Hunting Season

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Adrien woke up and saw the ocean. It hasn't risen but the sound of it crashing on the shore was a good way to wake up. He climbed up to where Nathanael slept and woke him up. They walked to the edge of the woods and Nathanael sighed. "Do we have anything to kill them with?"

"We could make a spear like Marinette did." Nathanael nodded and they made spears. Adrien even made a bow and arrows. They walked in and looked around for wild animals to kill.

"Treat her good." Adrien was confused. "Marinette. Treat her good."

"She's sick. I was planning on taking care of her if Max will let me." Adrien chuckled.

"No not like that. You clearly don't get it."

"Don't get what?" Adrien lifted a brow.

"You don't see it?" Nathanael laughed. "She likes you. Everyone knows that."

"She does!" Adrien yelled with blush growing on his face.

"Don't yell and yeah. And everyone sees the way you look at her. You like her so when we get off this island, treat her right."

"Okay. I will." Adrien smiled. It hurt Nathanael to say that but he knew they were in love. They found a wild boar and killed it with a few shots. "How did Marinette do this so easily." Speaking of Marinette.

Marinette groaned awake in the plane. Everyone else was awake and following Max's plan. "Tikki?"

"Marinette!" She came out from under the blanket. "Are you okay?"

"No. I think my scab is infected." Marinette sighed as Max entered the plan to work on the radio. Tikki hid as Max put on a mask. He sat in the seats across from her and worked on the radio. "Good morning."

"Good morning." He answered not looking away from the radio. "How're you doing?"

"Good I think. I little hungry." She broke into a coughing fit. "Nope it's worse."

"Adrien and Nathanael should be back with food soon." He worked on the radio more dismantling a few things and putting a few things together. he almost got it working when a spark light up. "So close!"

"So you think it'll work when you're done?" Marinette watched him work.

"That's the plan."

"Speaking of plans." Rose was at the entrance. "We need your help. Oh and Adrien and Nathan are back."

"I'll be out in a second." Rose left and Max stood up. "I'll be back with food for you." Marinette nodded and he left. Tikki came out and kept Marinette busy. Max left the plan and followed Rose to the half build building. Nathanael and Adrien were cooking the boar. "What's the problem?"

"Nothing's the problem we just didn't want you also getting sick." Alix smiled as she, Kim, Ivan and Nino moved a log on top of the hole making a complete doorframe. "We're almost done!"

"That's great!" Adrien smiled. "The boars almost done. Take a break." Everyone finished what they were doing and tied the new layer of logs down and then joined Adrien and Nathanael.

When it was done they cut off slabs of meat and put the fire out. "This is great!" Juleka said with a mouthful of food. They smiled and all ate.

After an hour of a break a scream of pain came from the plane. "Marinette!" Everyone but Chloe yelled. Max ran inside and put his mask on on the way.

"What happened?"

"It's my leg!" Marinete winced. "It hurts so much!" She grunted in pain and started sweating. Everyone got to work to help Marinette as Max helped her leg. "Just do something to make this go away!"

"Okay." Max said and checked for lumps everywhere around the scab. "Okay so you have no lumps which is good but if this gets any worse I'll have to amputate your leg."

"What?" Marinette yelled.

"Yes but I don't have to do that yet. Only if this gets worse." Rose came partly in with food. He grabbed it and gave it to Marinette. "For now eat, drink water and sleep." Marinette nodded and ate while Max left. He threw his mask away and put another one in his pocket.

"And we're almost done!" Mylene yelled and everyone cheered. "Oh hey Max. How's Marinette?"

"The infections getting worse. We have to finish this today." Everyone nodded and got back to work. They managed to get all four walls up.

"Should we make a roof?" Alix asked.

"Boi/Duh/Seriously!" Everyone yelled at her. They made a sturdy roof that would keep out rain. They got more supplies and made a bed for her.

"We can make more later." Kim sighed as Mylene grabbed the pillow from her fort and put it on the bed. Max came back and looked in.

"This is great! We're adding more later, right?" They nodded. "Okay good. Now I need someone to carry her out here." Adrien stumbled forward from Alya and Ninos push. Max handed him a mask and he put it on before entering the plane. Marinette was wide awake staring out the window. "Marinette?" She jumped. "Sorry."

"It's okay." Marinette smiled. She saw Adrien and grew worried. "Did I get worse?"

"No not at all." Adrien blurted out. "We're just moving you somewhere."

"Okay." Marinette bit her lip as Adrien picked her up and carried her out of the plane. They walked over to the hut and Marinette was amazed. "You guys built this?"

"Yep." Adrien answered and walked through the vines being the door. He placed her down on the only bed in the room. Mylene and Rose on the other side of the room making a second wearing masks and then Nino and Alya making a third wearing masks.

"Do you guys really have to wear those?" Marinette asked as Max sat on the stool next to the bed.

"Max is making us." Alya sighed but kept working. Marinette bit her lip in pain as Max took the bandages off.

Adrien watched Max and Marinette. "So?" Marinette sharply breathed in.

"It hasn't gotten worse but it also hasn't gotten better." Max sighed. Marinettes eyes grew with worry.

"I won't have to lose my leg will I?" Her voice trembled.

"No. Unless it spreads I won't have to amputate." Marinette sighed. She wouldn't have to lose her leg. "It hasn't spread so that's good. With any hope you'll be fine in a couple of days maybe a week."

"Okay." Marinette lied down on the bed as Rose, Mylene, Alya and Nino left after they finished making the beds. "Is anyone else sick?"

"No. They're just in case." Adrien answered. "You should get some rest."

"O-okay." Marinette blushed making her already pink face red. She yawned and pulled up the blanket. "Goodnight."

"Night." They said back and left the hut. Adrien got the fort and everyone else went in the plane.

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