Chapter 8

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Hey people.........
Welcome back to the land of  suspence ......
So ready to go on an adventure??
Let's start off......

(Some clearance about dates before starting.....
According to Hotstar Shivika got married on 30th November 2016 so I am taking that as reference and going ahead. So 30th November marriage so 6 months anniversary will be on 30th May 2017. They have consummated their marriage one week before their 6 months anniversary ie around 16th May. One month after the consummation will be June, so during that time all the drama of divorce and leaving house happened. 3months leap includes- July, August and September. So Shivaay brought Anika back in September. Again one month leap happened. So currently the story is revolving in the month of October. Am I clear with the dates or some confusion. If so please ask it out. I can't keep my readers in confusion.....)

*A. S. Enterprise*
Shivaay: It has a story behind it.....
Arnav(looking at others): We are eager to hear it.....

Shivaay smiled and looked at the photo and started narrating the story behind A. S. Enterprise.......

*29th MAY 2017*

It was the day before Shivika's 6month anniversary and it seems like no one is aware of it. But our new lover boy Shivaay was well aware about it and he was planning something very special for his lady love. He remembered his marriage with her and felt guilty that he had forced her in this relationship. So he wanted to rectify his mistake. He first thought of giving her a surprise of their remarraige but later thought that he would do that in their 1st marriage anniversary. Then the idea of a romantic dinner date came up in his mind. He smiled like an idiot on thinking about it. He planned to bake a cake for her and also make her favorite Aloo Puri and order her favorite ice cream too. While he was thinking all these his brothers OmRu saw him doing weird antics which they haven't seen ever in their life.

Rudra: Om what happened to Bhaiya? Why is he smiling like an idiot?
Om: Don't know what happened to him?
Rudra: Maybe Bhaiya got hit by something and he has gone crazy.
Om: Shut up Rudra...... Shivaay what's wrong?
Shivaay (stratled​): What are you guys doing here? And when did you come?
Om: When you were smiling like an idiot. By the way why are smiling like that?
Shivaay: It's nothing like that....
Rudra: Om let's go Bhaiya has become a paraya dhaan..... He doesn't think me anymore....
ShiOm: Shut up Rudra.....
Shivaay: Actually tomorrow is my 6 month anniversary so I was thinking what to do?
OmRu: Your 6 month anniversary?
Shivaay: I mean My and Anika's 6 month marriage anniversary.... So I was......
OmRu(teasing): Oh ho 6 month anniversary celebration...... Not bad Shivaay/Bhaiya......
Shivaay: Okay just shut up and don't need to say that so loudly.
Rudra: Om Bhaiya and romantic really never thought......
Om: Only because of Anika bhabi......
Shivaay: Okay if your teasing is over then please will you help me out with it......
OmRu(teasing): Shivaay/Bhaiya and romantic dinner date preparation that to for Anika bhabi..... Not bad ...... Aakhir bhabi ne Shivaay/Bhaiya ko Romantic Singh Oberoi bana hi diya........
Shivaay (embarrassed): Okay fine are you both going to help me or not?
OmRu: Of course we will is it a thing to ask?
Shivaay: Great then the plan is........(muted)..... Understood?
OmRu(teasing): We never thought you would be so romantic.... What a change Shivaay/Bhaiya......
Shivaay: Just because of her......
Om: I'm very happy for you Shivaay.......

He smiled at them and they all went towards their allotted work. Rudra took up the work of keeping Anika busy in useless work and took her outside the Mansion so that ShiOm can complete the decorations and other things. Shivaay chose the pool side and decorated very beautifully.
He had prepared her favorite dish Aloo puri and baked a cake too. He also ordered her favorite ice cream. Everything was set and he was very happy with the effort he had put up. Now he was waiting for her to come back and see her reaction.

Shivaay:Everything is set now just have to wait for her. Om call Rudra and tell him to come back.
Om: But it's only 10pm. Still time is there for your anniversary to come.
Shivaay: I know... But they will take time to come and by the time she gets ready and everything it will be midnight. Don't worry.
Om: After so many days I'm seeing you happy Shivaay and I hope ki is khushi ko kisi ki nazar na laage.
Shivaay: Nehi lagega because Anika is there naa sab thik hoga.... Sab.....

Om smiled and Shivaay just looked at the decorations he did just for her. This is the first time ever he has done something for someone so special and he hoped that she likes it. He went to get ready.

*Around 11:30 pm*
Anika and Rudra entered the mansion and saw that all lights were off.

Anika: Rudra you are seriously crazy. Who goes so far just for a cold drink. You could get in the nearby market also.
Rudra: But bhabi the cold drink of that place is so famous and so tasty.
Anika: I didn't feel anything special about it....  You just wasted my time. See everyone went off to sleep and I don't know what Shivaay must be thinking about me? Just because of your stupid cold drink......
Rudra: Don't worry bhabi. Bhaiya didn't think anything about you. He was toh busy in setting up surprise for you.
Anika: Kya?
Rudra: Aare nothing bhabi. You go Shivaay Bhaiya must be waiting for you.
Anika: Yaa I should go. Okay bye Rudra. Good night.

And she ran towards their room. Rudra stood there smiling.

Rudra: Today you will get the best surprise of your life bhabi. I just pray no evil eye falls on your and Shivaay Bhaiya's love.

And he went away.

*Shivika's room*
Anika was about to enter the room when she saw it was dark. She got scared and thought that maybe Shivaay had slept. She slowly stepped into the room and tiny lights lit up the way for her. She was shocked seeing it.

She followed the path which led her towards a rack in the middle of the room. She looked at it and saw a beautiful red gown hanging on it with a note stuck on it.

Seeing the gown she was surprised and happy tears clouded her vision. She took the note and read.....

Liked the gown? Of course you would be after all I selected it for you.... Now wipe those tears of your which you call it as 'Happy tears ' and get ready into the gown and come to the pool side......
Your Billu ji......

Anika: I never knew that you would turn so romantic Billu ji...

She smiled and took the gown and went to get ready. She returned back and just applied some gloss as make up and went towards the pool side where she was again welcomed by the way of candles.

She was so happy and she walked cautionly. She admired each and every corner of the pool side and felt her tears clouding her vision again. She saw a romantic dinner set up for two and felt blessed.

As she was busy admiring it she failed to notice someone's presence behind her. Shivaay came just behind her and his hot breaths were sending down her spine.

Shivaay (husky voice) : Beautiful....

Anika closed her eyes feeling him so closed to herself. He held her tightly from the back and just then the clock struck 12 am.

Shivaay(husky voice and closed eyes) : Happy 6 months anniversary Mrs. Anika Shivaay Singh Oberoi.....

Her eyes snapped open and realisation drawn upon her.

Anniversary......  They had completed  6 months of their married life and she didn't even realize it. She felt so happy as well as bad. Happy because though they married each other forcefully and many many problems occured in their life still they never drifted apart and always stayed together in each others good and bad times. Bad because she had forgotten about it and she couldn't even give him any surprise. Her tears betrayed her and it flowed down her eyes.  Shivaay felt her tears and turned her around.

Shivaay: Anika why are you crying? You didn't like the decorations.
Anika: No I loved them.
Shivaay : Then why are you crying?
Anika(sniffing): Because I forgot about our 6 month anniversary and more over you did so much for me and I didn't even remember only.
Shivaay(hugging her) : Oh my sweet Anika.....  So what that you have forgotten. I remember it right and more over I wanted to do something special for you that's why. (wiping her tears) Now stop crying and let's enjoy Okay......

She nodded and smiled at him. Then only she noticed that he was wearing a black suit with red tie and look very handsome.

Shivaay: So am I looking handsome or not dear wifey?
Anika: Who said you are handsome?
Shivaay(pulling her towards him) : Then?
Anika(going near his ears and said in husky voice) : Your are looking Hot Billu ji.....

Shivaay was shocked hearing her and more over seeing such a bold Anika shocked him more. She giggled seeing her effect on him. He caught her and tightened his grip.

Shivaay: Aacha teasing me right....  Wait for my turn......
Anika: Aacha sorry.. I was just playing with you..... But on a serious note....  Happy 6 month anniversary to you too dear husband......

He smiled and hugged her to his chest and his heart beat just played the music to her ears. Then stayed in that position for sometime until their stomach growled. They chuckled and went towards the set table for their dinner. First they cut the cake and fed each other and later had their dinner with ice cream. All the while feeding each other. After the dinner Shivaay kept his hand in front of her.

Shivaay: Would I get the honor of having a dance with this beautiful Lady tonight?
Anika(putting her hand in his) :Sure......

He pulled her gently towards himself and they danced slowly to the soft music being played in the background. The music and the decorations were providing a beautiful atmosphere for them.  Shivaay looked at her eyes and Anika did too. Sparks flew and they both got enchanted in each others eyes. He was lost in her brown honey eyes while she in his blue green ones. Anika sensed what Shivaay wanted to do and she closed her eyes in approval. He got his signal and placed his lips on hers. Though it wasn't their first kiss but it wasn't less than that. The kiss was soft yet passionate. They broke apart when they were out of breath. He kept his forehead on hers and both of thems eyes closed. He turned her around and held her through a back hug. She kept her head on his shoulder with eyes closed and he kept her secure in his arms.

Anika: Thank you so much for making me feel so special today....  I love you Shivaay.....

She kissed his cheek and closed her eyes in peace.

Shivaay: I love you too Anika......

They stayed in that position for sometime feeling each others warm embrace. After sometime Shivaay asked her.

Shivaay: Anika....
Anika(closed eyes) : Hmm....
Shivaay: What do you want as a gift from me?
Anika(opening her eyes and facing him) : What can you give me?
Shivaay: Ask whatever you want. There isn't anything that Shivaay Singh Oberoi can't do or get it for you.
Anika: That's the thing I don't want.
Shivaay: Matlab?
Anika: Shivaay I know you have name, fame, publicity and what not. But it is all because of your surname Oberoi not because of you.
Shivaay: I'm not getting what you mean to say.
Anika: I may sound selfish but I want to make your own identity without the Oberoi surname..... (seeing his shocked face)  Yes Shivaay I want that.  I know you have your family business and you give your heart and soul into it. But somewhere you aren't given the credit for all the success.  I just want you to do something by just being Shivaay and not Shivaay Singh Oberoi.....  This is the gift I want from you.....  Will you able to give me?

Shivaay was shocked after hearing her and couldn't think what to do. Should he leave his family business and do something else or be angry on her for thinking something like that?

Anika: I know what I have said is very lame and useless. And I shouldn't be thinking like this.  I know for you, your family is more important and your brothers too. I'm not asking you to break away from your family. I am just telling you to have your own identity. People should know you as Shivaay and not as Shivaay Singh Oberoi. Did I ask too much? (seeing him not reacting)  Okay just forget it. (put up a smile on her face) I didn't tell you anything and I don't anything from you. Your support is enough for me. I am also a fool to ask you.......
Shivaay(placing his finger on her lips) : You talk a lot. At least give me a chance to speak too. Now why aren't you talking? (she indicated his finger)  Oh....  (removing his finger) Yaa I was telling that you talk too much and don't wait for me to answer only. I understood what you want me to do and I have decided that......
Anika(with anticipation) : That??
Shivaay(smiling): I will fulfill your wish and show you that this Shivaay can do anything and that too without his surname..... But I have a condition....
Anika: What condition?
Shivaay: That I want the full support of my wife in this. So are you ready to support your husband in this?

She just hugged him tightly and continuously said 'Thank you'. He too hugged her tightly and smiled. They retired for the night. From the next day Shivaay started his work to fulfill Anika's wish.
(People very poor about business matters. So please spare me)

*After 5 days*
Shivaay entered the room with a huge smile on his face and saw Anika setting cloths in cupboard. He just went towards her and picked her up. He twirled her in excitement.

Anika: Shivaay what happened?  Put me down I will fall.
Shivaay(putting her down) : Anika.....  Anika....... Anika..... I am so happy today......
Anika: Par hua kya?
Shivaay: I fulfilled your wish......
Anika: Itni jaldi?
Shivaay: Don't underestimate your husband.....
Anika: So let me also know what my dear husband has done to fulfill my wish so fast?
Shivaay: Nothing much(placing his hands around her neck) . Just started a small start up business in a small room. Then came one investor to invest in my small tini tiny business and using my intelligent brain and business skills I cracked the deal quite easily. Though the investor knew me as SSO and was going to give me the deal anyway but I refused it. I said that I want to achieve it by my own not due to my surname. He got so impressed with the presentation and everything that he not only decided to invest in my business but also provide me with a land to set up my new building and business. So now I just took some personal loan from the bank to start the construction work of the building and then it will be finally done. So how was it Mrs.Shivaay did you like what your husband did for you?
Anika(hugged him): You are the best..... After all pati kiska hai,.......
Shivaay: Tomorrow the construction work is starting. So I want you to join me after all the land and business is in your name dear.....
Anika(shocked):What my name?
Shivaay: Hmm..... It's name is A. S. Enterprise meaning Anika Shivaay Enterprise..... Did you like it?
Anika:You love me so much....?
Shivaay:No.....(seeing her shocked face) More than that........

She was very happy to see someone loving her so much. She thought she won't get the feeling of love ever. But the man in front of her amazed her every time.

Shivaay: That is how this business started. The construction completed within 10 days and Me and Anika inargaurated it. Then I by myself handled everything and then slowly new employees were appointed. Though it is not as famous as OI but I have faith that with Anika's support one day I will be blessed to reach the heights and come under top 10 industries.

Arnav:You surely love my sister a lot.....
Shivaay:That I do.....

His phone rang and cut his talks with Arnav.

Shivaay:Okay I am coming...... She is here I'm going to bring her.
Arnav (teasing): Not leaving a chance to romance with my sister.
Shivaay:That I don't leave. But now situation isn't that. She's hurt and can't walk so I am going to bring her.
Arnav(worried):Hurt how?

Shivaay indicated Mahi to explain him and he went to bring her. He went towards the parking area and saw her waiting for him. He went and helped her out. She was clad in a white sari with off shoulder blouse and her mangalsutra was the only ornament with long earrings.

She wasn't able to walk but he supported her. Everyone greated them and he took her towards his personal cabin. They entered and everyone was looking at them with admiration. He made her sit and stood beside her.

Shivaay:Anika meet him. He's our new client Mr. Arnav Singh Raizada. And he Mr. Bajaj. They wanted to meet the Lady behind my successful business.
Anika(folding her hands): Namaste.
Shivaay: And she(wrapping his arm around her shoulder)  My wife.....  My love.....  Anika Shivaay.......

She smiled at them and Arnav felt so happy to see his sister after so many years in front of him. He wanted to hug her and shower brotherly affection on her but he was bound. He just hand shaked with her. When Anika hand shaked with him she felt an instant connection with him as if they know each other from a long time.

Anika: Do I know you by any chance? I mean did we meet before?

Her question shocked everyone present there. Did she get tge feeling of being connected to Arnav?  If so then it would be easy for them to tell her.

Shivaay: Anika why are you asking such a thing?
Anika: I don't know Shivaay. But I felt as if I know him from a long time or I have some sort of a connection with him. That's it. Maybe I am just thinking too much. Let it be. Would you all like to have some lunch? I have brought it for Shivaay and Mahi but you can also have some.
Arnav: Sure..... I would love to have it........ After all I want to see what has made the Great Shivaay so romantic.......

Anika smiled a little and some redness covered her cheeks.  Shivaay saw it and smiled. He then called someone to bring the bags from the car. On arriving Anika served everyone. She had specially made his favourite pasta again while for others she made normal dal, sabzi and rice. She served everyone but not herself. Shivaay saw it and sat beside her. He ate some and made her eat too. Though she denied stating that others were there but he ignored her. Arnav saw the care and love of Shivaay for Anika and he felt that she is in the right hands. Now he was just waiting for the day when she would recognize him as her brother and accept him. For the first time she had cooked correctly and tasty. Everyone complimented her. After lunch Arnav and Mr. Bajaj left while Mahi left for his work. Only our couple Shivika was left behind.  Anika was also ready to leave when Shivaay stopped her.

Shivaay: Don't go.
Anika: But what will I do here? You have work and you should do it.  I don't want to disturb you.  I will go back don't worry.
Shivaay: But I don't want you to go. Stay here and rest while I will do my work. Then we will go back together.
Anika: But....
Shivaay: Please......
Anika: Okay......
Shivaay: Did you get your medicines for the afternoon dose?
Anika(searching her bag) : By chance it is there in my bag.  I don't know how?
Shivaay(murmurring): Because I had only said Rudra to put it in your bag before you leave. So that I can think of a reason and make you stay back here.
Anika(after getting the medicines) : Did you say anything?
Shivaay( taking the medicines from her): No nothing. You take these and rest.

He gave her the medicines and she took it. He settled her on the couch comfortably and she closed her eyes. He stroke her hair lightly and she feel into deep slumber.

Shivaay: I had to make you stay back because I can't leave you alone in the house. It isn't safe for you.  I have to send you away from OM for some days. (something clicked in his mind)  Arre Anika wanted to go to Delhi to meet Priyanka. That's great. Yaa this will be good.  I will send Anika along with Gauri and Mona to Delhi. This will a change for her and also she would be busy in her work.  I will do anything for you Anika..... Anything. This is Your Shivaay's promise to you.......

*At the same time*
*Suntop Cafe *
Omkara had come for a client meeting to the cafe and was waiting for his client to arrive. He was busy in hos phone when a waitress arrived to take his order.

Waitress: What would you like to have Sir?
Om: One cappuccino please.

He failed to notice her amd she too failed to notice him. She returned back with his order and placed it in front of him when he noticed her hand and the ring she was wearing. He was shocked. He looked up and found......

Om(shocked): Gauri.......

She looked at him and was shocked too. Nothing was spoken between them. She hurriedly kept the cup and went away. He kept on staring at her. She was wearing a short  black skirt with white shirt with an apron on top of it.

Om(thinking): How can she wear such short dresses? Before toh she never wore. Can't she understand everyone is looking at her lustfully. She should at least be careful but no. Like always ignorant. But I have to do something.  I need to talk to her and sort out the things between us.  I will take her back with me as my wife with full respect.  I will win you back Gauri.....  It's my promise.......

His client arrived and he got involved in the meeting. But his sight never left her. He was noting her every move. Suddenly two boys were misbehaving with her. She was trying to protect herself but failed. A punch landed on one of them and everyone was shocked seeing it.

Om(threatening voice) : Don't you dare to touch my wife with your filthy hands.....

Hearing him they got scared and ran away. Om looked at Gauri. She was having tears in her eyes. She looked at him and ran inside the kitchen. He followed her and went inside.

Om: Gauri.....
Gauri: Why did you do that?
Om: Hah?
Gauri: Why did you call me as your wife when I am not the one. Why did you fight for me? Why? Jawab dijiye....  Why?
Om: Because you are my wife.....
Gauri(shouting): No I am not your wife. Did you ever consider me as your wife? No never..... Then by what means you are deciding my future?
Om: I'm .....
Gauri: Just leave me alone..... Leave me...... Just leave......

She was crying continuously and Om wanted to console her but he couldn't master up the courage and went away from there.

(Will Om be able to win back Gauri? If yes then how??? Let's see.....)

*A. S. Enterprise*
Anika opened her eyes and looked around. She then recalled that she was in their office and must have slept off due to medicine effect. She tried to get up but felt weak. She got support from someone and sat properly by the support.

Shivaay:Are you feeling better?
Shivaay: You want to have something?
Anika:No. I am fine.
Shivaay (carenessed her hair): I have planned something for you.
Shivaay: You are going to Delhi. You said you wanted to meet Priyanka. So you are going but with Gauri and Mona.
Anika:Why so sudden?
Shivaay:Just like that..... So get ready tomorrow is your flight and haa you are going in my private jet. I won't hear any argument on it.
Anika(shrugging towards him more): Overprotective Singh Oberoi.......

He smiled and held her firmly and dropped a kissed on her hair.

Shivaay(thinking):In order to keep you away from her I have to take such a step.

Precap:Anika Gauri and Mona in Delhi...... Let's see what this city gives them......
Just a short chappy before some more Revelation............
Just enjoy and shower with votes and comments..............

Anika's gown

Shivaay's suit

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