Part 4

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Pr:(frowns)But Mom...

Pinky knew that a tantrum was coming up and so she decided to cut it down.

Pi:(with a serious face)Listen Priyanka..Now don't try to argue with me..You all go for your trip after wards...Just wait for some more days...

Pr:(whines)Mom...This is not fair..You had promised us...(tears fill up her eyes)

Pi:(in a soft tone)Priyanka...Try to understand...They are our guests..Your Dad's best friend and his family..

Pr:(sighs and nods)Alright Mom..

Pi: That's like a good girl..(kisses her forehead)I am going downstairs now..I have to do the necessary preparations..You go and inform Omkara and Rudra that you are not going for this trip OK..?

Pr:Hmmm...Ok Mom..

Pinky left the room and Priyanka was feeling like an atom bomb which was going to explode.

Pr:(fuming with anger) Damn these guests..!!

She went off towards Rudra's room fuming with frustration.He was packing his bags with enthusiasm.

Ru:Prinku..Finished your packing ..?(smiles)

Pr:Rudra..Come with me now..!! Let's go to Omkara's room...

Ru: But, Prinku..Let me do my packing..

Pr: Packing..My foot!!(pulls his hand and walks out of the room)

Ru: What is your problem..? Leave me..

Priyanka pulled him along and reached Omkara's room.He was just closing the zipper of his travel bag after packing everything.


Om: (shocked)Now what is it yaar..? Why are you shouting..?

Pr:(whines)Omkara...Our plan flopped ..!(left Rudra's hand and slumped on Omkara's bed)

Om & Ru: What..?!!

Pr:(weeps childishly)We are not going to Goa..(looks down)

Om & Ru: But, Whyyy...??

Pr:(looks at them)Because some stupid guests are coming to stay here for some days..Dad's friend and his family...(looks down and sniffs)

Om: So what..?How does that affect our trip..?

Pr:(whines)Because Dad doesn't want us to go when they are staying here ..(looks up at Omkara miserably)

Om: Oh no!!..

Ru: What.?Dad said so..?I can't believe it

Pr: YES..!!He said so, Rudy...!! (continues her weeping)

Om: Now, you don't cry Prinku..We can go for our trip after some days, yaar.. Ok..?(sits near her)

Ru: Yeah..He is right Priyanka..(sits on her other side)

Pr:Mom was also telling like that..(wipes her tears and sniffs)

Om: Oh!!Then what is the problem..?

Pr:(feels relieved)Hmmm..You are right...


Meanwhile at the wedding hall, the wedding was going on.It was for the first time that Ranveer, Bhavya and Gauri were watching a real Indian wedding.They were standing together and were watching as the couple took the 'saat pheres' around the sacred fire.

Bh: Bhaiyya..What is the need for all of us to go and stay at the house of this Shakti uncle..We had come to India for sightseeing right..

Ra: It's alright Bhavya..We will stay there only for two-three days..

Ga:(smiling)Bhavya..Look at all those rituals they are performing...

Bh: Yeah..But it's all too boring to watch yaar..I can't understand how they can bear the heat of the burning fire..


Ra: (laughs)Bhavya...even you will have to get married like this..



As Omkara, Priyanka and Rudra were sitting on Omkara's bed and talking, Jhanvi came into their room.

Om: Mom...

Jh:Om..We just decided all the necessary arrangements for our guests..And where everyone will be sleeping...

Ru:(smiles)Well..what about that..?

Priyanka wasn't interested in knowing about all these since she was already upset with the arrival of this family.So she just sat there sulking.

Jh: Shakti's friend and his wife will be sleeping in the guest bedroom, downstairs.His son will sleep in this bedroom with Omkara..

Om: He has only one son...?

Jh: Let me complete, Omkara..His two daughters will be sleeping in Priyanka's room..

Pr:(shocked)What?? Then where will I sleep, Badi maa..?

Jh: With them, obviously..!

Pr:(scowling)No way..I need a full bed to sleep in...

Just then Pinky came in hearing all this.

Pi:(seriously)What is your problem, Priyanka..?

Pr:(stands up scowling)Mom..This is not fair..Those two girls are not going to sleep with me..Only one boy with Omkara..Why should I sleep with two of them...?!

Pi: (frowns)Why..? You want only one of them..?

Pr:(angrily)Nooo...I don't want any of those girls..And by the way, Mom..Rudra's room is all free to himself..!!What about that, huh..?

Pi:(equally angry)Priyanka..Don't mess up things now..Just obey whatever we said...


Jh: (strictly)Prinku..It's only for some days..You will have to adjust..

Pr:(pouts her lips)O.k Badi maa..

Jh: All of you come downstairs now...Dinner is ready..Annika and Shivaay are waiting for you three...

Priyanka just scowled at Pinky again and went away with Jhanvi...Pinky looked at the boys and sighed..

Pi: Oh my Mata..What am I going to do with this Priyanka...?!!

Om:(smiles)Choti maa..She is a little upset about the cancellation of our Goa trip..

Pi: I know, Omkara..

Ru: But, thank god she agreed at last...!!

Pi:Come on now..We shall all have our dinner before they all come after attending the wedding function..

Om & Ru: Ok..Let's go..


After having their dinner, Omkara, Rudra and Priyanka went to their own rooms.

After some time, two cars came to a halt in front of the Singh Oberoi Mansion.Shakti, Akshay and Nandini came out of the first car.Tej, Ranveer, Bhavya and Gauri came out of the second car.The two drivers helped to take the luggage out and they carried them inside the house.Gauri, Ranveer and Bhavya followed the elders as they walked towards the house. Jhanvi came and opened the door.

Jh: (smiles)Namaste...Come in...

They all greeted her and walked into the sitting room. Pinky, Annika and Shivaay came and greeted the guests.Shakti and Tej introduced their family and Akshay's family to each other.Shakti turned to his wife,

Sh: Pinky..Where are they..Rudra, Omkara and Priyanka..?

Pi: They have already gone up to their rooms..

Shi:I will go and call them Choti maa..

Te: No..It's ok Shivaay...Let these people freshen up first..Jhanvi, show them their rooms..

Jh: Ok Tej...

She turned to Pinky,

Jh: Pinky, You take Gauri, Bhavya and Ranveer to their rooms..

Pi: Ok...(smiles)

Shakti and Tej went to their own rooms (which were downstairs) to freshen up and change their formal wears. Jhanvi took Akshay and Nandini to the guest room which had been all set for them.Ranveer, Gauri and Bhavya followed Pinky upstairs.At first they reached Priyanka's room which was the nearest.Pinky opened the room and saw that Priyanka was not in the room.

Pi: Gauri, Bhavya..this is your room.Actually this is my daughter Priyanka's room.But you can share the room with her..It's ok right..?(smiles sweetly)

Ga: No problem Aunty...The bed is really big and the three of us will have enough space..(smiles)

Bh: But where is your daughter, Aunty..?

Pi:(looks around the room)I think that she will be in Omkara or Rudra's room..You both freshen up..I will go and call her...

Ga: Ok Aunty..

Pi: Come on Ranveer..I will show you your room...

Ra: Okay..(smiles)

She passed the door of Rudra's room and took Ranveer to Omkara's room which was farthest from the staircase.The door was already open and Omkara was unpacking his travel bag when they came in.

Pi: Omkara..

Om:(turns)Yes Choti maa...?(sees Ranveer and smiles)

Pi: Omkara, This is Ranveer..Akshay uncle's son...

Om: Hi Ranveer..(offers his hand)

Ra: Hello Omkara..(shakes his hand)Nice to meet you..

Om:Same here...(smiles)

Pi: Where is Priyanka, Omkara..?

Om: She is in Rudy's room..

Pi: Ok..Let me go and see..Ranveer, ok go and freshen up..

Ra: Ok Aunty..(smiles)

Pinky went out and opened Rudra's door and saw Priyanka sitting there and talking with Rudra.

Pi:(smiles)Prinku..Come with me..

Pr: What is it Mom..?

Pi: You come with me..I will tell you..

Pr: (turns to Rudra) I will come now, Rudy..

Pinky took Priyanka towards her room and she was surprised to see the two girls in her room.She understood at once that they were the daughters of her Dad's friend.

Pi: Priyanka, this is Gauri and this is Bhavya...

Pr: Hi..(smiles)

Ga & Bh: Hello Priyanka...(smiles)

Pi: Ok..You girls talk with each other..(and goes out of the room)

Priyanka didn't know what to say as she was not at all pleased by their arrival.She just stood there smiling.

Bh:Gauri, I am going to freshen up.And I want to change this stupid 'lehenga' too.It's so suffocating yaar..

Ga:No, Bhavya..It feels really wonderful to wear these traditional outfits...It makes us more beautiful you know...Isn't it Priyanka..?

Pr: Hmm..Yeah..(smiles)

Priyanka suddenly felt a liking for Gauri but she didn't quite like Bhavya. Bhavya went into the washroom and Gauri was left alone with Priyanka. Priyanka watched Gauri as she opened her suitcase to take out her night dress. Priyanka thought that she looked very beautiful in the blue and green color lehenga she was wearing..

She had beautiful straight hair which was left open.

Ga: Oh no!!This is Ranveer Bhaiyya's suitcase..!! (looks at Priyanka)Priyanka, our suitcases look alike...

Pr: Oh!!So your suitcase is with your brother...?

Ga: Yeah!!Do you know where his room is..?

Pr: I think he is staying in Omkara's room...

Ga: Err..I don't know where it is..(smiles)

Pr:(smiles)Ok I will show you...

Priyanka took Gauri, who was holding Ranveer's suitcase, out of her room and they reached in front of Rudra's room.Priyanka stopped and showed the next door, which was Omkara's

Pr: That room...

Ga: Ok..Thank you..

Then Priyanka walked into Rudra's room.Gauri took Ranveer's suitcase and walked towards Omkara's room.When she reached in front of it, she knocked at the door.Omkara came and opened the door and his eyes fell upon Gauri who was looking stunningly beautiful.Omkara just stood there itself completely mesmerized by her beauty.

Gauri was wondering why he was staring at her like that.His gaze travelled from her head to toe.She began to feel annoyed.

Ga:(frowns and with attitude asks)You are Omkara..?

Omkara came to his senses.He didn't want her to know that he was enjoying her beauty.

Om:(seriously)Of course..who are you..?

Ga:(haughtily)Is Ranveer Bhaiyya inside..?

Omkara thought "Ranveer Bhaiyya?..Oh!!So this is his sister..."

Om:(seriously)Yes...But he is in the washroom right now..

Ga: Is it..?Can I come inside...?His suitcase is with me and mine is with him..

Om: O.k..Come in..(and he stepped aside)His luggage is over there..(indicates a corner)

Gauri walked towards that corner.

He thought "Omkara..Why did you stare at her like that..? But she is damn pretty ..!!"

But then he thought " Stop it Omkara..She just came all of a sudden and I was just surprised..That is why I looked at her like that..."

But still he didn't take his eyes off her, as she swapped the suitcases and walked back towards him.She noticed that he was still staring at her and so she stared back quite fiercely.But then she suddenly stepped on a skateboard which was on the floor.It rolled off towards him carrying her and she dropped the suitcase due to shock.Before she even realized what was happening, she was on top of Omkara and they were lying on the floor.His hands were holding the sides her bare waist and her hands were on his shoulders.She felt as if she was in a trance as she stared into his awesome dark black eyes.

He looked into her beautiful amber coloured eyes and was lost in them.He felt something in his heart which he had never felt before.

Gauri felt his hands on her bare waist.She suddenly came into her senses.

Ga: Leave me...(glaring at him )

Om:(comes to his senses)WHAT?? !! First of all you came and fell upon me..And now you are saying "Leave me"..I just can't believe this..!!( but didn't take his hands away)

Ga:(annoyed)I said LEAVE ME...

Om:(angrily takes his hands off her waist)Alright..Miss.Drama Queen..Even I am not interested in holding you..!!Now, will you please get up..?

Ga: FINE!!..Wait...(gets up)

After standing straight, Gauri walked back towards her fallen suitcase and lifted it up.Then she glared at Omkara and walked towards the door muttering curses under her breath.As she passed him, he blocked her way and looked into her eyes with lot of attitude.She looked back with equal attitude and raised her brows at him.

Om: (arms crossed) Oh hello..! What is your problem..? Do you think that you are so beautiful..?!

Ga:(simply glared at him)

Om:(Angrily)Then you just need to wake up..Stop dreaming, Ok..?! (steps aside)Now you may go...!!

Ga:(scornfully)As if I would love to stay here...huh!!(walks away shaking her head)

Omkara watched her walking away.He felt annoyed to the core.No girl had ever behaved with him like that.

*******End of Part 4*******
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