Part 19

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They all returned home after their shopping. Annika, Gauri, Bhavya and Priyanka and showed their purchases to all three Moms.

Pi: Oh my mata..These are really nice..Isn't it..(looks at Jhanvi)

Jh: Yes..(smiles)

Na: I am so excited for day after tomorrow..Its the Engagement function..

Jh: (excited) Hmm..really Nandini..!

But Omkara, Ranveer and Rudra had already gone off to their rooms.

Ra: Omkara I want to lie down a bit..My head is aching badly..Please wake me up before dinner ok..

Om: Ok dude..Should I get you a pain balm..It's in Prinku's room..

Ra: Yes, please..

Om: Sure..

Saying so, Omkara walked out of the room into the corridor and walked towards Priyanka's room. Then he heard the voices of Gauri and Bhavya coming from the direction of the staircase.

Bh: are going to our room, right..?

Ga: Yes, why..?

Bh: Nothing..Can you just keep my shopping bags too there..? I am not feeling like climbing these stairs..My legs are aching..

Ga: It's ok..I will keep..

Suddenly he had an idea. He went inside the girls' bedroom, closed the door from inside and waited for Gauri to come. He could hear the sound of footsteps coming towards the room. She opened the door and Omkara grabbed her by her waist all of a sudden. But the voice he heard was not Gauri's...It was Priyanka...!!

Pr:(shouts) UFF...WHO IS THISSS...?

Omkara was shocked and he loosened his grip.

Om: You..?!!

Pr:(turning back)Ommm...? What are you doing here..?

Om: I..I just came to..But why did you come inside..?I thought you were Gauri..!

Gauri and Rudra came running from Rudra's room hearing all the noise.

Ga: What happened...?? (in shock) Omkaraa..!! What were you doing here..?

Pr: Gauri...This Omkara mistook that I were you..And tried to hug me...And God knows, what he was planning to do with you...!! You despo, Om..!!(frowns at him, feeling irritated)

Om: PRINKUU...!!(irritated)

Rudra and Gauri began to laugh seeing Omkara's face and Priyanka too joined with them. He got embarrassed and he walked out of the room. Suddenly he stopped and turned back. They were still laughing at him...

Om: Gaurii ...I need to talk to you..come..

Pr:(giggles) Go..Go..(again laughs)

Gauri went outside with Omkara. He took her straight to the terrace.

Ga: Omkara..?

Om: Why did you send in that Prinku..I heard your voice from the staircase and thought it was you..!

Ga: Oh dear..she was also there with me..and went into Rudra's room to keep one of his bags, which was there with Bhavya...That is why only Priyanka came into our room...And if I knew you were waiting for me in the room,(laughs again) I would never have send her there....

Omkara glared at her and shook his head in exasperation. Without warning, he pulled her hand and she was in his arms before she knew it. (His hands were around her waist, Gauri's left hand was on his shoulder) Gauri was surprised at his sudden action and when she looked into his eyes she found him gazing at her with lots of passion in his eyes. She immediately blushed and looked down.

Om:(holds her chin with one hand)Hey.. (raises her chin to face him)

Gauri just looked at him with her sparkling eyes. Slowly he moved his lips to her left cheek and slowly brushed his lips along its softness.


Then he pulled her closer to him. He moved his lips towards her right cheek and Gauri shivered and took in a shallow breath. He then lowered his lips to her neck and nuzzled along its side. Gauri melted and closed her eyes. He kissed along the side of her neck, quite passionately.

Ga:(whines)Omkara..Someone will see us..

Om: No one will come..(and kisses again on her neck)

Gauri's heartbeats began to race. Omkara kissed again and again along her side neck. She lost her control completely and surrendered herself to him. Omkara turned her around and slowly moved her lustrous hair aside to reveal her back neck. He kissed on the nape of her neck and Gauri gasped and raised her head upwards. Omkara slowly slipped his both hands around her waist from behind and continued kissing behind her neck. He lowered his lips further down the neck and rubbed his lips across her upper back. He kissed there too as he tightened the grip around her waist. Then he whispered into her ear..

Om: I love you Gauri..

Ga: I love you too, Omkara..


After dinner, all the elders were inside their bed rooms.

Pinky and Shakti's room

Pi: Ji..Yesterday you all were saying that it was all a plan..And why didn't you tell me before..!

Sha: (smiles) Pinky...We were not really sure this would work..That's why..!

Pi: Ok then..tell me, how all this happened, from the start..

Sha: Ok..I will tell you..Actually Deepak had asked me to find Akshay's contact invite him for his daughter's wedding..

Nandini and Akshay's room

Ak: And Shakti got my number from another friend and called me up..

Na: Oh..then..

Ak: We talked and he told me about Deepak's daughter's wedding.. I told him I was already planning to come to India for Mr.Khanna's daughter's wedding..

********Flash back*********

Ak: I have one more wedding to attend..My colleague Mr.Khanna's daughter is getting married, from India..

Sha: Oh..Are you talking about Dr. Gaurav Khanna from Australia..?!

Ak: Yes of course..Do you know him..?

Sha: No..not personally..But his daughter is getting married to Mr. Mittal's son..He is an important business partner of ours..

Ak: Oh that is such a great coincidence..!

Sha: Yes, yaar..! Well what about your family..? How is Nandini bhabhi..and kids and old are they..We have lost contact since how many years yaar..!

Ak: Well, Nandini is fine..and I have a son and two daughters, who are 20, 19 and 18 years age..Ranveer, Gauri and Bhavya..

Sha: Oh that's wonderful..! My son Rudra is 20 and daughter Priyanka is 18..Hey did you notice even our kids are of almost the same age..

Ak: I know yaar..And they are all growing up so fast..I am already worried about their choice of life partners..What if my kids chose some foreigners as their husband or wife..? I can't even think about it..!!

Sha: Hmm..I know what you are feeling..! We can't even rely on our kids anymore..Even if my kids are in India, I feel the same as you..Who will they choose and all.. I worry for them all the time..

Ak: Hmm..

Sha: Akshay..yaar..I have an idea..!

Ak: What kind of idea..?

Sha: Why don't we get our kids married to each other..?

Ak: Shaktiii..You are not joking right..!

Sha: No yaar..I am damn serious..!

Ak: But will they agree for an arranged marriage..? and they all are still studying..! We can't decide for them at this time..What if they found someone else before they start working..!

Sha: Well..What if they decide this for themselves..!

Ak: What are you telling yaar..!!

Sha: Listen have two daughters and a son..I have a daughter and a son..And Tej bhaiyya's son Omkara is also of Rudra's age..So let's take a chance by making all of them meet each other..What if they fall for each other..!! Let's try our luck Akshay..!

Ak: But how will we make them meet..?!

Sha: Well you take all of them to India for this wedding of your colleague's daughter..! And you would meet Tej bhaiyya and me from there..And we can make them believe that we met quite coincidentally after so many years..We will tell you about Deepak's daughters' wedding and then we will invite you to stay at our home..And thus they all will get a chance to know each other..Rest is up to destiny to decide..!

Ak: Wow...Awesome plan..Your great yaar Shakti..! Shall I tell Nandini about this..

Sha: No..let's keep this a secret between us..And I will tell Tej bhaiyya also about this..

Ak: Ok..!

*******End of Flashback*********

Sha: And our kids fell for each other..Thank god for that..!

Pi: Oh my Mata, Shakti ji..There were so many chances for this plan to get spoilt..!

Sha: How..?

Pi: Well what if Gauri and Bhavya fell for the same guy..What if Omkara and Rudra fell for the same girl..!!

Sha: Oh my God..that's true Pinky..I didn't even think about that..!

Pi: Huh..Thank god..Nothing like that happened and there wasn't any scene of a heart break for any of these kids..!

Sha: Hmm you are right..


It was the next day morning and Bhavya and Priyanka were walking along the corridor to go down to have breakfast. Gauri had already gone downstairs.

Bh: Let's see if Rudy is awake or not..I wanted to ask him something..

Pr: Hmm..You go Bhavya..See you downstairs..!

Bh: Ok..

Bhavya went to Rudra's room. Bhavya went inside the room and she saw him sleeping peacefully on his bed. She thought "He looks really cute while sleeping...."

She sat on the bed near him and patted his head with her palm. When her fingers passed along his hair, he smiled sweetly and said "Hmmmmm...."And then he moved closer to Bhavya.

Bhavya suppressed a giggle with the other hand. She lowered her head and kissed on Rudra's forehead. Rudra smiled and murmured in his sleep..."Hmmm...Bhavya.....I love you..."

Bhavya giggled and raised her head.

Bh:Rudyy...(shakes him slightly)Rudra.....

Ru:Hmmmm....Let me sleep, Bhavya.......

Bh:(shakes even harder)Rudy..get up....GET UPPP...(loudly)

Ru:(pushes Bhavya away)Hmm...Go away..!

Bhavya got irritated and opened the curtains. The sunlight flooded in through the windows and fell on Rudra's face. He tightly closed his eyes, thinking that it was a usual prank by his sister, Priyanka

Ru:(angrily)What is this?? Prinkuuu, Let me sleep...!!

Bhavya went to the bathroom and took water in her palm and put it on Rudra's eyes and face.

Ru:Eeehh...Stop it Prinku...What are you doing..?(opens his eyes and saw Bhavya and smiles) It's really you, Bhavya..? Am I dreaming..(and closes his eyes to check)

Bh: I came to wake you up...(shakes him harder)

Rudra caught hold of her hand and pulled her. She fell right on top of him. Rudra hugged her tightly and Bhavya began to struggle hard to get away from him. Rudra rolled sideways with her and he was about to kiss her lips.

Bh:(pushes him away, but still in his grip) What are you doing..?

Ru:(laughs) Well you were trying to wake me up right..? Now you face the punishment for that....(moves his face closer to her)

Bh: Rudy..

Rudra kissed her lips with love and Bhavya just closed her eyes.


While Priyanka was walking down the stairs, Ranveer was coming back from his morning jog. Omkara was not with him, he had gone to the kitchen to drink some water.

As she came face to face with him, she realized that they were alone and she blushed hard. Ranveer was so happy to finally get her alone.

Ra: (smiles) Priyanka..Good morning..

Pr: (smiles) Good morning..

And she just tried to walk past him, overcome with shyness. But he extended his hand in front of her and looked into her eyes.

Ra: You have been avoiding me since last two days..But I want to talk to you..

Pr: (stutters) Err..Ab-about w-what..!

Ra: Come..

He held her hand and led her down the stairs and walked out of the mansion, into the garden. Priyanka followed him nervously without uttering a single word.

*******End of Part 19*******

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