Chapter 15

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Erwin and Petra exchange surprised glances as Eren speaks. Petra's voice breaks the silence, "Eren... what exactly do you mean by that?"

"I did what Reiner and Bertolt did. During the speech, I attacked and killed many in the crowd. I was backed into a corner and forced to transform, just as Annie did in Stohess."

Erwin's tone is grave, "So you not only took down the soldiers trying to encircle you, but innocent bystanders and children as well?"

Eren's expression darkens, "I never intended any of this. But three years of relentless struggle blurred my sense of right and wrong. I unwittingly embroiled the Survey Corps in my battles. Armin unleashed the power of the Colossal Titan, obliterating the port and its soldiers with a single transformation. The Scouts, in their attempts, brought down numerous buildings and enemy forces. Four Titan shifters akin to me were sent by the enemy to face us. I acquired the War Hammer Titan's power, Jean and Sasha incapacitated the Cart Titan, and Captain Levi captured the Beast Titan. Though the casualties in that battle were only six, when Sasha was fatally wounded, the count rose to eight..."

"Did you... Did you pass away during that conflict?" Akira inquires of Sasha, her voice tinged with concern.

Sasha's reply comes with a calm understanding, "I don't hold Eren accountable for it. He forewarned me about the risks involved, in case you're wondering."

Mikasa, contemplating the conversation, murmurs softly, "I understand..."

"However, for acting without authorization, I was detained by the military once again," Eren explains. "They deemed me beyond redemption and captured all the Marley volunteers who had been assisting us, forcing them to hand over the Titan serum in order to find a Titan capable of devouring me."

Aya interjects, "We weren't going to let that happen. At the time, with the queen pregnant, Floch spread the news among the citizens. Their protest in front of the capital demanded Eren's release, resulting in Floch and some Yeagerist faction members being kidnapped. With no time to spare, the remaining Yeagerists took a stand against the military and bombed the capital. This action led to Premier Zachary's death."

Petra and Erwin wear expressions of shock as Eren continues, "It was a dire moment. I was aware that Reiner would prompt an immediate Marleyan attack on the island, despite the considerable damage we inflicted on them. Utilizing the War Hammer Titan's power, we escaped the prison. Our priority was to locate Zeke and initiate the Rumbling as swiftly as possible."

"Are you implying your faction was responsible for the deaths of the remaining commanders and soldiers?" Erwin's voice is tense with inquiry.

"Zeke had some of the volunteers spike the wine with his spinal fluid," Jean explains. "This resulted in Commander Pyxis, Nile, and other soldiers unknowingly consuming it. Upon Zeke's scream, they'd transform into Titans. He also subjected all the scouts, excluding Captain Levi, to this fate. When we encountered Levi again, he was gravely injured."

Petra interjects, "Speaking of Captain Levi, is he still alive?" Her feelings for the captain are evident in her question.

"He is, but he's confined to a wheelchair and currently unable to leave Marley," Mikasa reveals, causing both commanders to frown at the news.

"After escaping the prison, my priority was to prevent interference with our plan, so I attempted to detain Mikasa, Armin, and others there. However, Marley launched an attack, pitting three Titans against me. Fortunately, the Beast Titan was on our side. Yet, during the battle, he unexpectedly screamed when I was grabbed by Reiner. That scream triggered Commander Pyxis, Nile, and the others to transform into pure Titans, wreaking havoc by devouring those around them," Eren explains.

"To imagine they'd transform into something akin to the Titans we battled... It's deeply unsettling," Petra comments, her frown etching deeper lines on her face as she processes the revelation.

"As it progressed, I managed to establish contact with Zeke, commencing the Rumbling," Eren elaborates further. "I took the initiative to forewarn the Eldians, hoping that a few might find a way to escape the impending cataclysm."

Eren's expression turns grim. "I didn't want to resort to this, but I felt I had no other option. I could only hope that my friends would end my life and halt the madness. That's why I refrained from stopping Armin and the others, allowing them to confront and kill me. Naturally, Floch and some of the Yeagerists tried to intervene, only to meet their demise. Mikasa ultimately beheaded me after I had already taken the lives of 80% of the population."

"But all of us are still alive," Sasha interjects. "So I suppose you were also brought back?"

"Yes, it appears that the original Titan, Founder Ymir, wanted to express gratitude for my role in freeing her. She removed all the Titan powers and granted me a peaceful life on this island. Within a month of my return, I married Aya and constructed a house from scratch. Later, Gloria, Katrina, Peter, and Odom joined, and together we built a village for ourselves," Eren recounts.

"And since Eren possesses the Founding Titan, and the remaining military sides with the Yeagerists, I proposed Eren act as a covert king, much like my father once did. This way, he assists me with political and military matters. In the eyes of the world, he was supposed to be deceased. If the truth of his survival becomes known, it could spell disaster for our island," Historia explains.

"We remained concealed until Mikasa and Jean, along with Armin and Annie, discovered us and learned of our continued existence," Eren adds. "It's something I'm not particularly fond of. Without the pressure of the Titan power, I can finally express my true emotions. Commander Erwin, I was never someone striving to save humanity; I was its greatest adversary. I apologize for disappointing you."

Erwin addresses Eren, "Eren, I can comprehend the struggles you've endured. Prior to discovering your basement, humanity was confined to the Eldians within these walls. You were the beacon of hope for Eldians residing on this island. While I cannot condone the notion of genocide through the use of Colossal Titans, it remains in the past."

Petra interjects, "But I'm still puzzled as to why we've been revived."

Aya clarifies, "Yesterday, we received word from the Founder herself that the world is preparing to launch another assault on the island. In response, she has decided to bestow the powers of the Eight Titans upon us. Eren retains the Attack Titan, Gloria inherits the War Hammer Titan, Jean acquires the Armored Titan, and I possess the Female Titan."

Akira expresses surprise, "You're a Titan shifter as well?"

"And so are you. Brother, you hold the Jaw Titan, Sasha possesses the Beast Titan, Commander Erwin wields the Colossal Titan, and Ms. Ral controls the Cart Titan," Aya explains further.

Sasha playfully quips, "The Beast Titan? Do I look like a monkey to you?"

Eren chuckles, replying, "No, definitely not the monkey type. You're the wolf among us."

"A wolf? That's more like it. A hunter suits me better," Sasha remarks with a grin, drawing laughter from the group. Then, inquisitive, Erwin interjects, "But what about Armin, Levi, and the rest of the group? Where might they be?"

"We're uncertain of their whereabouts. But it doesn't concern me anymore. Ultimately, I still can't place my trust in them, and they can't trust me either," Eren admits.

Historia, delving into the conversation, adds, "On that note, Eren, you mentioned yesterday about re-embracing the persona of the devil. Does that signify a re-entry into the military?"

Eren nods thoughtfully, affirming, "That's a possibility, particularly considering my son's desire to enlist. With the looming threat of the world's assault, it feels inevitable. And Commander Erwin, your guidance will be indispensable as we navigate these challenging times."

Commander Erwin, with a resolute demeanor, closes his eyes briefly before asserting, "Absolutely, I'm committed to providing my assistance."

As they converse, Petra directs her attention to Aya and Akira. "You two are Neumann? Does that mean you're related to Archer?"

"We are his children. Why do you ask?" Aya responds.

Petra's expression darkens, and she murmurs, "Archer... he was a trusted comrade in the former Levi Squad. He was like an older brother to us all, and Captain Levi held him in high regard... I'm sorry, he was killed by a Titan..."

"We heard about it. It happened the same day our mother was killed by a Titan in Trost," Archer explains. "Initially, I chose to remain at the Garrison because my sister was at the nearby training camp, and I couldn't bear the thought of losing more family. But after a few months, I decided to join the Survey Corps, and, well, I met my end."

Sasha chimes in, "I was devastated when I heard about your death. You were always there for me during our training. Losing you felt like losing a part of myself."

"Really? Am I truly that significant to you?" Akira asks, a faint blush coloring his cheeks.

Aya clears her throat, drawing the attention of Sasha and Akira. "Sasha and Akira, I wanted to mention that while your minds might be 19 or 15 years old, your bodies have been altered to resemble those of 30-year-olds. Have you noticed any unusual sensations or differences?"

Akira responds thoughtfully, "Honestly, everything seems quite normal to me."

Sasha chimes in, "Yeah, I haven't felt anything out of the ordinary. Although, now that you mention it, I am feeling a bit hungry."

"Classic Sasha," Jean teases, joining the conversation. "You do have some potatoes, don't you?"

"Of course, I do. They're in the fridge," Aya confirms with a reassuring smile, providing a sense of familiarity and comfort to the conversation.

Back to Eren, Historia, and Commander Erwin, Erwin contemplates, "So, instead of simply foreseeing the future, your Titan's abilities have extended to manipulating time. That undoubtedly presents an incredibly potent capability."

"And with the absence of the Founding Titan and the dismantling of the Walls, the threat of the Rumbling has been nullified," Historia elucidates. "Yet, this doesn't denote an end to conflicts. Our aim is to prevent conflict by diligently safeguarding the island, ensuring its protection remains a priority."

At the same time, the children are outside the house, Laura notices the group of people hiding behind a tree and asks, "Erich, Fay, do you see those people over there?"

Erich gazes at the group behind the tree, recognizing Armin and Annie, and responds, "Those are Uncle Armin and Aunt Annie. But I'm not familiar with the others."

Carla identifies the remaining individuals, "The others are Connie, Reiner, and Pieck... but what could they be plotting?"

Fay's tone turns serious, expressing her concern, "Reiner and Pieck? The former Armored Titan involved in the demise of our grandparents, and the former Cart Titan who was responsible for my mother's death?"

"They might be here to cause trouble for Mom and Dad. We can't let that happen," Erich declares firmly, his determination shining through. The children feel a growing urgency to intervene and prevent any potential disturbance.

"But how can we stop them? According to your parents, they were strong enough to halt the Rumbling that killed 80% of the population," Wade expresses his concern.

"We'll just inform Papa and the others and let them handle it," Fay suggests.

The children swiftly rush into the house, hoping their parents have concluded their conversation and promptly inform them that Reiner and the others were eavesdropping.

Here is a new chapter, and the upcoming one will feature the confrontation between Eren and the others with Armin and the Alliance. I hope you enjoy this chapter.

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