were?I m getting bored!" She scolded her.

"Relax annie.Anti has called me she was saying to make you eat something." She said sitting on the sofa beside her.

"I m not hungry!"

"Haw,how come ur not hungry?Have your dinner.Wesay b u need alot of energy tonight" She winked at her while pouring water into glass for anika.

"Shutup,ok? Oherwise get lost from here!" Anika gritted her teeth as fari made her drink few sips of water.

"Haha, sharma gai bechari.By the way,do tell me what jiju will gift you on first night!" She said ecxitedly but got quite getting glares from anika.

"Fari, i think you don't wanna live in this world anymore right?"

"Hehe anika.You have got married but atleast let me get married na."she made fake scary face.

"Yaa ,better be don't irritate me  anymore." Anika said amusingly.

She was about to go when anika stopped her.

"Where the hell are you going now?"

"See jiju is coming.He must be hungry haan.Enjoy the dinner.Good bye." She pointed towards shivaay who was coming towards stage and walked off from there.

Anika cursed fari for leaving her alone with this doh takke ka police wala.

"Eat something baby!" Shivaay said  removing  his turban keeping it on table.

"No thanks ,you eat peacefully." She looked at  him as he was setting his hair.

"Baby you require much energy tonight you are getting na what m saying?So eat something." shivaay winked at her but anika gave him a tight smile.

"You don't worry hubby i won't disappoint you.Ok!" Anika said extra sweetly.

"Haha,ur also very desperate na." He poured water in glass for himself.

"Yaa more than you." She looked at him drinking water.

"By the way ,i knew that you won't wear the dress which i selected.But it's ok ur looking more gorgeous in this one.I will pay gratitude at night with my love to you for looking so stunning baby!"

"And i m eagerly waiting for the night!" She said composing herself as she saw their parents coming towards them.


During rukhasati,anika for a long time stood keeping her head on Harsh' s heart who was now giving her some advice and assuring her.
She had clutched avantika's hand.Harsh's voice was chocking but he did'nt even let out a tear fell down his eyes.His one tear and anika will broke down.He took a deep breath kissing her hair.

"Ok princess now it's time to" he pecked her forehead and looked at tej.Jhanvi moved towards them and held anika's hand.

"Harsh,my house's doors are always open for you.Whenever ,you will miss your princess you can come and meet her.I m taking her to my house not as my daughter in law but  my own daughter.We will never disappoint you." He hugged him.

Jhanvi made anika sit in the car and embraced with avantika.They exchanged words.

Then, shivaay took some advices from his parents in law and sat in the car after taking their blessings.

Soon,the cars were on the way to oberoi mansion.Tej,jhanvi and priyanka were in one car while shivika in other one.

In the car,shivaay was looking at anika who wiped her tear with tissue.

"Jaan, don't give me pain by crying.We will come to meet your mom dad tomorrow." He said keeping his hand on her hers.

"If you touched me once more time i will seriously do something that you will regret."she jerked off his hand gritting her teeth.

Shivaay kept silence glancing at  the driver who was driving silently.

Soon they reached home.After marriage rituals were done which were enjoyed by everyone except anika.Anika was taken in the room whereas shivaay was dragged by  some of his  friends.


Precap:first night.


The room was decorated beautifully with rose and lillies.Lights were off.Candles were lightening the room.She was sitting on bed  in her bridal dress.Her face was covered by veil.Today was their first night.

As ,she heard the door's clicked sound.Her breath got hitched.A lone tear escaped her eye while she tried to control her muffle.

He entered in the room with great smile on his face.He locked the door and turned around only to see his beautiful bride sitting on his sorry now "their" bed.He had contented smile on his face as he got married  to love of his life.

He moved towards bed and sat infront of her.He took a glance of her proudly.

"Mrs Shivaay singh oberoi." He whispered lovingly while she squeezed her eyes tightly.

He hold her hand which was shivering.He looked at her confused.

"You are shivering anika...." he asked worriedly and she jerked his hand.

"Stay away you cheap man." She sobbed and he sighed.

"I know i did wrong but now ur my wife anika.I promise you i will keep you happy foreever." He removed her veil and wiped her tears.

"You know today is our first night." He started removing her earrings and she shivered.

He unpinned her duppatta making her free from  heavy weight of  piece of cloth.

He moved closer to her with his eyes still on her face.

" You don't know how much i have waited for this night.The night of our union.The night of celebrating our love."he carrassed her face wiping her tears.

"Don't cry baby it hurts here."he pointed towards his own heart.

"If it pains there seeing my tears you would'nt have do that."she shouted angrily hitting his chest.

"Enough!!"he held her wrist tightly making her sobb.

"I had told u ur mine.Did'nt I???Mohabbat nhiii ishq krta hn.Janooon ki haddd tak ishqqq."he gritted his teeth pulling her towards himself and she landed on his chest.She controlled her anger.

He removed the hair from her face huskily and placed a soft kiss on her forehead.She fisted her palm tightly.

"I love you anikaa."he whispered seductively  in her ear and carrasses the  tip of her lips with much desires in his eyes.He moved closer to her lips and she turned her face to other side.He smiled and buried his face in her neck inhaling her fragnance.She was breathing heavily.His hands reached her waist and he sucked the nape of her neck passionately.

He was kissing her neck.He felt something sharp on his stomach.
He ignored it being busy in claiming  the right of  being the husband of  his newly wedded wife.

Next moment, he slighly pushed back  anika widening his eyes in shock as he looked down on his stomach.


Will shivaay force anika?

So what do you think what anika did?

How was the chapter?

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