Chapter 9

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Nightfall blankets the surroundings as Eren and the others gather for a barbecue outdoors. The children, wearing cheerful expressions, enjoy their meal, eagerly awaiting Eren's promised tale of his past. Jean and Mikasa join the gathering, although they are already familiar with Eren's history, having been part of his journey.

Meanwhile, the remaining observers stay hidden in the shadows, eavesdropping on the conversation unfolding before them.

"Let me start from the beginning, Fay, Erich," Eren begins. "Do you know why I named you Fay, Fay?"

Fay responds, "Because you mentioned having an aunt named Fay, right? I was named after her."

"Yes, but what I didn't tell you is that she passed away. She died before I was born, even before my brother's birth. She was merely six years old when she passed."

The revelation stuns everyone present. Eren continues, "Her death occurred because my father inadvertently took her outside the Marley internment zone. It's an unfair consequence of the world's hatred towards Eldians, inherited from our ancestors."

Erich voices his anguish, "It's not fair. Our ancestors weren't even alive then. Why did she have to suffer because of them?"

"That was the catalyst for the story. After losing his sister, my father opposed the idea and joined the Eldia Restorationists, a group that Peter was once a part of," Eren explains.

Surprised, Jean directs a question to Peter, "You were part of the Eldia Restorationists?"

Peter sighs, confirming, "Yes, I was."

Eren continues, "My father could decipher texts in an ancient language, revealing that much of the history depicting Eldians as world oppressors were false. Eldians actually contributed positively—cultivating lands, constructing bridges, and enriching societies. Other nations' envy and greed led to their attacks on Eldia. However, their own greed and desire for Titan power caused their downfall."

"Why would the governments lie to other people?" Laura asks.

Laura's question prompts Gloria to respond, "In Marley's case, they sought to wield Titan power as their military might against the world. As for others, the inherent fear and prejudice against Eldians, labeling us as descendants of devils, motivated their actions."

Wade interjects, expressing his frustration, "But that's not fair!"

"Life isn't always fair, that's why the Eldia Restorationists exist," Peter remarks solemnly. "Our primary informant, known as the Owl, provided critical information. Dina Fritz, a member of the Royal Family like our Queen Historia, was sent by him. She revealed that the initial Reiss King sympathized with the Marleyans' struggle to obtain the Titan powers. To manipulate events, he orchestrated a scenario where Eldians turned against each other. Amidst this chaos, a Marleyan figure named Helos was established as a hero, while the King fled to this island with most Eldians."

Gloria adds, "The Tybur Family, including us, played a role in transferring seven of the nine Titan powers to Marley. In return, we were the only Eldians spared from global hatred."

"But that means we're traitors!" Laura expresses frustration.

"You're right, Laura. However, we've just scratched the surface of the story. Please continue, Eren," Gloria urges, acknowledging the weight of their family's actions in this complex history.

"Thank you, Gloria," Eren acknowledges before continuing his narrative. "Following our escape to this island, the initial Reiss king employed Colossal Titans to erect three walls and erase our memories of the past. His sole pursuit was peace, promising to unleash the Rumbling upon any attack from other nations. This was his message to the world. Yet, he himself refrained from resorting to the Rumbling, taking a vow to limit the Founding Titan's capabilities."

"To us, a king unable to safeguard his people isn't truly a king," Eren asserts. "That's why we resolved to reclaim the Founding Titan. However, achieving this required the assistance of someone with Royal Blood. Through the love between Dina and Grisha, they married and bore a son, Zeke Yeager."

The mention of Zeke's name elicits visible reactions from those acquainted with him. Undeterred, Eren continues, "My father and stepmother rejected Marley's manufactured history, but my grandparents embraced it entirely. Consequently, Zeke had to memorize two versions of history and endure Marley's Warrior Training program. Struggling in physical training, Zeke disappointed many Eldia Restorationists. Sensing Marley's proximity to discovering our group's location, Zeke took one drastic step to ensure our grandparents' safety."

Peter clenches his fists in frustration. "He betrayed us, selling us out to Marley. They transformed us into pure Titans to roam aimlessly across the island," he states bitterly, revealing the harrowing betrayal they suffered at Zeke's hands.

"You mean your brother betrayed your father and stepmother?" Fay's voice carries shock and dismay. "That's terrible..."

"And my Dad had to witness all his comrades either perish by the Titans or transform into Titans themselves. Even my stepmother was among those turned into Titans. Just as my Dad was about to meet the same fate, the Owl finally revealed himself and saved him by swiftly dispatching all the Marleyans present. Those who inherited Titans had only 13 years to live, and the Attack Titan was bestowed upon my father to infiltrate the walls and pursue his mission," Eren narrates. "With Commandant Shadis' aid, my Dad slipped into the walls and eventually married my mother, leading to my birth. When I was around 4 to 5 years old, my father discovered the Founding Titan's whereabouts. However, owing to the guilt he felt for mistreating Zeke, he refrained from obtaining it."

Erich inquires, "If Grandpa didn't seize the Founding Titan then, when did he acquire it?"

"Immediately after the Marleyan Warriors breached the walls, allowing Titans into our hometown: Shiganshina," Eren explains. "As I mentioned, my Dad wielded the power of the Attack Titan, which has the ability to foresee the future. He pleaded with Frieda Reiss, the Founding Titan and Historia's sister, to prevent the Titans from devouring the people in my hometown. But she refused."

"Refused?" The children react with gasps of disbelief, echoing the shock felt by those unaware of these events. Erich queries, "Why? They already erased everyone's memories on the island! They didn't know about the ancestors' sins!"

"The vow rendered her incapable of utilizing its full power," Aya interjects. "During this tragic moment, your father lost your grandmother to the Titans, and he also lost his home." The recounting of these painful memories weighs heavily on the listeners, both young and old. The gravity of Eren's recounting brings a somber mood to the gathering. Erich and Fay's tears stream down their faces, and the parents embrace their children for comfort. As Eren continues, he elaborates on his father's internal struggle.

"My father, as a doctor, couldn't bring himself to harm children, even if it meant obtaining the Founding Titan. However, in order to secure it and prevent any Royal Family member from reclaiming it, he would have had to eliminate all the other heirs to the Titan," Eren explains. "Ultimately, he couldn't take their lives."

Jean interjects, "But if that's the case, why did he end up doing it?"

"Zeke's intervention altered the course of events. He transported me into the past, and I disclosed what would transpire if he didn't seize the Founding Titan. I implored him to pursue it, for the sake of my mother, for his fallen comrades, for his first wife," Eren says, his expression darkening. "In the end, he succeeded in eliminating all the heirs, except for Rod Reiss, the father of the Founding Titan."

Odom inquires, "And what about Historia? She's also one of the Founding Titan's siblings, right?"

Eren clarifies, "Historia was considered an illegitimate daughter. Only her sister, the Founding Titan, showed any concern for her. However, to protect her from her true family, her memories were erased using the Titan's power." His tone becomes more solemn. "After Rod Reiss escaped, he pursued Historia, intending to kill her. Instead, he spared her life and provided her with a false identity: Christa Lenz, encouraging her to enlist in the military." The weight of these revelations hangs heavy in the air, prompting reflective silence among those present.

"So the queen was also part of the military, just like you?" Wade comments.

"I have to admit, she was also one of the Top 10," Jean acknowledges.

Laura turns to Jean and inquires, "Were you also among the Top 10?"

"Of course, I was. Who do you think I am?" Jean responds confidently.

Eren chimes in, "Jean was one rank below me, while Mikasa here was the top-ranked."

"So that means Papa is stronger than you, Mr. Kirchstein?" Fay curiously questions.

"Ha, don't get ahead of yourself," Jean retorts, playfully rolling his eyes. Eren continues, "Now where were we... after my Dad devoured the Founding Titan, his thirteen years were almost up, and he decided to give me both Titans... by having me devour him."

The others listen with concern as Eren carries on, "I passed out after transforming into a pure Titan and eating my father. The next thing I knew, I was at the refugee camp. Commandant Shadis found me and brought me there. When I was younger, I used to vow to exterminate all the Titans, because due to the memory wipe, all we knew was that Titans were monsters instead of fellow Eldians like us."

"And we had to hear you say those things every time in the Corps," Jean mutters, adding a playful tone to his words.

Mikasa inquires, "Eren, I assume your son wants to join the military?"

Eren sighs, "Yes, he did." He looks at Erich, "Erich, do you remember what I did when you asked to join the Military?"

Erich rolls his eyes and replies, "Yeah, you trained me with the ODM gear, but you had Aunt Gloria tamper with the device and I had to fall to the ground numerous times!"

"At least it was just us. Imagine falling in front of a crowd and an instructor. Would you still want to become a soldier?"

Erich's expression turns serious, and Eren continues, "Commandant Shadis gave me a faulty gear that day, but we didn't notice until the day I managed to hang on without falling. I expected you to do the same if you wanted to join the military."

Erich nods in understanding as Eren continues, "Three years after the training, the Colossal Titan broke the wall again and this time Titans swarmed into the Trost District. There were many victims, including your grandparents from your mother's side."

"Again?" Fay and Erich express anger, and Aya adds, "Yes, my Mom was a member of the Garrison and my Dad was in the Survey Corps under Captain Levi. However, both of them died on the same day, in different locations. My brother was also in the Training Corps like Eren and the others here, and although he survived, he was also in pain after losing our parents. As for me, I joined the Training Corps with the same determination as Eren."

"I transformed into a Titan that day after almost being devoured. Controlling the first transformations wasn't easy, and with the memory wipe, no one in the military remembered the existence of Titan Shifters. After sealing the broken wall, the military debated my fate. Either I would be killed, or I would save humanity within the walls."

"They can't kill you, right? You have the Founding Titan!" Laura interjects.

"Yes, but I can't wield it due to the vow," Eren explains. "The Attack Titan suppressed the control of the first King. Captain Levi sent me to the Survey Corps and I became part of the Levi Special Operation squad."

Here is another chapter, and due to the length of the story, it will be divided into multiple parts. I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

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