Chapter 10

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The group delves deeper into their expedition tales, Eren recounting, "Upon joining the Survey Corps, the 57th expedition was imminent. Many comrades from our training days—Jean, Mikasa, even the queen and Sasha—marched with us."

"Sasha, the girl who devoured a potato during training?" Fay inquires.

A bittersweet aura envelops those who recall her, the pain of Sasha's demise lingering. Eren solemnly affirms, "Commander Erwin sought answers beyond the walls in my father's basement, despite the Warriors from Marley obstructing us. They possess the Female, Colossal, and Armored Titans."

Reiner and Annie visibly react to the Titans' mention. Eren continues, "The expedition aimed to unveil the Female Titan's identity, but the cost was high. Though we discovered her identity, casualties mounted. In the aftermath, only the captain and I remained from Levi's Special Operation Squad. If I had assisted them, perhaps we could've averted their deaths."

"Did you eliminate the Female Titan?" Erich queries, eager for closure.

"No, our confrontation resumed in Stohess. Right before I could end her, she chose to encase herself in crystal. Her entrapment lasted until I utilized the Founding Titan's power to free her," Eren explains.

"Was she alive inside that crystal?" Katrina queries with intrigue.

"I wonder," Eren responds, his tone growing colder. "But we owe her one thing: she revealed the walls' true nature as composed of Titans. If I can master hardening, I can seal Wall Maria. However, just as we learned this, news arrived of Titans breaching Wall Rose again."

"Again? Have they breached another wall?" Laura's concern is palpable.

"No, Marley soldiers transformed villagers into Titans," Jean murmurs.

Connie's expression darkens at the memory of his family, but he remains silent.

"We were informed by the Church of the Walls that Historia, our queen, might hold the key to the walls' secrets. That's why we made the decision to rescue our fellow Survey Corps members. It was then that the Armored and Colossal Titans made their ominous appearance," Eren recounts. "My lack of caution led to my capture by them, costing the lives of more Survey Corps members in their attempts to save me."

A somber atmosphere settles as the group recalls the harrowing ordeal. Eren continues, "Yet, amidst that, one thing became crystal clear—a newfound determination emerged within me. A determination to obliterate Marley in the same brutal manner they inflicted upon my hometown."

"And you achieved that four years later," Mikasa remarks, her expression grave.

"Given their atrocities, many of us would readily endorse repaying Marley in kind," Aya asserts with a resolute tone.

"I was rescued, but we lost more soldiers, and I came face to face with my stepmother's Titan, advancing to attack us. Tragically, she claimed the life of one of my friends, leaving me feeling utterly powerless. Eventually, driven by desperation, I resorted to confronting the Titan with nothing but my bare fists... and that's when the Founding Titan's powers surged within me," Eren recounts.

"My mother did mention that the Founding Titan and a Titan with Royal Blood are the prerequisites for activating that power," Laura interjects. "Since your stepmother possesses royal blood, that's how it happened, right?"

"Yes. It enabled our escape back to Trost. However, my display of power didn't go unnoticed by the king and the royal government. They dispatched the Military Police and Interior police to eliminate us, aiming to capture me and the queen. They intended for the queen to consume me, seizing my abilities. Truth be told, I was prepared to let her do it," Eren reveals.

"You can't mean..." Mikasa gasps in disbelief.

"At that time, unaware of my role in coercing Dad to kill her other family members, I was ready to accept it. Historia, instead, chose to save me. She vowed to let humanity perish at the hands of Titans. That's one reason she didn't intervene when I revealed my intention to initiate the Rumbling. She was also the one who ended her father's life, assuming the mantle of queen," Eren explains.

"And she's proven to be a remarkable queen," Fay adds, echoed by nods of agreement from the other children.

"It was Historia's initiative that led to the establishment of the orphanage, although she wielded much less influence back then compared to her present authority. Following the military coup, Historia functioned merely as a figurehead queen," Eren explains.

"Due to the coup's success, many individuals opted to join the Survey Corps, including my brother," Aya contributes.

"That reminds me... what happened to your brother?" Mikasa inquires.

"He was among those under Commander Erwin's command during the charge toward the Beast Titan and the Cart Titan. So, you can guess his fate," Aya replies somberly.

A palpable sense of guilt emanates from Pieck as the group absorbs the weight of the losses. Eren's tone turns dark as he continues, "During the battle to reclaim Shiganshina, only nine members of the Survey Corps survived. The casualties included Commander Erwin."

"In a grim decision, we had to choose between Commander Erwin and Armin to inherit the Colossal Titan. Ultimately, with Mikasa and my influence, Armin was bestowed with the Colossal Titan," Eren admits solemnly.

A solemn air envelops everyone, and Eren continues, "Upon reaching the basement, I inherited the memories of the previous Attack and Founding Titans. I was disheartened by the actions of the previous Reiss kings and disillusioned by the reality of the world beyond our island's walls. When I kissed Historia's hand during the award ceremony, it echoed the tale I shared with you the other day."

"The Rumbling..." The children murmur in unison, their voices heavy with understanding and foreboding.

As the children tidy up the outdoor tables, Mikasa and Jean lead Eren to the tranquility of the backyard, seeking privacy for their conversation away from curious ears.

"Eren, there's something I've been wanting to understand," Mikasa begins, her gaze unwavering. "During the time you were absent after leaving us in Marley, where were you exactly?"

Eren closes his eyes briefly, recalling those moments. "After I left the room that day, I encountered Gloria Tybur. She was aware of my identity as the Founding Titan, and I was prepared for a confrontation, ready to fight for my escape."

"Gloria," Eren continues, "expressed a different intention. She didn't seek conflict; rather, she aimed to aid me. She proposed taking me to various other nations, hoping to initiate negotiations that could potentially secure an alliance with Paradis, rather than its destruction."

"But every negotiation attempt fell apart," he recounts with a tinge of disappointment. "Marley's ongoing conflict with the Mid-East nations, using Eldians as weapons, exacerbated the situation. Those nations held an even stronger disdain toward Eldians than Marley itself. Ultimately, after numerous failed attempts, Gloria took me to Fort Salta, where the Mid-East nations were clashing with Marley."

"So you've been acquainted with Eren since then, aiding him?" Jean seeks clarification.

"Yes, I've been by his side, trying to assist wherever possible," Gloria confirms. "But what happened next, Eren?" Jean's inquiry hangs in the air, prompting Eren to continue his tale.

"I was the one who arranged the room beneath the stage for Eren to transform and eliminate my detestable uncle. However, to absolve myself of guilt, I chose to remain there, allowing Eren to unintentionally end my life," Gloria confesses.

"You didn't have to do that," Eren interjects, a furrow forming on his brow. "Your assistance meant a lot to me, and learning about your supposed death was truly painful."

"At least I've been given a chance to live again, much like you," Gloria responds. "To the public eye, I was the one facilitating your journey to negotiate with other nations. It was partly a means to escape the weight of my actions, though I'm unwilling to acknowledge it as a sin throughout this entire ordeal."

Amidst the deepening revelations, Aya's voice breaks the heavy silence, "There's something only the Yeagerists know. When I joined the Survey Corps, Floch approached me, urging me to join the Yeagerists. It's not just Eren and Floch, though. There's someone else who actively supported the Yeagerist cause in recruiting more members. That person was none other than Sasha."

The shock reverberates through the group, Jean's disbelief evident as he reacts, "Are you saying Sasha was aware of Zeke's plan all along? The tainted wine, Eren's intent to initiate the Rumbling?"

Eren interjects, his tone weighed down by remorse, "And her passing... I confided everything in her. I warned her that if she accompanied you to Marley, she'd meet her end. She responded by saying she didn't mind, as long as her family remained safe. Perhaps, if Captain Levi hadn't restrained me and you all hadn't held me back, we might've altered the outcome. When she perished, you blamed me for allowing it to occur. But why was I laughing at her demise? I wasn't laughing at her death; I was laughing at my own powerlessness, at my inability to prevent what I knew would happen."

Aya continues, her voice heavy with regret, "This played a part in our disillusionment with the military. Floch and other soldiers spread news about Eren's wrongful detainment. It's partly true; if Eren hadn't been detained, Sasha might still be alive."

The weight of the revelations hangs heavily in the air, each word deepening the complexity of their shared history and the haunting echoes of what might have been. Jean and Mikasa struggle to articulate their thoughts, finding themselves speechless amid the weight of the revelations. Aya takes charge of the conversation, continuing with a revelation that startles those present: "Following the arrest of Floch and the others, I was temporarily entrusted with leading the Yeagerists until Eren utilized the War Hammer Titan's power to break free. As for the bombing incident, I had explicit permission from the queen herself."

The shock and disbelief ripple through the listeners, rendering them momentarily speechless. Jean manages to gather himself and responds, "Yes, thank you for reminding us of those events."

Aya's tone turns reflective as she adds, "My only regret before my demise at the hands of the Cart Titan was never having the chance to speak directly with Eren." She then continues, her voice carrying a sense of contentment, "But upon being reborn, I not only had the opportunity to meet Eren, but I also spent ten years with him as my husband."

The group is left stunned, absorbing Aya's unexpected disclosure, and contemplating the intricacies of their past actions and their profound impact on the events that unfolded. Jean, still trying to process the revelations, gathers the courage to inquire further, "You mentioned being killed by the Cart Titan. Could you elaborate on how it happened? We never had the chance to ask."

Meanwhile, as the conversation unfolds, Pieck reacts with a startled flinch, her eyes widening in realization. "I... I killed Eren's wife?"

Reiner's expression darkens as he pieces together the implications. "And she mentioned being reborn? So it's not just Eren; the other five with him have been reborn as well. It seems they harbor resentment toward us..."

Annie sighs heavily, understanding the depth of the situation. "They're likely victims of our past actions."

Aya takes a moment before recounting, "I was part of Floch's group tasked with retrieving Zeke and returning him to Shiganshina for contact with Eren. When we reached the walls, we attempted to engage the Cart Titan. I made a mistake, was careless, and was ultimately struck and killed by the Anti-Titan weapon on her back."

Her expression darkens with unresolved anguish, "My parents fell victim to the pure Titans caused by the Colossal and Armored Titans. My brother perished under the barrage of rocks hurled by the Beast Titan. And now, myself, killed by the Cart Titan. Even now, I cannot forgive your alliance, especially those from Marley."

Eren gently comforts Aya with a reassuring kiss before addressing Mikasa and Jean, acknowledging the emotional weight of the conversation. "I apologize for this unexpected turn. Perhaps it's best if we continue this discussion tomorrow."

"Yeah, maybe that's for the best," Mikasa replies, her expression troubled, as they all prepare to leave.

Simultaneously, Connie reflects, "It looks like our presence only stirs up their anger..."

Reiner, deep in thought, remarks, "That Aya girl truly resembles a female version of Eren..." His frown deepens as he contemplates the parallels between Aya and Eren, recognizing their shared determination and fierce resolve.

Here is the latest chapter, concluding the recounting of past events. The upcoming chapter will delve deeper into the daily lives of Eren and Aya. I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

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