Part 14

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After having dinner, Ranveer, Priyanka, Gauri, Omkara, Bhavya and Rudra got into the lift. Every one of them was so tired after their adventurous beach rides. When they reached the second floor, the other four got out of the lift leaving Gauri and Omkara behind in the lift. They avoided each other and actually both were missing each other inside their hearts.

The doors opened and both of them got down into the deserted corridor of the third floor. Omkara got out first and he walked ahead of her in a huff. Gauri followed him and her heart was telling her to console him. He reached in front of his room and was about to unlock it and she too turned to her door to open it. Omkara gazed at her through the corner of his eyes and she too looked at him likewise. She wanted to wish him 'Good night' before sleeping. But if she didn't try to patch up with him, he won't even allow her to wish.

Ga: Listen, Omkara..

Om: (angrily) What is it..?

Ga: (meekly) I know that Aditi is your best friend and she is engaged to Karan. He told me in the morning itself..

Omkara's expression changed from frustration to funny within seconds.

Om: YOUUU..!

And the next moment he put his arms around her waist from behind and picked her up from ground. Then he put her down and started to tickle her incessantly.

Om: Gauriiii..You are such a drama queen..!

Ga: (tries hard to escape) (laughs) Omkara..Leave me..Please..(laughs harder) Oh noo..!!!

Om:(tickling her harder) This is punishment for you..Got it..(tickles with both hands around her waist)

Ga:(laughs and laughs) I am sorry Omkara..(eyes full of tears after laughing) Please...Stop ittt..I will not do so agaiiinn...!!!

Omkara left her finally and she was finding it hard to balance herself. Panting heavily, she composed herself somehow, looking at him. He was also bent and panting hard, looking at her.

Gauri opened her door and turned to Omkara.

Ga: Goodnight Omkara..I am going to sleep..

In a swift move, Omkara came in front of her and blocked her at the doorway. He was looking at her with a smart look.

Om: (huskily) My good night kiss..?

Ga: (tries to push him away) Stop it Omkara..Go and sleep..And let me sleep too..I am so tired..Stop being naughty huh..

With a wicked grin plastered to his lips, he stayed put and didn't even budge at her fragile efforts to push him.

Om: (teasing tone) Gauri..Why do you even try when you know that you don't have enough stamina..

Omkara raised his right hand and caught hold of her chin. With his thumb, he feathered across her lower lip. She closed her eyes and then opened them passionately. The way her eyes were looking at him made him ecstatic and he lowered his lips and kissed her parted lips with pure passion. Slowly, she circled her petite arms around him and he inserted his rough tongue into her mouth and she sucked it with her lips. He opened her mouth and sucked  her both lips in a swift motion and relished their taste.

He put his arms around her waist and raised her feet from the ground and continued kissing her lips. He moved inside the room without breaking the kiss with her safe in his arms. He shut the door with his hip and locked it safely with his one hand. All this time she was up in his arms and they were kissing passionately.

Once inside the room he let her feet touch the ground and didn't stop kissing her with his arms still around her waist. Suddenly he brought his hands from her back to the sides and slipped them inside the hem line of her shirt. His rough palms contacted the soft and supple skin of her waist and she shuddered. He held her bare waist tightly with his palms and his nails dug into her skin at the back. With his both thumbs he rubbed along her tummy in a frequent up and down motion.

She couldn't handle it anymore and she tried to break the kiss. But he sensed her motive and brought his left hand up to the back of her head and pushed her face forward and kissed her lips again. She melted in his kiss and her resistance dwindled away.

He brought down his hand to her sides again and his both palms began to roam all around the bare skin of her back. She too slipped her tiny hands inside his t-shirt and began to caress his bare back. He loved the feel of her delicate palms on his skin.

He brought his palms to her side waist and began to travel up. Suddenly she sensed what he was about to touch and her hands left his body. His palms were about to reach her bosom when she caught hold of his wrists with both hands.

Suddenly Omkara realized his mistake and broke the kiss. He looked into her face and saw fear in her eyes. He felt guilty and lowered his eyes.

Om: I am sorry Gauri..I..I got carried away..

Gauri couldn't utter a single word and she too lowered her face.

Ga: It's getting late Omkara..You please go to your own room and sleep..

Omkara had never felt so bad in his life.

Om: Good night, Gauri...

And he left the room immediately. She watched him cross the corridor and enter into his room.

One hour had passed. Gauri couldn't sleep at all. Tossing and turning on the bed didn't help either. Gauri sat up in her bed and realized that she was terribly missing him by her side. The previous night was lovely as it had been spent in his arms. Tears dropped from her eyes and she wiped them away.

She thought, "He loves me deeply..I know that..He must have felt insulted when I stopped him suddenly like that..Oh no!! Poor Omkara..

She had changed into her night shirt and pajama pants before getting to bed. She walked towards the door to the balcony, which faced the sea. She slid the glass doors and entered the balcony. Sea breeze swept up to her body and embraced her. She heard the sound of sliding doors from her right side and saw that Omkara was coming out into the balcony like her.

Their eyes met in the shining moonlight and they stood there, gazing at each other for a long time. Both were in deep agony and they could feel that they badly yearned for each other. Gauri was the first to say something.

Ga: Omkara..I am sorry..

Om: I love you Gauri..I would never even dream of hurting you..You are my life, Gauri..

Ga: (slowly) Can you please come back to me..Now..

Omkara couldn't believe his ears. But one look at her face let him realize that she wanted to be in his arms then and there

He climbed the balcony balustrade and jumped towards her balcony easily. In the next moment he was holding her in his arms and they embraced each other with utmost love. Gauri led him inside her room and knelt before him holding his hands.

Ga: Omkara, please make me yours in every sense..I am incomplete without you..

Omkara's eyes were filled with tears of happiness.

He picked her up in his arms and held her close to his heart.

Om: Even I am incomplete without you, Gauri..Are you sure about what you said now..? I don't want to hurt you in any way again..

Ga: Yes..I mean it... completely..

Together, they lay down on the bed on their sides, facing each other. The moon light illuminated the room and the sound of the waves was echoing inside its four walls. It was like a dream. Omkara held his eyes on her beautiful face and his hand brushed away her loose strands of hair from her cheek towards the back of her ear lobe. Gauri closed her eyes and relaxed herself. She knew she was about to take a huge step in her life. But it was nothing compared to her love for Omkara.

He moved closer to her and pulled her body towards him, holding her waist. He kissed her forehead and then her beautiful eyelids. He kissed her lips and hugged her even more tightly. He caressed her lovely face and  turned her body to lie on her back. His body crept above her and he lowered his face into the pit of her neck. His lips trailed down to her cleavage and kissed there. With the tip of his nose he nuzzled into the gap. She clutched the back of his head with her delicate hands and moaned his name gently.."Omkara..."

Omkara raised his face and stared at her beautiful face. He placed a loving kiss on her chin and smiled. "Gaurii..I love you..", he whispered in a husky tone. He slipped his hands under her body and raised her slightly. With his free hand he removed her loose night shirt along her head. He removed his t-shirt and he held her close to his bare upper body and relished the feeling of her bare skin against him. She felt high voltage currents passing through their bodies. He removed her innerwear which held her curvy bosom too and he rubbed his cheeks against her mounds and she gasped for breath, and she was enjoying the feeling dearly. He loved doing this to her and his lips found one of its peaks and nibbled and suckled onto it like a baby. She held his head in her hands and caressed his hair with her finger.

He moved his face downwards to her waist but his palms never leaving her supple mounds. He was pressing and caressing them both and he kissed all around her heaving tummy.

Omkara worked his fingers around the tie strings of her pajama pants and he hesitated again. He came up to her and whispered in her ears, "You said that you were sure about this right..?" Gauri nodded her head and said "Don't stop, Omkara" with closed eyes and he kissed her lips once again.

Omkara removed her pajama pants and his pants and their lower inner wears one after the other. He parted her legs and moved his hardness inside her gently so as she would feel less pain. She embraced him again as he moved inside her with gentle in and out motions. Realizing that she was enjoying him inside her, he increased the movements and gave her ecstasy beyond imagination. They climaxed and Omkara kissed Gauri at the end.

After a few minutes of relaxing together in each other's arms, Omkara wrapped both of them in a thick blanket. He pulled her up and helped her out of the bed. Embracing her again, he led her towards the open balcony.

It was an amazing feeling for her. They stood in the balcony, facing mother nature with literally nothing between them. They felt that the moonlit sea and the fresh breeze were celebrating the union of their two bodies and souls.


Gauri woke up in the early hours of morning and she searched for Omkara in her bed. Suddenly she realized that it was all a dream.

She felt bad for Omkara, immediately. She decided to patch up with him. She opened her door and crossed the corridor. She knocked at his door and called his name

Ga: Omkara...Please open the door..

Omkara heard Gauri calling his name and he opened his eyes.

Actually Omkara had a somewhat similar dream as Gauri had that night. He too realized that it was all a dream.

He got up and opened the door. Gauri hugged Omkara as soon as she saw him. She pressed her lips to his chest.

Ga: I am sorry Omkara..I am so sorry...

He felt wet tears on his chest and felt so bad that he made her cry.

Om: Gauri..I know that you are sorry..That is why you came in my dream and gave me everything of yours ...!

Gauri couldn't believe his words. She looked up at him and smiled through her tears.

Ga: Omkara..Even I had such a dream..I think our souls are connected..

Omkara cupped her face, kissed her forehead and hugged her again.

Om: We are the perfect soul mates Gauri..I love you..

***** End of Part 14*****

Hope you all enjoyed the update and the unlimited romance..

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