Part 10

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Aditi sat down on her seat which was in the front. And then Karan came up and hugged Omkara.

Om: Hey Karan..

Ka: Thanks buddy for coming..and (to Gauri, Bhavya and Ranveer) welcome..(smiles) hope you guys enjoy..!

They all smiled and thanked him for inviting them over..

Omkara sat down beside Rudra on the seat behind Aditi's seat. And now Omkara was sitting parallel to Gauri

Here is the seating lay out:

Ranveer walked along the aisle and sat down beside Priyanka. He wanted to say sorry to her for whatever happened in the bedroom, the previous day. But when he sat down near her she stood up offensively and looked for another place to sit at the back of the bus. Then she saw that they were all occupied by boys whom she was not quite familiar with. So she let out a sigh and sat down beside Ranveer. She kept her bag in the middle separating him and her. The bus started its journey. Priyanka was staring out of the window in order to avoid Ranveer.

Ra:Listen Priyanka, whatever happened yesterday..Let's just forget it..It was just an accident..

Priyanka looked at him with a hurt look. She nodded and said.

Pr: It's ok Ranveer..(not smiling though)

But then she took the bag and was searching for a place to keep it safely. Ranveer offered to help her.

Ra: Give it to me..I will place it inside the luggage rack above.

Priyanka gave the bag to him and Ranveer did as he said.

Aditi turned around and began to talk with Omkara, much to Gauri's irritation.

Ad: Omkara..What's news..? What are your future plans? Our graduation is finally over..

Gauri tried to look at Omkara through the corner of her eyes, secretly watching them.

Om: Oh well..We both have decided to opt for M.B.A..Isn't it Rudy..?

Ru: Well..Yes Aditi..What are your plans..?

Ad:(still staring at Omkara) I am planning to go abroad for higher studies..

Om:(excitedly) Oh that's great yaar..!

Gauri thought "Can't she just turn around and sit properly..Who wants to know if she is going abroad or overboard..Oh God..!!Now what is the problem with me..?Why am I getting so affected..? Let me just close my eyes and get some more sleep..I wasn't able to sleep all night.."

Gauri tried to close her eyes and she placed her head on Bhavya's shoulders. She dozed off within seconds.

After some minutes of continuous blabbering, Aditi finally turned around and sat properly in her seat.

Omkara turned towards Gauri and saw that she was sleeping peacefully on Bhavya's shoulder. Omkara stared at her lovely face with a gentle smile playing on his lips. He had his mobile's music player on and was listening to music from his ear phones.

"Kabhie kabhie mere dil mein... khayaal aata hain..." (Some times I feel)

"Kabhie kabhie mere dil mein... khayaal aata hain..."

"Ke jaise tujhko... banaaya gayaa hain mere liye" ( That you are made for me)

"Ke jaise tujhko... banaaya gayaa hain mere liye"

"The lines are perfect for the situation...", he thought as he gazed at her breath taking beauty.

Just then someone put on the music player and the ear breaking sound of loud music filled the bus. Omkara was startled from his "admiring Gauri" session and he pulled off his ear phones. It was the "Offo " song from the film "Two states". Karan came up to the front of the bus, facing every one. Gauri woke up with the all the sudden sound and looked around.

Ka: All of you guys and girls..Get up and groove to the music..!

Priyanka was so excited and she stood up from her seat abruptly.

Pr:(to Ranveer) Move aside..Let me out...(impatiently)

Ra:(laughing) Why not..(moves his legs to make way for her)

He was happy to see that she was back to her usual self. The boys sitting in the back row of seats also got up with excited faces.

Meanwhile, Aditi got up and pounced upon Omkara and grabbed his hands.

Ad: Come on Omkara..Get up..Let's dance together..

Saying so, she pulled him up. Rudra also got up from his seat and followed Omkara into the aisle. Rudra came towards Bhavya and Gauri.

Ru: Come on girls..Get up..

With both hands he pulled both of their hands and brought them out of their seats. But Rudra started to dance with Bhavya and Omkara was dancing with Aditi.

Trying hard not to feel bad, Gauri just clapped her hands and cheered every one. Suddenly Priyanka came towards her and she began to dance with Gauri.

Even though Omkara was dancing with Aditi, his eyes were stuck upon Gauri and she sensed it. Somehow, this knowledge excited her and she began to make her dance moves more and more enticing.

Omkara couldn't help admiring her prowess in dancing and he left Aditi and moved towards Gauri. He caught hold of the sides of her shoulders from the back and Gauri felt a sense of exhilaration when she saw that it was Omkara.

She turned around and her long and silky hair swept along his face. He just loved the feeling. Both of them danced together for the remaining song and Aditi gave up her efforts of trying to bring Omkara back to her.

Bhavya enjoyed dancing with Rudra as his dance movements were truly jovial. Priyanka was dancing madly on her own and Ranveer was now dancing with the boys at the back.

Numerous dance numbers were played and they all danced for a long time. Finally after an hour or so, all of them were tired so much that they all decided to sit down on their respective seats.

Priyanka and Ranveer sat down back on their seats.

Pr: (turning towards Ranveer) It was real fun na Ranveer..?

Ra: (smiling widely) Yes it was..!

Rudra was so happy and content after his dance with Bhavya. He sat down on his window seat and he was gazing dreamily at the views outside. Bhavya too sat down on the other window seat and she took out a book to read.

Gauri and Omkara were laughing excitedly as they sat down on their seats and they just couldn't take their eyes off each other. They stopped laughing and were panting heavily due to their highly energetic dance movements.

Gauri turned her face away and sat leaning back to her seat with her eyes closed, still panting. Omkara gazed at her slender throat and then again at her side face. He also turned away and gazed outside.

It was about noon and every one of them was feeling hungry. They stopped at a way side restaurant and decided to have their lunch from there.

Gauri, Bhavya and Priyanka occupied their seats around a table with 4 seats and Rudra sat down on the fourth seat quickly. Omkara and Ranveer were left out and Aditi welcomed Omkara to her table. There was one more girl named Mansi who was sitting with Aditi. Omkara sat opposite Aditi and Ranveer sat opposite to Mansi.

Gauri felt a pang in her heart when she saw Omkara sitting with Aditi. She shrugged her shoulders and looked away when she saw him talking with her.

They all ordered for their favorite dishes and were waiting for them to arrive. Gauri tried hard to listen to the conversation which was going on in the other table.

Ad: Who is this, Omkara..?(indicating Ranveer)

Om: This is Ranveer..He is our family friend and has just arrived from Australia for a holiday..

Just then the other girl held out her hand to Ranveer..

Ma: Hi..I am Mansi..Nice to meet you Ranveer..

Ra:(shaking her hand) Hello Mansi..Nice to meet you too..

Omkara suddenly noticed Gauri who walked past the table towards the washroom. He excused himself from his table and followed Gauri. As she walked inside the washroom, she saw his reflection behind her in the mirror. He smiled at her and she smiled back. She washed her hands and he also stood near her and started to wash his hands. He gazed at her through the mirror with a love filled gaze and Gauri could feel blood rushing into her cheeks as she tried hard to concentrate her eyes upon her hands.

Om: You dance well...(pause )...Gauri..

He uttered her name with a special husky tone and she melted away then and there itself. She looked up into the mirror at him with her eyes full of happiness.

Ga: Thanks Omkara..

And then she turned away to walk towards the door. She walked hastily, smiling to herself and Omkara followed her with a cheerful smile on his face. Both of them joined their respective tables and had their lunch with the others.


Back inside the bus,

Rudra took his chance as he got into the bus first with Bhavya.

Ru: Would you mind if I sit with you, Bhavya..?

Bh:(smiles) Of course not, Rudy..But I want the window seat ok..?

Ru: That's not a problem..Sure, you have it then..

Bhavya sat down on her window seat and Rudra took Gauri's place. When Gauri and Omkara got into the bus with Priyanka and Ranveer, Omkara noticed Rudra in Gauri's seat with Bhavya. As Rudra saw Gauri he smiled at her and suggested,

Ru: Gauri you take my seat, ok..I want to sit here with Bhavya..

Gauri bit her lip and looked at Omkara with a "Now what..?" kind of look. Omkara gestured her to take Rudra's former seat and she nodded to him. Omkara was trying hard not to smile, but his lips broke into a wide grin as he sat down next to Gauri. Gauri was feeling so nervous that, she was gazing outside the window to cool her insides.

Just then she heard Aditi talking to her seat mate, Teena

Ad: Hey Teena..I want to sit with Omkara..I will ask Gauri to sit here instead.

Gauri widened her eyes in shock and suddenly closed them shut. She acted as if she was sound asleep leaning her forehead on to the window. Aditi came near Omkara and looked at Gauri.

Ad: Gauri..Will you please let me sit here with Omkara..?

No answer from a sleeping Gauri..

Ad: (loudly) Gauri...GAURIIII...

Still no answer from our Gauri..

Om: (looks at Gauri and found her asleep) She is sleeping yaar Aditi..

Ad: Oh..Ok..(feels bad) Then you come and sit with me..We have so many things to talk about..I will ask Teena to sit here.

Om: Aditi..Even I am feeling sleepy..Hope you understand..Tummy full..

He indicated his tummy and leaned back closing his eyes too..

Both of them thought like this :

[Omkara: Gauri..I know that you are feigning sleep..I know you want to sit with me(smiles)]

[Gauri: Omkara..Why can't you just tell her to shut up and say that you want to sit near me..(smiles)]

But both of them fell asleep quickly as they were truly tired. After some minutes Gauri leaned towards Omkara's arm and laid her head peacefully upon his sturdy shoulder. Omkara also leaned his head upon her head and slept comfortably.

Meanwhile, Rudra and Bhavya kept on talking about something or other and all the while Rudra utilized every moment to keep on staring at Bhavya.

Ranveer was listening music from his mobile with his earphones on. Priyanka was getting bored and so she looked at Ranveer who was leaning back to his seat with eyes closed.

Pr:(taps his arm) Ranveer..I am feeling bored..

Ra:(opens his eyes) What can I do ..?

Pr: Even I want to hear music like you..

Ra: Cool..Then let us share the earphone..Here, take it (offers her one earphone)

Pr:(smiles) Thank you..


Three or four hours later, the bus came to a halt. Omkara and Gauri awoke with a start and both of them realized the fact that they were sitting cuddled to each other. Gauri sat up straight and looked at Omkara nervously.

Ga: I...I am sorry..

Om: No..It's ok..No problem at all...(then in his special husky tone)..Gauri..(smiles passionately looking into her eyes)

Gauri blushed and blinked nervously..

Suddenly someone shouted "Hey we already reached GOA..What are you all waiting for"

Everyone got down from the bus and looked around. They were standing in front of an exquisite building. Karan walked forward and turned towards them all.

Ka: Friends..This is My Dad's private resort. We have a private beach at the back side.

A collective sound of "wowww" emerged from them..

Ka:(smiles)Listen..Listen... Each of you will have separate rooms to stay.. You can get the keys from the reception..I hope that all of you enjoy the stay..

All of them were super excited and they all made their way towards the reception.

Gauri, Bhavya, Priyanka, Omkara, Ranveer and Rudra took their keys and started their journey towards their rooms.

Gauri moved towards her room which was on the third floor, room no: 101 . An attendant walked along with her to show her way to the room. She had specially asked for the room with a balcony overlooking the sea. As they were unlocking the room someone called her name from behind. She turned and was surprised to see Omkara with his attendant.

Om: are staying in this room..I am staying in this room opposite to yours..

Gauri couldn't believe this. She felt as if the universe was conspiring for them being together always. How much ever she tried to keep her distance from Omkara, something happened which will bring them together again and again.

Gauri just smiled to him in answer and hastily got inside the confines of her room and closed the door as soon as possible.

But little did she know that Omkara had overheard her request to the receptionist and got the keys to the room opposite to her.

*****End of Part 10*****

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