Part 5

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Gauri reached back to her room with her own suitcase.She was really annoyed because of Omkara.She placed it down and opened it.

Ga: What does he think about himself..!!

She took out a night dress to wear and closed the suitcase.

Ga: Idiot ..!!Oh God...I will have to put up with him for some more days...

She didn't see Bhavya who came out of the washroom who had changed into her nightdress.

Ga: Doesn't even know how to talk to a girl..!

Bh:What happened, Gauri..?Why are you muttering to yourself...?

Ga: (turns and sees her) It's nothing Bhavya..! I was just...

Bh:Ok Gauri...Now you go and change your dress after freshening up...

Ga: Ok...(gets up and goes to the washroom)


Meanwhile in Omkara's room, Ranveer came out of the washroom.

Ra: Now I'm feeling so fresh, dude...(smiles)

Om: Your sister came here, some minutes ago..

Ra: Who..? Bhavya or Gauri...?

Om: (shrugs his shoulders) I don't know..She was saying that her suitcase was here...and yours were with her...

Ra: Oh..then it will be Gauri...Our suitcases look alike...Must have got interchanged by mistake..

Om: Ohh..

Ranveer walked towards his suitcase and opened it.He took out a night shirt and pajama to wear.

After Ranveer changed into his night wear, Rudra walked into Omkara's room.Rudra saw Ranveer and he understood who it was.

Ru:(smiles to Ranveer)Hello..I am Rudra...

Ra:(smiles)Hi Rudra...I am Ranveer...


After freshening up, everybody assembled downstairs in the sitting room.Shakti introduced Priyanka, Omkara and Rudra to the Malhotras.

Gauri and Omkara were trying to avoid each other's eyes.Ranveer, Omkara and Rudra were sitting together.Gauri and Bhavya were sitting with Nandini where as Priyanka was sitting with her Annika bhabhi.

Sha: So Akshay..Let us call Deepak and give him a surprise...He was so sad that he couldn't contact you to invite to his daughter's wedding..

Ak: Yeah..Let us..

Shakti dialed their friend's number and waited.He put on the loud speaker mode.

De: Hello..Shakti...

Sh: Deepak..There's a big surprise for you...

De: What..?

Ak: Hello Deepak...Guess who this is..

De: Akshay..?! No..How can it be possible..He is in Australia...

Ak: Deepak..It's me yaar..(laughs)

De : (happily) Oh Akshay..It's you only..Yaar I can't believe this..!! So you are coming for my daughter's wedding right..?

Ak: Of course yaar..

De: Ok then...Bring your family too..Wedding date is on day after tomorrow..

Ak: Sure ..We will be there tomorrow..

Sh: Ok then Deepak..See you tomorrow..Bye...

De: Bye..

Shakti disconnected the call.

Te:Shakti..The wedding is at Pune right..?

Sh: Yes bhaiyya...

Bh:Dad..Should we also come to this shaadi..?

Ak: Yes beta..Why...?

Bh:I don't want to come..Please Dad...It will be boring..

Ra: Yes Dad. Today also we attended one shaadi...It was really boring..

But Gauri wanted to go.But she would miss all fun without her sister and brother.

Ak: But..

Sh: It's ok na Akshay..Why are you compelling them..?Let them stay here...

Priyanka widened her eyes in surprise hearing her Dad talking like this.

Ak: Ok then..Gauri..Are you coming..?

Omkara looked at her now.

Ga: No Dad..I will stay with Bhavya and bhaiyya...

Pr: Dad..Then even I won't come..It's quite boring..I don't even know those people..

Sh: Priyanka..

Ru: Yes Dad..Even I and Omkara also...

Sh: Rudra!!

Te: Let it be Shakti..If they all don't want to come, don't force..We all elders..i.e. You, Pinky, Me, Jhanvi, Akshay and Nandini can go..These kids don't know anyone there...Let them enjoy here and we will enjoy there..What do you say, Akshay..?

Ak: Alright Tej bhaiyya...(smiles)


Bed time, Priyanka's room:

Gauri, Bhavya and Priyanka walked into their bedroom yawning.

Pr: Haawww...(yawning loudly)

Bhavya looked at Gauri with a funny expression.Gauri just smiled at her.Thankfully, Priyanka didn't see them.Before anyone, Priyanka got into the bed and lay down comfortably in the middle of the bed.After switching off the light, Gauri and Bhavya lay down on either sides of Priyanka.The three of them fell asleep soon.After some time, Priyanka began to snore. Bhavya opened her eyes suddenly.

Bh:What is that noise...?!!

And she understood that it was Priyanka snoring.

Bh:Gosh!! This girl...!!

Bhavya turned towards Priyanka and looked at her impatiently.Priyanka was sleeping peacefully with her mouth slightly open. Bhavya moved her hand towards Priyanka's nose and slightly closed her nostrils with her fingers.The snoring noise stopped.

Bh:Phew...!(took off her hand)

But again the snoring started. Bhavya got irritated and began to shake Gauri who was lying on the other side of Priyanka.


Ga: (opening her eyes) What is it Bhavya..?

Gauri heard the snoring noise and turned towards Priyanka...

Ga: Oh!! This girl snores...!!

Bh:Yeah..I am not able to sleep Gauri...

Ga: What will we do..?How will we sleep..?

Bh:Don't know.!

But just then Priyanka turned and lay on her side and the snoring subsided.

Bh:Phew!! Thank God..

Ga: Come on...She will start again soon...Let us sleep before that...

And Gauri and Bhavya lay down on the bed...


So the next day all the elders left for Pune early morning. Shivaay and Annika didn't go with them because, Annika was left at home to take care of the youngsters and Shivaay decided to go to office, since there should be someone to take care of their business.

Omkara's room, 6.30 a.m:

Ranveer and Omkara were lying on the bed cosily under their blankets.Ranveer opened his eyes as it was the usual time he got up in the morning.He went for jogging in the morning.He sat up, stretched and looked at Omkara who was still asleep.

Ra:(tapping his shoulder)Omkara...Omkara..

Om: Hmm..Let me sleep...

Ra: Omkara..Please get up...You promised me yesterday that you will take me for jogging..

Om: Ok...(opens his eyes and sits up)

They washed their face, put on their track suits and went off.

Priyanka's room, 7.00 a.m:

Gauri woke from her sleep and she got out of her bed.She didn't want to wake up Bhavya or Priyanka who were sleeping peacefully.After freshening up, she got dressed in a green color kurta and jeans.Gauri went downstairs and she saw Shivaay who was sitting in the hall reading the newspaper.

Ga:Good morning Shivaay bhaiyya...(smiles)

Shi:Good morning Gauri...(smiles)

Ga: Where is Annika bhabhi..?

Shi: She is in the kitchen..

Ga: Ok...

Gauri reached the kitchen.Annika was busy in the kitchen, making breakfast for everyone.

Ga: Good morning bhabhi...(smiles)

An: (smiles)Good morning...Priyanka and Bhavya didn't get up..?

Ga: No..

An: The boys got up early today..Omkara and Ranveer went for jogging..

Ga: Ranveer bhaiyya goes for jogging daily..Where is Rudy then..?

An: Oh Rudy..? He might be in the garden..

Just then Gauri noticed a tray laden with two tea cups.

Ga: Bhabhi..These are for bhaiyya and Rudy right..? Shall I go and give it to them.. ?Then I shall come back here and help you..

An: (smiles) Will you..? Oh..Thank you soo much ..

Gauri took the tea tray and first gave one cup to Shivaay and then went out to check for Rudra. He was sitting on a garden bench and was writing something.Gauri walked towards him.

Ga: Good Morning..Your tea (smiles)

Ru:(smiles) Oh thank you.. Good Morning Gauri..

Ga: What are you writing..?

Ru: Oh..It's nothing..A poem..

Ga: Ohh..Show me..

Ru: Sure..but not now..After I finish it..Ok..?(smiles)

Ga: Ok..(smiles)

Just then Omkara and Ranveer came back after their jogging.They came towards Rudra and Gauri.As usual Omkara and Gauri avoided each other's eyes.

Ra: Good morning Rudra and Gauri..Where is Bhavya..?

Ga: Good morning..Still asleep I guess...

Ru: Good morning Ranveer...Om..You also went for jogging today..?

Om: Yes...Ranveer asked me to take him..(looks at the paper in Rudy's hand) Rudy...Have you sta..

Ga: (interrupting Omkara) You know what bhaiyya..Rudy is writing a poem..Isn't it Rudy?

Ru:(smiles) Yes...(looks at Ranveer)

Ra: Is it..? (looks at the paper)

But Omkara was glaring at Gauri for interrupting him.Gauri just looked back at him coolly.Neither Ranveer nor Rudra was noticing this.

Ra: Well Omkara..Shall we go inside..I am starving...

Om: Err..Ok..(looks at Ranveer) Let's go...(again glared at Gauri as he went with Ranveer)

Ga: (looks at Rudra) Bye then.. I am going inside to help Annika bhabhi..

Ru: Sure...(smiles)


Omkara and Ranveer walked upstairs and they reached near the girls' room.

Ra: Omkara..You go...Let me go and wake up Bhavya..

Om: Ok..(walks to his room)

Ranveer opened the door without making any noise.He looked at the bed and he saw someone sleeping on the bed fully under the blanket.It was Priyanka..!!But he thought that it was Bhavya. He tip toed towards the bed and went closer to her head.

Ra: (shouts)AAARRRGGG...

Priyanka who was dreaming about some deadly monster, screamed loudly and attacked Ranveer on his face.She caught hold of his head and began to hit him violently as if she was battling with that monster, and she was screaming continuously.Poor Ranveer...!! At first he couldn't realize what was happening to him.The blanket shifted and Ranveer saw her face.Priyanka eyes were still tight shut and she was brandishing her hands dangerously.

Ra:(came to his senses) Priyankaaa...?!!

Pr:(opened her eyes and stopped hitting) You..?! (sits up) What are you doing here..?

By that time, Omkara, Bhavya and Shivaay reached the room, hearing all the screaming noise.They were surprised to see Ranveer inside the girls' bedroom with Priyanka.

Shi: What is going on here...?

Ranveer and Priyanka looked at the door and saw them all.

Ra:(surprised)Bhavya...!! I came to wake you up and I thought she was you...

Pr:(complains ) Shivaay bhaiyya..This Ranveer tried to scare me...

Ra: (innocently) Shivaay bhaiyya.. You know what...I just roared loudly and tried to wake up Bhavya.. But it turned out to be Priyanka..(looks at Priyanka) And she hit me badly...(touches his face) Ouch..!!

Bh(laughs loudly)Good job, Priyanka...!!(laughs harder and gives a high five to Priyanka)

Pr:(smiles happily) Thanks..

Omkara and Shivaay also began to laugh seeing Ranveer's helpless expression.

Shi: Hmm..You know what...She is the Sherni (lioness) of our house...(laughs)..Isn't it Priyanka..?

Pr:(smiles) Yes...!!(looks at Ranveer and made an irritated face at him)

Ra:(clutches his fist and acts as if trying to hit her)

Shivaay went off, still laughing and Omkara walked towards the bed.

Om: Miss.Sherni.. You go and brush your teeth..Then come down to have breakfast..

Pr:(made a face at him)O.K...(and got off the bed and went to the washroom)

Bhavya laughed at Ranveer again.

Ra:(irritated) Listen Bhavya.. Don't you laugh at me...

Bh(laughs harder) Omkara..See his expression..(bend with laughing)

Om:(laughs)Ranveer..You look funny huh..(gives a high five to Bhavya)

**********End of Part 5*********
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