Chapter 7

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Hey people......
Back to the field with a new chapter and the second Chapter of the day for my birthday.....
I know I'm creating suspence and suspence.... But some are getting cleaned right then you can't blame me....
Let's stop Bak Bak and start our journey.....

*Raizada Mansion*

Mahi(shocked):Mona ..... You here?
(clap for yourself those who thought that Mahi saw Mona.....😁😁)
Mona:I can ask you the same question.
Mahi(stammering):I.... I.... (Thinking) No Mahi you can't tell her the reason for your visit because Shivaay wants it to be a secret.
Mona(snapping her fingers): Where are you lost?
Mahi:I came here for a meeting. But you tell me what are doing here?
Mona: I....

"Maasi maa....",a voice cut her in between. They looked at their side and same the same girl from Sahil 's school.

Mona:Aare Arshi beta.... What are you doing here?
Arshi:Mom was calling you but you vanished so I came to search you. (looking at Mahi) Aare Uncle I just saw you inside how come you are here before me?

Mahi was caught.

Mona:Arshi beta you saw him inside?
Arshi:Yes maasi maa with a long haired Uncle and a body builder Uncle too.
Mahi(thinking):Gayi bhaise paani me... Now toh I am caught.
Mona: So not only you but Shivaay and OmRu are also here for meeting?
Mahi: Yaa they are here too but you tell me how came this girl is calling you Maasi maa. You said you are an orphan then how come you have a niece. That means you lied to me regarding your family.
Mona: This is the problem with all your brothers. You all don't think about anything before and come to conclusions. You didn't trust me then how are you going to trust me now.

Mahi became speechless.

Mona: Kya hua bolti bandh ho gayi. Whatever it is. Since you have doubts regarding my words or whatever I said you about my family then listen. 3 months back while returning back I saw her crossing the road without looking here and there. A car was about to hit her but I saved her. From that day I became her Maasi maa and her mother became my di. Understood Mr.Mahendra Singh Oberoi and haa I didn't lie to you, whatever I said about myself was true you believe it or not.

And she walked away from him into the house.Mahi stood their numb and was cursing himself for doubting her again. He also went inside.

*Living room*
Shivaay saw the person and was shocked. Even the person on seeing Shivaay became shocked.

Both of them said to each other at the same time. Others were confused as to how they both know each other.

Arnav(surprised):Aare Shivaay you here? What a pleasant surprise!!
Shivaay: Yaa I came here to meet Arnav Singh Raizada. But you here?
Arnav: I am only Arnav Singh Raizada.....
Shivaay(shocked): What? But you never told me that you belong to Raizada family?
Arnav: You also never said you belong to Oberoi family?
Shivaay: Because I wanted to do something by myself and not depend upon my surname and also because of security reasons.
Arnav: Same goes with me too... Let it be enough of question and answer. We are meeting after such a long time won't you hug your best friend?

They hugged each other. Shivaay was thinking that his best friend is his brother in law. How will Arnav react to the fact? Shivaay didn't get any idea how to start with the topic. They broke the hug and turned around to see all of them staring at them with open mouth.

Shivaay: Why are you all staring us like that?
Rudra: Bhaiya you and Arnav jiju..... (got hit by Om) I mean Arnav bhaiya......
Om: Are best friends......
Mahi: You never informed us?
OmRuHi: Why???
Shivaay: Guys..... Guys.... Chill.... I had said you about Arnav but I never knew he would a Raizada because.....
Arnav: I never disclosed my true identity just like Shivaay. We knew each other just by our names not surnames so.... ( saw Mr. Bajaj) Aare Papa you said someone wants to meet? Were you talking about this Shivaay only? (pointing towards Shivaay)
Mr. Bajaj: Yes Arnav beta... I was talking about him only. But I never knew you would turn out to be best friends.
Arnav: Yaa Papa.... He's my best friend. I had told you about him but I also knew he's an Oberoi. By the way why did you want to meet me? Any serious matter?

Shivaay looked at his brothers and asked through his eyes what should he do. They encouraged him to go ahead.

Mr. Bajaj: Actually beta he saw my photo with Arundhuti and Naina in my house and asked about them. You know how much that thing still haunts me so I thought of sharing with them. After hearing everything they wanted to meet you especially Shivaay. So that's why they are here.
Arnav: Shivaay you are my best friend and if you have come here to console me then please don't do.
Shivaay: No never Arnav..... I didn't come here to console you.... But......
Arnav: But what?
Shivaay: Actually.....
Rudra(cutting Shivaay in between) : Actually Arnav bhaiya... Shivaay bhaiya is trying to search some missing links about Anika bhabi's family.....
Om: So he is here to link those things and....
Mahi: Gift bhabi her family and probably yours too.....

"What..... You all are here to search about Anika bhabi's family? ", came a voice. Shivaay was shocked seeing Mona.

Shivaay: Mona you here?
Mona: That's none of your concern. But tell me one thing why are searching for bhabi's family? Are you still stuck in your ideologies?
Shivaay(instantly): No... No.... Mona. I have long back forgotten about my ideologies. I love Anika. I don't care about her past. But I want to give her some happiness in the form of her family. Trust me if whatever I'm thinking if it comes true then not only Anika but Arnav will also get back his lost family and Uncle too. I can never hurt her Mona. She's my life.... My heart.... My breath.... My everything..... I just want to give her some happiness that's it. So I request you please don't tell it to her till I'm fully sure about it. Please I request you..... 🙏
Mona: Aare bhaiya never fold hands in front of youngers. I promise I won't tell her.
Shivaay: Thank you so much Mona..... Thank you.....
Arnav: Will you enlighten me with some information too?
Shivaay(taking a deep breath): Your sister Arundhuti is alive......
Arnav (shocked) : What? I mean how? Where is she? And Naina? Tell me everything Shivaay.....
Shivaay(taking out Sahil's family photo) : Look at the girl in this photo? Do you recognize her?

Arnav looked at the photo. Seeing it tears rolled down from his eyes. He was so happy that he couldn't describe it.

Arnav(happy and crying): She is Arundhuti , my sister Aru.... She is alive.... She is alive.... I knew it that they are alive. I knew it.... Papa see I told you they are alive.... But in this photo only Aru is where is Naina? Shivaay where is Naina and how did you find Aru? Do you know where is she? Please tell me where is she? Please.....
Shivaay(holding him by the shoulder and made him sit down) : First of all you sit down. I will answer all your questions. But first relax okay. (looking at Mona) Bring a glass of water for him and call Khushi too.

Mona nodded and went. She returned back with a glass of water and a tensed Khushi. Mona gave Arnav the glass and Khushi sat beside him.

Khushi: Arnav what happened? Why are you crying?
Arnav(happy): Khushi I used to always tell you naa that my sisters are alive(she nodded). See Aru is alive..... See(showing her the photo)
Khushi: It is such a good news. But how did you find out about it?
Arnav: Shivaay told. I don't know how he came to know. (turning towards Shivaay) Now toh please say how do you know her and where is she?
Shivaay( taking a deep breath) : Arnav your sister Arundhuti is my wife Anika Shivaay Singh Oberoi and the boy with her in this photo is Sahil, her brother.

Shock would be an understatement. Arnav never thought that his sister would be Shivaay's wife. But one thing didn't go well.

Arnav: But why is her name Anika? Her name is Arundhuti naa then?
Shivaay: That is what is remaining to be found out how she is named Anika. But I am saying the truth Anika is your sister Arundhuti only.
Arnav: I want to meet her Shivaay please.
Shivaay: I can understand your feelings but you can't meet her now.
Arnav: Why can't I meet her?
Shivaay: Because she's too sensitive when it comes to family. According to her, her parents left her in orphanage and she basically hates them. So I need to talk to her, make her understand and then you can meet her. Though she remembers someone called Chutki and she gets fashes too regarding her.
Arnav: Yaa Chutki my other sister Naina. Aru used to call her Chutki. But I don't know where my other sister is. I hope I find her too.
Shivaay: Don't worry when you got Anika....... I mean Arundhuti then you will get Naina also.... And I have a feeling that she is around and among us only.
Arnav: Thank you so much Shivaay. You don't know what have you given to me. I can never repay you.
Shivaay: It's nothing like that Arnav. I did all this for My Anika.... She's my everything and for her I can anything.....
Arnav: My sister is lucky to get a loving husband like you....
Shivaay: No you are wrong..... I'm lucky to get her in my life. She has coloured my life...... But I have always hurt her.... So now I am repenting it and trying to mend everything.
Arnav(rage): What did you do with her?

Shivaay saw a picture of his in Arnav. Every brother is possessive about his sister. Just like he is for Prinku Arnav is for Anika. He knows about he gets the knowledge of his doings on Anika then toh he is gone. Still he took the courage and said everything to him- from the time the meet in the temple till date- whatever happened in their life he just said it. After the whole story, there was pin drop silence in the hall. No one said anything nor moved. Suddenly Arnav pulled Shivaay by his collar and punched him on his face. Others were shocked while Shivaay expected something like that. He was ready for some more hits and kicks but instead was hugged tightly.

Arnav: That punch was because you had hurt my sister and to make you aware that further any mistake then you are gone. But I couldn't hurt you more because you love my sister more than your life and loves you too. So I spared you for now. But if you hurt her again then......
Shivaay(assuring him): That would never happen. I promise....

They hugged each other and embraced their new relationship happily.

Arnav: At least I can see her naa from far only. Once please.....
Shivaay: Aare of course you can meet her. Okay tomorrow you come to my office and you can meet her.
Arnav: Thank you Shivaay..... Thank you so much. But do you know about Naina?
Shivaay: No. But tge last time I heard the name Chutki from Anika was long time back, probably when she was having a nightmare. She was saying that Chutki don't go.... Please leave her.... I guess Chutki was with Anika and then something happened. We will find it out soon. Don't worry.

Arnav nodded and kept on looking at the photo and admired it. Finally he got to know about his sister and his happiness was in no bound.

*Oberoi Mansion*
Anika was doing some work of the house and was busy that she didn't notice Pinky coming towards her. She was about to go somewhere when Pinky's voice stopped her.

Pinky: That day I had told you to leave Shivaay and go. You did go but again came back. Why are you behind him? Why don't you leave him? So you don't remember what I had said you. Then let me remind you. I will tell Shivaay that he's illegitimate and then no one can save him from breaking down.
Anika: Go ahead.....(seeing her shocked face) Yaa I said go ahead and say him and I am sure he won't break because Mere Shivaay itne kamjor nehi hai....
Pinky: What did you just say.... Tera Shivaay..... Really? What have to done to make him your Shivaay?
Anika: What do you mean to say?
Pinky: I mean to that What happiness have you given to him? From the time you have entered in his life you have given him sorrow and sadness and nothing else..... You are nothing but a useless person in his life...... Useless.....

Anika was shocked hearing her and only one sentence was roaming around her head, "What happiness have you given to him...... What happiness have you given to him? " The sentence kept on playing in her head like a recorder and she again went back in the past. She couldn't stand there anymore and rushed towards their room, while Pinky smirked seeing the effect of her words on her.

*Shivika's room*
Anika entered the room panting and closed the door. She started searching something in the cupboard desperately. She threw everything present in the cupboard to find the thing she was searching. When she didn't get it there she searched the whole room making it messy and devastated. She broke all the things in the room- vases, frames, lamps, cloths fallen, bed sheet taken out, pillows on the floor- in short the room was devastated and in the middle stood a sweating and panting Anika with messy hair. She looked here and there and walked towards the bed side table. She opened it and took out the photos present there. She took them in her hands and saw it. She started shivering seeing them. She kept the photo near her heart and took deep breaths. She was trying to control herself but she wasn't in herself. She just sat there still in the dark room watching the shining blue water of the pool due to the moonlight with the photo still on her heart. In all this destruction and pain one thing was very much unusual that is Her face was devoid of any emotions and feelings and no trace of tears were visible on it. Her foot was bleeding due to a cut but it didn't have any effect on her. She was lost. Slowly she was loosing her senses and her eyes were closing due to exhaustion and excessive amount of bedding. Her eyes closed and she slipped into darkness. She was about to touch the ground and hurt herself again but someone caught her in the nick of time. The person picked her up and placed her on the bed. The person is none other than her husband Shivaay. He looked at the room and then her. He couldn't hold on his tears and it flowed down his eyes. He understood that she had fainted, so he called up the doctor. He then took her in his arms and went towards the guest room, placed her on the bed and tied a cloth around her foot to prevent further blood loss. He sat beside her and carenessed her hair.

Shivaay: What have to done to yourself Anika? Please don't break down. You are my strength.... My love.... Please don't break.... I don't know what triggered you or who did this to you that you went to such an extent. But I promise I will find the person and he/she will get the worst punishment ever.

His talk was halted by the doctor who had come along with OmRu. He moved aside and allowed the doctor to do his work. As the doctor was checking her his face was turning serious.

Shivaay: Any problem doctor? Something serious. Please tell whatever is the problem.
Om: Shivaay calm down.....
Doctor: Mr. Oberoi I don't know how to tell you but....
Shivaay: Just say whatever it is doctor please don't keep anything secret.
Doctor: Mr. Oberoi you know that your wife is in depression and I had advised you to give her a very happy environment and make her cry out her emotions. But I guess it isn't happening and something has happened today due to which she is again in that state which she was months ago and I am sorry to say if like this continues then she might slip into coma or if situation worsen then you might even loose her......

Shivaay stumbled back hearing the doctor's words. He might loose his Anika. No never he can never let that happen. No never.... No....

Shivaay: No... This can't happen. My Anika can't leave me like this. No.... Never. Doc..... Doctor there must be someway to make her normal. Please tell me what to do?
Doctor: Try to change her environment as soon as possible and if it is not possible then keep her busy as much as possible. I'm changing her medicines and prescribing some injections. Give them at night it will ease her nerves.
Om(saw that Shivaay was lost somewhere) : We will look into it doctor. Thank you so much. Please come We will drop you off.

OmRu left with the doctor while Shivaay silently sat down beside her.
"If this continues then you might loose her.... She might slip into coma.... ",these words were continuously ringing in his ears. He picked up his phone and called.

Shivaay: I want the CCTV footage of the whole house right now.

He cut the call and went out of the room leaving a sleeping Anika.

*Study room*
Seeing the footage his blood boiled and he wanted to kill the person immediately but controlled himself.

Shivaay: Mrs. Pinky Singh Oberoi hasn't done good with my Anika..... She will pay for her deeds but I am just waiting for some more clues then she surely no one can save her from me.......

(Shivaay so much angry on Pinky...... 😲😲 Kuch toh locha hai..... Kya? Aage dekhte hai)

*Next Day*
Sunlight peeped through the curtains and feel on her face. She turned her face and was instantly hit with a known smell. She tried to open her eyes but it felt heavy. After a long struggle she opened her eyes slowly and saw him sleeping in the sitting position beside her with one hand on her hair and other one holding her hand tightly. She felt bad for him that due to her he has to suffer so much. Suddenly the whole yesterday's incident came up in her mind and her grip tightened. She was zoning out but someone pulled her towards itself.

Shivaay: Sshh..... Don't think...... Don't worry..... Sshh.....

She held onto him and tried to hide herself more. He also cocooned her in his embrace and started saying sweet nothings to her.

Finally she calmed down and he broke the hug. He kissed her forehead lovingly and she felt secure.

Shivaay: Get ready we are going out.
Anika: Where?
Shivaay: Our office.
Anika: But why?
Shivaay: Just like that. You need a change so lets go and someone is coming to visit our office today for a deal so I need you there. So hurry up and get ready fast.
Anila: But...
Shivaay: No ifs and buts.... Now hurry up......

He helped her till the washroom and he himself went to Om's room to change.

He came back and saw her struggling to walk. He instantly picked her up and brought her to the dressing table and made her sit. He helped her in getting ready and brought her down for breakfast. Pinky saw them and fumed in anger.

Shivaay: Eat fast Anika we need to leave.....
Anika: But Shivaay I can't come now.
Shivaay: Why?
Anika: I need to give Dadi her medicines, help Sahil in his project and some other work is also there. I will come by afternoon with lunch.
Shivaay: But.....
Anika: Please Shivaay at least for the morning leave me in the afternoon I will come pukka.
Shivaay(sighing): Okay........ But take care of yourself and come soon.

They completed their breakfast with others and Shivaay went after kissing her forehead while Anika went for her work.

*A. S. Enterprise*
Shivaay entered and everyone greated him. He straight away went towards his cabin and started working. Mahi entered after some time informing him that Arnav and Mr. Bajaj are on their way. Shivaay called his PA and instructed him to tell the employees to be ready with bouquet of flowers as a very special guest is coming today. He nodded and left.

Mahi: Shivaay they are toh coming but where is Anika?
Shivaay: I wanted to bring her with me but she had some work at home. She will come by lunchtime and will bring lunch too.
Mahi: Bhabi is fine right?

Shivaay nodded in no and narrated what all happened yesterday. Mahi was shocked hearing it.

Mahi: How can she be so heartless?
Shivaay: I don't know but I am just waiting for the right time to strike her and then she will be finished.........

His talk was stopped by a phone call. He received it.

Shivaay: Yaa Arnav you are here? Okay we are coming..... Mahi they are here let's go.

They went out and received them while tge stuff members gave them a warm welcome. Arnav was quite impressed. Shivaay lead them towards his personal cabin. On entering they were welcomed by the huge portrait of Anika and Arnav couldn't help but smile at it.

Arnav: I never knew my sister had become so beautiful with time.
Shivaay: She indeed is beautiful. Not only that she has her own in built dictionary where there are weird words. You will be amazed when you hear them.
Arnav: I can see clearly you love her a lot.....
Shivaay(looking at the photo): More than you can imagine.....
Arnav: By the way where is she?
Shivaay: She will come by lunchtime. Actually she had some work at home and don't worry she said she would bring lunch too.
Arnav: That's great then I can have the tasty food of my sister.
Shivaay(chuckling): Yaa now she is learning and making tasty food but before toh..... Don't even ask what she used to make.....
Arnav: Matlab?

With that Shivaay narrated the incident of her first rasoi to them. Everyone was laughing.

Arnav: I pity you Shivaay but it must have been fun right.
Shivaay: That time I was thinking who the hell makes such a horrible thing to eat but recently when she prepared my favorite pasta with her own hand I couldn't believe it but now I'm trying to get used to it.
Arnav: Sure thing man.... I wanted to know about it but couldn't ask you yesterday.
Shivaay: What?
Arnav: Being an Oberoi you have your own business...... How come? Aren't you the part of your family business?
Shivaay: Of course I am a part of my family business and I used to work for it also but 5 months back something rather someone said me something.....
Arnav: Who?
Shivaay(looking at the photo): Anika had asked for a gift from me on our 6 months anniversary.....
Arnav: That is??
Shivaay: To build my own identity without the Oberoi surname..... And here it is my own business.....
Arnav: But how did you built it in such a short time?
Shivaay:It has a story behind it.........

Precap:Story behind A. S. Enterprise..... Anika meeting Arnav....... Anika leaving for Delhi.........
Important note-
After this update I may not be able to update so soon as my college is starting. Actually it has started but being sick I couldn't attend till now. I am only requesting you all that please have patience I will surely post but need time..... So please cooperate......
Just let it seep into you and enjoy......
Please vote and comment and let me know........ 😊😊

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