Part 12

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Omkara and Gauri walked together into the lift and walked down to the party. The party was going on in full swing. They walked into the dancing crowd and joined in. The music was loud and it was Omkara's favourite song.

Omkara began to dance madly holding Gauri's hands. His enthusiasm flowed into Gauri and she too picked up his pace. They danced like two young kids who didn't care what others thought about them.

But slowly they started to get close with each other. Omkara put his arms around Gauri's waist and pulled her closer to him. She didn't resist his action and in fact she was thoroughly drowned in the magic of dancing with Omkara.

His face was really closer to hers now and she put her arms around his shoulders and pulled him closer to her, their torsos were now so close and they started to dance so intimately. Their facial expressions changed from enthusiastic to passionate. They realized that both of them wanted each other. Suddenly Omkara kissed her lips gently and Gauri closed her eyes.

Omkara got the answer and he kissed her forehead. He whispered in her ears "Come with me.."

Unseen by anyone they moved together into a hide out and they stared at each other passionately. He put his one hand around her waist and his other hand held the back of her head and he kissed her lips again and again. Her arms encircled his waist and she let her body crush into his. The intimate dance movements had turned on both of them and Omkara didn't even try to break the kiss for a long time. Gauri never wanted him to stop either.


Rudra and Bhavya were enjoying their dance together for a long time. Suddenly Bhavya stopped dancing and held Rudra's hand.

Bh: (panting) Uff..Rudy..Let us stop this..

Ru: Why Bhavya..Are you tired..?

Bh: Hmm..Yes..

Ru: Ok then.. we can go back to our rooms ..

Bh: Alright, let's go..

They walked together into the lift and pressed the button to the second floor. Once they were inside the lift, Bhavya hugged Rudra. He was so surprised that he hesitated at first to hug her back.

Bh:(still hugging) Thank you Rudy..

Ru: Why, Bhavya..?

Bh: I have never had so much fun in my life..I just love your company..

Ru:(smiles and hugged her back) (gently)Me too Bhavya..I love you..

Bhavya was quite taken aback by his answer and so she pulled back from the hug. She looked into his eyes questioningly. Just then the lift doors opened.

Bh: Rudy..Please excuse me..

And she walked off from the lift leaving a sad and confused Rudra behind. *********************
Ranveer and Mansi were too tired to dance any more.

Ma: Oh I am too tired Ranveer..Let's go back to the hotel..

Ra: You carry on, Mansi..Good night..I want to look for my sisters and friends..

Ma:(smiles) Ok then ..I had a great time with you, Ranveer..Bye..Goodnight..

And she walked off from there. Ranveer stepped down from the dance floor and walked around it to get a glimpse of anyone of them. But he couldn't see anyone in the crowd. Suddenly he spotted Priyanka, who was dancing with that guy Krish. She was somewhere in the middle of the crowd and Ranveer could just see their faces.

But suddenly he felt that there was some problem. She was pushing her partner away with dislike etched on her face. "Was he misbehaving with her?.." Ranveer was alarmed at the thought. Suddenly he stepped on to the dance floor and pushed the people aside to reach at Priyanka as soon as possible.

The guy was trying to kiss her and Priyanka was pushing him away with all her might. Ranveer didn't think twice and he caught hold of her hand and pulled her towards him protectively. He pushed the guy by his shoulders and walked off with Priyanka's hand in his hand pulling her along with him. Priyanka was looking at the Ranveer thankfully. Once they were out of the dance floor, he left her hand and placed his hands upon her shoulders.

Ra: Are you alright, Priyanka..Thank God..I saw you both..

Pr:(tearful eyes, but smiling): Thank you Ranveer..(and hugged him for comfort) Thank you so much for coming..

Ranveer hugged her and caressed the back of her head with one hand.

Ra: I am sorry..I should have asked you to be my pair tonight..Then you would have been safe in my hands..Now look at Gauri and Bhavya..They are safe with Omkara and Rudy..I know that they would take good care of them..

Pr: (still hugging him) Then why didn't you ask me to be your partner..?

Ra: I thought that you wouldn't like it..You mistook me the other day too..I was afraid that I would hurt you..

Priyanka thought about that incident in Omkara and Ranveer's room and laughed gently. She pulled off from the hug and gently slapped his face with affection.

Pr: Uff..Ranveer..Please take me back to my room..I don't want to be at this party anymore..After that you can come back to the party..

Ra: No Priyanka..Even I want to go back to my room..Come..Let's go..


Meanwhile Gauri and Omkara broke their kiss. Gauri hugged Omkara and placed her head on his chest. Omkara smiled and caressed the back of her head. She was cuddling to him like a small baby.

Om: Gauri..

Ga: Hmm..

Om: I want to make you mine..I have never met anyone like you..You are so special..

Ga: You are a wonderful guy, Omkara..You made me change my opinion about men..I never thought that I would say this to any man in my life..But want to be yours forever..

Om:(huskily) I love you..(hugs her tightly)

Ga: I love you too, Omkara..(kissed his chest with love)

Om: Gauri..Let's go back to our rooms..

Omkara put his arm around Gauri's shoulder and they walked back into the hotel together. Gauri wanted him to be at her side always. They entered the lift and Omkara nuzzled his face into Gauri's side neck and sent shivers down Gauri's body.

Ga:(giggling) Omkara..Stop it..

Omkara kissed her neck and she pushed his face away. The lift opened and they moved into the corridor. It was deserted. Omkara was not at all able to control his feelings towards Gauri. She being in his arm's lock didn't help either. Her intoxicating perfume was getting into his head. He kissed her side cheek as they walked along the corridor.

Ga: Offo..What is this Omkara..!(squirming)

They reached in front of their rooms and both of them stopped. Omkara didn't leave her shoulder. He whispered in her ear huskily.

Om: I don't want to leave you tonight..Just let me Gauri..Let me make you mine..In every sense..

Gauri just stared into his eyes with lots of love and trust. She herself knew that she wanted him the way he needed her.

But if she didn't draw a line between what is to be done and what they wanted to do, then she was sure that everything will be out of control. She hugged Omkara with all her love and looked up into his handsome face.

Ga:(gently says) Omkara..Try to understand..Please..This is not possible now..

Om: (face fell) I knew it..(pushes her away from the hug) Go..I don't want to talk to you..

Gauri smiled at him who was sulking like a little boy whose toffee had been snatched from him. She held his chin in her fingers.

Ga: Omkara..I love you..Please..

Om: (slowly without smiling)O.k..

Ga: Good boy..Ok now..Good night..See you tomorrow..

Om:(frowning) Good night..

Gauri held his hand and squeezed it and turned to unlock her door. Just then he pulled her back towards him, holding the same hand tightly. Her body bumped into him and he rubbed his palm across her cheek to the back of her earlobe. She closed her eyes in pleasure and whispered helplessly "Omkara..".

Om:(huskily) Why Gauri..aren't you enjoying this sensation when I touch you..Can't you feel my love..?

Ga: (husky whisper) Hmmhhh...

Omkara rubbed her lower lip with his thumb and she parted her lips automatically.

Om: Don't you feel like kissing me again, Gauri..

Ga:(still eyes closed and whispers) huhhh...

Omkara moved his palm downwards her neck and his fingers snaked around to her back neck. He rubbed along her throat with his thumb again in an up and down motion.

Om:(huskily) Gauriii..Tell me that you don't want me to stop this..

Ga: Mmm ...hhuuuhhh..

Omkara scooped her up in his sturdy arms and pushed opened her door. Gauri was not in a state to stop him and she lay in his arms without protest. He lay her down on the bed and locked the door carefully. He always got what he wanted and today he wanted her badly.

Gauri sensed him lying down beside her. Her brain had stopped working. She opened her eyes gently and saw his face nearby. She caressed his cheek lovingly.

Ga: (whispers)Omkara..

Omkara just smiled at her and snaked his arm around her waist and cuddled close to her.

Om: Gauri..I am not going to do anything to you..We can sleep like this..Now please don't say "No"..

Gauri just smiled happily and closed her eyes. Soon she slept off safely in his arms. Omkara didn't want to hurt her feelings. He knew that she was not ready for this and he respected her decision. He inhaled her fragrance and fought with his own urge to savour her with his love. He finally succeeded in overcoming the urge of his body and dozed off within seconds.


Gauri felt something moving against her neck and she opened her eyes. She saw that it was Omkara who was nuzzling on to her neck in his sleep. Both of them were still in their party wear and Omkara had kept his promise to her. Gauri thought about every single moment which had passed between them, since they had met each other only three days ago. And now they were lying cuddled together in one bed as if they had been together for ages. She thanked to God for letting her meet him.

Just then there was a knock on the door and next thing she heard was Bhavya's voice.

Bh: Gauri..(knocks again)

And next came in Ranveer's voice.

Ra: Gaurii open the door..Are you alright now..?

Gauri blinked her eyes rapidly in confusion and body felt numb in shock. She regained her senses quickly and patted Omkara's arm with her tiny palm.

Ga:(whispers nervously) Omkara...Omkara...Wake up..Bhavya and bhaiyya have come..Omkara..

Omkara woke up abruptly and sat up on her bed. He looked at her in shock.

Om: Oh my God..!! Ranveer and Bhavya...!!

Ga: (tensed voice)What are you waiting for..? Hide yourself quickly..

Omkara hid under the bed quickly and Gauri opened the door.

Ga: Good morning..(smiles)

Bhavya and Ranveer came inside the room. Bhavya hugged Gauri and asked:

Bh: How is your head ache..?You came back from the party early..We came back late at night..So thought of coming and asking now ..Did you sleep well, Gauri..?

Ga: Yes, Bhavya..I am ok now..

Ra: (caressing her head) Good..Bhavya told me in the morning only..She came to my room and suggested that we both come and ask you right away..

Ga: bhaiyya..I forgot to ask..How was the party..Did you all enjoy nicely..?

Bh: Of course..It was really great..Isn't it bhaiyya..?

Ra: Yeah..You missed all fun Gauri..

Bh: bhaiyya..Let's leave now..We all have to freshen up and go down to visit some beaches for which Goa is famous for..Let Gauri also get ready..She hasn't even changed her party wear..

Ra: Ok then..Come Bhavya..Bye Gauri..

Ga: Bye..

Gauri was so relieved to see them go out of her room. She closed the door and heaved a sigh of relief.

Ga: Phew..Omkara..Come out..

Omkara came out from under the bed and looked at her with an amused expression.

Om: Such a narrow escape..!!(walks towards her)

Ga: (rolls her eyes at him) All because of you, Omkara..Now please go to your room and freshen up..Otherwise someone will come again..

Omkara smiled wickedly and hugged her around her waist and pulled her closer.

Om: Ok my sweet heart..Bye for now..(kisses noisily on her lips to silence her)

********End of Part 12********

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