Chapter 16

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The tranquility of the household is abruptly shattered as the children burst in, their faces etched with alarm. Eren, immediately sensing something amiss, probes, "What's wrong? Why do all five of you look so panicked?"

Fay, somewhat breathless, takes charge and reveals, "Dad, we found five people concealed behind a tree. Two of them were Mr. and Ms. Arlert from earlier."

This revelation induces a collective widening of eyes among the occupants. "Armin and Annie? And the other three?" Eren queries urgently.

Gloria steps in to provide clarity, "Connie Springer, Reiner Braun, and Pieck Finger. They've been eavesdropping on us for quite some time."

"And you're only disclosing this now?" Aya's expression tightens with concern, directing her inquiry at Gloria. Historia, joining in the growing unease, inquires, "So, what's our strategy regarding them?"

Eren takes charge, his voice resolute, "It's time to address this situation. Preferably, Aya and I will engage them in a conversation alone."

"Are you absolutely sure you don't want our support?" Mikasa interjects, her concern palpable.

"Have no fear," Aya reassures the group, attempting to assuage their worries as they collectively move towards the door, ready to confront the unexpected visitors lurking outside.

Behind the concealment of the tree, Connie's voice drifts in a hushed whisper, "It's Eren and his wife..."

Within earshot, Eren's commanding voice reverberates, "I'm aware of your presence, Armin. Instead of skulking around, why not step forward for a conversation? Do you find amusement in spying on our private affairs?"

Armin exchanges nervous glances with the others, Reiner's concern evident as he asks, "What's the strategy?"

"I'll take charge," Armin decides with a firmness in his tone. "Remain concealed until I signal you."

As Armin emerges from his hiding spot, Eren fixes him with a chilling gaze, demanding, "Where are the other four? My children mentioned they spotted three Marley Eldians and Connie with you."

"For now, I've instructed them to stay hidden," Armin responds composedly. "But I have several inquiries for you, Eren."

"Likewise," Eren retorts. "Remember when we met a few weeks ago? You promised to keep my survival a secret, and yet you disclosed it to Reiner, Connie, and Pieck right after. Care to explain?"

"They needed to know the truth," Armin defends. "Especially considering the chaos caused by the Rumbling."

"Is that so?" Eren strides forward with determination, delivering a forceful blow to Armin that sends him reeling to the ground, his anguished groan piercing the stunned silence enveloping the group. Shock ripples through everyone present, their faces etched with disbelief at Eren's unexpected and forceful action.

"This brings back memories, doesn't it?" Eren's voice, tinged with a mix of remorse and frustration, echoes in the charged atmosphere. "The last time I resorted to this was at Nicolo's restaurant, the time you attempted to confront Mikasa. That was my misstep. But have you realized, the last time I encountered them, we were adversaries?"

Struggling to rise, Armin grapples with the pain as he stares at the ground, his features contorted in discomfort. Aya, her voice laced with a mix of concern and reproach, interjects, "Perhaps we overlooked your disclosure to Connie, but revealing it to Reiner and Pieck? The former Armored and Cart Titans? You were indeed fortunate that Eren's response was merely a punch." The tension in the air hangs palpably, the repercussions of Eren's actions reverberating throughout the assembled group, fraught with apprehension over the escalating situation.

Armin murmurs, "I know I messed up, but like I said, they needed to know the truth. We've been negotiating with the survivors of the Rumbling, and sooner or later, we'll have to discuss this..."

"Eren interjects, "Negotiating with the survivors? How many of them might betray us just like that? So, what do you want to ask?"

Armin confronts Eren, "We observed that you managed to revive Commander Erwin, Sasha, and two others... why?"

Eren responds, "Why? It's simple. The power of the Titans has been restored, except for the Founding Titan." He continues, "This time, it wasn't just us. Jean, Historia, and Mikasa, we all glimpsed the future. Your negotiations failed, and the nations were gearing up for an attack."

Aya adds, "It appears that even after the Full Rumbling, those outside the island haven't learned from their mistakes. There's no more hiding, and if resurrecting the devil is what it takes to safeguard the island from our enemies, so be it."

Armin protests, "You can't be serious... by revealing yourselves to the world, the other nations will cease negotiations! All our efforts will be futile!"

"Armin, your work was already futile, it was just a matter of time," he says in a cold tone. "Did I ever tell you what I did after leaving you guys in Marley? I attempted negotiations with other nations for peace, aided by a member of the Tybur family. The result? Willy Tybur's speech declaring war."

Aya interjects, "Let's suppose Eren hadn't initiated the Rumbling. Could you collaborate with Reiner and those from Marley now? The only reason you're conversing is due to this dire situation. I also heard you killed fellow islanders who cared for you to save those who hated and despised you. I can't tell if you're foolish or not."

Armin retorts, "Then why keep your negotiations hidden? Why not inform us in those letters? Instead, you instructed me to trust Zeke's plan and destroy the port!"

Eren counters, "With the military preparing Titan serums to seize my powers, why take that risk? Pyxis, Zachary, and others were covertly plotting to take my Titan. Everything we did, we attempted peacefully, but we failed. That's why we resorted to force. And you haven't learned from your mistakes either."

Aya directs her gaze towards the trees behind Armin, issuing a warning, "And whoever's lurking over there, take heed. If disrupting the peace negotiations was necessary for the island's survival, then so be it. I've always believed that the notion of Eldians inheriting sin from their ancestors was a fabricated lie propagated by those despicable nations. Eldians wielded Titans as tools of mass destruction to conquer, annihilating countless cultures in the process. It's estimated that Eldians slaughtered over three times the world's population by the year 854. These are falsehoods concocted to manipulate and control Eldians."

"Aya, enough," he interjects. "There's no point enlightening those indoctrinated by Marley's fabricated history. They're too ingrained in their own skewed version of the truth to comprehend what you're saying." Turning to Armin, he adds, "If you can't maintain confidentiality, then there's no use answering your inquiries."

After Aya and Eren withdraw into the house, the other four hurry over to Armin. Annie, visibly concerned, asks, "Are you alright, Armin?"

"I'm fine... Eren's punch wasn't overly forceful," Armin assures her.

"Though Eren did have a point. The last time we met in regular circumstances, we were adversaries attempting to eliminate each other. Nevertheless, I'm intrigued by what that girl mentioned," Reiner reflects with a furrowed brow.

"The history indoctrinated by Marley was a tool of manipulation," Pieck acknowledges solemnly. "We were already cognizant of this truth through the memories passed down by previous shifters. However, faced with our circumstances, what other recourse did we possess? We couldn't rebel against the government, and our parents were ensnared by those falsehoods."

Following their arrival back in Capital Mitras, a soldier approaches Historia with an air of urgency. "Your Highness, we have distressing news."

"What's occurred?" Historia queries, concern etched on her face.

"A significant number of soldiers and citizens have been affected by poisoning, straining our medical resources," the soldier reports with urgency.

"Food poisoning?" Eren steps forward, his tone laced with concern. "Guide us to the location."

As they arrive at the Military building, Eren and the group are greeted by a distressing sight—numerous soldiers writhe in agony on the ground. Medical personnel scurry around in a frenzy, endeavoring to assist the afflicted. Erwin, visibly taken aback, begins, "This is..."

Peter, striving to offer solace, addresses the suffering soldiers, "Hang in there."

"Commander... I'm feeling unwell..." one of the soldiers alerts Peter, while Odom reassures, "Assistance is on the way. Just try to remain calm."

The doctors and nurses, upon noticing Historia's presence, swiftly bow in respect. "Your Highness."

"How are their conditions at the moment?" Historia inquires with concern.

"We're diligently trying to ascertain the cause. All we know is that they consumed the same meat," the doctor explains, detailing their ongoing efforts to determine the source of the distressing illness.

Eren retrieves the paper and directs the doctors, saying, "Follow these instructions and prepare the medicine urgently. I'll do what I can to alleviate their pain with my abilities."

The doctors acknowledge and hasten to create the medicine while Eren employs his powers to heal the afflicted soldiers. Turning to a healthy soldier nearby, Eren instructs, "Find the source of the food poisoning quickly."

"Absolutely, Mr. Kruger," the soldier acknowledges before swiftly departing. Aya then questions, "Do you think this was orchestrated by the other nations?"

"If there are spies lurking on this island, it's a possibility," Eren responds.

After five days of care, the soldiers recover sufficiently to resume their training. Upon the soldier's return, she reports, "We traced the meat source and found a Mid-East Spy. We've detained him. What should be done with him?"

"Throw him into the prison for now; we'll address the matter later," Historia orders.

Once the soldier departs, Eren decides to gather all the soldiers and disclose the news. Addressing them, he begins, "Firstly, I want to express my gratitude to all of you for aiding someone like me in keeping a secret. But now, that secrecy no longer matters. The food poisoning was caused by a spy from the Mid-East nations—a survivor from the Rumbling. It appears that the remaining population beyond the walls is biding their time, waiting for an opportunity to strike our island once more."

As Eren finishes speaking, a tense silence grips the soldiers, some visibly apprehensive about the looming threat. Undeterred, Eren presses on, "Nevertheless, the power of the Titans has resurfaced, all except the Founding Titan. With this resurgence, we stand ready to fight by your side in defense of our island and nation. Are you prepared to dedicate yourselves to thwart this impending danger?"

The soldiers erupt into cheers upon hearing Eren's rallying words. Historia then interjects, "Furthermore, the power of the Titans has also granted us the return of four deceased soldiers. Without their aid, I wouldn't have ascended to the throne, nor would we have uncovered the truth about the world beyond. I present the former 13th Survey Corps Commander, Erwin Smith!"

Gasps and astonished murmurs ripple through the crowd at the unexpected return of Commander Erwin. Stepping forward, Erwin addresses them, "I understand that times have changed; Titans are no longer our adversaries. Yet, I eagerly anticipate fighting alongside all of you."

Amidst the spreading news of the Mid-East Spy within Capital Mitras, soldiers diligently work to pacify the alarmed citizens while intensively scrutinizing food stocks for any signs of contamination.

Meanwhile, Armin and his comrades traverse the bustling streets. Connie, visibly troubled, articulates his concerns, "Do you believe Eren's assumption? Were the nations plotting war? Is that the reason behind the food poisoning?"

"I'm finding it difficult to comprehend," Reiner grimly admits, his expression contorted in dismay. "To renege on the agreement so abruptly... But then again, perhaps it was inevitable."

Annie seeks clarity, "What's our course of action now?"

"We must initiate negotiations with those nations," Armin asserts with determination. "Unearthing the truth is imperative."

The group aligns with Armin's strategy, nodding in unity as they devise plans to journey back to Marley. Their aim: to uncover elusive answers amidst the complex web of political tensions, hoping to unravel the mysteries that loom over Paradis Island's security.

In this new chapter, Eren's discontent with Armin's actions becomes evident, and the food poisoning incident reignites conflict with the other nations. I hope you enjoy this chapter.

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