Chapter 27

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Hey people......
Next chapter.....
Am I extending too much? Is it turning out to be boring?
Please let me know.....
Till then...

*Priyaghav's side*
Though they were given two different rooms, still our Oberoi princess was found in her prince charming's room. But why and why didn't anyone say anything?

Raghav(carenessing her hair) : Are you fine now?
Priyanka: Hmm.... Much better.
Raghav: What had happened?
Priyanka: Just a dream.
Raghav: Nightmare?
Priyanka: Hmm.... (nodding her head) I got scared and screamed and then....
Raghav: Bhaiyas and bhabis were trying to make you calm but you wouldn't. Until I held you hand.
Priyanka(embarresed): I don't know what others are thinking about us?
Raghav: No one was thinking anything. Infact Aunty and Uncle said me to take you along  and sleep together. They were scared and crying seeing your state.
Priyanka(with tears) : I never wanted to give pain to anyone especially Mom because she has already beared so much due to Dad that I never wanted to give her pain. But knowingly or unknowingly I have hurt her so many times and even others also.
Raghav(hugging her sideways): Sshh..... It's nothing like that.  You can never hurt anyone I know. Maybe situations were like that.  You are their Princess, the Oberoi princess.... Your small cut or pain causes a huge pain in thier body.
Priyanka: Then what about Ranveer? It was entirely my fault in it.....
Raghav: No.... You were forced into it.  You were threatened..... You were made to fall in trap..... You didn't do it intentionally.....
Priyanka: But it still doesn't go from my mind.... The pain my Family went through because of me.... I can never forget.....
Raghav(interwinding their hand) : Then, we both will remove all the pain of your Family.... We both will give them the happiness that they missed due to situations......

Finally, he succeeded in bringing that small smile on her face. She hugged him tightly which he returned back equally.

*Mohi's side*
A knock on the door brought her back to her senses. She turned back to him entering with a smile on his face. She was confused.

Mahi: Mona.... Woh.... I was.... Thinking..... That.....
Mona: What happened Mahi? Why are you stammering? Do you want to say something then say it clearly.
Mahi: Woh.... I was.... Thinking....

His phone rang breaking his conversation. He cursed under his breath and received the call. While she sighed seeing him busy. She again focused back in her work of gazing at the sea. Mahi finished the call and thought what to do.

Mahi(thinking): The client from Goa has thrown a party and wants Shivaay to attend but I can't disturb him now.  I think I should go in his place. But I thought of going out with Mona..... Idea I will take her along too. (voiced out) Mona.... Woh there is a business party today. Since Shivaay can't go, I think I should take his place instead.
Mona: Yaa that's a good idea.  You should go.
Mahi: I was thinking of taking you along with me. Will you come?
Mona(hesitating): Me... But how can I go? I don't even know about your clients and others.  I think I shouldn't go.
Mahi: So what you don't know anyone? I am there naa.  You will stay with me.
Mona: But....
Mahi: No more discussion on this topic. Get ready by 6.

He said.... No..... No..... Ordered her and went away. She sighed on his stubborness and went to search something for the party.

*Rikara's side*
Car halted and Om got down. He helped Gauri out and took her somewhere by carrying her in his arms, which was of course protested by her. But seems like he went deaf ears to her. She finally gave up on it and went silent. Om chuckled but didn't say anything. He proceeded towards the water where a yatch was waiting for them.

Om: All set?
Captain: All set Sir.
Om: Good.

He moved in and made Gauri stand on the dock. The yatch started moving making her hair fly due to the cool breeze.

Gauri: Where are we Omkaraji?
Om: Why don't you see it yourself.

She opened her blindfold and was surprised to see them in the middle of the sea. She looked around and found them on a yatch. She was shocked.

Gauri(shocked): Yatch? But how did all this happen? And from where?
Om: Sshh.... I will say everything. But before that I have a complaint. Why didn't you  tell me about your wishes? Am I not worth of knowing about it?
Gauri : No, it's nothing like that Omkaraji.  I was just....
Om: Thinking.... That how can you tell about all these..... Because I am your husband right? Then listen one thing Mrs. Gauri Omkara Singh Oberoi, I have every right to know about your wishes.... Be it as silly...... What are your demands.... Your choices.... Your likings.... Everything... I want to know.... So never ever try to hide anything from me. Understood?
Gauri(with tears) : You know you made me the most happiest girl of this world.  I can't express how am I feeling right now.  I am blessed to have you in my life.
Om: Me too..... (wiping her tears) Now no more tears okay.
Gauri(nodded): But how did you get to know about my wish to ride a yatch?
Om: Long story in short..... I went to your brother yesterday after the reception function. Where I first confessed about all my ill treatments upon you to him. Hearing those, he gave a slap as well as a punch... (rubbing his cheek) It surely hurts..... Then I had to literally ask forgiveness from him.... But he was more angry on me than Shivaay.... He left Shivaay so easily... But for me..... Ahh... Never mind.... But I had tortured you more.... So.... I deserved it.... Then I asked him about your likes and choices.... But he simply ignored me and walked off.  I was helpless what to do. But then your Bhabi came as a savior and handed me a diary and said me to make you happy then only I would be forgiven by your brother. So I read your diary, after a lot of confusions...... And finally chose this one..... So am I successfully in it Mrs. Gauri Omkara Singh Oberoi?
Gauri: Yes, you have passed with flying colors.
Om(sighed in relief) : Oh... Thank god.... So let's start with our date...

Gauri nodded and Om took her inside.

*Shivika's side*
The silence between them still prevailed until Anika spoke.

Anika: I am feeling scared.....
Shivaay(confused): Why?
Anika : What will happen if I am unable to fulfill Dadi's wish? Everyone is having so much expectations. What if it doesn't.....
Shivaay(cupped her face) : What's wrong with you? You were never like this.  I don't know this Anika. What made you think like this?
Anika(hugged him tightly) : Dar lagta hai Shivaay..... You know I never lost.... But I am always helpless in front of my fate.... I am not thinking about my health or anything.... But what if I am pregnant and something or the other happens and it is snatched from me?
Shivaay(hugged her to himself more) : Anika.... Why are you having such negetive thoughts? Why are you you so scared? Remember you were the one who was so brave for this treatment and had so much faith that nothing will happen then?
Anika: Faith, I always have Shivaay..... Mostly on you.... I have full faith but I can't even neglect my fate which  2 rupee.
Shivaay(commanding her) : Look at me..... (she looked up) You have faith in me? (she nodded) Then I promise I will not let anything happen to you. This great wall of Shivaay will be standing in front of you always....

Finally, she smiled making him feel relief.

*Mohi's side *

Mona was unable to decide what to wear for the party. She had gone crazy and her husband was missing. Husband.... Yaa her husband.... But he hasn't...... Sighed.... Let it be let's not expect too much. She was so lost in her thoughts that she couldn't hear the knock on the door. She snapped out of her thoughts and opened the door to see a Man standing with a packet.

Mona: Yes?
Man: Ma'am this is for you. (giving her the packet)
Mona: But who gave?
Man: Mahi Sir said to give you.
Mona(confused): Okay. Thank you (with a smile)

She closed the door and opened the packet to see a sea green colour blouse and long skirt. She instantly feel in love with it. She felt it with her hands and something struck her hand. Taking out the thing, she started reading it.

I know you don't have anything to wear for the party... So giving you this. Please don't reject it.... This is the first gift that I am ever giving you.... Please accept it......


She smiled seeing his efforts and decided to get ready quickly.

*Rumya's side *
Soumya was arranging all the dresses and lost in her thoughts. Thinking about a date with Rudra made her blush. She was too engrossed in her thoughts when her phone rang. Absent mindedly she received the call.

Soumya: Hello.....

Hearing the opposite side person made her shock. She started sweating.

Soumya(shaky voice) : Why did you call me? I told you to never call me again then why?
Soumya(with some confidence) : Listen, I am not going to get scared of your threatenings. Understood.....

She cut the call abruptly and started sweating more.

Soumya: No I will never let this happen.... No.... I have to do something before that only.... But Rudra? I will think about it later now I will get ready.

Finally composing herself, she went to get ready.

*Rikara's side*
Gauri was in cloud nine seeing all the efforts that her Omkaraji was doing it for her. She couldn't thank god more. Currently, they were standing on the deck in Titanic posture.... Fulfilling one of her silly wish from her wish list.

Gauri(shy): Omkaraji, it's enough.
Om(teasing): Feeling shy Mrs. Oberoi?
Gauri: Please.....
Om(hugging her more tightly) : But it's just the beginning..... Let the Sun set and you will see the magic.....
Gauri: What magic?
Om(brushing his nose with hers) : Have patience dear wifey....

Though he was being a bit irritated with all the surprises, still she couldn't help and love him more.

Sun had finally become exhausted and had set leaving the moon to witness their further love story......

*Shivika's side *
After an emotional moment, they decided to rome around the place and enjoy. Anika was drying her hair with a dryer wearing a bath robe. She was engrossed in some thoughts while doing her work.

Anika(thinking): I have to solve the mystery of the factory before Priyanka's marriage. Otherwise it will be problematic. Bhaiyu didn't inform anything about it till now. Khanna ji is also trying to figure it out.  I just hope that everything gets settled.

She got starled when the dryer got snatched from her hand. She looked back and saw Shivaay standing behind her with a horrifying expression.

Shivaay : What were you thinking?
Anika(confused): Haa..?
Shivaay: You were so lost that you didn't even notice that you were about to burn your hairs. What is bothering you so much? You seemed to be lost somewhere.
Anika: Nothing....
Shivaay : Anika.... Tell me what are you trying to hide from me?
Anika(composes herself) : Nothing Mr. Shivaay. Just thinking how this one year passed so quickly.
Shivaay: Exactly.... It has given me so many lessons...... It has made me a new Shivaay. (she nodded agreeing him) Waise, why aren't you ready yet?
Anika: I don't have any clothes then what am I supposed to wear Mr? And one minute how come you are ready? And these casuals?
Shivaay: Why can't I wear casuals? Aacha, Are you sure you don't have anything?
Anika(confused): Yaa I don't have anything because you didn't even say anything about all these to me. Otherwise I would have packed some for me.
Shivaay (husky voice) : Waise, I don't mind if you are without clothes......
Anika(shied away) : Chii..... Chepde.......
Shivaay(holding her by waist) : What chepde haa? Yesterday night you were so.......
Anika(hid herself in his chest) : Shivaay......
Shivaay(laughed out): Anika you are still that shy girl..... I thought you will become a little bold but.... Never mind..... Did you check the cupboards?
Anika(looking up ): Cupboard why?
Shivaay: That means you haven't. Come.
Anika(being pulled) : But Shivaay.....
Shivaay (making her stand in front of the cupboard) : Open.... (saw her confused state) Aare open naa.....

She gave a confused look and opened it. She looked into it and gasped. It was a walk in closet..... She turned back to him and gestured her to go ahead. She walked in and went in aww seeing it...... Dresses of various colours...... From indian to western.... Accessories for ear rings to necklaces to rings...... Shoes of various styles..... From flats to short heighted heels. She wondered when did he do so much and why?

Anika(teary eyes) : What was the need to do so much? I don't need all these.....
Shivaay(wiping her tears) : I did all these for my wife.... And of course you need all these.... This is small..... When we will go back.... You will see what all is waiting for you...
Anika: But Shivaay what's the need fo waste so much money?
Shivaay: You are telling my hard work as waste of money.....
Anika: I didn't mean like that.... I..... (sighed)
Shivaay : What Anika? Just tell me.
Anika(head down) : Shivaay..... I have always struggled for one day meal and proper clothes to cover myself.  I have seen what is the life without money.  I never used to spend money on myself unless it was very much necessary. Now seeing so many things that to only for me.... I don't know how to react....
Shivaay(calling her softly) : Anika.... Look at me..... (lifting her face up and wiping her tears) Anika.... You have to make yourself believe that you are not that situation anymore..... You have enough with you.... Rather more than enough...... You are the Raizada princess..... As well as My princess...... Shivaay's princess..... And a princess always lives in her full glory..... Understood? (she nodded) I know it will be difficult for you to adjust with all these initially because in thess years you have never experienced all these...... So take everything slow okay?
Anika: Can I ask one thing from you?
Shivaay: Of course, you don't need to ask my permission.
Anika: Can I remain being myself only? Can I please be in my old self like the way I was before?  It's not like I don't want all these..... But I like being simple....
Shivaay(smile): Whatever you want to do....
Anika (seeing around her) : All these things I will use when I have to come in front of the world as your wife or as Raizada princess....
Shivaay: Whatever makes you happy.....
Anika(laid her head on his chest) : Thank you.....
Shivaay(hugging her) : For?
Anika: For not trying to changing me.... For trying to accept me as I am..... For accepting me......
Shivaay(cutting her) : Sshh..... Aur kitna bolegi..... Did you forget madam we have plans?
Anika: I didn't.... But (broke the hug and pouted) I don't know what to wear now?
Shivaay: Let me choose....

Shivaay selected a short one piece dress for her having floral prints on it. He selected everything for her and she happily took them to get ready.

*Rikara's side *
The soothing evening wind was blowing making Gauri's hair fly. She was lost in the beauty of the sea. Om was watching her every action keenly.

Gauri: Omkaraji you can come and join me in you want.
Om: How do you know it's me?
Gauri: Because other than us, no-one is here.
Om(standing beside her) : Quite intelligent I see.
Gauri: That I am. (seeing some light in the far) Omkaraji what is that?
Om(looks at her direction) : Oh thats nothing..... Some island maybe.
Gauri(confused): Island and light? Don't you think it's weird?
Om: No....
Gauri: Are you......

Her words got stuck in her throat seeing something. She looked at him with wide eyes while he just shrugged his shoulders. She was shocked. The yatch stopped.

Captain: Sir, we have reached.
Om: Thank you so much. Tomorrow morning we will be leaving.
Captain: Sure Sir. Have a good day Sir and Ma'am.

Captain left them alone while Gauri was still in shock.

Om: Gauri.... Gauri.... (shook her) Gauri.....
Gauri(coming back to present) : Haa.... Haa....
Om: Where are you lost?
Gauri: Woh.... Woh.....
Om: Come let's go.

Om took her hand and decended the yatch. They reached the Island from where light was coming. It was actually the decorations that was being reflected to the far. It had various kinds of lights of various colours. Moving further in, a clear portion was seen. She became confused. He stood beside her and clapped his hands. It instantly lit up and the whole place was looking not less than a fairy land. She gasped seeing it.

Om(whispered): Did you like it?
Gauri(stammering): It's.... It's..... So beautiful.....
Om: To dance with someone special in a fairy tale land..... Your one of wishes.....
Gauri(shocked): You remember?
Om: Of course.... For that only I am doing all these to make you happy.
Gauri(tears): Omkaraji you don't need to do so much for me.... I won't be able to......
Om(cutting her in middle) : You deserve all these..... And dare you shed these tears..... (wiping them)...... I forgot to get you a gown like those princesses.... I am sorry....
Gauri: No need of anything Omkaraji..... I am happy like this only....... I am more than happy......
Om: But I can do one thing to make you feel princess.
Gauri : What?

He dug his hand in his pocket and took out a chain. It was a simple pearl necklace, a small one. He tied it together and placed it over her head. Though not elegant but it looked beautiful on her long jet black hair. She smiled seeing his efforts to make her feel special. He asked for a dance and she agreed instantly.

(Song: Hawayein
Movie: Jab Harry met Sajal)

Tujhko... main rakh loon wahaan
Jahaan pe kahin
Hai mera yaqeen

Main jo... tera naa huaa
Kisi ka nahin...
Kisi ka nahin..

Le jaayein jaane kahaan
Hawayein, hawayein...
Le jaayein tujhe kahaan
Hawayein, hawayein...

Begaani hai yeh baaghi
Hawayein, hawayein
Le jaaye mujhe kahan
Hawayein, hawayein

Le jaayein jaane kahaan, na mujhko khabar
Na tujhko pataa...


(Om twirls her and back hugs her. Gauri kept her head on his shoulder and let herself free. )

Banaati hai jo tu...
Woh yaadein jaane sang mere kab tak chale
Inhi mein to meri...
Subah bhi dhalein
Shamein dhalein
Mausam dhalein

Khayalon ka shehar...
Tu jaane tere hone se hi aabaad hai
Hawayein haq mein...
Wohi hai aate jaate jo tera naam le

Deti hain jo sadayein
Hawayein, hawayein
Na jaane kya batayein
Hawayein, hawayein
Le jaaye tujhe kahaan
hawayein, hawayein
Le jaaye mujhe kahaan
Hawayein, hawayein

Le jaayein jaane kahaan, na mujhko khabar
Naa tujhko pataa...


(Om cups her face lovingly and kissed her forehead. His hand was still on her cheek and carenessed it while singing the following lines)

Chehra.. kyun milta tera
Yun khwabon se mere
Ye kya raaz hai?
Kal bhi.. meri na thi tu
Naa hogi tu Kal
Meri aaj hai 🙂
(He moved behind and sang in a humor tone showing actions)

Teri hai meri, saari wafayein wafayein
Maangi hai tere liye duaayein duaayein
Le jaaye tujhe kahaan.. hawayein, hawayein
Le jaaye mujhe kahaan.. hawayein, hawayein

Le jaaye jaane kahaan (hawayein hawayein)
Le jaaye tujhe kahaan (hawayein hawayein) (x2)

Le jaaye jaane kahaan (hawayein hawayein)
Le jaaye mujhe kahaan (hawayein hawayein) (x2)


The song ended and Gauri was in Om's arms in bridal style. She looked into his eyes to see pure love for her. She hid her face in his chest feeling shy. He chuckled seeing her blush.

Om(huskily): I so want to take you back to the yatch and give you a sweet torture... But I have to drop it because I know that you are not comfortable enough.
Gauri(looking up at his eyes) : Omkaraji.... Can I ask you something?
Om(walking back to the yatch) : You don't need to ask.
Gauri(looking down) : I know you want to take our relationship to the next level but....
Om: No need to hesitate Gauri.  I know you are not comfortable enough. Don't worry I will wait till you get comfortable with me okay. And one more thing.... I love you..... Not your body.....
Gauri(emotionally): I love you too......

He smiled at her and reached the yatch, where her next surprise was waiting.

Gauri: Now what's this?
Om(fake sadness) : I thought you would like it.
Gauri(sighed): You have done enough for me already. And I loved it.
Om(grinned): So let's just enjoy the moment.... (pouted) Because tomorrow we are returning back to our usual schedule.
Gauri(pulls his cheek) : Aww.... You look so cute while doing it. And don't worry Mr. Omkara Singh Oberoi..... (sneeking her hand around his neck) I will find out some time from my busy work and come to entertain you. How is it?
Om: Absolutely fine with me... Patniji.....

They laughed and sat down for dinner in the set up candlelight dinner date for them. They continued to chat and enjoy their time while the yatch started to float back.

*Rumya's side*
Soumya was ready in the gifted dress. She looked herself in the mirror and smiled. But it was instantly replaced with a worried look.

Soumya: I won't let her ruin my happiness. I will tell everything to Rudra today. Everything. And then I will see whether he will still accept me or not.

With a determination ,she walked down to the lobby. She saw Rudra waiting for her in black suit. He turned around and got shocked seeing her. He walked towards her.

Rudra(forwarding his hand) : Never knew that you would look so beautiful.
Soumya(giving her hand) : Are you praising or insulting?
Rudra(pulling her towards him) : Well..... Praising you..... (huskily) By the way.... You are looking so sexy.

Soumya blushed. He smiled seeing it. Together they walked towards the car waiting for them.

*Mohi's side *
Mahi was knocking the door of their room for a long time. But it was going unanswered. He grew tensed after sometimes. He was about to go and call the reception for a spare key when it clicked open. He was ready to burst out his anger on Mona but seeing her in front of him made him still. He kept on staring at her without blinking. Seeing his reaction made Mona nervous.

Mona: What happened? Do I look so bad? I knew it.  I knew I won't look good.  I was.....
Mahi(cutting her in between) : Beautiful.....
Mona: Hah?
Mahi: You look beautiful..... (gaining his senses) I mean you look good.... So shall we proceed?
Mahi: Yaa... I will just my purse.

She returned with her purse and both of them went towards their ride. On the way, Mahi dipped down and kissed her cheek shocking her. She looked at him shocked. But he just shrugged his shoulders and walked away. She composed herself and went behind him.

*Shivika's side *
Anika was chirping continuously about random stuff while Shivaay was just staring at her. Both of them were in the beach, all alone, sitting on the sand. The perfect atmosphere and setting for a romantic dinner and peace before they return back to the usual schedule. Shivaay was smiling seeing her back to herself after the storm.

Anika(nudging him) : Shivaay are you even listening to what I am saying?
Shivaay : Haa, I heard everything.
Anika: Then say what was I talking about.
Shivaay(stammering): You were.... You were.... I....
Anika: Rehene dijiye Shivaay.  I was just wasting my time and energy here.
Shivaay : It's nothing like that Anika.  I was....
Anika: Yaa, say what were you doing?
Shivaay(pulling her towards him and back hugged her) : I was enjoying my princess's smile.  I was seeing how she is again back to herself.  I was seeing my Anika.... I am sorry to not hear your words.
Anika: You were enjoying my smile?
Shivaay(kissing her neck) : Yaa.... Because I always want to see that smile on your face as it gives me strength to face anything in this world.
Anika(leans back onto his chest) : You always make me speech less with your words.
Shivaay: That's my talent Mrs. Shivaay.

She cuddled more into his chest and both of them enjoyed their last night in this peaceful beach.

Anika: Shivaay....
Shivaay: Hmm....
Anika: We will come here again.
Shivaay: Whenever you want to come, we will come.
Anika: Thank you...... So from tomorrow again My Tadibaaz Baggad billa will become busy in his work.
Shivaay: Hmm..... That toh I will be.... But I can always call you to office for lunch and then some little romance won't be a problem I guess.
Anika(shies): Shivaay...... You will never change.....
Shivaay : Never......

*Rumya's side *
The car halted in front of a five star hotel. Soumya looked at it and then at Rudra.

Soumya: Is it a date Mr. Rudra Singh Oberoi?
Rudra: People call me duffer but you yourself is a duffer.
Soumya(angry): What did you say?
Rudra: Of course it's a date Soumya. Didn't you realize that earlier? Haa! Now what can be done? Staying with me you are also becoming like me.
Soumya: Indirectly, you accepted that you are a duffer.
Rudra: Haa right.... (realised her words) What?....No...... Sumo....

She laughed out loud and her laugh caught Rudra's heart.

Rudra: You look pretty while laughing.

She stopped abruptly and blushed. He smiled seeing it and got down the car. Helping her out of the car, they went towards their reserved area.

*Mohi's side *
Loud music was being blazing out of the farmhouse where they had arrived. Mona was visibly scared hearing the noise.

Mahi(sensing her discomfort) : Scared?
Mona(figiting with her fingers) : Yaa.... Never went to such loud parties before....
Mahi(holding her hand) : Don't worry.... I am there naa. Whenever you feel uncomfortable we will leave. Okay?

She smiled at him with gratitude and they proceeded towards the house. The loud music instantly made her flinched. She grabbed his hand tightly. He assured her not to be scared and proceeded forward. Mahi spotted his client and went towards him with her.

Mahi(handshaking): Thanks for inviting us to your party Mr. Chauhan.
Veer(name of client.... Don't worry he is very good boy here with some..... 😉😉): Welcome Mr. Oberoi.  I thought Shivaay would come.
Mahi: Actually, he went on a small vacation with his wife. So I came in his place.
Veer: Oh that's wonderful. He needed a vacation also. Well.. Let me introduce you to my better half.... (side hugging a lady) Molani.
Mahi: Hello..... And (slipping his hand around her bare waist) My betterhalf..... Mona....
Veer(surprised): You were also married? Now did I never got to know?
Mahi: It was actually a private affair. So....
Monali: Let it be... Mona(taking her hand) Come with me. Let these two Men talk about business.  I will introduce you to others as well.

Mona became scared and didn't want to leave Mahi and go. He understood her fear and was about to protest but Molani had already taken her away. He kept on looking at her direction until Veer nudjed him.

Veer: Don't worry.... Molani is with her.
Mahi(absentmindedly): Hmm.....

*Rumya's side *
A romantic dinner was set up for two with ballons and candles. Soumya is in aww seeing the decorations. She went forward and the whole city came to her view from the terrace.

Rudra(breaking her thoughts) : Soumya....

She turned around and saw him standing far from her with his hands inside his pockets. He slowly started to walk towards her saying the following.

Rudra: We started our journey as college mates then slowly we became best friends. Don't know how our journey went on. Then suddenly under unfavorable conditions we got married.  I refused to accept you as wife. Still you never forgot your duties. But me being as a dumb.... Pushed you away from me.  You left me.... I understood your importance in my life. Day and night I waited for you to come back. And finally one day you walked back into my life.... But not from heart..... I wanted to make you a part of my life... Finally this Dumble Singh Oberoi realised that He emmensely loves you Mrs. Soumya Rudra Singh Oberoi...... Yes, Soumya.... My Sumo.... I love you...... I love you so much.... (sitting in front of her on his knees) Will you allow me to hold your hand forever again? Will you mine again?

Soumya: I'm sorry Rudra..... I can't.....

Rudra's heart broke into several pieces hearing her. He became shocked. While She only knows with how much strength she had utter those words. But she won't fall weak and will tell him everything before deciding anything.

Rudra: Why Sumo? Did I hurt you beyond repair? Please forgive me.... I promise I will rectify my every mistake. Please....
Soumya: Rudra.... It is something else.... I need to tell you something very important before I proceed with this relationship. Will you listen to me once? Please....

*Mohi's side *
Mahi was indulged in business talks but his eyes were fixed on Her. Veer saw this and smiled.

Veer(to others) : Gentlemen, business talks will continue. Why don't we enjoy the party right now? (everyone agreed and left) Mahi.... You also enjoy.
Mahi: No... I am fine...
Veer: Don't worry, Bhabi is fine.
Mahi: No.. Actually...
Veer(placing his hand on his shoulder) : What's the matter? You can share with me if you want.
Mahi(sighed): I don't deserve her....
Veer: Why do you think so?
Mahi: I have done so much injustice to her but she has never stopped loving me. And what have I done in return... Just given her sadness.
Veer: Then why don't you show your love to her.
Mahi: Her grandfather also said me the same thing. But.....
Veer: But what?
Mahi: I'm not so good in expressing myself.  I don't know how to do it?
Veer: Such a simple thing. Leave that on me dear friend. Just see what I do now.
Mahi: Veer, no need.  I will....
Veer(cutting him in between) : Just sit back and relax.  I promise you will thank me later.

He gave a cheeky grin to him and went towards his wife. Mahi saw him whispering something in Monali's ears on which she smiled and went along with him. Mona was left alone. He could easily see her discomfort. He was about to go her when Veer's voice echoed.

Veer: Ladies and gentlemen...... Thank you everyone for coming and joining me and my wife in this success party. But as in every party, it is incomplete without couple dance. So Mr. DJ suru ho jao bhai..... With some good romantic songs.

Slowly everyone started filling up the stage. Veer and Monali pushed Mahi and Mona respectively towards the stage and the spot light fell on them. They got lost in each others eyes and forgot the world. Veer indicated the DJ who played the right song for them.

(Movie: Half girlfriend
Song: Phir bhi tumko chahuga)

Tum mere ho iss pal mere ho
Kal shayad yeh aalam na rahe
Kuch aisa ho tum tum na raho
Kuch aisa ho hum, hum na rahein...

(Mahi held her hand and pulled her towards him slowly. He kept his hand on her waist while the other one with her other hand)

Yeh raaste alag ho jaaye
Chalte chalte hum kho jaayein...

Main phir bhi tumko chahunga... (x4)

Iss chahat mein marr jaaunga
Main phir bhi tumko chahunga
Meri jaan mein har khamoshi le
Tere pyaar ke naghme gaaunga

Main phir bhi tumko chahunga
Main phir bhi tumko chahunga
Iss chahat mein marr jaaunga
Main phir bhi tumko chahunga

Aise zaroori ho mujhko tum
Jaise hawayein saanson ko
Aise talashun main tumko
Jaise ki per zameeno ko

Hansna ya rona ho mujhe
Paagal sa dhoondu main tumhe
Kal mujhse mohabbat ho na ho
Kal mujhko ijazat ho na ho
Toote dil ke tukde lekar
Tere darr pe hi reh jaaunga

Main phir bhi tumko chahunga
Main phir bhi tumko chahunga
Iss chahat mein marr jaaunga
Main phir bhi tumko chahunga

Tum yun mile ho jabse mujhe
Aur sunehari main lagti hoon
Sirf labon se nahi ab toh
Poore badan se hansti hoon

Mere din raat salone se
Sab hai tere hi hone se
Yeh saath hamesha hoga nahin
Tum aur kahin main aur kahin

Lekin jab yaad karoge tum
Main banke hawaa aa jaaunga

Main phir bhi tumko chahunga
Main phir bhi tumko chahunga
Iss chahat mein marr jaunga
Main phir bhi tumko chahunga

Main phir bhi tumko chahunga (x4)

The song ended but they were still in their dreamland. She was looking into his eyes intently for some answers. While he tried his level best to show his feelings to her. Not caring about the surroundings, he held her hand and walked out of the house. Veer and Monali saw that and smiled.

Veer(wrapping his hand around her waist) : Seems like love has found its way.
Monali: Yes..... I pray no force breaks them.
Veer: Not only them, but Shivaay and Anika too.
Monali: How can I forget them! They are just perfect.....
Veer: Now let's enjoy in my way.
Monali: I don't find your intentions right Mr. Chauhan.
Veer: That we will see Mrs. Chauhan.

*Outside the house*
Mahi had brought Mona to the car and made her sit. He took over the driver's seat and drove away. She kept looking at him, for some sort of hints but only witnessed straight face. She couldn't hold herself more and her tears flowed down involuntarily. She kept them wiping away but they betrayed her more. Finally, the car came to a halt and she looked up to see the beach. She was clueless about the happenings. She looked at him but he didn't see her either. He got out of the car and she followed his suit.

The steady waves of the sea was washing away the shore. The night sky was adding more beauty to it. Mahi stood silently looking at the sea while Mona stood looking at him. Her tears were not ready to stop. Except for the waves, her occasional sobs were heard.

Mahi: Mona..... (turning towards her) I..... I know you have so many complaints..... You are very much angry on me too. And you should be.... I have done so much injustice to you.... (wiping her tears) Don't shed them.  I don't deserve your tears also.  I.... I..... I don't deserve you....... You should leave me and move ahead......

Mona was shocked hearing him. Her voice got stuck in her throat.
What is he saying? Is he even in his senses? Anger ran through her body and she held his collar tightly.

Mona(angry): What do you think about yourself Mr. Mahendra Singh Oberoi? Whenever you want you will leave me and I will allow you to do that. Then you are wrong Mr Obeori. You are wrong. Just remember one thing I will never leave you... Never..... And I know who is better for me or not. Because I love you..... Mr. Mahendra Singh Oberoi...... I am never leaving you till I am breathing.....

Mahi cupped her face and looked at her eyes. His sight went towards her lips and back to her eyes. He was close enough and his breaths were falling on her lips making her go weak.

Mahi(whispers): I'm bad in expressing myself.......... But I hope this clears all your doubts......

She couldn't comprehend his words. She was about to ask him when his lips touched her softly. He kissed her softly with utmost care. She was first shocked but then his words registered in her brain and she returned the kiss with equal passion. The slow soft kiss became a passionate one and they left when they became breathless. The foreheads were joined and finally he spoke those words.....

Mahi(whispers): I love you Mona..... I love you.......

*Shivika's side*
Anika was still in Shivaay's arms and enjoying the pleasant night. She was fully engrossed in the sea while he was engrossed in her beauty.

Anika: Shivaay, mujhe taarna baande karenge.
Shivaay: Never... And I am not doing anything wrong.  I am staring my legally wedded wife.
Anika(turns her face towards him) : You don't get tired seeing me for so long?
Shivaay: Why would I be? You have entered my life to fill in with colours and to make me a better person.  I will never get tired of loving you and staring at you.
Anika(carenessing his cheek) : How did I become so lucky to get you ?
Shivaay: You are not lucky.... I am lucky to get you as my life. (she smiled) It's too late already. Let's have dinner and tomorrow we have to leave for Mumbai also.
Anika: We will come here again right?
Shivaay : Any time... You want to come we will come.

She smiled and he picked her up in his arms and walked towards their set table for dinner. Settling her on the chair, he was about serve for them but she stopped him. He made him sit and she served for both of them. She took spoon full of food and fed him. He also did the same. Silently, they finished their dinner with Her favorite desert gazar ka halwa. He forwarded his hand to her while she gestured what. He indicated her to keep it and she did it without any second thought. He stood up and pulled her along with him. He took her to a very dark area and her hold on him tightened. He looked back and saw fear. He stopped and took her in a side hug and continued to walk. She instantly fell secure in his arms. She kept her head on his shoulder and continued walking with her eyes closed. He saw her and kissed her hair. After a few minutes of walk, they stopped walking. She opened her eyes and the view in front of get took her breath away.

Thousand twinking stars in the sky and the sea water was shining as if the stars had landed on them. She left his hand and went towards it. She took the water in her hand and saw through it. It was actually, microorganisms that were emitting light and giving this beautiful glow to the sea water.
(I hope you all understood what I meant to explain. In the galliyan where Guru takes Aisha to the beach at night and the water was shining. Did you all understand? Please refer to the video of the song galliyan)

Shivaay stood beside her and admired her happy glowing face.

Shivaay : Did you like it?
Anika: It's so beautiful Shivaay. How do you know about this?
Shivaay: I had said you about coming here for a business meeting and buying that cottage. Then the owner of the cottage said me about it.  I firstly didn't believe but then when I myself saw, I just couldn't wait to bring you here.
Anika: It looks like stars on water. It's amazing.
Shivaay: So I should get a return gift for making you happy.
Anika(throwing the water) : Sure enough. Say what you want?

He forwarded his hand again and she put her hand again in his. He pulled her towards him and sneaked his arm around her waist and secured her in his embrace.

Shivaay(whispers): A dance with My Lady, under the stars. Can I?

She nodded her head and blushed lightly. He chuckled seeing her blushed face.

Shivaay(whispers): This song is for you Love......

(Song: Tumse hi
Movie: Jab we met)

Na Hai Yeh Pana
Na Khona He Hai
Tera Na Hona, Jaane
Kuyn Hona He Hai
Tum Se Hi Din Hota Hai
Surmayi Shaam Aati Hai
Tum Se Hi Tum Se Hi
Har Ghadi Saans Aati Hai
Zindagi Kehlati Hai
Tum Se Hi Tum Se Hi
Na Hai Yeh Pana
Na Khona Hi Hai
Tera Na Hona, Jaane
Kuyn Hona Hi Hai

Aankho Mein Aankhe Teri
Bahoo Mein Bahe Teri
Mera Na Mujh Mein Kuch Raha
Hua Kya
Bathon Mein Bathein Teri
Rathe Saogathe Meri
Kuyn Tera Sab Yeh Ho Gaya
Hua Kya
Mein Kahin Bhi Jaata Hun
Tum Se Hi Mil Jatha Hun
Tum Se Hi Tum Se Hi
Shor Mein Khamoshi Hai
Thodi Si Behoshi Hai
Tum Se Hi Tum Se Hi

Aadha Sa Vada Kabhi
Aadhe Se Zyada Kabhi
Jee Chahe Karlu Is Tarah
Wafa Ka
Chode Na Chute Kabhi
Tode Na Toote Kabhi
Jo Daga Tum Se Jud Gaya
Wafa Ka
Mein Tera Sarmaya Hu
Jo Bhi Mein Ban Paya Hu
Tum Se Hi Tum Se Hi
Raaste Mil Jate Hai
Manzile Mil Jati Hai
Tum Se Hi Tum Se Hi
Na Hai Yeh Pana
Na Khona He Hai
Tera Na Hona, Jaane
Kuyn Hona He Hai

She was stunned hearing him singing. She went down to the memory, where she had heard him singing secretly. Everything was good about him expect him singing skills. She still remembers that day and would laugh within herself. But hearing his voice today, forced her to change her views regarding him.

Anika: How many classes you took for this?
Shivaay: Actually....
Anika(amazed seeing him) : The great Baggad billa is blushing. It's a breaking news.
Shivaay: Okay stop embarrassing me...
Anika: I won't but tell me first how many classes and how?
Shivaay: I was secretly taking classes after our 6 months anniversary. I wanted to give you a surprise on your birthday but..... (he lowered his head down)
Anika(carenessing his cheek) : Don't think about the past. It's gone. Let's think about our present and future.
Shivaay: Yes, Anika. (taking her free hand and interwinds his hand) Today under this thousand stars, I promise you that I will always protect you..... You will always my first priority then my brothers and family..... I will never leave your side in whatever condition we are in.... I promise to be your shadow......
Anika: Then I am making you the same promises Shivaay..... I will never leave you alone..... You were and always be my first priority.... I will support you in all the circumstances..... I will keep you happy......

They hugged eachother tightly and the stars became the witness of their promises and some unsaid promises from Anika as well.....

Anika(in her mind) : I will always be your shadow Shivaay...... Danger has to pass me before reaching you..... I will become your sheild and protect you from all the dangers..... I will always keep the Family together and protect them as well........ I promise.....

Shivaay broke the hug and kissed her forehead lovingly sealing their promises forever.

*Rumya's side*
The perfectly set dinner date was ruined completely. Soumya was crying hysterically and Rudra was staring at nothing at particular with a stern face. What happened that destroyed the upcoming blooming love?

Rudra(blank voice) : We are leaving tomorrow for Mumbai. After reaching, I will talk to the layer about our divorce.
Soumya(shocked): What? Divorce? (standing up) Rudra you can't do like this with me. Rudra please listen to me..... (he went leaving her alone) Rudra...... You destroyed everything..... You destroyed everything Swetlana di..... You destroyed my life..... You destroyed everything.......

*Raizada mansion *
*Study room*
Arnav was looking through the photos and the videos which he had received. He was tensed seeing everything.

Arnav: Now am I going to tell Aru about this.And Shivaay..... how will he react when he gets to know that........ No I can't do this.... I can't...... (remembers Anika's face and her concern for Shivaay) But I kept even let that Woman trouble them more.  I need to find out more about it and then tell Aru about it.
Khushi(entering the room) : What are you doing late at night? (seeing the photos) Who is this?
Arnav: Rinky and Pinky.... (showing two different photos)
Khushi(confused): Are they twins? (gets jealous that he is seeing some other woman's photo) And why do you have their photos?
Arnav(chuckled seeing her jealousy) : Don't be jealous.... (showing Pinky's photo) This is Pinky Singh Oberoi..... Shivaay's biological mother..... (showing Ricky's photo) And this Rinky Sinha.... Shivaay's pretending mother....
Khushi(confused): Biological mother... pretending mother? I didn't get you .
Arnav(sighed): Shivaay's mother, Pinky has been held captive for the past 25 years and this Rinky is the one who is living in the Oberoi mansion as Mrs. Pinky Singh Oberoi.
Khushi(shocked): What? But why?
Arnav: I don't know..... And that only I am trying to find out. You remember that day Aru came to meet me. (she nodded) She had come to ask my help to solve this mystery. (said everything that Anika had said him) I found out this much now. But I am yet to find out the actual truth. I am just scared what will be Shivaay's reaction after hearing about all these and the Oberoi Family..... Mahi was not a part of the Family but why that is also a mystery..... (leaned back on to his chair) I just hope this doesn't break the family and most importantly Shivaay.... because if Shivaay breaks down Aru will also be broken......
Khushi(keeping her hand over his) : Don't worry.... I have full faith in Anika.... She won't let Shivaay break..... As well as the Family.....
Arnav(holding her hand) : I also hope the same.......

Precap: Back to Mumbai..... Rumya's divorce? Truth revealed..... Arnav getting to know the full truth behind Pinky and Rinky..... Wedding bells.... For whom?

Too much?
Please let me know if it is turning out to be boring or lengthy....... Honest review.....

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