Part 8

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Thank you so much my dears for all your votes and comments..Here comes the next chapter.

Shivaay and Annika came home after their dinner party.By that time all the others at home also had their dinner.

Shivaay, Omkara, Ranveer and Rudra sat down to watch a cricket match.Annika, Gauri, Priyanka and Bhavya walked upstairs to go to sleep.

Pr: Let's go to the terrace...

Bh:Wow..It will be nice Priyanka...Lets go...

All the girls walked towards the far end of the corridor and reached in front of the door to Omkara's room.From there they climbed up the staircase which led up to the terrace.It was a beautiful night with full moon and the moon was really bright.

An: Woww..

Ga: Yes bhabhi..It's really beautiful...!!

Bh: The sky is also cloudless...!

Pr: And lots of stars too...(smiles)

Ga: Priyanka, your idea was good..

Pr:(smiling) Thanks..

The night breeze was blowing and it was really cool.Soon the atmosphere became chilled.

Pr: (yawns) Haaawww...I am feeling sleepy..

Bh: True..Me too..It's really cold now..Let's go down..

An: Ok...Come on then..

Every one of them started to go down but Annika noticed Gauri who was still standing there.

An: Gauri..You are not coming down..?

Ga: You all go..I will come later...It's really nice here..

Bh: Ok Gauri..Come soon ok...

Ga: Ok Bhavya..

They went down and Gauri walked towards the edge of the terrace and rested her hands on the balustrade.(hand rail)She thought about the moment when she hugged Omkara and a faint smile appeared on her lips.


Omkara was watching the cricket match but he couldn't concentrate on the game.He kept thinking about Gauri...Her beautiful face...Her soft skin...Her laugh...The softness of her hair which he felt when she leaned on his arm...The moment when she hugged him and her soft cheek touched his...

He suddenly smiled at the thought.He got up in that absent minded state.

Shi: Om..Where are you going..?

Om: Bhaiyya..I am going to my room..I will come now...

He walked upstairs and reached in front of his room.He noticed the door to the terrace which was open.He walked up the stairs and walked into the terrace.He saw Gauri standing there all alone at the farther edge of the terrace.

Om: Gauri...

Gauri was surprised to hear Omkara's voice.She turned back and saw him standing at the door.

Ga: Omkara..(smiles)

Om:(smiles) I was getting bored ..(walks towards her) So I thought of coming up to the terrace for sometime.What are you doing here all alone..? Where are the others..?

Ga: They all went downstairs to sleep..

Omkara reached near her and looked into her eyes passionately.She couldn't meet his eyes and she looked away.

Omkara moved closer to her.Her heart beats began to race and she again looked into his eyes.He raised his hand and moved it closer to her face.


But Omkara moved a stray hair from her face behind her ear.She felt a tickling sensation when he touched behind her earlobe.

Ga: Oh...(smiles) thanks..

Om:(suddenly moves away) It's a beautiful night..Isn't it..?(looks at the sky)

Ga:(looks up at the sky)Yeah...!(raises her brow nervously)

Some minutes passed as they stood there like that.

Ga: Omkara...

Om:(looked at her) Yes..?

Ga: I am going downstairs..Bhavya may be waiting for me...

Om: Oh..!! Then I am also coming down..I want to see the cricket match...

Ga: You said that you got bored watching it...?(raised her brows at him)

Om: Err...Yeah...But now I want to see it...

Ga: Ok...Let's go..

Both of them walked towards the door and Omkara bolted the door from inside.Gauri was about to walk down when she slipped a step. Suddenly Omkara caught her putting his arm around her waist and pulled her closer to him.Their abdomens touched and Gauri could feel a heart thumping against her chest as she gazed thankfully into the depth of his shining black eyes.He looked into her amber coloured eyes and then to her luscious pink lips and felt his heart melting away.

Om: (husky whisper) Gauri..

Ga: Hmm..?

Om: (same husky voice)You should be careful..

Ga: Thank you, Omkara..(whispers gently looking into his eyes)

Omkara came out of his trance and made her stand straight and looked here and there awkwardly.He couldn't understand what was happening to him.

Om: Gauri..Let's go..

Gauri was also feeling nervous and she nodded and walked with him downstairs.They didn't exchange a single word after that till they reached in front of the girls' bedroom.

Om: (nervously)Good night, Gauri..

Ga: Good night..(not smiling)

Gauri was relieved to leave his company and thankfully walked into her room.

Gauri, Priyanka and Bhavya settled down on their bed to sleep.Bhavya and Priyanka fell asleep soon.But Gauri was thinking about her moments with Omkara.She smiled.But then she thought."Why can't I stop thinking about him..?Am I falling for him...?I have never felt like this towards any other boy.."


Omkara was watching the cricket match with others.But his mind was busy thinking about his moments with Gauri.He thought..."She is really special...There is something in her which keeps me pulling towards her..." He smiled.Then thought "I think I am falling in love with her...(smile disappears)What..?!!No no..Come on Omkara what are you thinking...?!"


Gauri shook her face as if to free her head from thoughts about Omkara..."No Gauri...What are you thinking..?!You know about these boys..They are all the same..Only friendship is good with them..."

But then she remembered her conversation with her friend Anne, at her college in Australia.

##### FLASHBACK #####

Ga: But I just can't stand these boys..They are all the same..Dominating, male chauvinist pigs..Only friendship is good with them..If we get committed to them, they will start to tell, 'Don't do this, don't do that..' etc..etc..

An: Nah..Every boy is not like that..I'm sure your opinion about boys will change when you meet the right person in your life..Now look at me..I am happy with my boy friend, Ben...

Ga: May be..You're right...But I haven't found anyone till now..

##### END OF FLASHBACK #####

Gauri smiled and thought "Have I found the right person in my life...?
Omkara thought "But then why can't I stop thinking about her...?!"He closed his eyes tightly and then also he could see only Gauri's beautiful face.He opened his eyes and thought.."What is happening to me..?!"

But just then India won the match and Ranveer, Rudra and Shivaay clapped their hands excitedly.Omkara was not even aware of it and was shaken from his deep thoughts when Rudra hugged him happily..

Ru: We won ...!!!! (leaves him and jumps up and down) We won!!!!...

Om: Huh...?!(looks around and realized)Wohoo...India won...!! Wow...(stands up and claps happily)

And when all their excitement subsided, they switched off the TV went to bed.


Next day morning, 6.30 am, Omkara's bed room:

Omkara and Ranveer were fast asleep in their bed and Omkara was dreaming...

Omkara and Gauri were standing in the basket ball court all alone.The moonlight shone upon them.She was wearing the same blue and green lehenga in which he saw her for the first time. He was wearing a white shirt and jeans.Omkara dropped the ball in his hand and walked towards her.Her beautiful hair was dancing in the cool breeze which was blowing softly.

Omkara smiled in his sleep.

He moved closer to her and she smiled at him.He extended his hand to touch her soft cheek.She blushed and tried to move away.He caught hold of her bare waist with both his hands.

Ga:(shyly)Omkara...Let me go...

Omkara hugged the pillow on his side and smiled wider.Ranveer got up from his sleep and stretched himself.

Ra:(tapping Omkara)Omkara..Omkara...

But there was no response from Omkara.How could Ranveer guess that he was lost in his own dream world with Gauri.

Back to Omkara's dream...

Gauri looked at him and Omkara moved his face closer to hers.He kissed her cheeks one by one and then moved his lips towards her lips.

Ra: Omkara...(shook him vigorously)

Omkara and Gauri were shocked when they heard Ranveer's voice and they broke apart quickly.Both of them saw Ranveer who was standing beside them.

Om: Ranveer...!! We were just ...

He opened his eyes suddenly and saw Ranveer sitting on his bed.

Ra: "We were just.." , What..?

Om: We were...(comes to his senses) We have to go for jogging right..?

Ra: True..I have been trying to wake you up..Now get up dude..

Om: Ok...

Omkara let out a sigh of relief and thought "Oh! It was a dream...!!"

Ranveer went to the bathroom to freshen up and Omkara hugged the pillow again and thought about how beautiful Gauri looked in his dream.A smile appeared on his lips.

Om: Gauriii...(sighs)

*****End of Part 8*****

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