Chapter 16

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Hey people.....
Back with the new chapter......
Let's stop our bak bak and dive into the chapter.....

*Shivika's room *

Anika was still in his embrace and Shivaay was constantly in a battle with his brain and heart.

Brain: I guess ,you should tell her about it.
Heart: No she won't be able to cope up with the news.
Brain: But if she comes to later from someone else then she will be broken beyond repair.
Heart: But she had already gone through so much for the past few days. She won't be able to handle the situation.
Brain: But it is better for her to know everything at once than to know it later.
Heart : She is die if she gets to know....
Brain: You are there to protect her....
Heart: But....
Shivaay: Just stop it okay just stop it.....
Anika (looking at him curiously) : What's wrong Shivaay?
Shivaay: Nothing.....
Anika: Shivaay are you fine?
Shivaay(stammering): Yes.... I am fine.... What will happen to me?
Anika(concerned): Shivaay kuch hua hai kya? Why are you looking so tensed? Tell me Shivaay.... Is it something related to me?
Shivaay(snapped out his thoughts) : How did you know?
Anika:Because after OmRuHi you are more concerned about me. Tell me what is the matter Shivaay?
Shivaay (thinking) : How can I tell you Anika....... If you hear.... I don't know what will happen to you.......
Anika (shaking him) : Shivaay boliye naa....
Shivaay(stammering): Anika..... You..... You.....
Anika : Mai kya Shivaay boleyena.....
Shivaay (holding her tight and closed his eyes) : You can't become a Mother.....

This news came as a shock to her. Did she just hear right? She can't be a mother anymore..... No Shivaay must be joking..... Yes he's joking.....

Anika: You must be joking right Shivaay? This is not possible ....... You are joking.....
Shivaay (controlling his tears) : This is truth Anika......
Anika(moving away from Shivaay) : No...... You are kidding.... This can't be true..... This can't be true...... (shouting)
Shivaay (trying to hold her) : Anika..... Listen to me.... Anika....
Anika(murmuring to herself) : No this can't be true..... Can't be.... I can't become a Mother..... No.... Pinky Aunty was right..... I can't give happiness to Shivaay..... No.... I can't give happiness to Shivaay..... I can't become a Mother..... I can't......
Shivaay(shaking her and interuppting her) : Anika... Listen to me.....
Anika(shocked eyes) : Shivaay.... I can't.....
Shivaay(cutting her in between) : You have spoken enough now. Now I will speak and you will listen. It is true that you can't become a Mother but I never said that you can't become a Mother ever in your life. There are chances for you to become a Mother but for that you need to go under some medication. I have already spoken to the doctors and other experts and they have said that they would start your treatment after we return back. Did you understand?
Anika(low vulnerable voice) : You are saying the truth naa?
Shivaay(cupping her face) : Why would I give false hopes to you dear? I also want our symbol of love playing in my arms. I also want to called as 'Dad' or 'Papa'. You don't believe me.... Okay I will call the doctors now and you hear it by yourself okay....
Anika(stopping him) : I trust you Shivaay......

That was enough for him and he hugged her tightly and they filled each others void by their warm embrace. He made her lay down on the bed and he slide down beside her. She turned towards him and kept her head on his chest. He caged her in his arms and they stayed still. No words were spoken between them. Their heart was speaking volumes for them. He kissed her hair and she felt peace. She finally closed her eyes in peace as sleep took over her but not before murmuring "I love you Shivaay...... Don't ever leave me and go..... '' He heard her and promised to himself and her.....

Shivaay: I love you Anika..... I won't leave you ever...... You are my life..... My heart..... I can't leave you ever..... Sleep well my Love......

He finally closed his eyes and slept dreaming about their bright future.

Now let's see what the other Oberois were doing.

*Mohi's room *
After returning from Shivika's room, no words were exchanged between them. Mona was silent more than usual and it was troubling Mahi a lot. After returning, she directly left to change while Mahi stood confused.

Mahi: What's wrong with her? From the time we left Shivaay's room she is like this..... I should talk to her.....

Mona returned and straight away went to the bed. She laid down and covered herself. Mahi stood there shocked. He thought of not disturbing her and went to change. He returned to see her in the same position. He left her undisturbed and slowly took the pillow and went to the couch to sleep. He settled himself and was about to sleep when the sound of light sobs were heard. He thought he was mistaking it. But when the sobs became more audible he could understand what happened. He went towards her and asked slowly.

Mahi(softly): Mona..... What happened?

But no answer came. He hesitatedly removed the blanket and the scene in front of him broke his heart. His Mona has crying silently and badly. He instantly took her in his embrace and rocked her to calm her down.

Mahi: Mona what happened? Say me what happened? Why are you crying?
Mona(crying): Mahi...... I.... I......
Mahi: Sshh..... Chup ho jayo.... Shant ho jayo..... Tell me what happened....
Mona: When bhabi was telling about her experience in the orphanage and her tragic..... I could relate myself with her..... My parents were also..... Were also.....
Mahi: Your parents what Mona..... Come on say Baccha.....
Mona: They were also killed..... That too in front of my eyes...... I can still remember that day.... When they were killed...... I can never forget that.....
Mahi: Sshh...... Tell me what happened that day.....
Mona(shaking in fear) : That..... That.... Day..... I was about 5 years old..... I was with my mother playing in the hall when suddenly Papa entered fully covered in blood. I..... I..... Got scared seeing him..... Mumma saw him and shouted. We ran towards him but he collapsed on the ground. He was trying to say something but before that someone entered. Mumma hid me behind the pillar. I saw a Man entered our house. But I couldn't see his face. He took..... Took out his gun and...... And....... Shot my mumma..... In front of my eyes....... She fell down beside my Papa..... That bad Man laughed looking at them and went. I came out and ran to them. I said them to stay with me and not leave me but they said me to leave the house. They said they loved me very much and said to follow them. They looked at each other and closed their eyes forever. I said to open their eyes but they didn't. I ran from there and then I don't remember anything. Then I was in the orphanage. I can never forget that day ever in my life....... And when Anika bhabi said about her parents, I remembered mine and......
Mahi(hugging her tightly) : Sshh
..... Kuch nei...... See you are safe and with me and others. You have a family now..... Abhi shant ho jayo...... Sshh......
Mona(innocently): You won't leave me naa?
Mahi: I will always be by your side......
Mona: Thank you......

They stayed in that position for sometime. Later she realized their position and wanted to break free but he didn't allow her.

Mona: Mahi.... Leave me....
Mahi: I didn't hold you to leave....
Mona(looking into his eyes) : But you did.... You forced me to leave you..... You pushed me away from you......
Mahi: And I want to rectify it.... Will you allow me?
Mona: Why should I? Give me one reason I will allow you.... One reason.....
Mahi: Because.... I.....
Mona: You what..... See you can't even tell me....
Mahi: Because I like you....
Mona(shocked): You are kidding?
Mahi: I am serious...... And I promise I won't let you down.....
Mona: If you do.... Then.... I don't know what will I do to myself.....
Mahi(angry and forced her to look into his eyes) : Your everything is mine now.... Everything..... Your life is in my hands now...... Did you understand?
Mona: Hmm....
Mahi: Good.... Now sleep.... You seem tired....
Mona(softly): Will you join me..... Please..... I don't want to be alone....
Mahi: Sure.....

He made her lay down and laid down beside her. He carenessed her hair softly so that sleep takes over her. But she was staring at him continuously.

Mahi: What happened?
Mona: Nothing.....
Mahi: Aacha where did you stay with your parents?
Mona: I don't remember so much but whatever things I have with me as my parents memory, it showed that we lived in London...
Mahi(shocked): What London? Then how did you reach India?
Mona: I don't know.... But the Warden said me that she brought me here from London only..... I don't remember anything.....
Mahi: Oh..... It's fine... Now sleep....
Mona: You want to see my family photo?
Mahi: You have it with you?
Mona: I carry it with myself always.... Wait I will get it....

She ran towards her bag and opened it. She took out an old photograph and looked at it. She carenessed it lightly and smiled. She returned back to the bed and showed it to Mahi.

Mona(excited): See this is me, my Papa and my Mumma..... We were a happy family..... Am I not looking cute?

But Mahi was shocked seeing the Man in the photo.

Mahi(thinking): No... This can't happen.... How is it even possible..... But Uncle said he died due to an accident..... No... This isn't possible........
Mona(shaking his back to normal) : Mahi where are you lost? See naa how cute am I right?
Mahi: Haa.... You are so cute and sweet looking..... Aacha what is your Father's name?
Mona: Abhimanyu Rathode and my mother's Shreya Rathode.....
Mahi(confused): Rathode?
Mona: Yes.... But why are you so confused?
Mahi: Nothing... (smiling at her) It is quite late now sleep.... Tomorrow we need to return back I guess....
Mona: Okay....

She kept the photo on the bedside table and slept on the pillow. He patted her head softly and she slowly drifted off to sleep holding his hand in hers tightly.....

Mahi(thinking): Is it a coincidence or something else? How can Bajaj Uncle's son and Mona's father look the same? Maybe their faces are same by chance or is he really his son and (looking at Mona) And Mona his granddaughter? If is it so then..... No I can't predict anything like this now. I need to discuss this with others and find out the truth. I will make her meet her only family left..... And this is my promise to you dear.....

He smiled seeing her innocent face and slept off thinking about the new information he got.....

(Is  Mona really Mr. Bajaj's lost grand-daughter? Let's see.....😉😉)

*Rumya's room *
Things were less awkward between them now as they were fighting like kids.....

Rudra: I don't understand why bhabi had to run away when she could just go to Bajaj uncle's house and ask for help.
Soumya: Because she was concerned about everyone and she didn't want others to fall in danger due to her.
Rudra: But still I am unable to understand.
Sounya: Bhabi knew if she went to Bajaj uncle's house then she would be caught easily or Bajaj uncle will be in danger. That's why she prefered to run away than to go to his house.
Rudra: All the girls think like that only?
Soumya: Girls always think about others before themselves and if that someone is your loved ones then she will be ready to end her life also.....

Rudra instantly closed her mouth with his hand after hearing about death.

Rudra: I can't hear anything related to death...... Especially when you are concerned.
Soumya(removing his hand) : And why is it so?
Rudra: Because you are important for me.....
Soumya: Only important and nothing else...... You consider me as your responsibility?
Rudra: No you are my..... My.....
Soumya: I am your what Rudra.....
Rudra: You are..... My.... My....
Soumya(chuckling): Leave it you can't say. And I don't to hear it also. It is better we don't say anything to each other it will hurt us only.
Rudra: Why will it hurt?
Soumya(with tear filled eyes) : That you won't understand.....

She turned around and left for changing. Rudra kept on standing in confusion. He couldn't understand what she meant but her tears did effect him. He likes to fight, he lives to argue but he can never stand a single tear in her eyes. She came back and was going to sleep when he pulled her roughly towards himself.

Soumya: Rudra what are you trying to do?
Rudra: You think that you are too smart right but listen I am smarter than you. What did you think that whatever you will say and I won't be able to understand anything? I understood everything.
Soumya: If you have understood then explain me what you have understood.
Rudra: That you are hurt by Anika bhabi's story and being emotional.
Soumya: Duffer.....
Rudra: I am not duffer....
Soumya: You are.... You can understand everything and everyone's emotion except your wife's. She wants you to know about her emotion, her voids, her wishes but you are being blind to it. I seriously can't study you Rudra....
Rudra: Because I never let you study me....
Soumya: So is it my fault that I can't study you?
Rudra: I don't know how to do all these..... I was always carefree and enjoyed my life.  I don't know how these relationships and others work.
Soumya: Did you let me help you out? No.... You have always pushed me away from you. When it wasn't my fault you have always blamed me.... I don't know why you do all these.... (with tears in her eyes)
Rudra: I was dumb, I was duffer that I couldn't understand you.  I am Sorry.... Very very sorry...... I want to give our relation a new start. Please.....
Soumya: You seriously want to give our relation a new start ?
Rudra: Yes.... And I want you to be with me always. Whenever I do something wrong then hit me, scold me, fight with me but never leave me.
Soumya(shaky voice) : Are you really serious?
Rudra(determined voice) : Rudra Singh Oberoi nevver gives fake promises. When I said I will then I will.....
Soumya(hugged him instantly) : Thank you Rudra... Thank you so much..... I will help in through this.. We will do this together.......
Rudra(teasing tone): But there is problem.....
Soumya(breaking the hug and scared voice) : What..... What...... Problem?
Rudra(teasing): I can't pick you up like Om or Shivaay and Mahi bhaiya.... Because you are fat naa...
Soumya(hitting him): Rudy......
Rudra(hugging her back) : Just joking.... I will try..... When will these muscles come to work....

They hugged eachother and tried to make the feeling better for them. Later they slept off cuddling each other.

*Arshi's Room*
Anika and Gauri's struggle brought tears to their brother's eyes. He was cursing himself for not protecting his sisters and being failed as a brother.

Arnav: How I could just be so irresponsible? I should have searched for them at least. But no I didn't...... I failed as a brother.... I failed....
Khushi: It's nothing like that Arnav........ You tried looking for them right.... But fate didn't want you to meet them.... But see now they are so happily married and their husbands love them so much right.....
Arnav: But still.... They couldn't even complete their education and had to go for work or search for money. Their lives got ruined.
Khushi: But later they got a beautiful life right. See how happy they are now. They are in a very good family, with very good mother in laws and all other members are also so good to them.....
Arnav: Except Pinky Singh Oberoi ,everyone is very good. She is the most disgusting person I have ever encountered in my life. She tried to break my sister's marriage and also tried to kill her.  I will never forgive her.
Khushi: I can understand your feelings Arnav. But for now calm down. You have got your sisters back after a long time so you should be happy and spend quality time with them.
Arnav: You are right Khushi. Now I will fill my sisters life with happiness and colour.
Khushi: But don't forget they are married so be in your limits.
Arnav: So what if they are married? I have the right to fulfil their dreams and I will.
Khushi: Fine Mr. Raizada.... Whatever you want to do.... Do.... But remember ultimately they have a family and they will prefer them over you.
Arnav(pulling her by the waist) : If I ever go off the tract then you are there to bring me back on track.... Right?
Khushi(wrapping her hands around his neck) : That is obvious you see....
Arnav: So what do think about the night Mrs. Raizada?
Khushi (removing her hand) : Nothing Mr. Raizada.  I think we should sleep now.
Arnav(sad voice) : You are so boring....
Khushi: I am not coming into your talks.
Arnav: When am I telling you come?
Khushi : This is blackmailing....
Arnav(innocently): What did I do now?
Khushi: I will tell you what you do.......

She pulled him by the coller and pushed him on the couch.

Khushi: Till we leave, you will sleep on the couch. (saying this she went away).
Arnav: Aare....  She went off. Now you have to sleep here only beta till your Khushi Rani cools down.

They slept off in their respective places.

*Next Day*

Mahi was patiently waiting for Shivaay to open the door. Ultimately, the door opened and he went in. Shivaay was clueless about his sudden visit.

Shivaay: Mahi, what happened you here so early in the morning?
Mahi: Let the others come too.
Anika: But what happened so suddenly and where is Mona?
Mahi: It is something about her only....
Shivika(confused): What about her?
Mahi: Wait naa I will tell you... (someone knocked the door) I guess others came.

He oped the door and others entered the room.

Rudra: Mahi bhaiya who calls for a meeting in the early morning?
Mahi: I am sorry Rudy but it was very much importance so I had to call you all here early morning.
Om(understanding the restlessness) : What's the matter Mahi?
Mahi(hesitating): Actually.... The matter is related to her family....
Shivaay : Her family? But as far as I know she is an orphan right?
Mahi: Yes... But yesterday after hearing about bhabi's story she broke down and when I asked her she started talking about her family.

He then narrated what all Mona said to him yesterday. He then took out the photo from his pocket and showed it to others.

Mahi: The man in the photo looks exactly like Bajaj uncle's son and tge name is also same Abhimanyu but surname is Rathode. This is what is making me more confused. If he is really his son then Mona is his granddaughter.

Everyone was shocked hearing the new revelation. Arnav quickly took the photo and looked at it minutely.

Arnav: Yes, he looks exactly like T Dad's son. I guess we should ask Dad first and then think about it.
Shivaay : Then we should leave for Mumbai immediately.
Mahi: I also think so.
Shivaay: Everybody meet at the restaurant for breakfast and then we will leave.

Everyone agreed and left the room. Shivaay looked at Anika who just blinked her eyes in assurance saying that she is there with him always. He got some strength and thought of the further plans.

Precap: Oberois and Raizadas back to Mumbai. What will this new information bring in the lives of the others? Pinky missing from OM. Where did she vanish???
Done with the chappy.....
This SS is in top 100 list of fanfiction Catagory.  I am so happy about it..... 😍😍😍😍
It's all due to my lovely readers..... Thank you so much..... 😘😘
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