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Shashank turned in a shock. “Which girl?” he asked. “The same girl who you’re in affair with, I can see very clearly how much hard work you’ve done with her,” Dev said and smirked making him angry. “Dev, mind your language,” he said and began to leave. “Should I mind my language? Why didn’t you mind your own business when you saw her? Why didn’t you remember you’re married and have two children? Should I go and tell mom what you’ve been doing behind her back since so many years? I have proofs actually,” Dev said and showed him his cozy photos with Ishita which he took a day ago.

Shashank was shocked. “But how did you get these?” he asked, Dev shrugged. “That’s not important dad, important is that I have proofs against you, my one click and it may go viral, your hard work of years which you did in your career would be ruined, there would be only one news on every channel, do you want that to happen?” he asked, Shashank gasped and shook his head. “No Dev no, you can’t tell anyone, you just can’t,” Shashank said coming to him cupping his face.

“Okay okay relax, calm down, I won’t tell, okay, but… For that… I will get something in return, right?” he asked, Shashank nodded instantly. “Yes Dev, you tell me what you want, I will bring it for you,” he said. “Not much, just one lac rupees,” Dev demanded, Shashank got shocked. “Have you lost it? One… One lac rupees?” he said shockingly. “Why? You can’t give me? Okay, I am going to tell,” Dev said and began to leave, Shashank rushed to him and held his arm. “No no Dev, don’t do that son, I have it in my bag, I will give you,” he said and went and unzipped his bag and pulled out a bundle of money and handed it to him. Dev smiled.

“Now promise me you won’t tell anyone,” he said, Dev chuckled and nodded. “I never thought you can be an ATM card for me, now whenever I will need money, I will come running to you, okay, dad,” he said and kissed the bundle of money and exited the house.

Fb end.

Mauli got shocked. “So it’s possible that he only harmed Dev? But why didn’t you tell all this before?” she asked. “Mauli you already know I was engrossed in my own problem of pregnancy, I was depressed, I didn’t remember anything besides rejection,” Ishita said. “Okay okay, but did Dev ever threaten him again?” Mauli asked, Ishita nodded. “One day, in a hotel, Dev came to take money from him,” she told.


Dev came to the room in which Shashank was and he handed him the bundle of money but tightened his grip on the bundle, Dev looked at him sternly. “Son you’re blackmailing your dad, don’t you feel ashamed that you’re doing wrong?” he asked. “No I don’t, because when the father isn’t right at all, then how can the son be right?” Dev asked and snatched the bundle of money from him and began to leave but stopped. “And yes, double up the amount next time,” he said and left.

In the corridor, Dev passed by Ishita and bent to her ear. “Looking hot and glamorous,” he said and she turned her head to him while he was walking away, he felt her gaze on him and turned his head walking backwards. “Relax, just a compliment, but can you please stay away from my dad? Don’t you know he’s married? Please just stay away from my dad,” he said.

“Sorry, but he loves me,” she said and began to leave. “Fine, lend me some money, I will let you be with him,” he said, Ishita stopped in her tracks and looked back and walked to him. “Money? But… Okay,” she said and opened her purse and gave him money. “Just 2000? Give me more, come on,” he said. “Greedy,” she said muttering under her breathe and gave him some more. “4000? Come on, you can do better,” he said, she placed her hands on her hips. “Does money grow on trees? Your father gave you 1 lac,” she said angrily. “So? This 4000 is nothing in front of them, come on give some more else leave,” he said and she sighed. “How many more?” she asked. “Not much, I want like 50,000 more,” he said shocking her. “50,000? Dev, are you crazy?” she asked and he shrugged. “Everything is fair in love and war, come on, give else leave,” he said, she held his wrist and pulled him with her towards the room in which Shashank was and opened the door. “Shashank,” she said and he turned, he got shocked seeing Dev with Ishita. “What happened?” he asked. “He’s asking for more money, I already gave him 4000,” she said. “Dev, return her money right now, I will give you one lac more,” he said and opened his bag and gave him more money, he smiled and returned Ishita’s money, she gave him a snobby smile. While she was taking the money, he caressed her soft hand, she gasped and slapped him. He looked at her angrily. “How dare you?” she asked. “How dare you slap me?” he asked and twisted her hand behind her back. “Leave my hand,” she said. “No! I know girls like you very well,” he said.

Shashank gasped and came forward and pushed him away and slapped him angrily holding Ishita as she cried. He held his cheek and stared at him. “Don’t you feel ashamed?” he asked shouting at him. “No I don’t, because you don’t, she raised her hand, and then for her you raised your hand, now see, you and your Ishita, I won’t spare you both, I will tell mom each and everything, but why only mom? I will tell the whole media and ruin your career,” Dev said gritting his teeth and began to leave.

Shashank grabbed his hand. “No son, please Dev, please,” he pleaded, Dev jerked away his hand. “Why? Who will stop me? You? Or your Ishita?” he asked. Shashank sighed. “I will stop you,” he said. “How? Will you murder me? Because only my death can stop me, while I am alive no one can stop me,” Dev said. “Dev, see I won’t talk to Ishita ever again, I will ask her to leave this country and go forever, please don’t do this to me my son,” he pleaded.

“Son? When you slapped me for her, didn’t you remember this son of yours?” he asked. Ishita looked on cryingly. “I am sorry bubba I am sorry my son, please Dev don’t do this, I will give you everything you ask for, please,” Shashank pleaded clutching his hand. “No dad, now I have made up my mind, you enjoy with her,” he taunted and left. “Ishita,” Shashank said to her cupping her cheeks but she moved away and turned her back to him. “You said you will break up with me, you said you won’t talk to me,” she said and sobbed, he placed his hand on her shoulder. “Sorry Ishita, I had to, to convince him, but he didn’t got convinced, don’t worry, I will do something about it, don’t worry love, relax, I love you Ishita, I won’t leave you,” he said, she turned to him and forwarded her hand. “Promise?” she asked. He placed his hand on her hand. “Promise,” he said, she hugged him, he hugged her back.

Fb end.

“What? Did Dev really… I mean, did he really caress your hand like that?” she asked. “Yes Mauli, he did, I don’t know if it was just a mischief or not, but feeling uncomfortable I slapped him and… Then he twisted my hand, and then Shashank slapped him,” Ishita said. Mauli hugged her. “Sorry from Dev’s side, really sorry Ishita,” she said rubbing her back. “I already forgave him, he’s a kid in front of me, I shouldn’t have slapped him, I feel so bad for him,” Ishita said getting teary eyed. Mauli broke the hug. “Anyone could have done that, thanks for revealing everything Ishita,” she said and went. Raman came to her, she was looking down. He made her look at him and saw a tear on her cheek.

He wiped her wet cheek and pecked it softly, she closed her eyes as he kissed her forehead and slowly engulfed her in a hug. She hugged him back and felt immense relief. “You’re so golden hearted, he did so bad with you but still you feel bad for him,” he said. “The bad he did is nothing in front of what Shashank did, I can’t forgive Shashank but I can forgive Dev, I wish he is found alive very soon,” she said, he ran his fingers through her hair. She smiled slightly. After sometime, he broke the hug. “Actually I came here to tell you that tomorrow isn’t any function because mom doesn’t wants you to get tired, so the functions would have some gaps, so that you can rest properly,” he told her, she smiled. “I am really blessed, how much she thinks of me,” she said. “Because she herself has a daughter along with soon to be daughter in law,” he said and she smiled. “And where is she by the way?” she asked. “She’s currently doing the last year of her studies as she wants to be a dancer and singer, and as I said before, she’s the apple of our eyes,” he said. “Oh, okay, I really want to meet her, does she know about us?” she asked. “Yes she does and she has no problem, she is returning day after tomorrow in haldi function,” he told her. She smiled.


Ishwari came to Shashank who was sleeping. “Wake up Shashank, enough of you making me a fool, wake up! I want to talk with you,” she said shaking him and he woke up. “What happen Ishwari?” he asked, she held his collars. “You cheated on me with this girl,” she said showing him his photographs with Ishita.

He got shocked. “But how did you get them?” he asked in a shock. “That’s bloody not important, if something is important, then it is that you cheated on me, enough of all this, I warned you already that if something happens to Dev, I will leave you forever, for the second bloody time he got kidnapped. I have filed divorce against you, but for now, I am going taking Alia with me,” she said angrily. “But why Alia? She’s my daughter as well, you can’t take her like this,” he said.

“I can, she’s my daughter, when you couldn’t take care of Dev, how will you take care of her? And even when Dev would be found, he will stay with me, you would be alone,” she said and began to leave, he held her hand and sat on his knees, she looked on. “Ishwari please don’t leave me, I can’t live without you, please, how will I live? Think about me,” he said pleading to her. “I thought, but now I will think about myself and my daughter,” she said and jerked his hand and left. He gulped and became sad.

Ishwari rushed to Alia who was sitting hungry and pale. “Aloo jan, get up bacha, we won’t stay here anymore, we’re going,” she said and began to pack her things. Alia stood up. “But mom, bhai will return, what will happen when he won’t find us here? How will he find us?” she asked. “Yes he will return but not here to your father, but to you and to me,” Ishwari said. “But mom, why not to papa?” she asked. “We’re getting separated from him, I am divorcing him,” Ishwari said. “But why mom? I want to stay with both of you,” she said.

Ishwari came to her and cupped her face. “Sorry beta, trust me, it’s for your own good,” she said, Alia sat on the bed and began to cry silently as Ishwari continued packing her things. She recalled her moments with Shashank.

Flashback :

Little Alia took Ishwari’s phone and opened the front camera of the phone looking at herself while Ishwari was getting ready for office. She came and took her phone. “Sorry Alia, getting late,” she said. “Mom, am I beautiful?” asked little Alia. “Of course,” she said wearing her earrings, Alia became sad and sat at a side. Shashank came to her and picked her. “What happen? Why is my doll sad? Don’t be sad, remember what a cute little beauty you are, you’re even more beautiful than your mother,” he complimented, she smiled and kissed his cheek.

Fb end.

She closed her eyes cryingly and got down the bed and took the photo album which had her photos with all the family members and looked through it, she knew she was going to miss Shashank a lot and even her brother. She hugged the album and dropped it in her bag. She went to Dev’s room and was instantly met with nostalgia as the room smelt just like him.

She saw his room neat and clean, his brown backpack placed on the bed, his photos everywhere, she couldn’t help but cry. She was really possessive for her brother. She took his backpack and hugged it. “Bhai, this house doesn’t looks good without you, today I am going from here, but with your memories, with your photographs and with some of your clothes,” she said and gathered some of his clothes, all his framed photographs besides the big one and exited his room closing it behind her. “Mom, I need one more suitcase, even these will be with me only,” she said, Ishwari nodded. “Okay my baby, wait,” she said and gave her another suitcase, she placed all the items in it and zipped it. “Mom, I want to meet papa before leaving,” Alia said, Ishwari nodded, she ran away and went to his room and knocked on his door, he looked up and saw Alia at the entrance. She came forward and hugged him crying badly. “Sorry papa, I am going,” she said and he hugged her back, he kissed her head. “I will come to meet you secretly, don’t worry, baby,” he said and she broke the hug and caressed his face. “I love you papa,” she said tearfully. “I love you too beta,” he said, she walked away with baby steps. Ishwari came to her. “Shall we?” she asked, Alia nodded. The duo exited the house.


Nalini woke up in cold sweat and wiped her forehead. She saw Dev coming to her. “Dev?” she said happily as he sat near her. She hugged him, he hugged her back. Pragati watched her sadly from the entrance seeing her hugging no one, Dev wasn’t ever there, it was her imagination but if she would’ve said all that, she feared she would have an epileptic seizure.

She came inside, Nalini sat normally. “Pragati, Dev came,” she said, Pragati smiled sadly at her and hugged her. “I understand you miss him a lot, but he’s not here my baby,” Pragati told her, Nalini broke the hug. “He’s here,” she said pointing beside her, Pragati shook her head. “He’s not here,” she said disagreeing to her and hugged her. “Face the reality, he’s not here,” Pragati said and felt all her weight on her. She broke the hug and saw her unconscious. She lied her on the bed instantly and splashed water on her face, Nalini woke up and looked here and there. “Pragati, Dev was here, believe me,” she said cryingly, Pragati hugged her and refrained herself from saying anything. “Pragati, say something,” she said, Pragati broke the hug and kissed her forehead. “Don’t worry, everything is fine, I will bring something for you to eat,” Pragati said, Nalini got thinking.


Ishita was sitting on the bed in discomfort holding her feet. Raman came to her. “What happen? Pain in feet?” he asked and she nodded. He massaged her feet and she liked it and smiled and within minutes, her pain vanished. “Thanks,” she said smiling at him, he smiled back. “Mom sent something for you,” he told her and she looked on curiously. “You like red velvet cake?” he asked and she nodded happily. He showed her the bowl on the bedside table which he placed it there before sitting on the bed, she got excited and picked it and began to eat and saw him watching her and gave the bowl to him. He took it and made a bite but instead of eating it himself, he made her eat and it finished.

She smiled and hugged him. “Thanks for caring so much for me, I am so lucky,” she said and hugged him back. “Even I am lucky, that’s why I thought to take you to a dinner date today, that ways being foodies we would enjoy a lot of food,” he said and she broke the hug but didn’t move her encircled arms around his neck and smiled cutely. “Hmmm, and then what’s the after plan? Gaze at the stars and moon together?” she asked and he smiled. “Okay, it would be beautiful to watch, but not more than you,” he said and she blushed. “Awww,” she said and kept gazing into his eyes.

Tere naina tere naina tere naina re

Tere naina tere naina tere naina re


Tere naina tere naina tere naina re

Tere naina tere naina tere naina re


Ooo ooo oo..


Naino ki chaal hai, makhmali haal hai

Neechi palkon se badle samaa

Naina sharamaye jo, ya anake bar aaye jo

Tham ke ruk jaaye dono jahaan

Rab ki neemat hai teri nigaahein

Jisme basti hai uski duayein

Aise naino ki baaton mein koi kyun na aaye

Hoo Tere naina, tere naina, tere naina re

Tere naina tere naina tere naina re

Hoo Aise naino ki baaton mein koi kyun na aaye

Hoo Tere naina, tere naina, tere naina re

Tere naina tere naina tere naina re

He moved her fringe from her face and smiled.

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