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Adrien climbed up the ladder and then sat down on the hammock. Plagg sat on his shoulder as Tikki watched the two from behind a branch.  "She'll be fine."

"Are you sure? She doesn't seem okay."  Adrien sighed. "We might even have to-"

"You won't have to do that. People will find you."  Plagg flew in front of his face.

"How?  This island isn't on any map and Max can't get the radio to work so we can't call for help." Adrien hung him head. "I'm starting to lose hope."

"Don't lose hope kid." Plaggs ears fell. "Someone will find you."

"Who? Ladybug? She's in America, where I'm supposed to be fighting with Nino over a t-shirt and trying to get close to Marinette." Adrien lied down on the hammock and looked up at the starry night. "Nothing is going our way."

"She likes you. You have that." Plagg sat on his chest. "Night."

"Night." Adrien fell asleep only to be awoken by a blood curling scream.  "What happened!" He yelled as he climbed down the ladder.

"There's an Akuma on the island!" Alya said as the class hid in the plane. Marinette heard the scream and got out of bed.

"You have to stay here!" Tikki tried to stop her.

"Spots on!" She panted out in pain. One bright pink flash later Ladybug was in Marinettes place and someone saw. She limped around the room grabbing onto the wall. She saw him. " one." She panted out.

"Of course! Go kick ass!" Kim laughed and helped her out of the room. Ladybug swung away and found Chat Noir fighting him.

"Give me those two kids!"  He yelled and Ladybug limped over to Chat.


"Hey kitty." She put on a fake smile he saw through.

"We're talking after this." She nodded and they jumped into action. They defeated him but it took longer then it was meant to. Chat took the pin off of his torn sweater vest and gave it to Ladybug after getting scratched in the arm. "Here M'Ladybug." He bent down and she took the pin from his hand.

"Thanks." She crushed it and sent the Akuma flying. She captured it and cleansed it.

"We're saved!" Everyone yelled and surrounded the heroes. "You'll take us back to Paris right?"

"S-sorry but we're trapped on this island like you." Ladybug smiled. Pain hidden in her closed eyes. "Gotta go! Bug out!"  She swung away to the hut and detransformed. she screamed out in pain as soon as she touched the bed. "Oh god it hurts!"  She held her leg and screamed out in pain.

"I told you not to Marinette!" Tikki said as Kim came running in. He was a little scared.

"Shut up Tikki!" Marinette snapped as she winced in pain. The bandage was soaked in blood.  "ARG!!"  Marinette screamed out in pain. She took the bandages off and the scab had opened up. Marinette panted in pain. Kim ran and got Max who ran into the hut and put on a mask. Everyone watched from the windows or the door. "It's hurts!"

"I know it does just calm down!" Max yelled and Marinette took deep breaths. "Uhm Alix get me a towel, needle and the first aid kit." Alix ran to the plane and got them.

"What're you going to do?" Juleka asked.

He ignored the question and rolled up to towel. "Open." Marinette opened her mouth and he put the towel in.  "Close."  She closed her mouth. He grabbed stitches and threaded the needle. "This is going to hurt a lot so bit the towel." Marinette nodded. "One...Two...Three." He started the stitches and Marinette groaned in pain. She clenched her jaw her teeth practically biting through the towel.  Tears sprung from her eyes and slid down her cheeks. "And done!" Max backed away from the bed with his hands up and Marinette opened her mouth and screamed in pain.

She was sweating and felt dizzy. "Did she lose blood?" She fell back onto the bed panting.

"Of course she did.  She'll be dizzy for a while so we have to keep her hydrated." Max lifted her leg. Alix held up her heel and Max bandaged the stitches. She put her leg back down and Marinette groaned.

"I'm gong to die here." Tears spilled from her eyes.  "I won't get better. I know it!"

"Don't say that!  Someone will find us!" Kim said.

"Yeah after I'm dead!" Marinette looked around her. "Just cut it off already!"

"No. It's still a good limp. Just don't get out of bed."  Max stood up and walked to the door with Alix. Marinette blew her bangs out of her face and looked around more.  "One of us have to stay in there at all times."

"I'll do it." Alya stepped forward and Max nodded and handed her a mask.  Alya walked in and found Marinette trying to find a comfortable way to sleep. "Girl you really had us scared." Alya laughed and helped Marinette. She fell asleep and Alya sat on the bed across from hers and watched her. "You did good...Ladybug."

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