The Oberoi Family

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This is a story I wrote some years ago on another serial..And here I am posting it on RiKara. If you enjoy the first chapter, I will post new updates..

Omkara Singh Oberoi:(20yrs) Smart and fun-loving guy who loves his family a lot.Handsome, stylish and dashing, he is the hero of his college.

He is doing his final year B.Com in Xavier's College, Mumbai.Since he is every girl's heart throb, he is always seen with one or other girl.Even though he doesn't quite like any of them, he always loves to flirt with them.(like the way SRK does in Kuch Kuch Hota Hain)

Rudra Singh Oberoi:(20 yrs)Sweet and innocent guy.Omkara's cousin and Priyanka's own elder brother.

He is also doing his final year B.Com in Xavier's College, Mumbai.He doesn't like to flirt with any girl.Actually he hasn't even thought about being in love with any one.

Priyanka Singh Oberoi:(18 yrs)She is Omkara's cousin, who is a little bit crazy at times.Hot tempered, crazy and yet sweet and beautiful.

She is doing her first year BBM in Xavier's College, Mumbai.Being the smallest kid of the family, she was pampered and spoiled.She loves to fight with her brothers and she loves them a lot. She usually calls Rudra and Omkara by their names ( not 'Bhaiyya' ) as she had grown up hearing them call each other's names..

Shivaay Singh Oberoi:(26 yrs)Omkara's own elder brother.Handsome and sophisticated.Married to Annika Singh Oberoi.He works in the Oberoi Group of Industries.He is the only one brother, whom Priyanka doesn't fight with..She loves him more than Omkara and Rudra and she calls him "Bhaiyya"

Annika Singh Oberoi:(22 yrs)Shivaay's loving wife..Sweet and charming girl who loves her in-laws a lot.She is the most friendly Bhabhi in the world to Omkara, Rudra and Priyanka..

Tej Singh Oberoi: Shivaay's and Omkara's father.A successful business man who owns the Oberoi Group of Industries.

Jhanvi Singh Oberoi:Shivaay's and Omkara's mother.She is strict and loving at the same time

Shakti Singh Oberoi:Tej's younger brother.Rudra's and Priyanka's father.A successful business man who owns the Oberoi Group of Industries.

Pinky Singh Oberoi:Rudra's and Priyanka's mother.Even though she is a soft person, she has to be strict at times towards her spoilt daughter Priyanka.


Xavier's College, Mumbai:

A basketball match was going on and it was raining heavily.It was the final match of the Inter collegiate Basketball tournament.The whole college was watching the game with anxiety.

The loud chorus  " OMKARA. OMKARA.. "  was to be heard all around the gallery.

It was the last minute of the game and the score board had '26-26'on it.

Rudra and Priyanka were among them cheering for their brother.

Ru & Pr:(excitedly cheering) OMKARA.. OMKARA.. !

Pr: Rudra.. We are going to win this game..!

Ru:(smiling)Even I think so..(cheers louder) OMKARA.. OMKARA.

A pair of legs were,(wearing blue shorts) making their way through the opponent team members' legs (yellow shorts). The person wearing blue team vest was dribbling the ball deftly and was nearing the basket. The opponents were doing their best to stop him, but to no avail.He reached under the basket and threw the ball upwards and scored.The whole gallery erupted with applause.The final minute was over and the whistle sounded to signal the end of the game.In one jump he caught the brim of the basket and we see his excited face.Omkara Singh Oberoi shook his head and the water sprinkled in every direction from his head.He jumped back down and his team members surrounded him and hugged him.

Rudra and Priyanka hugged each other and jumped excitedly.

Announcement: And the host team, Xavier's college won the game beating St.Stephen's College for 27-26.


The whole gallery was singing "'XAVIER'S..XAVIER'S.. OMKARA.. OMKARA..XAVIER'S..XAVIER'S"

Priyanka and Rudra had also joined in the chorus and she noticed a boy standing in front of her..He was saying to his friend.

Boy:(mockingly)Omkara.Omkara.!! What does he think about himself.. Idiot..!!

Priyanka was really agitated and she took him by his collar.

Pr:Hey..What did you just say.?!! My brother is not an Idiot..Do you get that..?!!You are an Idiot.. Your whole family are idiots..

The boy was surprised at this sudden attack..But he regained his sense..

B:(pointing his finger at her)Behave yourself ok.Don't you dare mess with me..Leave my collar..(tries to free himself)

Ru:Prinkuu..What are you doing.Leave him

Pr:I won't.Didn't you just hear what he called our Omkara..(releases the boy's collar and starts pulling his ears vigourously and scratches his face with her sharp nails)

Boy:Aaah..What the hell..You wild cat..!!(tries to take off her hands from his face)

Rudra started to pull her backwards to save the boy and the boy's friend tried to pull that boy away from her clutches..

Pr:(struggling in Rudra's grip)Leave me Rudy..Leave..!

By that time Omkara came running to them and helped Rudra to pull her back successfully.After the boy and his friend escaped, Omkara and Rudra left her.She was fuming and panting hard.

Om:Prinku..Why were you fighting with him..?

Pr:(angrily)Omkara..You don't know what he called you.

Om:What did he call me..?

Pr:He called you an idiot..

Om:(laughs)That's all..(laughs) For that you did all that to him..!Oh God..Poor fellow..!(laughs)

Pr:(laughs and hugs Omkara happily)Congrats for the game.. !

Ru:Congrats Omkara..!(joined in the hug)


Oberoi Mansion, 7 p.m

Jhanvi and Pinky and Annika were working in the kitchen.

Jh:Pinky, pass me the Salt.

Pi: Ok..(passes the bottle)

Just then there was a lot of noise from the hall.

Jh:What is that noise..?

Pi: My darling daughter might be fighting with Omkara or Rudra ..

Pinky searched for something and found a spatula.She ran towards the hall and saw the scene.Priyanka and Rudra were fighting for the T.V remote once again.Priyanka and Rudra were sitting on the sofa.She was wrestling with him and he was clutching the t.v remote and wasn't giving it to her.

Pr:Give me the remote ..

Ru:I won't give you..I need to watch this program..

Priyanka started to hit him fiercely and he caught hold of her hair and pulled it hard.Pinky was tired of watching this and she came running to them with the spatula raised.

Pi:Oh my Mata..!!Why are you always fighting with each other..

Both of them stopped fighting and looked at their mother.

Ru:Mom..See this. She is not allowing me to watch this program..

Pr:It is some stupid program , Mom..

Ru:What did you say..?Stupid program..?!

Rudra started to pull her hair and she resumed wrestling with him.Pinky couldn't handle this anymore and she took hold of both their heads.

Pi:(fuming with anger)Now if you fight again..I will just hit your heads with one another.Got it both of you..?!!

Both of them stopped fighting abruptly and looked at their mother, clearly frightened.Pinky left their heads and went to the television and switched the power off.She turned to them.

Pi:Now I want both of you to go to your rooms right now and study..And
I don't want any one of you near the T.V again..Is that clear..!!(went off )

Priyanka and Rudra looked at each other and shrugged..

Ru:Phew..She is gone..God saved us..Right Priyanka..?(smiles)

Pr:(smiles mockingly)  Oh Yes!!.She put the TV off..!!All because of you Rudy..Are you happy now?(makes an angry face at him)

Ru:(angrily)Oooh..!!Now I am the one who is responsible.. ?!

Pr:Of course Yes!! I am going to kill you..(angrily clutches his neck)

Ru:(calmly)Priyanka..Leave me..Otherwise Mom will come again

Pr:Alright..(leaves him)

Ru:(stands up)I am going to my room to study..You also go ..(goes off to his room which was upstairs)

Pr:(mocking his words in a comical way)..I em elso geying te my room.(gets up and goes off to her room which was also upstairs)

Time was 9 o clock and the dinner was ready.Pinky and Jhanvi kept the dining table ready.In a while everyone was sitting around the table except Omkara and Priyanka.

Jh:Now this Omkara and Priyanka..Where are they..?

Pi: I will go and see..

Pinky climbed up the stairs and first went and checked in Priyanka's room.She was not there.Then she went towards Omkara's room and opened the door.

Omkara was angrily running after Priyanka around the room and she was giggling and running away from him..

Om:Prinkuuu...Stop..Give it to me..Otherwise I will..

Pr: I am not giving it to you.. Not at all..

And as she ran towards the door she bumped on to Pinky and stopped looking wide eyed at her angry mother.


Omkara caught up with her and grabbed her hand and started to open her clutched fist.

Om:See this Choti Maa..She is not giving me the pen drive ..(struggles to open her fist)

Pr:(beats his hand with her other hand)I want it..I won't let you take it..

Pi:(pulling her ear)Give it to him Priyanka..

Pr:Oooh..I will give..I will give..Mommm please leave my ear..Aaahhh.

Just then Annika came to them..

An:(smiling)What happened Choti Maa..?Why are you scolding my Prinku..?

Pi:Annika beta..Just look at her antics..

An:Priyanka..What did you do?

Pr:(rubbing her painful ear and says innocently)I was just asking Omkara to give this pen drive to me.

Om:Bhabhi..Don't believe her innocent expression..

An:Priyanka..Give it to him..And come with me for having dinner..

Pr:Ok Bhabhi..(then irritatedly)You take it..(gives it to Omkara)

And then she went off with Annika..

Pi:You also come with me Omkara(turns to go)

Om:Ok my dear Choti Maa..(hugs her from behind and walks away with her)


Everyone was now sitting around the table and was having dinner.Priyanka was sitting on the right side of her favourite Shivaay Bhaiyya.She always sat near him at the dining table..

Shakti: Bhabhi pass me the sabji please..

Jhanvi: OK..(passes him the dish)

Tej:Pinky..Please pass me the Puris..

Pi:Jee Bhai saab..(serves him the Puris)

Om:Mom..Plzz pass me some aaloo bhaji

Jhanvi served to him also.

Pr:Bhaiyya..What did you do at the office today..?

Sh:What shall I say, Prinku.!Had lots of work to do..There was one meeting..We finalized a  deal..Went to the factory..etc..etc..

Pr:You know what Bhaiyya..Our college won in the basket ball tournament.

Ru:Yes..with the help of Omkara..

Sh:Is it..?Well Done Omkara.!

Om:Thank you Bhaiyya..You know what your favorite Prinku did today..?Fought with a boy terribly..


Everybody turned their head towards Priyanka whose face became red at once.

Pr:I did it because..He called Omkara an Idiot.

And hearing this everyone began to laugh heartily and Priyanka also began laughing
****End of Part 1****
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