Chapter 8

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After the rehearsal concludes, the adults gather around the table, engaging in a discussion. Eren initiates, addressing Mikasa, "Mikasa, do we still count Hizuru as an ally to Paradis Island?"

Mikasa's expression darkens slightly, "I'm not entirely sure. They haven't reached out to me since the Rumbling."

Jean interjects, offering insight, "Let me explain. Hizuru continues to trade with Paradis Island. However, their nation is also in the process of rebuilding due to the aftermath of the Rumbling. Queen Historia provided some resources to aid Hizuru, which has significantly facilitated the recovery."

Eren's face reflects concern as he absorbs the information. "I see..."

Historia contributes, "Thanks to your advice, we've managed to alleviate food shortages in Stohess."

"I'm relieved to hear that," Eren acknowledges. "But still, I can't shake the feeling that being a shadow king wasn't the right path. It only led me down the same path as your father..."

"In the wake of the royal government's fall due to treason, the only faction capable of governing became the Yeagerists—those you and Floch recruited," Historia explains. "They didn't oppose your role as a shadow king, especially considering your possession of memories from the previous monarchs. But I'm grateful that both of you seem to handle this situation well."

Jean reluctantly admits, "As much as I dislike admitting it, Eren's political acumen surpasses mine. Moreover, without the weight of future memories pressing on him, he doesn't feel compelled to resort to something as horrendous as the Rumbling."

Gloria adds, "This feels like a form of atonement, in a way."

Outside, Erich, Fay, Wade, Laura, and Ymir are working together on the farm tasks. Carla, eager to assist, takes the heavy haystacks from Erich's hands.

"Carla, those are quite heavy. Are you sure you can handle them?" Erich expresses concern.

"Why not?" Carla responds determinedly. "I'm willing to help however I can."

Observing Erich and Carla's closeness, Ymir turns to Fay, inquiring about their relationship. "It seems like there's something between Erich and Carla. What's their story?"

Fay explains, "Let's just say Erich saved Carla's life and gave her the green scarf."

"Really?" Ymir responds, intrigued by the connection between the two.

"And we're committed to making sure they end up together. Would you like to join our efforts?" Wade invites Ymir.

Ymir smirks and agrees, "Count me in."

"Laura Tybur! Get back here!" Just then, they see Erich and Carla chasing after Laura, who yells, "I told you I'm sorry!"

Amidst the chaos, Erich and Carla chase after Laura, who's fervently apologizing. The commotion catches the attention of Reiner and the others.

"Laura Tybur? Wasn't she the War Hammer Titan that Eren consumed?" Pieck questions, surprised by the unexpected presence of a supposedly deceased Titan shifter.

"Did anyone survive from the Tybur family? I thought Eren wiped them all out..." Reiner expresses his confusion.

Simultaneously, Eren and the rest of the group step outside, curious about the disturbance.

Laura, seeking refuge behind Gloria, exclaims, "Save me, Mama! Erich Kruger wants to hurt me!"

Aya turns to Erich, seeking clarification. "Is that true, Erich?"

Erich responds calmly, "She accidentally knocked over the haystack Carla was holding. I'm not going to harm her, but there should be consequences for her actions."

"Right," Eren acknowledges. "Let the adults handle this. Erich, help Carla gather the haystack again instead of chasing her."

Erich rushes to assist Carla, while Gloria addresses Laura, "Laura, instead of fleeing, it's important to apologize to Carla and Erich for the mess."

Laura nods, lowering her head in remorse. "Yes, Mama."

Reflecting on the scene, Eren remarks, "Watching them working on the farm reminds me of those two months when we pitched in after Historia's coronation."

Mikasa and Jean react with surprise, but Historia smiles, reminiscing, "You were already exhausted from Titan hardening training; you didn't need to help. But since then, you've rarely smiled."

"Discovering the harsh truth can be agonizing," Aya adds. "That's why Eren needs genuine friends who comprehend his pain."

"And that's precisely why we have each other," Peter chimes in, emphasizing the strength found in their unity and understanding.

As the time to depart approaches, the group prepares to head back home. Armin and the others continue tailing until they reach Eren's location.

"So, this is where Eren lives? And isn't that Mikasa's house?" Connie observes.

"They've brought the entire house here too? Why?" Reiner questions, puzzled.

"I'm not sure. Perhaps since Mikasa isn't part of the military anymore," Annie suggests with a sigh.

Once everyone has entered the house, Eren and Aya find themselves alone, seated on the bench behind their home. Aya breaks the silence, "No matter how often we're here, doesn't the forest always feel rejuvenating?"

"It truly is refreshing. I'm grateful that the forest continues to thrive, even after we've used some of it for firewood," Eren acknowledges.

In the solemn moment, Aya voices her concerns. "The peace has been shattered now that the alliance, who tried to stop the Rumbling by killing you, knows you're alive. What will you do if Reiner and the others truly come?"

"If they seek a fight, I'll defend myself. If they want to talk, I'll refuse. Regardless, I can't forget my mother and aunt's deaths," Eren asserts firmly.

"I feel the same. I can't forget my brother and my parents' deaths. And mine as well..." Aya murmurs, the weight of her own losses evident in her words.

Feeling the weight of their shared grief, Eren embraces Aya. He knows that Aya lost her parents during the Trost breach and that her brother, Akira, had been involved with Floch, Marlo, and other new recruits tied to the Beast Titan. Their bond is a testament to the shared burden of their past losses, uniting them in understanding and empathy.

Eren's concern surfaces as he considers Erich's potential entry into the National Military. "Do you think Erich will have the same drive and passion as I did in the past?"

Aya reflects, "It's hard to predict if history will repeat itself... But I trust Carla to keep Erich safe. Fay isn't inclined to join the military, and Laura and Wade aspire to become teachers and caretakers."

"You're correct," Eren acknowledges as Aya leans her head against his shoulder, finding solace in their shared contemplation of the future. Their thoughts drift toward the next generation, hoping for safety and fulfillment in the paths chosen by their loved ones.

As Reiner observes Eren's wife, he remarks, "So that's Eren's wife? I have to admit, she's quite attractive."

Pieck, struck by a sense of familiarity, adds, "She does look somewhat familiar to me..."

Armin recalls, "She was once among the Yeagerists. She was involved in the bombing that took Premier Zachary's life."

Connie, eyes widening in realization, responds, "Wait, her? She's the one who killed Premier Zachary?"

"Mama! Papa!" Erich and Fay rush toward Eren and Aya. Concerned, Eren inquires, "What's wrong, you two?"

"Dad, can you tell us about your past, please?" Erich requests.

Aya and Eren exchange surprised glances. "Why do you suddenly want to know about your Dad's past?" Aya asks.

Fay explains, "We want to understand more about the Titans and the Rumbling. We know Papa is doing this for our sake, but the story we've heard feels like it's missing a lot."

Eren considers their request and suggests, "If that's what you want, I'll share everything during tonight's story time. How does that sound?"

Excitedly, the children express their love by hugging Eren before returning to the room, eagerly anticipating the forthcoming storytelling session. Eren's expression darkens, causing Aya to inquire, "Are you certain about telling the kids about your past?"

"At first, I was hesitant, but after they heard about the Rumbling, they didn't fear me; instead, they empathized with me. Their understanding touched me deeply," Eren admits. "My father withheld so much from me, keeping secrets until we reached the basement. I won't be like him. I refuse to hide anything from my children."

Concerned, Aya asks, "And what about us?"

"I've already revealed all my secrets to you," Eren asserts. "I'd rather be truthful than be like those who betray, shift blame onto others, or merely talk without action." His resolve to be open and honest stands firm, a reflection of his determination to foster trust and transparency within his family.

"I suppose the three people I mentioned were the world to you, aside from the Yeagerists from ten years ago, right?" Aya questions.

Eren nods with a gentle smile. "Yes, you understand me well. After the Rumbling, Freiheit has been listening to their conversations. Surprisingly, it was Jean, of all people, who truly comprehended what I was feeling, not even Mikasa, Armin, or the others."

"Really?" Aya appears surprised. "Didn't you and Jean clash frequently back in training? That's what my brother told me."

"Yeah," Eren acknowledges as Freiheit perches on his shoulder. "The more I overheard, the more frustrated I became with them, except maybe Jean and Mikasa. Particularly Commander Hange. She questioned whether our fallen comrades would have wanted genocide against the unknown humanity beyond the walls. In my nightmares before the Rumbling, all I witnessed was our deceased comrades blaming me for not preventing the enemy's actions, which led to their deaths. It felt like my decisions caused the loss of lives, including Thomas, Mina, the members of Levi's squad, those who tried to rescue me during Reiner and Bertolt's attack, and even Hannes."

Aya, filled with concern, pulls Eren into a hug, visibly troubled by his words. Eren begins to explain, "What Yelena said to them was exactly what I've been wanting to express to those who believe they can stop 'me' and save a humanity that desires our demise. She was right. They deluded themselves with the idea of saving hundreds of millions of lives, attempting to cleanse themselves of past hatred. I wanted to ask them if they'd be capable of having that discussion if I hadn't initiated the Rumbling."

"But still," Aya interjects, "you allowed them to work together and potentially kill you. Couldn't you have used the power of the Founding Titan to prevent their interference?"

"I could have, just like Karl Fritz with his Renouncing of War vow, ensuring the Rumbling wouldn't cease even if they managed to kill me, continuing until all those beyond the island were eradicated. But I didn't. A part of me desired to be halted before it reached a point of no return," Eren admits. "Mikasa was right—there were innocent children beyond the walls, unaware of us Eldians. If the Rumbling could have been selective, I would have targeted only those responsible instead of indiscriminately killing everyone outside."

Aya stands up, redirecting the conversation. "It's almost dinner time. Let's return and share the story of your life with the children."

As Eren and Aya depart, Armin and the others are left stunned by Eren's revelations. "Even until now, we never truly understood Eren's thoughts, did we?" Connie expresses, perplexed.

"I'm not sure," Armin responds, troubled by the sudden revelation of Eren's inner turmoil and motives. The group remains in a state of bewilderment, grappling with the complex intricacies of Eren's feelings and decisions.

In this chapter, Eren decided to open up about some of his inner thoughts, shedding light on his feelings and motivations. The upcoming chapters will delve deeper into Eren's mind, exploring further aspects of his journey and decisions. I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

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