Chapter 15

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OMG...... Chapter 15......
I never thought I would write so much...... Still.....
Let's jump into the chapter.......

*Shivika's room *
Everyone was waiting for Anika to wake up while the new found brother-sister were talking and talking. Shivaay saw all these and had a small smile on his face. He was sitting beside Anika and holding her hand. Suddenly her grip on his tightened. This gained his attention and he looked at her. Anika was having a nightmare and she was sweating.

Anika(murmurring and moving her head sideways) : Nehi...... Chutki...... Don't go...... Leave me.... Please...... Chutki.......
Shivaay(shaking her up from sleep) : Anika...... Anika..... Anika open your eyes Anika......(shouted)

She opened her eyes and looked at him with a horrifying expression. She immediately hugged him and started crying.

Anika(chocking voice) : Shivaay.... Save me..... They will come again and take me away. Please save me...... Save me.....
Shivaay(consoling her and carenessed her hair ) : Anika...... Sshh...... No-one will take you. See you are with me...... Don't be afraid. Sshh........ Calm down Anika..... Calm down.....

She relaxed in his embrace and her cries turned into occasionally sobs. Finally when he felt her being relax, he broke the hug and cupped her face.

Shivaay(soft voice) : Won't you meet your family?

Anika nodded her head slowly. He smiled at her and left her. He called Arnav and said him to meet her. Arnav came towards her but didn't know what to do. Anika looked at Arnav with the innocent look.

Anika(innocently): Won't you hug your Aru, bhaiyu?

Hearing this Arnav just hugged her and Anika broke down in her brother's arms. Arnav consoled her.

Arnav: Aru chup ho jaa..... Itna koi rota hai kya......
Anika: Bhaiyu...... Where were you? Do you know what your little Aru had to face? I was so scared but noone was there to protect me..... Noone......
Arnav: I am sorry Aru...... I am very sorry..... Please forgive your bhaiyu...... And who said you were alone? You had Shivaay with you naa...... See how much he loves you.... Hai naa....
Anika: But this Bagaad billa wasn't there when I needed him.... When those wardens were hitting me and giving me shocks......
Arnav&Shivaay: Who did what?
Anika(breaking the hug) : I will tell you what happened after the blast.....
Arnav: Wait let me call others.

Arnav went to call others while Shivaay sat down beside her on one side. He held her hand firmly which was giving her strength to go through her horrible past again. She smiled lightly and others entered the room. Gauri ran towards her and hugged her.

Gauri: Didi, how are you?
Anika(shocked): Didi? (looking at Shivaay)
Shivaay: Your sister Chutki.....
Anika(huge smile with tears) : Saach?
Shivaay: Mucch....

Anika hugged Gauri tightly.

Anika: Chutki..... Where were you? Do you have any idea how was my condition when you went missing?
Gauri: Didi I was adopted by a family. But how I don't know. I don't remember anything after the blast.
Anika(breaking the hug) : I will tell you what happened.....

Shivaay thought she needed her family now, so he was moving away so that Gauri and Arnav could sit with her. But he was resisted by a tug. He looked back to see his vulnerable wife looking at him with pleading eyes.

Arnav(sensing the situation) : Shivaay, she needs you the most.  You are her strength. Sit by her. I and Naina will sit on the other side.
Om: I also think the same.
Mahi: Shivaay just sit down after all you are her immediate family after Sahil.
Rudra: Bhaiya, bhabi needs you.
GauNaYa : Haa bhaiya.....
Sahil: Jiju..... Please....

Shivaay heard everyone but he wanted to hear it from her whether she wanted him beside her or not. He looked at her. Her eyes showed so much pain and sufferings.

Anika(choking and low voice) : Please......

Hearing her, he immediately sat down beside her and held her hand firmly. His warm hands provided the required strength, she needed. While her other hand was held by her brother and sister. Others sat down in front of her and waited patiently for her to start. She was trying hard to control her endless tears and fear but it kept on increasing. Shivaay squeezed her hand in assurance and indicated her to start.

Anika(chocking voice) : After those Men had fitted the bombs, they tied us to the poles and chairs......

(Anika will be addressed as Arundhuti and Gauri as Naina. As the plot processed you will get to know how they got their new names. I hope I am not confusing you people)

The Men had locked the front gate and all other ways to exit. Sandhir were trying their best to open up the rope and free their grand-daughters.

Sanyukta: Aru Naina try to free yourself. Do it fast.
Randhir: Wait let me come...

He tried to go towards them by rocking his chair. He was trying but wasn't able to do so. He tried to free his legs. In the process it started bleeding. Without thinking about it he proceeded.

Aru: Papa please don't do it. You are bleeding. Please Papa.
Randhir: No beta. I couldn't save both of your parents but I won't let anything happen to you. I will free you both.... Aahh.....

Randhir fell down just in front of them. Still he didn't give up and with great difficulty, he crawled towards them. With the help of his mouth he freed their legs.

Randhir: Aru beta try to open your ropes of the hand. Try it beta..... You can do it.... 
Sanyukta: Haa... Beta please try to open it. Fast.

Arundhuti tried and finally her rope was open. She helped Naina. She was about to help Sandhir when they stopped her.

Randhir: No don't waste time and run..... Run out of the house beta.... Go.....
Aru: But we will not leave you and go. No Papa... No Mumma..... We won't leave you alone..... No.....
Sanyukta: Listen beta, we didn't tell you both a truth. We aren't your parents. We are your grandparents. Your parents were killed 10 years ago.
Randhir: But we never let you both know about it. Please forgive us beta for hiding this truth from you both.
AruNa: Never say that Papa....
Sanyukta: Please beta run from here. Just go....
AruNa: But.....
Randhir: If you have ever loved us and thought us as your parents then do whatever we are saying you. There is a window in the store room and I am sure they haven't locked that. Just break it and ran away from here. Leave this city and go. Just go.....
Sanyukta: And  remember your parents and your grandparents will always love you and will be blessing you from the up. Now go beta.... Run.... Aru beta I know you don't need to be said but take care of your sister. Never leave her. Now go..... Just go......

AruNa were crying but they were helpless as they had given their words. As said the storeroom window was open. Arundhuti helped Naina out and later she herself went out. Once out of the house, they started running. Once they were out of the main gate, a huge blast sound was heard. They halted for a minute and the tears started flowing from their eyes. But they didn't turn back and ran into the forest. They kept on running and running until they were out of breath. Looking around the area, Arundhuti saw that they have reached the other end of the city.

Naina: Didi I can't run anymore.  I am very tired.  I want water.

Saying this she sat down by the support of the tree.

Arundhuti: Naina, you wait here I will bring water for you.

Arundhuti left her and went in search of water. She found a road side stall and went there.

Arundhuti: Uncle, can I get some water please? My sister is sick. Please uncle.
Shopkeeper: Just go from here. You won't get any water... Just go... Chaal haat....

He pushed her and she fell down on the road hurting her elbow.

Arundhuti: Aahh..... Please Uncle one glass of water..... That is only I want.
Shopkeeper: You want water naa.... I will give you.... But only on one condition. You have to work in my shop for a day. Agreed?
Arundhuti: Okay Uncle.  I will do it.
Shopkeeper: Go bring your sister.

Arundhuti ran back to Naina and brought her. She gave her water and made her sit by the road side. As per the deal, she worked in the shop for a day but they didn't get any food to eat or water to drink. Arundhuti's condition was worst. But still she continued to do her work as they were getting a place for shelter. After the day's work when Arundhuti sat down beside Naina, she sighed as she was very tired.

Naina: Didi, why are you doing like this? Let's go from here. We will find other place to live. Here that Uncle doesn't give food also. Let's go Didi.
Arundhuti(closed eyes) : Where will we go Naina? I don't know what to do?
Naina: Let's run away from here Didi.
Arundhuti(looking towards her) : You can run?
Naina: If you are with me I can do anything....
Arundhuti: Okay wait for sometime. Let him close the shop then we will run away.

At around the midnight when the store and the road became deserted, AruNa ran from there. They kept on running and ultimately reached the temple(the same temple which was shown in serial).  Arundhuti already being weak couldn't hold herself anymore and collapsed on the floor of the temple.

Anika: After loosing my senses I don't remember anything.
Gauri: I remember what happened after that......


Naina saw Arundhuti fall down unconscious and became scared and shocked.

Naina: Didi..... Didi wake up.... Kya hua aapko? Nehi you can't leave me and go..... Didi wake up.... (asking the people around) Please help me.... My didi isn't waking up. Didi......

But no-one came up to help them. Finally one kind Man came up to them. He picked up Arundhuti and took Naina with him and dropped them at the orphanage.


Gauri: For two days, didi didn't open her eyes. I was loosing my hope slowly. Finally one day she opened her eyes.


Arundhuti: Naina...
Naina: Didi.... Are you fine? What happened to you Didi? Please don't do like this again.  I can't loose you.....
Arundhuti: Aare Pagal.... I am fine. But where are we?
Naina: One kind Uncle seeing your condition took us with him and dropped us here..... In this orphanage.
Arundhuti(shocked): What orphanage? You didn't say our real name right?
Naina: I first thought of telling it then I didn't.....
Arundhuti: Thanks god..... What names you said.....
Naina: I said you are Anika and me Gauri......
Arundhuti: Such nice names. From where did you know these names?
Naina: Mumma..... I mean Dadi was reading the Gita when she said about the names of Mata Parvati. Out of them I liked these two. So I kept ot for us.....
Arundhuti(hugging her) : I never knew my little sister had become so sensible and responsible.
Naina: Time makes us do it and makes our mature enough.
Arundhuti(breaking the hug): Good.... From now on you are Gauri and me Anika.....
Naina: Yes didi.....

(So I hope I am clear how their names changed. From now onwards they will be addressed as Anika and Gauri in the flashback too.)

Their stay in the orphanage in the intial days was good. The Old Lady used to love them very much. But maybe fate wasn't in their favor at all. The old Lady retired after a month and a new Warden came. She was very strict and an angry type of person. She used to make the children work. If anyone would not work then they were punished. Gauri was not habitual to all these. So Anika used to do her share of work too. Day by day her torture was increasing. Other children were given punishment of not getting food but for Anika it was different. They would lock her up in a dark room and beat her. For this reason only she developed the fear of darkness. In order to save her sister from the torture, she would put her life at stake. Gauri couldn't see her sister suffering like this.

Gauri: Didi let's run away from here.
Anika: How much will we run Gauri? At least you get food and shelter here.
Gauri: But didi see your condition. Why are you taking my portion of punishment also? Why?
Anika(carenessed her cheek) : I had promised bhaiyu and Papa and Mumma that whatever happens I will always protect you from the evil even if it means to risk my life.  I will always protect you.....
Gauri: But didi....
Anika: No more talks now.... Go to sleep. Tomorrow some people are coming for adoption. I hope atleast someone adopt us.
Gauri: I will not leave you and go Didi.
Anika: Don't worry nothing will happen. Now sleep.

Gauri kept her head on Anika's lap and slept off. But sleep was far away from Anika's eyes because whenever she closes her eyes darkness engulfs her and she is frighten to the core. From that time her sleepless nights started.

As said by Anika, many came to the orphanage for adoption. Anika was eagerly waiting for someone to come and adopt her sister. She didn't think about herself but she was more concerned for her sister. She wanted some good family to come and adopt her sister so that her future becomes secured. But fate wasn't in her favor. No-one came up to adopt her or her sister. Still she didn't loose hope. By the end of the day , a lady came up with 3 Men and was ready to take Gauri with them.

Warden: You want to take only one of them.
Lady: Yes because she is young and capable.
Warden: I am telling you, take both of them. The elder one is more useful than the other.
Lady: You are telling the truth?
Warden: Why would I let you down madam? After all we are partners right.....

The Lady smirked at the Warden and she ordered the Men to take the Anika and Gauri. They didn't know where they were going but they thought that they were going away from hell. Little did they know that they were pushed more into the hell.

Gauri: Didi now we can live peacefully without any tortures and problems.
Anika: Yes Gauri. At least now we can live our life.
Lady: Hay you.... (pointing towards Anika)
Anika: Me?
Lady: Yes, you leave your sister's hand and come with me.
Anika(holding her hand tightly): No I won't leave her. Gauri will come with me.
Lady: Aare leave her I said leave her. ....
Man1: Madam let them be together now. Later we will think about separating them.
Lady: You are right. (looking towards Anika) Hey you, stay with your sister now. You both are our slave. So you will do what ever we will say you. Otherwise you very well know what is coming up in your fate.

Anika and Gauri became scared and blaming their fate. They lock them in a room and went.

Gauri(crying): Didi where did we come? I thought we will have a good life now but this is more worse than before.....
Anika(making her strong) : Don't worry Gauri. I definitely do something.

But she herself didn't know what she would do. And from the next day both of them used to work for the Lady. They used to get food for a day only but they never complained. Days rolled by but their condition didn't get improved. Finally one day being frustrated from this torture, they ran away from there. They ran and ran but ultimately they were caught.

Lady: What do you think you are trying to do? You can run away so easily......
Anika: Please let us go. We won't say anything about it to anyone. Please let us go. .....
Lady(laughing like a crazy person) : What do you think? These words of your would make me melt and I will leave you. Do you know how much I had paid for you both....... 3 lac...... Understood 3 lac I have paid to that Warden of yours. Aare I just wanted your sister but you also came along with her. Now since you have broken the rules now you will what I do...... (telling his men) Aayi separate these two girls and (pointing towards Anika) give her the required punishment.

The Lady and the Men were trying to separate Anika and Gauri. But they weren't leaving their hand.

Anika(crying): Chutki....... Chutki..... Nei..... Don't take her away please...... Nei Chutki........
Lady(angrily): Leave her.... Aare leave......
Gauri(crying): Didi......

Their hand finally left eachother and they got separated. The Lady took Gauri away while Anika kept on struggling to free herself.

Anika(crying): Nei...... Chutki...... Chutki....... (shouting)


Anika(crying): After that they took me to a dark room and again beat me, gave me electric shocks. I would shout, cry but they never listened to me. I didn't know where was Chutki or what were they going to do with her. Like this continued for a day or two. But one day while hitting me they accidentally hit my head on the back side.  I remembered falling down on the floor but after that when I opened my eyes I was in Sahil's house with his family.  I didn't remember anything except my name Anika..... Every alternate day I would get this nightmare of separation from Chutki.  I still had that fear on darkness and every night Sahil's Mom would sit beside me till I slept off. Everything was fine until one day Sahil's parents also left me and Sahil. They died due to a road accident. After that I alone took care of Sahil, did my schooling and later took up the catering job. Then Priyanka became my friend and through her I got event management job in Oberoi Mansion. Meeting Shivaay, getting married to him, saving him from Tia just kept on coming up systematically and never got to know when I became a part of this family and Shivaay's life.

By the time Anika ended everyone had tears in their eyes. Shivaay was holding her hand tightly but his condition wasn't less good. He had blood shot eyes and he was trying to control himself. Omkara was no less. But still the other part of the story was remaining.

Arnav: When you both were separated then where were you Gauri?
Gauri: After they had separated me from Didi, the Lady was trying to sell me to someone else. But getting the right opportunity I ran away from there.  I didn't realize where was I going. I kept on running and running. Suddenly I tripped over something and I rolled down the road since it was sloppy.  I injured my head badly.  I don't remember what happened after that.  I opened my eyes to see myself in Maa's house in Bareyli. Except my name Gauri nothing was in my memory. From then onwards I became Gauri Kumari Sharma. Then I grew up but only till 10th std I could study because Maa didn't have money for me to do further education. When Maa was diagnosed with cancer I lost my life. I thought I will loose her. So I started searching for work. I did tailoring. On one such day I came across Omkaraji. Then Kaali Thakur had bad eyes on me. He wanted to marry me when he was already married. He had threatened me if I didn't marry me then he would kill Maa. I agreed to marry him only on one condition if he had provided the required amount of money for Maa's operation then only I would marry. He accepted. In between all these, Thakurain committed suicide. When Maa got to know about this, she freed me from his clunths.  I ran away from the marriage but they caught me again.  The villagers pointed at my character but I still didn't give up. Then Omkaraji in order to save my dignity married me and now I am here as his wife and Oberoi house's bahu.

Omkara was shocked to hear Gauri. She didn't tell them about his misbehavior to her brother. Gauri looked back to see that Om was already looking at her.

Rudra(wiping his tears) : But bhabi what is the story behind this bracelet ?
Arnav(looking at Anika) : Which bracelet?
Anika(leaving Shivaay's hand) : This was the only thing I had taken from home before leaving and I guess this is......
Arnav(completing her) : Our Mother, Chandni's bracelet. Dad had given her when you were born. Though I wasn't go big enough to understand anything but this bracelet meant a lot for her.......
Anika(with unshed tears): And for me too...... This is not only my mother's only memory but.....
Shivaay(completing her by taking her hand in his again) : Her strength, her innocence , her naughtiness..... In short it describes her...... Without this Chand bracelet Anika isn't complete......

Shivaay looked at her and she was already looking at him with love filled eyes. He wiped her tears and nodded in no. She couldn't control anymore and threw herself on him. She strated crying her heart out while he tried to console her. The others saw it and left the couple alone. Shivika were hugging each other and were giving strength to one another.

*On the other side*

Everyone went to their respective rooms and called off for the day.

*Rikara's room *

Gauri was brought to the room by Omkara. She was still shedding tears and wasn't able to control herself. Om couldn't see her like this and just hugged her tightly.

Om: Gauri.... Calm down..... Dekho sab thik ho gaya hai....
Gauri: Omkaraji.... Didi had to suffer more than me. I still had a mother but she didn't even experience it at all. She was all alone.
Om: Don't cry Gauri. See now bhabi has got back her brother and her sister. Ans jow can you say that she was alone, she had Sahil with her. Then Shivaay came in her life. See she is so lucky to get Shivaay as her husband right.
Gauri: Haa Omkaraji Didi is very lucky to get Baade bhaiya as her husband. He loves her so much. Kaash aap bhi.....
Om: Mai kya Gauri?
Gauri(realising something and breaks the hug) : Nothing.... I will just go and change.....

She turned around to leave but Om prevented her from leaving. He held her hand and stopped her. Slow wind started blowing making her hair float. He came towards her and moved the hair to one side. He could clearly see her milky back as she was wearing a low back blouse. He slowly dug his face in her shoulder and started sending shivers down her spine. His hot breath were creating a new feeling in her. She held her Sari tightly with her other hand. He came closer to her ear and whispered.

Om(whispered): Give me a chance to love you again..... I promise I won't disappoint you..... Please......

Gauri was still. She couldn't understand whether to let him do whatever he wants or to wait for sometime more. Om just took her in a back hug. She felt good to be in his arms and finally surrendered herself to him. She leaned back on his chest and closed her eyes in peace.

Gauri(whispering): Don't break me again.... Otherwise I will be broken beyond repair or I might even di......

Om instantly turned her towards him and smashed his lips on hers. She was shocked would be an understatement. Her eyes bulged out of her socket. She wasn't responding. He bit her lower lip to bring back to the present. She didn't know how to do it but she just went with the flow. Om took out all his anger on her poor lips. They broke the kiss when they were out of breath. He joined his forehead with hers with closed eyes and said in the most dangerous tone.

Om: Dare you again talk about death. Otherwise I myself don't know what will I do. Did you get it?
Gauri(nodding her head) : Hmm....

They stayed in that position for sometime. Later Om picked Gauri up in his arms and moved towards the bed. He placed her gently on the bed and was going away when she held his hand stopping him.

Gauri: Don't go.....
Om: I am just going to lock the door.  I won't leave you ever.

As said he locked the door and came to the other side of the bed. He slipped under the duvlet beside her. He wanted to hug her but resisted himself. For sometime they didn't utter a single word or did any movement. Slowly he felt her moving towards him. She slowly moved his hand making place for herself and laid her head on his chest and held his shirt tightly in her hand. He smiled at her and wrapped his arm around her. She snuggled in his embrace more.

Om: Can I ask you something?
Gauri: Hmm....
Om: Why didn't you say Arnav about my behavior towards you?
Gauri: Because you are my husband and for a wife, her husband's insults means her insult.  I wouldn't do or say anything like that which will insult you. Mere liye aapki izzad sabse jyada kimti hai......

Om felt proud of her and his..... Love..... (really artist still thinking about it).....  For her increased more. He hugged her tightly and slept off.

*Shivika's room*

Anika was still crying and Shivaay was constantly trying to console her. He was kissing her head occasionally and trying to soothe her.

Shivaay: Anika..... Anika..... Shant ho jayo...... Kuch nehi hua hai dekho sab thik ho jaya hai....... You have a family..... Your brother..... Your sister...... See.... Everything is fine.....
Anika: But I am not concerned about that Shivaay.
Shivaay: Then?
Anika: I don't want to loose you.....
Shivaay(confused): But why would you loose me?
Anika(innocently): If I don't give you time and spend more on my brother and sister then you will be angry on me and will be away from me. Then what will I do?
Shivaay: So my Anika is concerned about that?
Anika(nodding): Hmm..... You tell me what to do?
Shivaay: You don't to do anything.
Anika(breaking the hug and looking at him straight) : What do you mean by that?
Shivaay(wiping her tears) : I mean to say that you don't have to think so much about it because I very well know that you will manage everything.
Anika: Really?
Shivaay(cupping her face) : Without any doubt. You will manage everything very efficiently like the way you are being till now. You will balance between your Family and My Family. Like the way you have become the best bhabi, the best bahu, the best wife..... I am sure you will become the best sister as well..... 
Anika(innocently): Will you help me in it?
Shivaay: Of course...... You don't need to ask me about it. Now give a cute little smile. Come on.

Anika smiled a bit which made him feel better. Their moment was broken by a phone call.

Shivaay(seeing the phone) : Baadi maa.....
Anika: Pick it up might be some emergency.
Shivaay(picking up the call) : Haa Baadi maa..... Oh she is here only.... Here..... (to Anika)  Dadi wants to talk to you.
Anika(taking the phone) : Haa Dadi..... How are you? Did you take your medicines? Did you have your food on time? And why haven't you slept till now? It is so late.....
Dadi: Anika putter shant ho jaa..... Kitna bolegi.... Apni Dadi ko bhi toh kuch bolne de.....
Anika: Sorry Dadi.....
Dadi: It's okay Putter. Happy Birthday Putter...... You live a 100 years and always stay beside my Billu and keep this Family united. God bless you my child.
Anika: Thank you Dadi.....
Dadi: Janvi wants to talk....
Janvi: Anika.... Happy Birthday my child.... God bless you beta.... May all your wishes come true..... Like the way you have saved my children I pray you are soon given the happiness of being a mother beta.... God bless you.....
Anika(hearing her held Shivaay's hand tightly controlling her emotions) : Thank you so much Baadi maa......
Janvi: Take care beta.... Enjoy and come back soon.... Bye... Beta....
Anika(chocking voice) : Bye Baadi maa....

She instantly cut the call and hugged her support system tightly.

Shivaay: What happened Anika?
Anika(chocking voice) : Shi..... Shivaay...... I..... I.....
Shivaay(worried): What I...... I..... Anika..... Just say it.... You are scaring me......
Anika: I want my baby back Shivaay...... I want him/her back..... Please......

Shivaay knew this would be coming but he didn't have the idea that it would come so soon. He was tongue tied and didn't know what to say. He just hugged her tightly but didn't reply her back.......

Precap: Is Shivaay hiding something from Anika? Will Anika's dream of becoming a mother will come true? How far have the other brothers reached in their mission to get their loves back?

People what's up?
Sudden suprise to you all.... Of course on the occasion of completing my half of the exams.....
Next update may be after 15th November and double blast too....
Enjoyed the chappy...... If yes then shower your votes and comments......

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