The Malhotra Family

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Thank you so much my dear readers for voting for the first chapter..I feel good with your love and support..Love you all

Gauri Malhotra :(19 yrs)Smart and beautiful girl.

She is a friendly person who is good at heart.Even though she is born and brought up in Australia, she respects Indian culture a lot.She loves to wear traditional outfits, but she likes to wear western outfits as well.She is doing her second year degree in Spencer's college in Australia.

Bhavya Malhotra:(18 yrs) Gauri's younger sister.

Smart, beautiful, sophisticated and an extremely glamorous girl.Even though she is stubborn in nature, she is really good at heart.She is a very fun loving and out-going type. She loves partying.

She is doing her first year degree in Spencer's College.

Ranveer Malhotra:(20 yrs)
Handsome and stylish guy.

Bhavya's and Gauri's elder brother.He is a really funny person who loves to play pranks on others, especially his two sisters. But he is a loving and caring brother.He is doing his final year degree in Spencer's College.

Akshay Malhotra: He is a Doctor in the Life Care Hospital in Australia.He is a loving and caring father to his three children.

Nandini Malhotra: Akshay's wife.She loves her children a lot.



Malhotra's Residence, Melbourne(Australia):

A beautiful bedroom is shown. Bhavya and Gauri were getting ready for going to their college.Bhavya was searching her wardrobe for a suitable dress to wear.Gauri had already put her dress on and she was combing her hair standing in front of the mirror.

She kept looking at the clock and then towards her sister impatiently while doing her hair.At last Bhavya chose one dress.

Bh:Gauri, how is this dress..?(turns towards Gauri)

Ga:(looking at it)its nice Bhavya...You wear it..(smiles)

Bhavya smiled, came to the front of the mirror and kept it on her body and checked the reflection.But her smile faded and a frown appeared on her face.

Bh:No..It's not so nice..I won't wear it today..

Ga:(impatiently)What are you saying Bhavya..? (smiles)You will look great in it..

Bh:No Gauri..I will choose another one...(and went again towards her wardrobe)

Bhavya again began to search for another dress.Gauri looked at the heap of clothes lying on the bed which were pulled out and rejected by Bhavya that morning.She shook her head in disapproval and again turned towards the mirror to do her makeup. Bhavya choose another dress.

Bh:Gauri..How is this..?(smiling)

Ga:(sarcastically)Not at all nice Bhavya..Don't even think of wearing it..

Bh: Gauri...Tell me the truth..

Ga:Ok fine..This dress is really nice..Now please don't search for another one..I mean..Look at the time Bhavya..

Bh:(looks at the clock)Gosh!!Only 45 minutes more...Oh no..!!Why didn't you tell me earlier Gauri...?

Ga:Yeah..Yeah..You take out some or outfits and try them too..We have lots of time..

Bh:Ok..Ok..I will get ready soon..You go and have your breakfast if you are ready..

Ga:Ok Bhavya..Come soon..

Gauri left the room and walked towards the staircase.On the way, she decided to look inside her brother's room to see if he was ready.She knocked at his door.

Ga:Can I come in bhaiyya..? Are you ready..?

Ra:(from inside)Yep..Come in..

Gauri opened the door and walked inside.Ranveer was ready and he was grooming his hair with some hair gel.

Ga:Thank god you are ready bhaiyya..! Bhavya has only just started dressing up..

Ra:(still looking at the mirror and doing his hair)But why..?She usually gets ready by this time..

Ga:You know..She is going out today with that awful guy..Now what's his name..?!Yeah..Steve...And..

Ra:(smiling)And she would have pulled out all the dresses until she got the right one..huh.?

Ga:Right one?!What are you saying?!..All those dresses were so nice and she was not at all satisfied..Finally I told her to look at the time...And so she chose one and started to get ready..

Ra:(turns to her)Ok Gauri..Now I am ready..Let's go down and have breakfast..

Ranveer and Gauri walked downstairs and reached the breakfast table.Their Dad Akshay was having his breakfast and Nandini was sitting by his side to serve him food..

Ra & Ga:Goodmorning...(and sat at the table)

Ak & Na:Goodmorning..(smiles)

Nandini served their breakfast and they started to have it.

Ak:Where is Bhavya..?

Ra:Bhavya ..?She is getting ready...

Na:Is it..?Why is she late today..?

Ga:Err..Mom..She got up late ..That's why..

Akshay finished his breakfast and told "bye" to everyone and left to the hospital.

Ra:Mom...I want one more sandwich..

Na:Ok beta..I will go to the kitchen and make more sandwiches..

Nandini got up and walked to the kitchen.

Ra:Why did you lie to her, Gauri..?

Ga:What else shall I say Bhaiyya..Should I tell her that Bhavya is going out with that Steve today...?

Ra:Noo..(just then Bhavya came)Good morning..We were talking about you Bhavya..

Bh:Well..What's it bhaiyya..?(sits down)

Ra:Gauri was telling that you are going out with someone today..

Bh:(smiles)Yes Bhaiyya..How do I look today..?(stands to show him clearly)

Ra:Well..You're looking great as usual..!

Bh:(smiles)Thank you..(sits down)

Ga:But Bhavya..What do you see in that awful guy..?He doesn't even look good..!

Bh:I don't think so..He is rich and handsome..


Ra:Gauri..You know our Bhavya..She doesn't fall for any guy..She is just going out with him...Isn't it Bhavya..?

Bh:Yeah..!!(smiles)So don't worry Gauri..I will manage it..

Just then Nandini came in with the sandwiches and they kept quiet...


Ranveer, Bhavya and Gauri reached Spencer's college in their car(Ranveer was driving it).They got down and started to walk.Bhavya saw Steve waiting for her along with his stylish bike.She waved at him.

Bh:So I am going..And you guys enjoy the classes..(smiles)

Ga:Bye Bhavya..See you in the evening..(smiles)

Ra:Bye Bhavya..Come Gauri...

Bhavya walked off towards Steve and Ranveer and Gauri walked towards the college.When they reached inside, they told "bye.. " to each other and walked off in different directions towards their own classes.

Ranveer was walking along the corridor to his class.There were groups of students standing here and there.They waved at him as he passed and he waved back casually.One of the girls came to him.Her name was Susan, a blonde girl.He stopped.

Su:(flirty tone)Hello Handsome..

Ra:(smiling)Hello baby..

Su:Let's go for a movie in the evening ..I have booked tickets for just the two of us..(puts her arm around his arm)

The other girls were looking at her with jealous faces..

Ra:Why not..!!I'll meet you at 6 in the evening at the Movie hall...Now if you please excuse me...(tries to take off his arm from hers)


Ra:(stops to look at her)What's it..?

She leaned to him and kissed his cheek.Ranveer just smiled at her and walked away.

Gauri reached her class and sat down on her seat.Her friend, Anne who was sitting next to her moved closer to her..

An:Hello Gauri...

Ga:Hello...How was the weekend..?

An:Nothing special..How was your's..?

Ga:Same here..

Just then one guy came to her.He was her class mate and had a crush on her and she knew it.She had turned down his proposal twice.Still he didn't give up...His name was Peter.

Pe:Hello Gauri...How r u..?

Ga:(indifferently)Hi...I'm fine..(and turned to Anne)

Pe:Come on Gauri..Won't you ask me back..?

Ga:Ok fine.!!How are you Peter..?

Pe:I am not fine..Until you accept my proposal...Do you love me...?

Ga:Well..You know the answer..Don't you..?Its No...NO..NO..and a Big NO...!Now please go away and leave me alone...

An:(laughs)Oh Peter..You are such a shame less pig..!

Pe:(annoyed)Hey Anne..Watch your tongue..!

An:Well what's the problem with me..?I'm telling the truth man..!

Peter made a 'whatever' look and walked back to his seat..

An:Gauri..Why don't you accept his proposal..?He is handsome and rich..Then what's the problem..?

Ga:I know that he is handsome and all that..But I just can't stand these boys..They are all the same..Dominating, male chauvinist pigs..Only friendship is good with them..If we get committed to them, they will start to tell, 'Don't do this, don't do that..' etc..etc..

An:Nah..Every boy is not like that..I'm sure your opinion about boys will change when you meet the right person in your life..Now look at me..I am happy with my boy friend, Ben...

Ga:May be..You're right...But I haven't found anyone till now..


It was 9.30 p.m in the night.Everybody was sitting around the dining table and having dinner..

Na:When is your vacation starting..?

Ra:Next week Mom..My Graduation course will be over then..(happily)And then I am going to do M.B.A after a 3 months vacation..

Bh:Oh...(frowns)I still have got two more years, to complete my degree..

Ga:(frowns)And one more year for me...

Ra:Still you both have got 1 month vacation...So there's no need to make long faces like that..

Ak:So...(looking at each of his children)What about spending this one month vacation in India..?

Ga:Wow Papa!!(smiles)I have always wanted to go to India..That's a great idea..!!

Ra:(smiles)Not a bad idea after all...We have never been to India, even though we are Indians..

Bh:But we don't have any relatives there...Where will we stay..?

Ak:We will stay at some hotel..

Ga:Its O.K...But how did you get this idea..?

Na:You all know your Papa's colleague Mr.Gaurav Khanna..His daughter is getting married in India..That too in Mumbai...

Bh:(frowns)Wedding?!How boring..!!But you were telling about spending the vacation in India..?!

Ak:Bhavya beta..The wedding is only for two days..After that we will go for sightseeing and all..I am going to take a one month leave from the hospital...

Bh:(smiles)O.K then..


Coming up next: The Malhotra family leaves for India..



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