Part 18

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Omkara, Gauri, Rudra, Bhavya, Ranveer and Priyanka stood together in the drawing room facing their elders Tej, Shakti and Akshay who were sitting together on the sofa.

Nandini, Jhanvi, Pinky, Annika and Shivaay were also present there. All of them were also looking anxious about the elder men's decision.

Tej's eyes swept through the six guilty faces and all the while, a benign smile was playing on his lips.

Te: Omkara, you being my son, I would like to question you first. Do you love Akshay's daughter, Gauri..?

Om: (looking into his face) Yes Dad..

Te: (nods his head and turns to Shakti) Shakti, you ask your son next..

Sha: Rudra, I have heard that you love Akshay's other daughter, Bhavya. Is this true..?

Ru: (nods his head) Yes Dad..

Te: Akshay, next is your turn..Ask your daughters..

Ak: Gauri, Bhavya..Do you also love these boys..?

Ga&Bh: Yes Dad..

Sha: (jumps out of his seat)Wohoooo...Mission Accomplished..!! (hugs Akshay and then Tej)

The youngsters were surprised beyond limits as they watched their fathers' smiling faces. Shakti turned at them and proudly announced.

Sha: It was our wish that our kids get married to each other. Akshay took you all to India as a part of our plan.

Ak:(smiling) Yes my kids..!

They all couldn't believe their ears. They looked at their mothers and saw that they were also surprised like them. Nandini was looking at Akshay with an unbelievable expression, and Jhanvi and Pinky were also looking awestruck.

Te: Wait..wait..One more question I would like to ask.

Everyone's eyes shifted to him abruptly. But he was staring in Ranveer and Priyanka's direction.

Te: Are you sure that you don't like each other and that you don't wish to get married to each other..?

Priyanka looked shocked and Ranveer was smiling.

Ra: Uncle, I like Priyanka very much. But I haven't asked her if she likes me or not..!

Tej looked at Priyanka inquisitively and she blushed and hung her head down smiling widely. Shakti went forward and cupped her face.

Sha: Haye haye..My Sherni beti is blushing for the first time in her life. Oh God..!! Bless me..!

Everyone laughed hearing this and soon the atmosphere inside the mansion changed into an excited one.

Jh: Annika..Go get some some sweets and feed every one..

An: (smiling) Ok Maa..

Priyanka was blushing so much that she couldn't even look at Ranveer for some time. And everytime Ranveer saw her blush like that he felt his heart beating madly for her.

While they were having the sweets, Tej announced,

Te: Lets get them all engaged soon..After that they all can continue their studies, Akshay and his family will also go back to Australia after their vacation gets over..And after a few years, when its the right time we can get them married too..

This was like cherry on the cake for the three couples and they all looked at their respective partners with love filled eyes.

Sha: Till then we all can enjoy our time here..Isn't it Akshay..?!

Ak: (hugs his best friend) Of course yaar..! I am so happy today..

Pi: Ok..since you all have come from office..please go an freshen up..We will set the table for dinner by that time..

Tej, Shivaay, Shakti and Akshay nodded at them and went off to their rooms.


They were all sitting at the dining table and having their dinner. Omkara was sitting near Gauri and since he couldn't control his happiness which was bubbling inside, he was feeling a bit over excited.

He looked at her as she was about to have some soup from a bowl. He put his hand under the table without getting noticed by anyone and naughtily pinched on Gauri's thigh.

Ga:Ooooooh.......(puts her bowl on the table and looks at Omkara)

Jh:(concerned) What happened Gauri ? Is the soup too hot..?!

Ga:No no Jhanvi aunty....

And then she stamped hard on Omkara's foot.


Pi: Now what happened to you Omkara..?!

Om: My soup is very hot, choti maa...Oooh...(looks pathetically at Gauri )

Gauri sat as if she didn't know anything. She wasn't looking at Omkara.

Ru: But you haven't even started to have it..!

Om: Shut up Rudy...I just know it just by seeing, ok..!

Om:(whispers to her in warning) I will see you later, Gaurii....

Ga: (whispers back) Why wait for 'later' to see me..Look at me right away..Or is there a problem with your eye sight?(giggles)

Om:(growls under his breath) Grrrhh..


Next day, after having their breakfast, all the youngsters including Annika and Shivaay made a plan to go for shopping for the engagement function.

After sometime they reached the shopping mall.

Shi: Annika come with me..I want to buy shoes for myself..

Pr: Bhaiyaa..Its my engagement shopping that is happening here.. And I want Annika bhabhi with me..Please go alone..

Om: (irritated) Why..? Its our engagement too..ok..!

Shi: Its ok Om..(smiles) If my Prinku wants Annika to be with her..So be it..!

Pr: (excitedly) Thank you bhaiyya..!

Om: Ok are coming with me right..?

Pr: No..Gauri and Bhavya also coming with us..!

Ga: Ok...(smiles)

Om: Nooo..Gauri will come with me...

Ga: Its ok, Omkara...?I will join you soon...

Om: But...

An: What is this Om..Come on girls..(pulls Gauri's hand and walks away with Bhavya and Priyanka)

Gauri turned her head to smile at Omkara and went away with them. He turned towards Shivaay.

Om: Lets go bhaiyya..

Ru: These girls made us "paraya dhan.."

Shi: (rolls his eyes) Come on guys..Lets go..I want to buy shoes..Omkara, can we go to this shop..?

Om: Ok..

Then they went inside the footwear shop and started shopping. After they finished shopping, they came outside..

Om: Look at this..They have still not come..Gauri had promised that she will join us soon..

Shi: Stop it Om..When did you become like this..Shame on you..!!

Ru: Om also became 'paraya dhan', bhaiyya..

Ra: Omkara..You know right, the connection between girls and shoping..They just don't feel like stopping it..!

Om: are right, Ranveer..

But as he walked along with them, Omkara's eyes were still searching for Gauri. He looked around the mall and saw her inside a jewellery shop at a far end of the mall through its glass wall. She was standing with Priyanka and was helping her to choose a necklace.

Ra: Omkara..lets go there and choose some partywear for us..(indicating a dress shop)

Om: Hmm?? No wait.. I will come now..

Omkara quickly went to the jewellery shop and he stood outside the shop and called up to Gauri's mobile. Gauri saw Omkara calling and she moved away from Priyanka.

Ga:What is it, Omkara?

Om:Look outside...

Ga:Where(and looked outside and saw Omkara)...What are you doing here..?

Om: Gauri come outside ...And help me with my shopping...!

Ga: Ok..I will come after helping Priyanka in choosing her jewellery...

Annika came out when she saw Omkara. But he didn't see her coming to him as his eyes were on Gauri. She came and nudged Omkara.

An: Omm...

Om:(ended the call suddenly) Huh..Bhabhi..!

An: Yes..Me...(smiles) If you want to take Gauri with you, then go ahead and take her along..

Om: What...?? (he excitedly hugged her)...Thank you bhabhi..!

He ran to the shop and pulled Gauri outside the shop. Gauri was really surprised by his behaviour.

Ga: Omkaraaa.. !! I told you...I will come after helping Priyanka...

Pr: Its ok dear...I have decided to buy that necklace which you showed to me....(smiles)

Ga: Ok then...Lets go, Omkara...

Omkara took her to the shop in which he had left the others.

Shi:(grins) God..! We will get some peace now...!

Ga: Why..?

Ru:You went with them right...He was going on complaining about it..Omkara was missing you....

Om: Shut up Rudy...


Just as they came out of the shop, they saw Bhavya, Priyanka and Annika coming towards them.

Ga: Bhavya..did you get the jewellery..?

Bh: Yes...Now I have to buy dress and footwear..

Ga: Well..This is a nice shop..We can buy dress from here..

*******End of Part 18******
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