Part 15

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Thank you all for your votes and comments..Here comes next chapter..

It was a wedding party and Priyanka was looking splendid in a white color lehenga choli. Everyone was leaving after the party and she suddenly noticed that her bangle was missing. She asked her friends to wait for her and she ran back into the party hall. It was semi dark inside because most of the lights were put out.

Frantically, she began to search for her bangle everywhere on the floor. Suddenly she heard a voice. "You are searching for this..!"

She looked up and saw an outline of a man whom she thought she knew well. She could make out that her bangle was in his hand.

Pr: Yes..!! Thanks..

She walked towards him and saw that it was none other than Ranveer. She held out her hand to him.

Ra: Come closer and take it from me..

Priyanka gazed into his eyes in the semi darkness. She felt more attracted than she ever felt to any boy. She went closer to him.

Ra: Even closer..

As though magnetized she went even closer.

Ra: A bit more close..

Priyanka went and stood quite close to his body and he gazed at her romantically with a naughty smile. He took her hand in his and slid the bangle into her wrist. He brought the back of her hand to his lips and brushed his lips gently on her skin. She shuddered and turned around. He hugged her from behind and bent his head into her neck and kissed there too. This was too much for her and she turned and hugged him suddenly.

Pr: I love you Ranveer..I love you..

Suddenly she sprang up from her bed and was panting heavily.

Pr: Oh my God..!! What was that dream all about..? Why was that "Dil toh Pagal hain" scene happening in my dream..? And that too with me and Ranveer..!

She couldn't feel like sleeping any more as she was afraid that she might have the continuation of that dream. She got down from the bed and walked into the washroom.

She looked at her reflection in the washroom mirror. Suddenly she felt like Ranveer was standing behind her. She felt like he was holding her waist and was kissing the side of her neck. She blushed and closed her eyes. Again she shook her head, opened her eyes and found herself standing alone in the washroom. She thought " Ohh God..!! No.. what is happening to me..?!!"


Ranveer and Priyanka got ready for the day and walked out of their room at the same time. As soon as Priyanka saw Ranveer her heart beats began to race.

She touched her chest and said to her heart in her mind "Slow down you bloody heart..what is happening to you..". She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Ranveer was staring at her with in a strange manner. He thought "Now what is the problem with this girl..?"

Ra: Priyanka..

Priyanka opened her eyes and looked at him nervously.

Ra: What happened..? Are you ok..?

Pr: (tries to smile)No..No..Nothing..Nothing..Good morning Ranveer..Did you sleep well..?

Ra: Yeah..Good morning Priyanka..By the way I was going down for a walk on the beach..Do you want to accompany me..?

Pr: (excitedly)Sure..

But she thought suddenly.."Why am I getting so excited..!!"

Ra: Ok..(smiles)

She followed him towards the lift and within minutes they reached the beach. There were many people around. Most of them were couples who were walking  holding hands with each other. Suddenly Priyanka imagined Ranveer and herself holding hands like them and walking together. She closed her eyes instinctively and she stepped upon a broken glass piece and she jumped in pain.

Ra: What happened, Priyanka..

She saw that Ranveer was now staring at her with lots of concern.

But severe pain shot through her leg at that instant and she raised her foot a little to show him the piece of glass which was now sticking out of it.

Pr: Ouuchhh..!! Aaaghh..

Ra: Oh no..

Pr:(cries loudly) Hayeee...ooohh...haaah  haaahh  haaahh...

Ranveer suddenly knelt down and pulled it out holding her feet. He took out his hand kerchief and dabbed it gently upon her wound so as to stop the bleeding.

Ra: Easy..huh..don't will ok Priyanka..

Priyanka melted in the love and care he was showering upon her. She gazed at him with love filled eyes. Suddenly Ranveer looked up at her face with lots of concern.

Ra: Are you feeling better now..?

Pr: (nods her head with a gentle smile) Hmm..

Ranveer got up and placed his arm around her shoulder and he held her hand securely with his other hand.

Ra: Let's walk back to the hotel. Then we can do the first aid to your wound.

Pr: Ok Ranveer..

He helped her walk and both of them reached the lobby of the Resort. From the reception, he got the first aid box. Then he made her sit down on the couch and did the aid to her wound. All the while she was feeling really happy inside that he cared so much for her. Ranveer was also feeling some kind of love developing for her in his heart.

Pr: Thank you Ranveer.

Ranveer touched her cheek with his hand. She was surprised and stared at his hand.

Ra: Don't embarrass me by thanking me for this..

He saw her gaze at his hand and suddenly he realized what he did. He became nervous and swiftly took off his hand from her face.

Ra: Oh..I didn't mean to...touch..your..errr....Sorry Priyanka..(looks at the floor awkwardly)

Priyanka found the situation awkward and she suddenly changed the topic.

Pr: Ranveer..Have you never fallen in love..?

Ranveer looked at her quizzically.

Ra: (laughs) Now why are you asking that..?

Pr: (shrugs her shoulder)Just to know..

Ra: Well, to tell you the truth, I have dated many girls in my college..But I was not in any kind of serious relationship..(looks down and smiles)..I used to go out with them for fun..

Pr: Have you kissed any of them..?(raises her brows at him)

Ra:(comical expression) What..?!

Pr: No..No..You are from Australia and all..And the girls over there know..kind of desperate for getting intimate with boys..I have seen in films..

Ra: It's nothing like that Priyanka..We are all human beings and all of us have feelings of attraction..When we feel attraction we tend to get intimate..What is wrong in that..? To kiss someone we love..

All of a sudden her expression changed from curiosity to shock.

Pr: (angrily)That means you have kissed some girl..!! And that too mouth to mouth..I mean French kiss..?

She got apprehensive and she stood up all of a sudden. He gaped at her in aghast.

Ra: What is wrong with you Priyanka..?

She turned away in a huff and walked off hastily but with difficulty. Ranveer didn't understand what he did he say to offend her. He felt bad when he saw her walking with painful steps. He ran towards her and held her shoulders.

Ra: Priyanka..Don't get me wrong..I have never kissed anyone in my life..I swear..(holds his throat with his fingers) I told you na that I..

Priyanka was so relieved that she put her hands around him and hugged him tightly. This time Ranveer sensed some other emotion in her--her love for him.

Ra:(completes his sentence in pure shock ) have--never--fallen--in---love--with--anyone--before..

But then he also had a sudden urge to hug her tightly and lovingly and he followed his heart and did so.

Pr: You are so nice Ranveer..I just love you..

Then she tried to think what she just said to him. "I love you..?Oh god..What did I just say..?" She bit her lip nervously and pulled off from the hug. She faced him with an awkward expression.

Pr: Oh..I didn't mean that..I mean..You are nice guy..That's all huh Ranveer..

Ra:(grins happily) Yeah..Yeah..I got it..I haven't misunderstood you..Ok now..Let me take you to your room.

As they reached the second floor corridor, Bhavya and Rudra were coming out of their rooms and they saw Ranveer supporting Priyanka to walk. Both of them ran towards them.

Bh: What happened to her, bhaiyya..?

Ru: did you get hurt..?

They explained everything and all of them took her to her bed. They all sat around her upon the bed. Bhavya got her a glass filled with water and Priyanka drank it thankfully.

Ru: Prinku..You stay here itself ok..No need to come with us for outing.

Just then Gauri and Omkara arrived into the room .

Om: What happened to you, Prinku..?

Ga: Oh god..!!

Pr: It's nothing..(and explains about the incident)

Ga: I will stay here with her, then..You all go for outing..

Ra: No..No Gauri..I will stay with her..Anyways I am also not feeling well..Headache..You all carry on with the outing..

Everyone agreed to Ranveer's suggestion and the four of them left together.


In the bus, Omkara and Gauri sat with each other and Rudra was left to sit with Bhavya again. They behaved like friends, but Rudra was not at all able to forget his love and attraction for her. But still, for her happiness he tried to give his 100% to maintain this friendship.

Today, they were all going out to visit some famous churches in Goa.

Gauri and Omkara were really happy to be together. Omkara put his arm around Gauri and they were sitting like a romantic couple going for their honeymoon. Gauri wanted to be in his arms forever.

Rudra and Bhavya couldn't see them since they were sitting at the back, away from everyone's eyes. Bhavya was reading a book as usual, wearing earphones and listening to her favourite songs. Rudra was enjoying the view outside and the rain was drizzling slightly on the glass windows. Bhavya was sitting near the widow. Hence glancing outside the window from his seat had two benefits.

1. He could enjoy the view outside


2. He could glance at Bhavya now and again.

Bhavya was acting as if she was unaware of this. Actually she knew that she didn't want to be in a relationship, but still she couldn't help enjoying his attention. From the night he proposed to her, she had been in deep thought. Her mind was full of confusions. She had great opinion about him as a person. She had never met a boy as thoughtful and considerate as him in her life. He was funny and loving too at the same time. But still she didn't want to be in a relationship, she was afraid of being committed. She didn't want to be tied down to a married relationship for her whole life and she knew that Rudra wants her as his wife. That was the main thing which was restricting her from getting close to Rudra.

They reached the church and everyone got down from the bus. It was a beautiful church which was rich with ancient architecture. They all walked inside and everyone admired its breath taking interiors.

All of them settled down along the rows of benches in order to offer their prayers. Gauri knelt down and began to pray and Omkara followed suit.

Bhavya also knelt down with her palms joined in prayers. She prayed "Oh Jesus..Please bless Rudra with all joys in his life. Please give him a nice girl who would love him more than herself. He deserves a really good wife and I don't think that I am the one for him. "

Meanwhile Rudra was praying "Jesus..Please please please make Bhavya realize my love for her..She is a really nice girl and I don't want anything else in my life. I will try my level best to give her all the happiness in this world..Oh Jesus..Please listen to my prayers.."

After offering their prayers both of them opened their eyes simultaneously and glanced at each other's faces. Bhavya smiled at him and he smiled back.

After some time each of them got up one by one and walked out of the church. Rudra and Bhavya walked out of the entrance door together. Bhavya was walking down the steps with her thoughts about Rudra and suddenly she slipped and fell backwards. But just then he caught her by his one arm around the back of her waist and his other hand closed in around her wrist. Bhavya was in shock and she stared into his eyes for sometime as if in a trance. She was brought back into her sense when she heard his voice.

Ru: Bhavya..Are you alright..?

Bh: Hmm..Yes..(straightens herself) Thank you Rudra..(smiles at him)

After that they all got into the bus and started their journey to the next church they were going to visit.

Bhavya felt a tingling sensation in her heart as she thought about the way he caught her when she was about to fall. She gazed at him and saw that he was leaning back to the seat with his eyes closed. She smiled gently and kept on gazing at his innocent face. Because of some reason, she didn't want to take her eyes off him but she was finding it strange too. Slowly she too closed her eyes and slept off. But after some minutes she leant onto his shoulders comfortably in her sleep.

After sometime, they all reached the other church and the bus came to a halt. Rudra was the first one to awake and he saw Bhavya's head on his shoulder. Without waking her, he kissed on top of her head gently. Bhavya opened her eyes as she felt him kiss on her head. She didn't let him know that she had woken up. Then he raised his hand and patted her forehead gently.

Ru: Bhavya..Wake up..

Bh: (raises her head as if she is waking up then only) Huh..We reached..? (looks outside)

Ru:(smiles) Yes..Come on now..(gets up)

Rudra was so happy about the kiss and walked down the bus excitedly. Bhavya gazed at his back and she felt her heart flutter with excitement as she thought about the way he kissed her head. She could feel the love he felt for her in that simple gesture.

******End of Part 15******

I know it has been a while I haven't updated Tere Liye Hum Phir Jiye..Its taking a bit more time that usual to write the update..I promise I will update it mostly on tomorrow..

I know this was a Priveer and Ruvya special update..hope u enjoyed..

So please vote and comment on this update if you enjoyed dears..


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