Chapter 11

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The following day unfolds with Eren tending to the animals in the backyard—a pair of horses named Eliza and Alex, a small flock of chickens, and Fierheit, the cherished dove. As he goes about his tasks, he becomes aware of Carla Kirstchien's presence standing nearby.

"Uncle Eren," Carla's voice breaks the quiet, drawing Eren's attention. He turns to see her and asks, "What's on your mind, Carla?"

"Could I participate in the training session with Erich today?" Carla inquires eagerly.

"Absolutely, but first, you'll need your father's permission. I'm certain he'd have my head if something happened to you," Eren responds with a faint smile.

Carla's eyes light up with excitement before she nods, saying, "I'll go ask my father right away."

Once Carla departs, a sigh escapes Eren. "With no more Titan powers, she won't inherit the Ackermann abilities, will she?" he muses, his thoughts drifting to the complexities of their world in the wake of the absence of Titan abilities.

At the same time, on the other side of a wall, Gloria tends to her flowers when a voice interrupts her, "Excuse me, could we have a chat?"

It's none other than Armin. Accompanying him are Annie, Connie, Reiner, and Pieck. "Certainly, I have a moment. What's on your mind?" Gloria responds calmly.

"Thank you. If it's alright, could you come with us?" Armin requests.

Gloria agrees and follows them until they're out of sight from Eren and the rest. Once there, she asks, "Armin Arlert, what's this about?"

Armin is taken aback, "You... know my name?"

"Of course, I know who you are. I used to be among the volunteers who came to this island with Yelena, Onyankopon, and the others," Gloria replies with a hint of disinterest.

Reiner's inquiry strikes a chord with Gloria. "Your last name is Tybur, correct? Are you the only surviving member of the Tybur Family?" he asks.

Gloria, unmoved, responds, "What if I am? I assume you want to know about my life and why I betrayed Marley?"

Connie chimes in, "We've heard that the Tybur Family used to hold significant influence among Eldians and was respected by other nations. You could have had a comfortable life in Marley, couldn't you?"

"You're correct," Gloria acknowledges. "If I were as self-serving as my family members, I wouldn't have attempted to aid Paradis Island and then left it to face destruction. But I'm not cut from the same cloth as my family. I witnessed the suffering of Eldians firsthand, and I couldn't reconcile with the idea of them enduring punishment for the sins of their ancestors. It's pure brainwashing."

Directing her attention to Connie and Armin, Gloria continues, "I was present on the day you arrived in Marley. Let's just say I didn't wear the Marley uniform by force; I chose to be there willingly. When I saw Eren emerge alone after the conference, I approached him and revealed my identity."

"So, even back then, you sought out Eren? Why?" Connie probes.

"I've been observing Eren for quite some time. That includes witnessing him wandering alone in the streets. Once, he saved a boy from a refugee camp. Afterwards, he was visibly distraught, crying and apologizing intensely, despite the boy's inability to understand him. From that moment, I realized he wasn't planning a partial Rumbling; he intended to initiate the full Rumbling," Gloria explains.

"You knew all this firsthand?" Annie inquires.

"At first, I was taken aback by Eren's intentions. Initially, I didn't support the idea of activating the Rumbling. That's why, after Eren departed that day, I decided to bring him along, accompanied by some of my family's soldiers, to visit other nations. My hope was to negotiate and prevent Eren from carrying out the Rumbling," Gloria reveals.

"But he did carry out the Rumbling in the end. I presume the negotiations failed?" Armin questions.

"Every negotiation ended in utter failure. It was during these futile attempts that I came to the realization Eren was right. To end all the hatred, we needed the full Rumbling," Gloria responds, her tone turning cold. "But this decision cost the lives of many of my own soldiers. If Uncle Willy, Aunt Lara, or any other family member found out about my involvement, there would've been no mercy. So, I asked Eren to end me before they could. I guided him to Fort Salta to meet Falco and led him to my uncle's speech venue, ensuring Falco would bring you there."

"So, you were covertly assisting Eren while he was spying in Marley..." Connie interjects. "But how were you revived?"

"I was brought back alongside Eren, Aya, and the others, all thanks to Founder Ymir," Gloria discloses. "Once the six of us reunited, we decided to create a secluded village for ourselves, where we now reside. That's the extent of my story. However, there's something I need to say to you, Armin."

"To me?" Armin responds, puzzled.

"A few days ago, didn't you promise Eren that you wouldn't disclose his survival to anyone else? Yet here you are, revealing it to those behind you," Gloria accuses, her tone tinged with disappointment.

Armin attempts to justify their actions, "But it's crucial that everyone knows the truth. We need to ensure Eren won't resort to another Rumbling—"

"Have you ever considered that your actions might be the very reason why future attempts at peaceful negotiations will crumble?" Gloria interjects sharply. "Spies are everywhere, and your disclosure could jeopardize any diplomatic efforts. My suggestion is that none of you get too close to Eren or his family. Considering Jean and Mikasa are residing with us, I advise you to meet them elsewhere, away from their home."

She pauses, her expression firm, "Respecting Eren's wishes and ensuring the safety of those close to him should be your priority."

"We understand..." Connie responds with a somber expression. "But could you share more about Eren's wife?"

Gloria nods and begins, "Aya Neumann, Eren's wife, was the daughter of Archer Neumann, a former member of the Levi Special Operations Squad, and her mother served in the Garrison. You're familiar with her brother, Akira, aren't you?"

"We are. Akira used to be associated with Floch and the others," Connie acknowledges. "He held feelings for Sasha and would occasionally aid her in snatching potatoes, often landing them both in trouble. Unfortunately, he met his demise during the operation to reclaim Wall Maria, alongside the other new recruits."

Gloria continues, "Aya harbors a similar resentment akin to what Eren once felt. However, they never crossed paths until their revival. Aya, perhaps next to Queen Historia, comprehends Eren's sentiments the most. Given the bond between Historia and Eren, who have become siblings, it's unsurprising that Aya became Eren's wife in the end."

Reiner looks puzzled. "Wait, what do you mean by Eren and Historia becoming siblings?"

"After the revival, it appears that Eren now shares Zeke's bloodline. Essentially, he has Royal Blood now, likely bestowed by the Founder Ymir. Additionally, Eren possesses memories of Historia's sister. Consequently, Historia chose to regard Eren as her older brother despite being older than him. She's curious to experience having a sibling," Gloria explains.

Connie interjects, connecting the dots, "But if Eren is now Historia's brother, and with the island now comprising former Yeagerists within the National military..."

"I understand what you're getting at. Historia essentially appointed him as the hidden king. Similar to what her father did in the past," Gloria elucidates. "With access to the memories of previous kings and the failed negotiation attempts, Eren has developed considerable political acumen. Besides, he's discarded the Yeager name and now goes by Kruger, along with the other children. As long as this truth remains concealed, nobody will suspect a thing."

"Gloria? Where are you?" Odom's voice reaches Gloria's ears, prompting a sigh from her. "Seems I've been engrossed in conversation and lost track of time. My husband's searching for me; I should head back. Remember what I said," she advises the group before making her way back to find Odom.

As Gloria departs, the five remaining individuals exchange glances. Pieck breaks the silence, "What do we do now?"

"It looks like we've gathered some pieces of the puzzle we were searching for. I suggest we return to my place and discuss this further," Armin proposes, and the group nods in agreement as they depart, heading back to Armin's residence.

As Carla starts her training with Erich, Mikasa decides to stand guard by Eren and Aya's side to ensure Carla's safety. During the training session, Mikasa remarks, "You're using training methods similar to Commandant Shadis..."

"Yeah... I'm still mourning his death to this day," Eren admits solemnly. "I feel like I'm honoring his memory by continuing his methods."

Curious, Aya inquires, "But how did he die? We only heard about his retirement; his actual cause of death was unknown..."

"He died... along with the Marleyan general, Theo Magath, on that ship," Eren reveals somberly.

Mikasa's eyes widen in surprise, "Shadis was also on that ship? What was he doing there?"

"It appears that Floch orchestrated something regarding Commander Shadis without my knowledge. Shadis, feeling like a nobody, an outsider, chose to sacrifice himself while protecting you from my soldiers," Eren explains with a furrowed brow. "Speaking of which, Captain Levi... is he alive?"

"He resides in Liberio now. Gabi and Falco have taken up the responsibility of caring for him. However, he's unable to engage in combat and is confined to a wheelchair after assisting me in freeing you from your restraints that day," Mikasa replies.

"I see... So the one who ended Sasha's life is still alive..." Aya murmurs. "As for my connection with Sasha... let's just say she aided me significantly during our time in training as Yeagerists."

"But it's hard to believe Sasha would align herself with the Yeagerists. It didn't seem like her character," Mikasa remarks, visibly perplexed.

"She initially refused until I revealed details about her fate," Eren explains. "Despite my regrets about not being able to save her, Sasha accepted her destiny and chose to assist me before her time came. Sasha was always filled with optimism."

Mikasa's curiosity persists. "I'm also curious about Floch. He seemed to hold animosity towards you since we chose Armin over Commander Erwin for the Colossal Titan. How did you win him over and pave the way for the Yeagerists?"

Eren reflects, "Floch overheard my conversation with Yelena. I eventually confided in him about my genuine plan—the Rumbling. Naturally, nobody embraces such a plan at first mention. Floch initially opposed it, doubting my commitment because I couldn't sacrifice Armin for Commander Erwin. However, he eventually came around and assisted me."

"Why didn't you confide in us?" Mikasa inquires further. "You could have told me, Armin, Jean, or Connie. Why only the Yeagerists?"

Eren's tone takes on a hint of frustration, "I was bound by future memories, prevented from divulging information to alter what was destined to happen. I couldn't share it, not even with you. I was compelled to let events unfold as foreseen." His expression softens, "But I'm relieved to be free from that constraint. Life has gradually become more content without the burden of future memories pressuring me into such actions."

This chapter delves into Gloria's interactions with the former alliance members, shedding light on her obscured past, and piecing together significant events. The narrative unfolds to reveal more details, drawing from the ANR theory. I aimed to provide a comprehensive view of Gloria's history, acknowledging that previous glimpses were fragmented. The next chapter will shift back to the perspective of the children, offering a different angle to the unfolding story. I hope you like this chapter.

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