Part 9

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That morning, Rudra was sitting in the garden on a bench with a paper in his hand. As usual he was trying to complete his poem. Just then Bhavya and Priyanka came there with steaming cups of coffee in their hands. They noticed Rudra and walked towards him. Bhavya and Priyanka sat down beside him on the bench and began to drink their coffee.

Bh: What are you writing Rudy ..?

Ru: It's a poem..(smiling gently and writing more lines on the paper)

Pr: Bhavya, Rudra always write wonderful poems..

Bh: Oh..That's nice..(smiles)

Just then Priyanka said..

Pr: Hey..I forgot to take my mobile from my room, Bhavya..I will get it now, I want to show some pics to you..You guys wait here..

Priyanka left, leaving both of them sitting there.

Ru:(looking at Bhavya) I just finished it..Do you want to read..?

Bh:(smiling widely) Of course..I would love to..Show me..

Rudra handed her the paper and gazed at her as she was looking into the paper. Suddenly she looked back at him and gulped, saying..

Bh: Sorry Rudy ..I don't know how to read Hindi..(smiled at him helplessly)

Ru: (smiling) Oh..I didn't think about that..I am so sorry..I will read it to you..(takes the paper from her hands)

Bh: So sweet of you Rudy ..Ok then..

Rudra recited the poem..

He finished reading the poem and looked at Bhavya. She was looking at him with admiration.

Bh: Woww..Rudy ..You are amazing..It's so simple and beautiful..

Ru: (excitedly)Is it Bhavya..? Thank you so much..

Just then Priyanka called Bhavya from the front door..

Pr: Bhavya..Come here..I have got it...

Bh: I am coming Priyanka..

Bhavya got up from the bench and then turned to Rudra. She looked at him affectionately, extended her hand and ruffled his hair.

Bh: Keep writing Rudy ..I just loved it..

She walked away and Rudy smiled and touched his hair as he watched her go. He felt something in his heart at that moment. It was for the first time that he enjoyed some moments spent with a girl.


Gauri was in the kitchen with Annika and she was helping her prepare the breakfast for all of them. Gauri noticed that Annika was not in her usual self. She was not able to do any work properly.

Ga: Are you alright, Annika bhabhi..?

An: Err..What..? oh..yes..I am alright Gauri..Just a small head ache..

Ga: (moving closer) Hmm..I can see that..small head ache huh..?!

An: It's ok Gauri..I can manage..

Ga: Bhabhi..Today I will do everything..You take rest..Go go go..(pushes Annika out of the kitchen)

An:(smiling through her pain) Ok baba..I am going..Happy now..?

Ga: Hmm..That's like a good girl..

Gauri thought that she will make some sandwiches for everyone. She decided to cut some vegetables and turned and walked towards the refrigerator.

Meanwhile, Omkara and Ranveer came back from jogging. Ranveer stopped in the drawing room to talk with Shivaay who was sitting and reading a magazine. Omkara was feeling very thirsty.

Om: Ranveer..I am going to the kitchen..I need some cold water.

Omkara came into the kitchen and he went straight and collided into Gauri just in front of the refrigerator. He hugged around her waist to stop her falling backwards and Gauri's hands were clinging on to his t shirt. For a moment they couldn't understand anything.

Om: Ooops..Sorry..(sees that it was Gauri)

Ga: Huhhh..(looks into Omkara's eyes)

Omkara was lost by looking into her amber colored eyes and Gauri could inhale the mixed smell of his sweat and the natural smell of his masculine body, as he was back from his jogging. It turned her on for a second and she parted her lips as a sudden response. Omkara stared at her parted lips and then looked back into her eyes which were searching for something in his eyes. Suddenly they heard Ranveer's voice calling "Omkara" from outside of the kitchen and both of them came into their senses. They moved apart and Gauri turned away from him and opened the refrigerator. She knelt down and was fumbling along the vegetables tray nervously. Omkara looked at her for a second and then took out the water bottle from the inside door rack of the fridge. Just then, Ranveer came inside the kitchen. He noticed Gauri who was now standing by holding some vegetables in her hand.

Ra: Gauri..What are you doing inside the kitchen..?

Ga:(fumbling for words) Ohh....bhaiyya..I thought that I will prepare breakfast for all of us..Annika bhabhi is having a head ache and so I asked her to take some rest..

Omkara stood there and was drinking cold water from the bottle. When he heard Gauri's words he suddenly felt a lot of affection for her for helping his bhabhi like that. He lowered the bottle and kept on staring at her. Ranveer moved towards her and patted her arm.

Ra: Aww..That is so thoughtful of you Gauri..I will send Bhavya and Priyanka to help you if you want..

Ga: No..It's ok bhaiyya..I will manage..

Ra: (smiles) Ok..Gauri..Come on Omkara..Let's go and change.

Gauri didn't dare to look at Omkara again as she was afraid that she might lose her heart to him. She took the vegetables towards the kitchen platform and placed them there as Omkara and Ranveer left the kitchen. They walked upstairs and came into Omkara's room. Omkara took his things and turned to Ranveer.

Om: Ranveer I will go to Rudy 's room and use the washroom there. You use this washroom ok..

Ra: Ok then..


Meanwhile Priyanka was in her room and she was searching for her charger, as her mobile battery was low.After sometime she couldn't find it.

Pr: Oh..I guess it's in Omkara's room..I will go and check..

Priyanka walked into Omkara's room and she began to look around for the charger. She found it lying on his bed and she went forward to get it. Just at that time, Ranveer came out of the washroom, after having his quick shower, clad just in his towel. She turned around and bumped into him and both of them fell onto the bed, him on her top. Priyanka was so shocked that no sound came out of her mouth. Both of them didnt realize what just happened and they kept gazing into each others eyes in shock.But Ranveer found his voice,

Ra: Prinku..What are you doing here..!!

He stood up in haste and she was feeling really awkward, after being close to him like that.

Pr: I..I am sorry..

She ran back into her own room unable to answer his question, and sat down on her bed, clutching her heart which was going on beating in a rapid pace.

Pr: That moron Ranveer..!! Sheee..And he was shirtless too..!!

Meanwhile Ranveer was sitting on the bed and was thinking about the same thing.

Ra: Man..! That was so awkward..!!


Everyone was sitting at the breakfast table and started to have the grilled veg. sandwiches made by Gauri. Omkara and Gauri were trying to avoid each other's eyes but failed to do so. However they tried, their eyes met again and again. But Ranveer and Priyanka were successfully avoiding each other. Rudra couldn't help staring at Bhavya though. He was silently admiring her elegant personality and graceful behavior.

Shi: Gauri..It was so nice of you to help Annika...(smiles)

Ga: Thank you Shivaay bhaiyya..But I was just..

Ru: (munching the sandwich) Woooww..It's really nice Gauri..

Ga:(smiling) Thank you Rudy ..

Bh: Rudy ..Gauri's cooking is too good..Cooking is one of her interests..

Ru: Oh..Is it..? (took his chance to stare at Bhavya again)

Bh: Hmm..(smiles at Gauri)

Pr: Really Gauri..It's too good..Trust me..Isn't it Omkara..

Om: (with a start) Wha..Ohh..Yes Gauri..(looks at her nervously) It's good..

Gauri smiled nervously and Priyanka was studying Omkara carefully..

Pr: Om..What happened..? Are you ok..?

Om: (shrugs his shoulders) I am ok Prinku..(then returned his gaze to his plate)

In order to excuse herself from the scene, Gauri said suddenly..

Ga: Oops I forgot..Let me get some breakfast to Annika bhabhi to her room..


After having breakfast, Shivaay went to the office as usual. Priyanka and Bhavya decided to help Gauri in the kitchen, since Annika was still not feeling well. The boys were sitting in the drawing room. Omkara was talking to someone over his mobile phone. After sometime he disconnected the call and said to the other boys.

Om: It was Karan, Rudy..He called to invite all of us for a one week trip to Goa with our friends, which starts tomorrow ...

Ru: Oh..You could have said that we are having guests here..

Om: I told him Rudy..Then he told that we can include them also with us..Ranveer, are you all willing to come with us..?

Ru: Wowww Omkara..Then it will be fun, Ranveer..Come with us..

Ra: Trip to Goa..Sounds interesting..It's a place with lot of beaches, right..?

Om: Yes yaar..Our friends' gang comprises of both guys and girls..So there won't be a problem if we take the girls also along with us..Anyways Priyanka had been dying to go for a trip with us..

Ru: But Omkara, will we get permission from our parents..?

Ra: Come on Rudy..We are not small kids..Today evening , they all will arrive from Pune..We shall ask them..

Om: Ok then..Let's share this good news with the girls..


Tej, Jhanvi, Shakti, Pinky, Akshay and Nandini arrived in the evening from Pune after attending their friend Deepak's daughter's wedding.

After much coaxing and pleading, the elders gave them permission to go for the trip.

They all did their packing and lay down on their beds to sleep with different kinds of thoughts.

[Priyanka : Finally I am going to Goa..But that moron Ranveer also will be there with us..]

[Gauri: Oh god ...Save me..A trip with Omkara..!! But everyone is so excited..So how can I miss this trip..]

[Bhavya: Woww..Finally we are going out for sightseeing..Beaches..Woww..I am coming Goa..]

[Omkara: Goa trip finally...And that too with Gauri..Woww God..This is too good]

[Ranveer: I am so excited for tomorrow's trip..]

[Rudra: Bhavya is so excited for the trip..So am I..]


Early in the morning at 6 am,

Six youngsters were standing by the road.

Om: They had said that they would come by this road..

Ru: We are all going by a bus right..?

Om: Yes..Karan told that they had booked the bus for all of us..It will be real fun..

Ra: Woww..I have never been for a road trip like this..

Gauri couldn't help staring at Omkara, who was wearing a blue jeans and green t-shirt with a grey color hooded jacket. He was looking really handsome. Whenever Omkara caught her staring at him, she would nervously look at someone else. He was enjoying this hide and seek game with her eyes. Omkara was also secretly admiring Gauri who was wearing a jeans and black colour kurti. Her hair was open and was swaying in the morning breeze.

Bhavya was wearing blue jeans and a navy blue t shirt. She was sporting a high pony tail. Rudra gazed at her as she came over to them and put her arm around Ranveer.

Bh: Bhaiyya..I'm so excited..(then takes away her hand and stares at the road longingly) But why is this bus not coming...!!!

Priyanka and Gauri were keeping their distance from Ranveer and Omkara respectively. Just then they all saw two headlights shining in the morning mist. They could see the bus coming down the steep road and each of them felt the excitement bubbling in their hearts. Little did they know that the journey was going to change their lives forever.

The bus came into a halt in front of them. They got into the bus one by one. Rudra got in first, then Priyanka, Bhavya, Gauri. Bhavya and Gauri sat down together on the two empty seats which they found first. Just as Gauri sat down she was startled by a girl's shrill voice "Omkaraaaa..!!"

Gauri saw that Omkara had just got inside and a girl was hugging him tightly. Omkara smiled and hugged her for a moment and then broke the hug, looking at her..

Om: Aditi..hey..!!

Gauri could feel the heat on her face. She hated Aditi from that moment onward, but why she couldn't understand.

*******End of Part 9*******

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