Part 3

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One week later, Mumbai:

Omkara and Rudra were returning from a farewell day party at night.Omkara was driving the car and Rudra was sitting near him.

Om:Rudy..the Party was really awesome right..! are right that our college is over, we will miss our friends...

Om:Yeah..Anyways...And the good part is that we are going to have a 3 month vacation..(smiles)

Ru:True..And after that we both will be joining for M.B.A..

A girl who was travelling in a car at their right side waved at Omkara..

G:Hey Omkara..

Om:Hi Pooja..

P:(blows a flying kiss)Goodnight Omkara...

Om:(waves)Goodnight sweetheart..(smiles)

And then he took the car forward and overtook that car.

Ru:(laughs)Now you are going to miss these girlfriends too..

Om:Who cares Rudra..!!(laughs)All these girls were just for time pass...


Meanwhile, at Melbourne(Australia) :

Finally, their vacation started and the Malhotra family was busy with their packing.Bhavya and Gauri were in their bedroom and were filling their suitcases with all the necessary things.

Bh:where is my camera..?(searches here and there)

Ga: Bhavya..Did you check inside the cupboard..?

Bh:No..I will check now..

Ga:Uff..Now where is my mobile charger...?

Bh:I saw it over there..(indicates the place)

Ga:Yes ..Got it...

Just then Ranveer came into the room.

Ra:Gauri, Bhavya, Did you see my i pod..?

Bh:Yes ...It's in the sitting room..I kept it on the couch..

Ra:What is this Bhavya..?How many times I have told you not to keep it here and are so careless ..(shakes his head disapprovingly)

Bh:Sorry bhaiyya...

Ranveer left the room and Bhavya and Gauri continued with their packing.

Mumbai, Oberoi Mansion

Rudra and Omkara reached home.Priyanka was watching the TV, sitting on the couch. She didn't notice them coming.Omkara winked at Rudra and went behind her slowly, without making any noise.He pounced on her and grabbed the remote.

Pr:Ouch...!!Who is that?...(sees Omkara) Om..!!

Om:(laughs and sits on the sofa beside her)Come Rudy..Sit down..Let's watch TV...(starts changing the channels)

Ru:(excitedly)YES..!!(sits on her other side)

Pr:(irritated)Omkara..Give me the remote..I want to see that film...(and tries to grab the remote from him)

But Omkara didn't let her have the remote and he kept on changing the channels, while Priyanka struggled with his hand.At last Omkara kept the cricket match which he wanted to watch and then he sat on top of the remote so that she couldn't get it.

Pr:(angrily)What the hell is this..!!.(and starts to beat him and pinch him)

Om:Oww..Oww..Stop it Prinku..Ouch.. Rudy..Help me yaar..She is such a monster...!!

Rudra held her shoulders from behind and started to pull her backwards.Priyanka turned back and started to hit him too.Jhanvi came into the hall hearing all the noise.

Jh:Rudra..Priyanka..Omkara..Stop it...

Pr:Badi maa..See this..These two are not giving the remote ..(and starts pinching Omkara again)Give it to meee...

Jh:Om..Just give it to her ..Why are you troubling my Prinku..?

Om:But Mom...We wanted to watch the match now..

Jh:You guys have just returned from the party right..Go to your rooms and freshen up..

Ru:(leaves Priyanka and gets up)Ok Badi maa..

Om:(makes an irritated face at Priyanka and gets up)We will come NOW..You just wait..

Pr:(stuck out her tongue at him and takes the remote)Thank you Badi maa..(smiles at Jhanvi)


Next day,

Inside their flight to India:

Bhavya, Gauri and Nandini were sitting together in the central row where as Ranveer and Akshay were sitting together at the seats near to the window.

Bh:Gauri..It's a good thing that we have one month holiday..

Ga:Yeah..That is right...(smiles)

Bh:Mom..When will we reach Mumbai Airport..?

Na:In the afternoon..

Ga:The wedding is tomorrow right..?So will we be staying at Khanna uncle's home tonight..?

Na:Yes beta..

Oberoi Mansion

Rudra was sleeping peacefully on his bed in the morning.Priyanka came to his room and sat beside him.

Pr:(shaking him)Rudra..Wake up..

Ru:(closed eyes)Hmm..Go away Prinku..Let me sleep..(turns to the other side)

Pr:Rudyy..Please..I have an idea...

Ru:(closed eyes) Just go yaar..Don't disturb me so early in the morning..

Pr:RUDYY..!!If you don't get up now..I will pour water over your face..Its 8 am...(hits his arm)

Ru:(opens his eyes)Ouch..!!Why are you hitting me..I am getting up..(sits up)Now tell me..What do you want?(rubs his eyes and yawns)

Pr:(excitedly)Rudra..I have an idea..Let's go for a one week tour..Only Me, You and Omkara..

Ru:(smiles)Idea is really nice..But will they give us permission..?

Pr:Who...?Mom Dad and all.? We will make them allow us to go..

Ru:Hm..You really think they will let us...? They all know that you always fight with us both boys ..They won't let you come with us even if I and Omkara get the permission..

Pr:(angrily) What do you mean..? Why is it that only you both get the permission..? ..That 's not fair huh..After all it is my own idea..I won't let you go without me....!!

Ru:Ok..Ok..Let us discuss this topic with Omkara..Come on..

Rudra and Priyanka came to Omkara's room and found him asleep on his bed...Both of them went and shook him..

Ru:Om..Wake up..

Pr:Get up..Get up...

Om:What is this Rudy...Let me sleep..

Pr: Its already 8 o clock..

Om:Prinku..Go away...(opens his eyes)What do you both want..?(sits up and stretches himself)

Ru:Om..We have a brilliant idea...

Pr:Hey..It's MY idea...

Ru:OK yaar..It's her idea..Let's go for a one week trip to somewhere..Just the three of us..

Om:What..?!!We both are going along with this Priyanka..?Are you out of your mind, Rudy..?


Om:(laughs)Ok..Ok..But where will we go..?

Pr:That I don't know..You suggest some place..

Om:(thinks)Alright...Let's go to GOA ...!!(looks at them with excitement)

Ru:Wow!!Great idea..!!..Isn't it Prinku..?


Ru:But Om..I guess that Mom won't let Priyanka to come with us..She always keeps fighting with us right..

Om:Yes Prinku..Rudra is right..Choti maa won't let you..

Pr:Uff..What will I do now..?

Om:You do one thing...We will plan the trip for day after tomorrow..And you should behave nicely with us today and tomorrow..So that Choti Maa will allow you to come with us..Is that o.k..?



Next night..

Khanna's Residence, Mumbai

Bhavya and Gauri were sitting among the girls in the bride's bedroom.

They were looking beautiful in Indian outfits.The bride (Mr.Khanna's daughter) was also there in the room looking graceful in her wedding outfit.Suddenly a little boy came running to the room.

Boy:The "Baraat" has arrived..

All the girls went to the balcony and looked outside.The 'baraat' was indeed coming towards the house.Bhavya and Gauri were excited when they saw the bridegroom sitting on the horse, and with a head gear adorned with flower strings.

Bh:Why is that fellow sitting upon the horse..?(giggles)

Ga:The tradition is like that Bhavya...I have seen in Hindi films..

Bh:Ohh...?Well..It's really funny...And we can't even see his face..What is that he has on his head..?

Ga:It's called the 'Sehraa'...

They all walked down to the hall where the marriage was going to take place.Bhavya and Gauri went and stood with Nandini who was talking with Mrs.Khanna.After some time Ranveer came to them.He was wearing a sherwani.

Ra:Papa is calling all of you..

Na:Me too..?

Ra:Yes Mom..

Bhavya, Gauri and Nandini went with Ranveer.They saw Akshay looking at them and smiling and he was saying something to two men who were standing beside him.They were none other than Tej Singh Oberoi and Shakti Singh Oberoi.As they went towards them, Akshay was telling,

Ak: These are my daughters, Gauri and Bhavya..

Bh & Ga:Namaste...(smiles)

Te & Sh:Namaste bete..(smiles)

Ak:And this is my wife, Nandini..

They also greeted each other.

Ak:Nandini, This is Shakti and Tej bhaisaab. Shakti was my best buddy during my school days, and this is his elder brother..(indicating Tej)

Sh:(to Bhavya and Gauri) You both are in college right..?Which course are you doing...?

Ga:I am doing my Journalism degree..I have finished my first two years...

Bh: Finished my first year of graduation in English Literature...

Sh:Oh..That's good..(smiles)

Ak:(smiling)Nandini, I am very lucky to meet them here..We are meeting after so many years..

Sh:Since the time he had gone to Australia , we haven't contacted each other..

Ak:Yes..We were all very busy in our own lives..

Na:(smiles) Oh..Do you all know Mr.Khanna then..?

Te:(smiling)No ..We are from the groom's side..His father is our business partner ..

Sh: Akshay, You remember Deepak..?

Ak:Of course Shakti..How can I forget my friends..?

Sh: Two days from now, it's his daughter's wedding..

Ak:(smiles)Is it?

Sh:Yes..He was telling that he wanted to invite you too..But none of us knew your contact number or if I tell him that you are here in Mumbai, then he will be really happy..

Te: We would like you all to come and stay at our place, Akshay..

Sh:Bhaiyya..Even I was telling him the same thing..How can we let you all to stay in a hotel when we all are here..


Sh:Listen Akshay..No more excuses ok..You are coming with us ..That's final...I will just call my wife, Pinky and inform about your arrival..


Meanwhile at Oberoi Mansion:

Since Priyanka had after all behaved well with her two brothers, the elders had given them permission to go for the trip.So Priyanka, Omkara and Rudra were all packing their bags to go to Goa.

Priyanka was humming some songs as she was doing her packing.Just then Pinky came to her room...

Pr:Mom..Please help me to do my packing..

Pi:Prinku beta..I have come to tell you something else..

Pr:(concentrating on her packing)Oh..

Pi:I am sorry beta..You all will not be able to go for this trip..

Pr:(turns to face her mother) What?!!

Pi:Yes beta..Your Dad just called up now..His best Friend and his family are coming here to stay with us..They will be staying here for some days..So he told me to cancel your trip..It won't be nice if you all go away when they are here..

Priyanka was so shocked hearing all this and she was feeling really bad since her great plan had flopped.

***********End of Part 3*************

What will happen when the six youngsters meet?

Keep reading to know the answer..

Hope you all liked this part..

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