Chapter 13

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Hey people.....
Back with the new chapter of the story......
So let's dive into it and.....

*Next Morning*
All the couples were sleeping and weren't in a mood to get up. Slowly sunlight peeped through the windows of all the rooms and broke their peaceful sleep.

(Everything is happening parallely with all the couples)

*Rikara's room *
Omkara's eyes opened and he saw his wife cuddling him. He then remembered what had happened in the night. Due to cold weather Gauri kept on moving into the blanket for warmth and finally ended up being in his arms and slept peacefully. Omkara knew she would be embarrassed if she hears it so he slowly made her lie down on the pillow and went to freshen up. Gauri on the other hand on not feeling warmth opened her eyes slowly. She looked at the other side and found empty. She frowned and then heard the sound of running water and understood that he went to freshen up. She sighed in relief because she thought that she would be caught by him because of the stunt she put up yesterday night in sleep. She clearly remembers what had happened and she was shy to confront him. She was so engrossed in her thoughts that she failed to notice him. He snapped her out her thoughts.

Om: Where are you lost?
Gauri(stammering): No where... No where.... Just thinking about....
Om: Yesterday night?

Gauri was shocked hearing it....

Gaur(nervously): Actually I didn't do it intentionally.... It was just by.....
Om: No problem Gauri.... I am your husband and you have the right to hug me and sleep. So don't worry. Rather I felt good that you hugged me whatever maybe the reason....

Gauri smiled and blushed a little hearing him.

Om: You freshen up while I order breakfast for us.
Gauri: Aren't we having it with others?
Om: I will check with others till then you freshen up.

Gauri went to freshen up while Omkara called others not Shivaay to ask.

*Mohi's room*
Mahi was continuously staring at his wife who was sleeping peacefully in his arms. He started noticing the beauty features of his wife.

Mahi(thinking): I never knew she was so beautiful. She became beautiful now or was from before only. Mahi beta you better not tell her that you noticed her quite lately. But whatever it is she is so beautiful and the morning rays are creating magic on her.
Mona(closed eyes): Staring is bad Mahi....
Mahi(shocked): You are awake?
Mona(opening her eyes): Hmm.... (seeing their position) I am sorry I didn't know that I was....
Mahi(placing his finger on her lips): Sshh.... You are my wife and you have full right on me. You can hug whenever you want. And you think seeing you broken yesterday I would have left you. No never. I have already done that mistake and I won't do it again.... Now why aren't you answering?
Mona(indicating towards his finger on her lips through her eyes and he removed): Thank you.....
Mahi: For?
Mona: Supporting me yesterday and not leaving my side even for a minute.
Mahi: It is my duty towards you. So no sorry or no thank you. I will freshen up and come....
Mona(instantly): I will keep your clothes ready.
Mahi(happy): Sure.....

Mahi went while Mona arranged their clothes. When he returned his phone rang and flashed Om.

Mahi: Haa Om..... Breakfast wait?(turning towards her) Breakfast with others?(she agreed) Yaa we are coming within 20 minutes.
Mona: Shivaay Bhaiya and Anika bhabi is also coming?
Mahi: Maybe no.... Let's see.

Mona went to freshen up while Mahi waited for her.

*Rumya's room*
Sunlight peeped through the curtains and disturbed Rudra's sleep. He opened his eyes to see his Sumo cuddling him. He went back to yesterday night's events.

Rudra(thinking): The concern she showed yesterday made me fall in love with her more. She took care of me like a kid and didn't show any kind of hatred. I didn't trust her always said baseless things to her. Still she didn't leave me alone. How could I get so lucky.

His thoughts were broken by her movements. He noticed her waking up and closed his eyes to see what would she do.

Soumya(looking at his face) : What ever you may have done with me I still can't hate you or let you cry. You hold a special place in my heart Rudra and I pray you get to know about it soon.

She kissed his forehead and went to freshen up. The bathroom door closed and Rudra opened his eyes.

Rudra: Don't worry Soumya. I will surely make you mine. (his phone rang) Haa Om..... Breakfast? Wait let me ask Sumo.

He knocked the door and asked her about it which she agreed.

Rudra: Haa Om we will join you all in 20 minutes.

Soumya walked out and Rudra kept on looking at her.

Soumya: Don't stare at me like that. I know I am fat.
Rudra: No you have reduced so much. I mean you look thinner than the last time I saw you.
Soumya: Time has made me.
Rudra(holding her hand in his): Will you forgive me for all the things I have done to you? Will you take care of this Cry Baby of yours?
Soumya: I had never left you Rudra. I will try to forget everything but I need time.....
Rudra: That isn't a problem, after all, seeing my charm you will fall for me very quickly.
Soumya: That I don't know but now you need to freshen up fast otherwise we will miss the breakfast.

Hearing her, he rushed to the bathroom not before shouting her to keep his clothes ready.She chuckled seeing his antics.....

*Arshi's room*

Arnav was wide awake and was thinking about yesterday's incidents. He didn't notice that his wife was wide awake.

Khushi(carenessed his cheek): What's wrong Arnav?
Arnav(sighing): Just thinking about the struggle Aru went through. If I wouldn't have left them that day and went to hostel then I guess I could have saved them....
Khushi: Don't think anything like that Arnav..... It is all destiny..... And see now Anika is so happy with her new family and Shivaay is so caring towards her......
Arnav: I know but........
Khushi: You are scared what if she asks you the reason for abandoning her right?(he nodded) Even I am scared about that..... But I have full faith on Shivaay..... Like the way he handled her yesterday, I am sure he will able to handle her today as well......
Arnav: I too hope the same.....

His phone rang breaking their conversation.

Arnav: Yes Om.... Breakfast?(looking at her. She nodded) Yaa we will be there by 20minutes.....
Khushi: Let's get ready fast we need to do so many arrangements....
Arnav: Don't worry about that.... And waise bhi until Shivaay comes we can't do anything afterall it is his wife's birthday today.
Khushi(encircling her arms around his neck): Kaash mera pati bhi itna romantic hota aur mere liye birthday ka surprise rakhta......
Arnav(holding her by waist): Oh so my dear wifey wants surprises and wants me to be romantic. Waise I don't have any problem in being romantic with you right now......(he stared at her with a mischivious glint)
Khushi(pushing him away): Of course not mister. We don't have time for romance now. Jaldi chalo... You freshen up while I wake up Arshi. Now go..........

She pushed him towards the bathroom and was about to turn when he kissed her cheek making her surprise....

Arnav: Morning kiss Wifey...... And it is my right... And don't start blushing otherwish I won't be able to control myself..........

He grinned at her and closed the door while she stood there blushing with a small smile..........

*Shivika's Room*
Finally we are peeping into our Most wanted couple's room...... 😁😁

Sunlight strained through the satin curtain and fell on Shivaay's face. He squeezed his eyes tight but it didn't do any good. He had to finally open his eyes to get the view of his lovely wife. From the past few months whenever he saw her she had this line of worry or her face would show grief. But today it was looking so peaceful as if some kind of burden or stress has been lifted up from her shoulder. He kept on staring at her and was picturing an outline of her face in his mind. He saw her moving and she opened her eyes slowly. Her honey brown eyes caught his blue green eyes and it seemed like time has stopped for them. Slowly Anika leaned forward and hugged him tightly. He took hugged her tightly but wasn't aware of her sudden change of behavior. He was about to ask her when he heards her whisper.

Anika(whisper): I love you Shivaay........

He was too happy to hear her and hugged her even more tightly. His happiness was no bound.

Shivaay: Say it onces more Anika.
Anika: I love you Shivaay..... I love you so much.......
Shivaay: I love you too princess.....

Anika smiled and remained in the same position.

Shivaay(whisper): Happy Birthday my princess......

Anika smiled even wider and tears began to cloud her vision. He sensed her crying and broke the hug.

Shivaay: Anika why are you crying baccha? Princess....
Anika(crying): You remember that faithful day of my life when I was born..... Why Shivaay..... I don't want to remember this day because this day made me orphan....
Shivaay: Not at all this is the best day of my life. You know why?
Anika: Why?
Shivaay(cupping her face): Because on this day a princess was born to rule the heart of this tadibaaz SSO..... And we should celebrate this day.
Anika: You love me so much?
Shivaay: More than you can imagine...... And moreover I had said you that I am trying to search for your family....
Anika: Hmm.... But I don't want to know anything about them....
Shivaay: Because you think that they have abandoned you and left in the orphanage. But if there is some other reason then you will accept them?
Anika: I don't know..... I can't think of anything......
Shivaay: Do you trust me?
Anika(looking into his eyes) : More than myself.....
Shivaay: Then wait for the biggest happiness in your life today.....

He hugged her and she sighed. He was thinking why didn't she ask anything about yesterday's incident.

Anika: Shivaay....
Shivaay: Hmm.....
Anika: I am sorry......
Shivaay(shocked and broke the hug): Why are you telling sorry Anika?
Anika(with tears): Because of my ignorance and also due to the hate I had for you.
Shivaay: It wasn't your fault at all. I had only created such a situation. I should have said you about it before. But I didn't want to stress you so much. Hearing that Lady I broken but when she said about harming you, then only one thing came into my mind that is I have to protect you and our baby. I straight away went from there and confronted Mahi. And then you know everything. I never knew she would play such a disgusting game and snatch our ba... Baby....
Anika(teary voice and consouling him): Shivaay.... Don't breakdown like this please. I can't see you this much vulnerable. Please Shivaay.... Don't cry....
Shivaay(crying): Anika how can she do like this to me.... I don't know whether she is my mother or not but she didn't have a little bit of humanity.... At least for the sake of motherhood also she didn't think before during such a thing...... I will never forgive her...... Never....... She will get her part of miseries..... I swear......

Anika: Shivaay calm down.... Please...(making him look into her eyes) Look at me Shivaay.... See nothing will happen...... We both will mend eachother..... Right?

Shivaay: Yes Anika we both will mend eachother and I promise no more sadness will enter our life.......No more sadness............. From now only happiness will stay..... Only happiness......

Anika(something stricking her): Shivaay........ You won't leave me naa...... I can't live without you...... Please don't leave me and go......

Shivaay(cupping her face): Anika why are you thinking like that? And why will I leave you......

Anika(stammering): Because I couldn't give you the happiness which you deserve Shivaay..... Being a wife I couldn't fulfill your wishes.......... I am a bad wife........I couldn't make my husband happy.............

Shivaay(cutting her off): And my happiness lies in you..... This Shivaay is made by Anika and made for Anika...... You aren't a bad wife..... never....... Rather I am a bad husband to you..... I did so many things still you have accepted me and not only that You love me...... And regarding happiness..... Then let me remind you....... This happiness was ours...... So what we didn't get at that time....... Maybe God didn't want our baby to grown in a broken house. So that's why we didn't get the happiness at that time........Aur dekhna.... This time we will get double happiness....
Anika: Really?
Shivaay(nodding his head): Hmm..... Now let's get ready so many things are left to be done and so many things are left to be given to you...........
Anika: You planned something????
Shivaay(chuckled): That is a surprise for you..........
Anika(huge grin) : Really? Wow Shivaay you are just awesome.....

She kissed his cheek and ran towards the bathroom for bath. While Shivaay just sat there in shock. He placed his hand on his cheek where she kissed. A small blush crept up and he smiled.

Shivaay(thinking): Finally I am able to bring her out of her depression. Thank you God thank you so much. You have returned my Anika back. Thank you so much. Now with her by my side I can go to any extent and mend all the relations and show hell to that Lady. But now I need to plan for her birthday.

While at the other side Anika was in deep thoughts and was standing under the shower. She was letting the cold water wash away all her thoughts.

Anika(thinking): How can I be so selfish? How? I was just thinking about my miseries and not of Shivaay's. How could I not see his eyes and understand his pain. That Lady wanted to break my relation with Shivaay, I agreed but when I got to know that she killed my baby..... Our baby..... I can never forgive her. Never..... It wasn't only mine but his too. At least for Shivaay she should have thought and not do this. But she is a killer.... A murderer..... I will never forgive her. Because of her I have ignored my life..... I have ignored Shivaay and his feelings. But not now....... Now my only priority will be Shivaay and no one else. I will live for him and become the old Anika again. I will do it......

She opened her eyes which showed a new determination. Now she was back to being the strong, independent and carefree Anika which her Shivaay loved the most.

Anika(thinking): Shivaay has never left my hand at any situation and now I will never leave him alone. I will be with him always and become his shield. I will become his strength not his weakness. I will be his happiness not his sadness. I will be Shivaay's Anika again.......

With this new determination she started her new journey again as Shivaay's Anika.......

Everyone except Shivika were having their breakfast.

Arnav: People what is plan for today?
Rudra: Arnav bhaiya it is only known to Shivaay bhaiya only and he hasn't come till now.
Arnav: Why don't we surprise Aru?
Om: That's a good idea.
Mahi: Let me ask Shivaay then....

*ShiHi chat *
Mahi: Shivaay everyone wants to surprise bhabi.
Shivaay: Yaa no problem.
Mahi: She is alright?
Shivaay: I will discuss that you all later.
Mahi: Shall we come now?
Shivaay: Come after 20 minutes.
Mahi: Done....
*Chat ends*

Mahi: Shivaay said to be in their room in 20 minutes.
Arnav: So what are we waiting for. Let's prepare a surprise breakfast for my sissy. By the way how is Aru?
Mahi: Shivaay said he will discuss with us later.
Arnav(concerned): Why later? I hope she is alright....
Mahi(squeezing his shoulder): Don't worry if bhabi wouldn't be fine then Shivaay wouldn't have allowed us to do this. I guess she is better.
Rudra: She has to be. Nahi toh Shivaay bhaiya......
Om: Kuch nehi hoga...... Bhabi will be fine and dekhna we will see our old bhabi back......
Gauri: Aab sab chaale..... Bhaujayi ko breakfast surprise dene.....
Khushi: Let's go.....
Arshi: Bua ko surprise dena hai. But why?
Mona: Cause today is her birthday sweetie.
Arshi: Aare wah.. Let's go mamma papa..... We need to surprise Bua...... Chaalo......
Khushi: Arshi beta..... Don't call her Bua now okay?
Arshi: But why mumma?
Arnav: Beta she isn't well now so don't call her Bua okay. Call her....
Arshi(excited): Friend! I will call her friend.
Arnav: That's like my princess.

They prepared their breakfast and went towards their room. They knocked and waited for someone to open.

Rudra: Om bhaiya itna time kiyu le rehe hai?
Om: Duffer wait for sometime.

And then click. Shivaay was ready in casual wear.

Shivaay: Great guys. Now slowly come in. She's getting ready.

They nodded and entered slowly. They saw her wearing a Sari and was wearing her earing.

Anika: Shivaay who came at the door?

Receiving no response she turned around and they shouted.....


She gasped and became shocked.

Anika: Oh my god.....
Shivaay(hugging her from behind) : Don't be so shocked wifey. It is all for you.
Anika: You planned it?
Shivaay: No. This one is from your devars and devranis. Mine is yet to come. And Happy Birthday Anika....
Rudra(breaking their moment): Bhaiya I know you love bhabi. At least leave her now.
Shivaay(tightening his grip): Haa so... I am romancing with my wife not anyone else.
Anika(whispering): Shivaay what are you doing? Leave naa. Everyone is seeing.
Shivaay(whispering): Toh dekhne do. As if I am kissing you in front of them.
Anika(blushing): Shivaay.....
Shivaay: Oh my blushing queen.....
Arnav(fake coughing) : If your romance is over then please leave Anika and let her meet us.
Shivaay(leaving her reluctantly) : Okay fine. But not for long.
Rudra: Bhaiya, bhabi needs a break. So leave her to us.

Rudra dragged her and made her sit on the bed. He hugged her tightly.

Rudra: Happy Birthday Bhabi.
Soumya: Rudra, you are chocking Bhabi.
Rudra: Oh sorry.
Anika(ruffling his hair) : No problem Rudra. And thank you so much.
Soumya(hugging her) : Happy Birthday Bhabi.....
Om(hugging her) : Happy Birthday Bhabi and welcome back.
Anika: Thanks Om and I had to come back..... (indicating towards Shivaay)
Gauri(hugging her) : Bhaujayi, Happy birday...
Om: It is birthday Gauri nahi birday....
Anika: Whatever it is Om. Let her be herself. And thank you Gauri.
Mahi: Question Kumari, happy birthday.
Anika: Thanks Mahi.
Mona(hugging her excited ): Happy Birthday Bhabi....
Anika: Thanks Mona......
Khushi(hugging her) : Happy Birthday Anika.....
Anika: Thank you Khushi.....
Arshi(big smile) : Happy Birthday friend.....
Anika: Thank you Arshi....
Arnav(hugging her aaffectionately): Happy Birthday Anika.....
Anika(feeling brotherly love): Thank you Bhaiyu.......

Everyone was shocked hearing it. He broke the hug and kept staring at her.

Arnav(shocked): What did you just say?
Anika(nervously): Actually from the time I meet you, I have felt some kind of a connection with you and I don't know why I felt safe when you hugged as if a brother is hugging his sister..... I felt a brother-sister connection with you. That's why it came instantly. But if you don't want I won't call you that....
Arnav: Nonsense, of course you can call me that. I am like a brother to you just like Mona's.
Khushi: So if Arnav is your bhai then I am your....
Anika(with tears) : Bhabi...... At last someone is there who is my bhabi. Otherwise I thought I would be everyone's bhabi....
Rudra(instantly): Except for Shivaay bhaiya.....
Arshi(looking at Anika) : That means you are my Bua.....
Anika(kneeling in front of her) : Yes baby..... And you my niece.....

Arshi grinned and Anika kissed her cheek.

Rudra: Challo bhabi.... Breakfast time for the special person.
Shivaay: At least for the first time he said something sensible.
Om: Right Shivaay.

Rudra became sad.

Anika(seeing him) : Don't dare to tease my sweet devar.
Rudra: Aww so sweet of you bhabi. See someone is there in my team too.
Gauri: Okay rest talks later let Bhaujayi have her breakfast.

Rudra placed the tray in front of her. Seeing the amount of food she was shocked.

Anika: Are you guys crazy? Itna kaun khaata hai....
Shivaay: You will eat it and moreover you haven't eaten anything from yesterday night. Now silently have it.
Anika(murmur): Saadu Singh Oberoi....
Shivaay(sitting in front of her and offering her a morsle) : I heard that. Abhi chup chap khana khao.

He forcefully fed her and she looked at him with wide open eyes.

Shivaay: What don't look at me like that. Chup chap khayo.....
Anika: But....
Shivaay: Kuch nehi. Eat silently.

Others saw their cute fight and smiled.

Om: After so many days I'm seeing bhabi so happy.
Mahi: Not only her. I am seeing Shivaay so free and happy. As if some weight has been removed from his shoulders.
Rudra: But they forgot us only in their fight and love.
Om(hitting him lightly) : Duffer. I guess we should leave them alone.
Arnav: I also guess so. Let's go and wait for Shivaay to come.

They left the room silently but not before Rudra shouting "Close the door and romance. " This brought them back to their senses and they blushed.

Anika: Oh god I don't know what they have felt.
Shivaay: Kuch bhi nehi. They just left us alone to romance simple.
Anika(blushing): Shivaay.....
Shivaay: Anika....
Anika: Hmm....
Shivaay: Call me that once.....
Anika(confused): What?
Shivaay(trying to make her understand): Aare that....
Anika: What Billuji?
Shivaay(happy): Yes that only....
Anika: Billuji?
Shivaay(grinning): Yes.....
Anika(chuckled): Okay Billuji....
Shivaay: Now eat, you need to rest then.
Anika: Why rest?
Shivaay(feeding her) : Because you are still weak amd doctor has said no more stress for you.
Anika: You also eat naa.
Shivaay: I will have it later.
Anika(forcing him to eat) : No first you then I will have the next bite.
Shivaay(helplessly): Okay fine.... (eating the food) I am also eating. Now toh eat.
Anika: Of course Billuji.

They had a light moment and they completed the breakfast. Shivaay handed over the medicines which she took it reluctantly. He made her lay down and covered her with a duvlet. He sat beside her and carenessed her hair. Slowly sleep took over her and she went into the dreamland. He kissed her on the forehead and went out of the room to meet others who were eagerly waiting for him.

*Rikara's Room*

Everyone was eagerly waiting for the most famous Shivaay Singh Oberoi but seems like he is taking a lot more time than needed.

Rudra: Om bhaiya kaha rehe gai?
Om: How will I know?
Rudra: I guess bhaiya is doing something something.........
OmHi: Shut up Rudra....
Shivaay(while entering): Sorry guy woh Anika.....
Rudra: Haa bhaiya kya bhabi?
Shivaay: Woh Anika is sleeping so I had to stay with her till she fell off to sleep.So I was late. Now if your question-answer is over then lets discuss about today's surprise.
Arnav: But before that we want to know how is Aru and how did she react to it?
Shivaay: She is fine and......

He said them everything except their private moments.

Arnav: At least she is fine now. But you want to take the risk of telling her about her family now?
Shivaay: Yes. I want that not only me but there should be someone else also to look after her.
OmRuHi: Aren't we enough?
GauNaYa: And we?
Shivaay: It's nothing like that guys. It's like she should have someone very very close to her other than me with whom she can share her thoughts. I know there are certain things which she wants to share with me but can't. I want that she feel secure and she feels that she also has a family to care for her.
Arnav: I may be her brother but the life you gave Anika, I can't explain you.
Shivaay: She has given me life...... She has made me what I am today......

Arnav smiled and hugged him. Later they all discussed about the surprise party.

Precap: Anika's surprise birthday party and some more revelations......

Just small treat before more shocks. Just enjoy.....
Happy Choti diwali to all my readers..... Wishing you all a very happy, safe and prosperous diwali.....
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