Part 16

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After visiting that church and having lunch from a nearby restaurant, they all started their journey back. This time Bhavya purposefully leant onto his shoulders again and feigned sleep. Rudra could feel the fragrance of her long and lustrous hair. He could feel the smell getting into his head. He rubbed his cheek on top of her head gently and he too dozed off within minutes.

But Bhavya was waiting for a long time for him to kiss again, but it never happened. Bhavya felt a little sad when they finally reached a famous market place where there were lots of stalls.

Everyone got down and left off in separate groups. Omkara, Gauri, Rudra and Bhavya were grouped together and Bhavya deliberately walked behind and she knew that Rudra would walk with her. Their hands were brushing each other due to the rush in the market and so they had to walk close to each other. Slowly Bhavya slipped her fingers into his and intertwined with his hand.

Rudra was surprised and he looked at her. But she wasn't looking at him and so he also thought that she might just have held his hand for a sense of security in the rush of tourists. The warmth of his palm was seeping into her skin and she felt really good.

She saw a particular stall which showcased beaded ornaments. Beads of different sizes were glowing in the lights casted by the bulbs in the stall. She walked towards it pulling him along with her.

Bh: Wowww..These are lovely..Isn't it Rudy..?

Ru: You are right Bhavya..They are beautiful..

She took up a particular necklace with turquoise colour stone beads and admired them. She turned to the shop keeper and asked.

Bh: This is so good..How much for this..?

But the cost of the necklace didn't appeal her so much. It was too costly, she thought. She kept it down and walked off again.

But Rudra handed the money to the shopkeeper hastily and pocketed the necklace, unseen by her.

They all did some shopping.


In the evening, they all walked out of the lift at the second floor and went to Priyanka's room. Ranveer was still there and he was reading a magazine, sitting on a sofa. Priyanka was reclining on her bed, with pillows supporting her back.

After spending some time with her, all of them ordered for a dinner in the room itself. When it was time to sleep, all of them including Ranveer left the room wishing her good night.

Gauri and Omkara walked off towards the lift to go back to their rooms in the third floor. Ranveer, Rudra and Bhavya unlocked the doors to their rooms which were nearby.

Bhavya walked inside her room and opened her new bag which she had purchased. But she was surprised to find a small lump wrapped clumsily in tissue paper inside it. Feeling curious, she un-wrapped the tissue paper and found the same turquoise color stone necklace inside it. On the paper there was a message.

    This is a token of our beautiful friendship

     This will make you cherish this Goa trip

Tears of happiness filled her eyes and she blinked her eyelids in the various emotions which were arising in her heart. In an instant she stood up and ran out of her room. She knocked upon his door in excitement and he opened the door. She flung her arms around him and held him close to her.

Bh: (still hugging)Thank you Rudyyy..You are so nice..You bought it for me..!

Ru: (smiling) I just wanted you to be happy Bhavya..You had liked it so much..

Bh:(pulls out of the hug and faces him) Oh..My happiness is so much important to you Rudra, even if it comes at a huge price..? You are spoiling me, Rudra..!!

Ru: Well..Your happiness is priceless for me..!

Bhavya had understood that by now. She didn't need him to tell it to her.

But Bhavya had decided to stop playing hide and seek games with her own feelings. She realized that she loves him dearly and decided that she will surely put an end to this "only friendship" mode.

Still she decided to tease him a little bit.

Bh: Well your friendship is really priceless for me too..

Rudra's face fell for a second and he forcefully made himself smile again.

Bh: You hold this..

She handed him the necklace, walked towards the mirror and stood before it. Feeling perplexed, he followed her and stood behind her looking at her reflection.

He thought that her expression looked different, there was a special glow to her face and the way she smiled at him was simply breath taking.

She raised her hand to the side of her head and shifted her long hair sideways baring her back neck.

Bh: Rudra, can you wear it around my neck. I want you to do it.

Rudra felt as if he was dreaming. With shivering hands he placed the necklace around her neck and clasped the ends together. Still he couldn't understand why she was making him do all this.

Bh:(happily) How do I look, Rudra..?

Ru: You look...(smiles) Gorgeous..

She turned towards him with a blazing look in her eyes and hugged him tightly. But he instantly felt that it was not a hug of friendship. It was full of pure love and he could sense the waves of attraction passing through their bodies. He hugged her back and held her even more tightly.

Bh: I love you Rudra..I love you..

She raised her face to him and gazed into his eyes intently. He got the message and he kissed her lips softly. It felt magical and he gently sucked on to her petal like lips with all his love and she hung onto his shoulders for support. The kiss lasted for about a few more minutes till they were fighting for dear breath. And then they hugged each other again.

Next night..

Oberoi Mansion, Mumbai:

The youngsters reached back from the Goa trip finally.

Ranveer and Omkara went off to sleep in Omkara's bedroom and Rudra went inside his bedroom, alone. As usual, the girls settled down to sleep in Priyanka's bedroom.

Gauri was missing Omkara really badly and Bhavya was terribly missing Rudra.

They hadn't shared their love stories with each other and so they couldn't even share their misery with one another.

Priyanka was also missing Ranveer, but she never really counted on the fact that she has actually fallen in love with him. She thought that Ranveer would never consider her attractive enough to fall in love with her. So she braced herself by saying that the feeling which she had for him was only good friendship with someone special.

They all had guessed earlier that things would never be the same after reaching back home. In Goa they all had so much privacy. But here, they were back with their elders and so they knew that nothing would be the same. And in spite of them being really tired after the long journey, none of them could sleep.

Gauri suddenly got a text message. She was happy to see that it was from Omkara. "Meet me at the terrace now..I am missing you"

Gauri got up gently and began to walk out of the room.

Bh: Gauri..Where are you going..?

Gauri lied abruptly..

Ga: Err..Bhavya..I am just going downstairs to get some pain balm..I am having a head ache..So..

Bh: Oh..Ok..

Gauri thanked god that she could invent such an excuse. She tiptoed along the corridor after closing the door gently behind her. She reached the staircase towards the terrace and ran upstairs excitedly. She flung open the terrace door and shut it gently trying to make minimal noise. Omkara, who was eagerly waiting for her behind the door pounced upon Gauri and hugged her madly.

Om: (huskily) Oh my God..Gauri..If only I knew I would miss you like this..

Gauri smiled pleasantly pressing her cheek on his chest, closer to his heart. She could hear them going "thud-thud-thud-thud" in a fast pace.

Ga:(husky tone) Omkara..I was also missing you..I am so happy that you asked me to come here secretly..

Omkara raised his hands and caught hold of the back of her head. He raised her head upwards and bent his face towards hers. Gauri closed her eyes and Omkara sucked in her pink lips with so much need. Gauri put her arms around his neck and responded to his kiss ardently. Their tongues welcomed each other inside their mouths and they intertwined happily. Their kiss deepened with each passing second and both were transported to some other world.

Omkara's hand caressed her back and her fingers clawed into his hair above the back neck. After kissing for so many minutes, Gauri pushed Omkara away, and now she was fighting for breath. Omkara's condition was also the same and they both laughed at the same time.

Suddenly they could here whispers from the stair case's direction. Omkara caught hold of her wrist and pulled her towards a hiding spot behind the wall. They peeped out towards the doorway and were shocked out off their wits when they saw Rudra and Bhavya arrive the scene, and that too hand in hand.

Ga:(whispers) Bhavya and Rudy..!! What on the earth have they come here for..?!!

Om: Shhh..

Bhavya now placed her hands on Rudra's shoulder.

Bh: Rudyy..I knew I would miss you..But I didn't know I would miss you this much..

Rudra smiled and shushed her placing his index finger upon her lips. Bhavya was staring intently into his eyes.

Gauri looked at Omkara open mouthed. Omkara was smiling mirthfully and was trying hard not to laugh. Gauri rolled her eyes in indignation and hit his arm playfully.

They returned their gaze towards the other couple.

Rudra took Bhavya inside his arms and embraced her lovingly. Bhavya kissed his chest and looked up at him expectantly. Rudra kissed her lips with all his love and Omkara shut his eyes tightly and sniggered heartily without making any noise.

Seeing them kiss, Gauri's eyes propped out in shock and she wanted to call out to them that they were also present here. But Omkara sensed what she was going to do and so he clutched his palm on to her mouth and silenced her.

They were the silent spectators to the kiss shared between their own siblings for some good long minutes. Bhavya withdrew herself from Rudra's embrace.

Bh: Rudy..Now let me go down to my room..Gauri might be back any moment now and she might come looking for me..I need to go now..Please..

Ru:(smiling) Ok Bhavya..Bye..I want to stay here for some more time..Good night..

Bhavya left the terrace after hugging him one more time. Omkara couldn't control his excitement any more. He ran towards Rudra and hugged him from behind.

Rudra was shocked when he realized that it was none other than Omkara. Colour drained out of his face and he was standing still like a culprit who had been caught red handed.

Om: (breaking the hug and facing him)Congratulations Rudyy..!!! I am so happy or you both.

Ru:(nervously) Errr..You were also here, Om..You saw everything..??!!

Om:(winking) Of course Yes, Rudyy..!! And you know what..Even I had come up here for exactly for the same thing..To steal some private moments with someone special..

Rudra was not in a condition to understand anything. Gauri moved out of the hiding place slowly and presented herself in front of him.

Rudra was feeling really embarrassed now. He held his forehead with his hand and looked away from her.

Ru: also were here..!!!!

But then realization dawned upon him. He could put two and two together and gazed at them one after the other with eyes and mouth wide open. He let out a laugh.

Ru: OHHH..MYY ..GODDD.. You both also are a too fell in love like us..I can't believe this..This calls for double celebration, Om.. !!

Rudra hugged Omkara and he couldn't control his excitement. Just then Bhavya came running out of the door again into the open. She ran and hugged Gauri tightly.

Bh: Oh my God..Gauriii..I am sooo happy for you...

Ga: Bhavya..You didn't go from here..?

Bh: No..I heard Omkara's voice and was waiting cautiously outside the door to see what was going on.

Ga: (smiles excitedly) Ohhh Bhavya..even I am happy for you both..Now we all will be family..(spreads her arms wide)

Upon hearing Gauri's statement all four of them stared at each other silently. But Bhavya was the first one to voice everyone's thought.

Bh: Our Parents..?!!

Om: Will they agree..?!!

*******End of Part 16*******

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