Part 11

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Gauri walked inside her room and looked around. She liked it very much. Suddenly her gaze fell upon the bed on which there was an ornate envelope. Feeling intrigued, she took it in her hands. It was an invitation for a Beach party on that evening.

She opened the invitation card and found out that the dress code is Black for girls and Red for the guys. The venue was the private beach behind the resort and the time was from 7 p.m.

She looked at her watch and checked the time. It was already 5.30 p.m.

She had a quick shower and after that started to get ready for the party. She was partly excited and was partly anxious about this party. And the main reason was- Omkara Singh Oberoi.


At 7 p.m Gauri was looking gorgeous in this dress.

She was checking her reflection in the mirror. Her hair was set in beautiful curls. Her lips were shining and glossy and her eyes had the perfect make up.

Suddenly she heard a knock on the door. She frowned and decided to check who it was. She opened the door and there stood Omkara, who was looking hot in a red jacket and white shirt with blue jeans. Omkara checked her out from head to toe with his passionate stare.

Om:(huskily) You look hot..(smiles wickedly)

Gauri was at a loss of words and she blushed profusely. Omkara was quite delighted at the way she was reacting to his compliment.

Om: Let's go then..Would you wish to come with me..?

Ga: Omkara..(uncertainly)

Om: As a friend of course..

Ga: (smiles) Oh..Ok..

Omkara offered her his hand and she held it with excitement.

Meanwhile Bhavya was walked out of her room wearing this:

She was looking extremely pretty. Her room was on the second floor. Soon she was joined by Ranveer, Priyanka and Rudra who occupied rooms next to hers.

Priyanka was wearing this:

Rudra was wearing a red shirt and blue jeans whereas Ranveer was wearing a Reddish maroon velvet suit and black shirt with jeans. Everyone was looking good.

Bh: Bhaiyya..How am I looking..?

Ra: You are looking great, Bhavya..

And then his eyes fell upon Priyanka. He thought that she was looking extremely pretty in that outfit.

Priyanka wanted him to say something about her looks too. But he was afraid if he would hurt her again and so he just smiled at her amicably.

Rudra approached Bhavya in no time.

Ru: Bhavya, would you like to be my pair in the party..?

Bhavya smiled and agreed and they walked off arm in arm.

Ranveer looked at Priyanka with a "What about us?" kind of look. Priyanka was cross with him for not complimenting her. So she walked off in a huff.

Ranveer gave a "Now what did I do..?" kind of look and followed her to the party.
Gauri and Omkara walked into the beach party area arm in arm. There were lots of strangers too in the party. All of them were staying at the resort.

Gauri was dying to find Aditi and show her that she was paired up with Omkara. There she was and she was paired up with Karan.

Aditi eyed them with shock and gave a fake smile to them as they approached near, but Gauri was quite sure that she saw her eyes widen with shock just a moment before. Gauri smiled heartily at her.

Karan came near Omkara and hugged him.

Ka: Buddy..You look cool man..

Om:(smiles) Thanks Karan..

Ka: Listen, I have to talk something with you..Girls, please excuse us.. We will be back in a minute.

Ga & Ad: Sure..

And they walked away together.

Ad: Gauri..are you and Omkara dating each other..?

Ga: (smiles) Why are you asking..?

Ad: No..I was just..

Ga: Well..I am so sorry Aditi..I don't think that I should answer your question..It's way too personal..

Just then Gauri spotted Bhavya, Rudra, Ranveer and Priyanka standing together in a group.

Ga: (smiles) Now..please excuse me..

And she walked towards them. She looked at Priyanka and was amazed.

Ga: Woww Priyanka..You are looking great..

Pr: (delighted)Thanks Gauri..(Then looks at Ranveer irritatedly)

Ga: And Bhavya..You are looking awesome..quite classy..(winks)

Bh: Thanks my dear..And you are looking awesome..

Ru: (smiles)That's so true Gauri..You are looking really nice..

Ga: (laughs gently) Thanks..

Ra: Where is Omkara, Gauri..Have you seen him..?

Ga: Oh yes Bhaiyya..We came together to the party..He went off somewhere with his friend Karan..

Ra: Let me check..(walks off)

Ranveer was walking along the crowd and when he collided with someone accidentally.

Ra: Oh..I am so sorry..

He saw that it was Mansi..

Ma: It's ok Ranveer..I am sorry..I should have been more careful..Ranveer, I wanted to ask you something..

Ra: Ok..go on..

Ma: I saw that you are not having a partner..So I thought if I could be...err...your pair for tonight's party..(smiles nervously)

Ra: (smiles) Sure..I would be delighted..(holds out his hand)

Ma: Ok then..(takes it happily) Let's go and have something to drink..(indicates the bar at a side)

Ra: Why not..(laughs gently)

Priyanka spotted Ranveer walking hand in hand with Mansi and she was too surprised to find out that she was actually feeling bad. But she couldn't understand why. Just then a guy who was with them in the bus, approached her.

Guy: Hii...I am Omkara's friend..You are his sister, right..?I have seen you in our college..

Pr: Hii..My name is Priyanka..What is your name..?

Guy: My name is Krish..I just came to say that you are looking gorgeous..

Pr:(happily) Thank you..

Kr: You are alone, right..?

Pr: No..I am here with my friends..

Kr: No..No..You are not having a pair, right..?

Pr: Hmm..You are right..

Kr: Then be my pair for tonight..

Pr:(eyes him doubtfully) Only for tonight ok..I don't even know you well..

Kr: (laughs gently) You are so funny..Ok babes..Only for tonight..Shall we..?(offers his arm)

Pr: (takes it) Alright..(smiles)


Everyone at the party had some refreshments and drinks. The DJ announced that all of them should come to the dance floor with their partners.

Gauri was looking for Omkara. Every couple was moving into the dance floor. She saw Karan and Aditi too together.

She thought "Now where is this Omkara? He had gone with Karan..Karan is here..But where is he?".

It had been one hour since he had disappeared. She was feeling really bad now.

Nice dance numbers were being played by the DJ and every one was having fun dancing. She watched Rudra- Bhavya and she thought that they would make a great pair in real life too. Rudra was just perfect for her. She could feel that Rudra had some interest in Bhavya, the way he always wanted to spend time with her. "But will Bhavya understand his feelings. Only God knows" she thought and a smile appeared on her lips.

She watched Ranveer and Mansi dancing together and then she saw Priyanka dancing with Krish. Only she was waiting stupidly outside the dance floor for Omkara. Then she saw Aditi staring at her with a funny expression. She was enjoying her dance with Karan.

Gauri began to feel really foolish now. She took her mobile and texted Bhavya "Hey..I am going back to my room..Not feeling well.."

Then she turned back and walked towards the resort. She walked into the lift and pressed the button for third floor. She was feeling totally put off and frustrated.

She walked out of the lift into the corridor. Gauri hastily walked towards her door and opened it. She walked inside and flopped down on to the fluffy bed. She sat there and started to weep. Aditi's expression was  haunting her. She hadn't at all thought that this party would turn into an utter fiasco like this.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door. She stopped crying immediately. Hastily, she wiped her face with the back of her hands and composed herself. Then she got up and walked towards the door and opened it. She was surprised to see Omkara at the door.

Om: (in a caring voice) Gauri..I was looking for you and Bhavya told me that you had come back to room..What happened.. are you ok..?

Gauri didn't know why she did it. But she was hugging Omkara in the next moment and she cried her heart out.

Omkara was really taken aback. A lot of questions aroused in his mind. He hugged her back.

Om: Gauri..

Ga: (still hugging)Omkara..Where were you..? I was feeling like a fool down there..

Om: (smiles gently) Gauri..Karan told me that one of our friends had vomited and fainted due to excess consumption of alcohol..So we took him back to his room and Karan went back to the party then itself..But I stayed back in the room to change his dress and  to help him clean up himself..That is why I got late..I was feeling bad all the time since I knew that you were waiting for me at the party..I am so sorry Gauri..But why are you crying like this..I thought that you were a strong girl..

Gauri realized that she was being really silly in front of Omkara. She left him and turned away from him.

Ga: I ...I am really sorry Omkara..(wipes away her tears)

And then she turned back to him and forced a smile to appear on her lips.

Om: Shall we go down to the party then..?(smiles)

Gauri didn't have the mood to go back. But she didn't want to spoil everything for Omkara. So she quickly made up her mind.

Ga: Ok Omkara..But one second..

She checked her reflection in the mirror and wiped her tear stains with a tissue and she was back to looking perfect.

*****End of Part 11*****

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