Part 13

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Bhavya heard a knock at her door. She had changed into a pair of knee length denim shorts, black t-shirt and a denim jacket. She went and opened the door and saw that it was Rudra. Her expression changed into a somber one.

Bh: Come in..(turns away and walks inside)

Rudra paused for a moment and followed her apprehensively.

Ru: Bhavya..I am so sorry if I had offended you in any way..

Bh: (turned around to face him) No Rudy..It's not that..

Ru: Then what is it..?

Bh: I like you Rudy..You are a nice guy..But I am not ready for a relationship right now..

Ru: Ok then..Can we still be friends..? Please don't stay cross with me..I just want to see you happy..That's all..

Bh: (nods her head with a gentle smile) Ok Rudy..

Rudra smiled happily.


At about 10 a.m in the morning every one of them assembled down at the hotel lobby. Omkara was wearing a jeans and a black t-shirt. Ranveer was wearing a green colour t-shirt and jeans. Rudra was wearing a striped black t-shirt and jeans. Priyanka was wearing a green kurta and jeans where as Gauri was wearing a black jeans and navy blue shirt. Every one of them had their goggles on since they had to go down on to the beach. Aditi, Karan, Krish, Mansi and the other friends were also there.

Karan walked into the middle and addressed everyone.

Ka: Today we are all going to a beach which is famous for its adventure sports such as jet skiing, parasailing, wind surfing etc. We can reach there in our bus from here. So let us all go now

Everyone was super excited and they followed Karan into the bus.

Omkara and Gauri walked behind everyone else and Omkara put his arm around her shoulder naughtily pulling her close to him.

Ga: Stop it Omkara..

Om:Uhh..No one is watching us, Gauri..

Gauri took off his arm around her and walked a little ahead of him. Omkara looked at her irritated and thought. "Ok Gauri..You want to stay away from me huh..Then let it be."

Gauri got into the bus and sat down with Ranveer. Bhavya and Priyanka were sitting together. Omkara eyed Gauri with attitude and he went and sat down with Aditi. Gauri narrowed her eyes in anger and he rolled his eyes at her in mock anger.

Gauri thought.." Oh no..Why did he sit down with her..."

Then she thought "Hmmm...Trying to make me jealous huh..I will let him know what true jealousy is.. You don't know me Omkara Singh Oberoi.."

As they reached the beach, everyone began to get down from the bus. Omkara and Aditi got down together and he walked with her on the beach.

Gauri saw that Karan was walking with one of his friends and she approached him unseen by Omkara.

Ga: Listen I want to talk to you, alone.

Karan's friend walked off with some other friends and Karan turned to Gauri.

Ka: Hello..Gauri, right..?

Ga: Yes.. Karan..I need your help..

Ka: Of course..What can I do for you..?

Ga: I need to make someone jealous..Can you help me..?

Ka: You are talking about Omkara...I know..

Gauri looked at him with a surprised look on her face.

Ka: You both love each other..I can see that in your eyes..Look Gauri..He is my best friend..And Aditi..She is my fiancee..So you don't need to feel jealous for him being with Aditi..

Gauri was literally shocked now.She was staring at Karan, with her eyes and mouth wide open.

Ga: Oh my God..!! Aditi is your fiancee..? I didn't know that..

Ka: I proposed her on our college's final year..And now we both are engaged..

He showed her his engagement ring and Gauri noticed Aditi's finger. She had a ring too.

Ka: They were best friends in college..Omkara and Aditi..But we both fell in love eventually..But he hasn't shared anything about you to her till now..That is why Aditi asked you if you were dating Omkara..

Ga: (smiles widely) Oh..I am so sorry Karan..Thanks for telling me..(holds his hand thankfully)

Gauri joined Bhavya and Priyanka and it was then that Omkara started looking for her. He saw her with the girls. He was so surprised to see that she was not even paying attention to him and Aditi.

He thought "What is with her..Why isn't she jealous..?!"..

Gauri could see him eyeing her, but she now knew the truth and there was no need for her to bother if he was with Aditi.

Ad: You love her right, Omkara..?

Om: (turns to her surprised) What..?

Ad: I can see it in your eyes..Now don't you deny it..

Om: Yes Aditi..I love Gauri..

Ad: And I know that you are trying to make her jealous by being with me..I will help you..

Om: (laughs) You know everything..Smart girl..(hugs her happily)

Omkara again looked at Gauri's direction to check whether she was watching them hugging each other. But no, she was laughing at some joke Priyanka made at Ranveer. Omkara got so irritated at himself for the stupid idea of his. "Damn her !! She is so cool about it." He broke off from the hug quickly and walked towards them, without saying a word to Aditi.

He thought, "What was so funny that she was laughing so much. And oh my God..! She looks most beautiful when she laughs."

Aditi watched him walking towards the group and she understood that he was attracted to her as if she was a magnet pulling him towards him. She thought .."Just now he wanted to make her jealous and the next moment he wanted to be with Gauri. Omkara was such a play boy in college and he used to flirt with almost every beautiful girl. But Gauri is different from them all.."

She was happy for Omkara who seemed to have made a perfect choice finally. Karan approached her from behind and hugged her.

Ka: Nice pair..Omkara and Gauri..

Ad: (smiles) True..

Ka: By the way, I just told her the truth..that we are engaged..

Ad: (laughs) Very well..huh..

And they walked off from the scene, holding arm in arm.

Omkara reached near Priyanka and he tried his best not to look at Gauri. Gauri was eyeing him with an amused look.

Ra: Omkara..Where were you..?

Om: Was just hanging around with my friends..

Ga:Bhavya..Let's go and walk around a bit..

Bh: Ok Gauri..Come..

And they walked off hand in hand. Omkara felt really angry at her. But he shrugged it off.

Omkara wanted to do something adventurous. He wanted to try parasailing.

Om: Ranveer, Rudy..Shall we do parasailing..It will be fun, I guess..

Ru: Woww..Great..!

Ra: No Omkara..I am afraid of heights..You guys go and do it..

Omkara and Rudy high fived each other excitedly and went off. Just then Mansi approached them. She smiled at Ranveer.

Ma: Ranveer..Would you like to come with me for speed boat ride..It will be fun and I don't have company..

Priyanka grabbed Ranveer's hand suddenly.

Pr: Sorry Mansi..We were going to try water skiing..Isn't it Ranveer..(looks at him with wide angry eyes)

Ra: Oh Yes, Mansi..Sorry huh..!

Ma: Oh..!! Sure (but clearly hurt)

And Priyanka pulled him along away from Mansi. Ranveer couldn't understand what made him listen to Priyanka and reject Mansi's offer.He thought, "May be I feel more comfortable with Priyanka.."

And Priyanka was thinking the same thing. Why did she ask Ranveer to come with her. "May be I don't like Mansi..." "Or maybe I don't like Ranveer hanging out with that girl..." Or "Is it possible that I have started to like Ranveer's company.." She brushed aside such thoughts and walked towards the sports area.


In the afternoon, all six of them met up with each other for having lunch together. Gauri was still ignoring Omkara completely. He was getting really agitated at her behaviour now. They all had their lunch and went off for trying some other water sports.

They all tried a banana-boat ride. Omkara and Rudy also tried water skiing after hearing that Ranveer and Priyanka had fun doing it. Gauri and Bhavya tried Parasailing. They all had loads of fun.


In the evening, everyone was feeling tired when they boarded the bus. Omkara deliberately followed Gauri closely into the bus and forcefully took his seat near her. Gauri was still faking anger at him and he couldn't stand it at all.

Om: (whispers angrily) Stop it Gauri..You know that I did it to make you jealous..and that I was not serious.

Ga: (looking out of the window and sings playfully)

Omkara thought "enough of this non sense Gauri.." and he extended his hand to her waist and tickled her. Gauri jumped and gazed at him. He raised his eyebrows and looked at her with lots of attitude. And he pinched her waist suddenly. She jumped again and stared at him with wide eyes.

Ga:(whispers) What is this, Omkara..? Behave properly..

Om: (in a low voice) First of all you behave properly..What is wrong with you..?

Ga: (in a low voice) Ok..Firstly you get close to that Aditi and then you are asking, what is wrong with me..?

Om: Ok..Then do as you wish..Be angry..(turns away from her) Whatever!!

Gauri suppressed a giggle seeing him disturbed . She thought with a smirk " Got it, Mr. Omkara Singh Oberoi..This is your punishment for fooling me.." She chuckled sweetly, and gazed at his angry side face.

******End of Part 13******

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