Chapter 17

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On the ocean, near Paradis Island, a ship lurks in the shadows, clandestinely observing the nation of Eldia. A soldier, his gaze fixed on the distant land, queries with concern, "Why isn't the soldier responding to the call?"

"Those devils might have seized him. It's a perilous notion to provoke the island of devils," retorts another soldier, a note of caution in his voice.

"What's there to fear? Titans no longer roam this world. Our purpose is for the betterment of our homeland. They must bear the agony of the Rumbling," asserts the general, conviction ringing in every word.

As they peer across the waves towards Eldia, a sense of foreboding lingers among the crew, the tension palpable in the salty sea air. Suddenly, a colossal bolt of lightning crackles across the sky ahead, catching their attention. Emerging from the luminous display, a massive wolf materializes, its form surreal against the horizon.

"Is that a wolf?" questions a soldier, disbelief coloring his tone.

"No wolf could be that colossal," rebuts the general, urgency edging into his voice. "It appears to be heading right for us. Open fire!"

As the crew aims their weapons, the gargantuan wolf accelerates, its movements swift and calculated. Unexpectedly, it sprouts wings and takes flight, effortlessly evading the barrage of bullets aimed its way.

"What on earth is happening?" gasps a bewildered soldier as the bewildering spectacle unfolds.

Abruptly, another lightning bolt illuminates the scene. The crew whirls around to confront a staggering sight—the Attack Titan looming behind them. Some among the soldiers recognize the figure of Eren Yeager and their expressions morph into shock and disbelief.

"No! That's... a Titan!" exclaims a soldier, horror lacing his words.

"But how? They were supposed to be extinct!" cries out another soldier, incredulity evident in his voice.

Eren's deafening roar reverberates through the air as he hurtles toward the ship, compelling both soldiers and generals to hastily abandon the vessel. In the midst of this chaos, the Beast Titan suddenly morphs, revealing Sasha who swiftly draws her bow, aiming an arrow at the now-vulnerable group.

"Soldiers of Zweiflusse, representing one of the Mid-East nations, you stand accused of poisoning our people," Sasha proclaims in an icy, unwavering tone.

"Don't presume you've emerged victorious, you devils!" one of the soldiers retorts defiantly, reaching for their weapon. However, their actions are halted as the National Army, led by Erwin, Petra, and Gloria, arrives swiftly, their weapons trained on the intruders.

"I wouldn't recommend taking that course of action if I were you. Remember, we have a Titan standing behind you," Erwin cautions, his voice carrying an authoritative edge.

They collectively swallow hard as Eren fixes his gaze upon them, prompting their swift surrender. As Eren reverts to his human form, he speaks with a measured intensity, "It appears that even the Rumbling wasn't enough to dissuade you from troubling our island. Did you truly seek to incite war?"

The soldiers gasp in disbelief as they recognize the true identity of the Titan. "General... it's... Eren Yeager! The Attacking Titan who unleashed the Rumbling!" one of them stammers, shock evident in their voice.

"But he was believed to be dead! How is this possible?" another soldier frets, panic tinging their words.

"Eren, what would be the prudent course of action with them?" Erwin inquires, his tone thoughtful yet decisive.

"We'll transport them to our prison first. Subsequently, we'll deliberate on how to proceed. Releasing them would risk igniting a global conflict if news of our resurgence spreads," Erwin suggests, his words calculated and pragmatic.

"Regrettably, negotiations were short-lived," Gloria remarks, observing the enemy soldiers arriving with their own carriages. "But their capture will undoubtedly lead to international chaos. It might be construed as 'Eldia abducts Zweiflusse soldiers without provocation.'"

Eren contemplates for a moment before responding, "Perhaps it's time to announce the Titans' return to the outside world. We'll ensure we're prepared to confront whatever consequences arise this time."

After the resolution with the remaining Zweiflusse soldiers, Sasha and Akira find themselves at Daupper Village. Following their revival, Eren and Aya accompany Sasha as she reunites with her family. The reunion is a moment of immense joy, especially for Kaya, whose elation at seeing Sasha again knows no bounds.

As days pass and a week settles by, Sasha and Akira grow closer, their bond deepening into a romantic relationship. Despite their newfound connection, their dedication to aiding the military remains unwavering. Fortunately, Sasha's family understands and supports her commitment, reassured by the fact that as a Titan shifter, she's less susceptible to the dangers that once threatened her life on the battlefield.

With this newfound assurance and support from her loved ones, Sasha and Akira continue to contribute their strengths to the military cause while cherishing the moments of happiness they find together in the midst of their duties.

As they stroll through the village, a voice calling out Sasha catches their attention. They turn to find Connie making his way toward them, a mix of disbelief and relief etched on his face. "Sasha?" he queries, his voice tinged with astonishment.

"Long time no see, Connie," Sasha replies warmly. "I'm relieved to see you're still here, considering everything that happened ten years ago. How's your mother holding up?"

Connie's expression softens as he responds, "She's managing, but she's the only family I have left after... you know."

"Hey, Connie," Akira interjects, offering his greeting to the familiar face. "What brings you here?"

"I came to speak with Sasha, but it seems you're here too," Connie replies.

"Sasha and I are together now," Akira announces, a hint of amusement in his voice. "Though it's a bit strange... she's actually four years older than me at the moment."

"We used to be the same age, but I suppose that doesn't matter anymore," Sasha adds with a chuckle, sharing a lighthearted moment amid the complexities of their current situation.

The atmosphere around them shifts as Connie delves into a sensitive topic. "Sasha, I wanted to ask... were you a part of the Yeagerists just before we were forced to attack Marley?" he inquires cautiously.

Sasha's demeanor changes abruptly, her smile fading as she responds with a hint of defiance, "What if I was? I mean, Eren shared everything with me—the Rumbling, the negotiations with the outside world, and even the knowledge of my death. Initially, it was overwhelming, but given what I recalled about Akira, Thomas, Mina, and the other cadets' deaths, and considering the dire consequences if we hadn't initiated the Rumbling, it felt like Eren's cause was justified. The full-scale Rumbling seemed necessary."

Connie listens attentively, absorbing her words before continuing, "Did Eren also mention... that he laughed when you died back then?"

Sasha nods solemnly. "Yes, he did. And I understand why. I might have reacted the same way if I were in his place. We both knew I wouldn't survive that gunshot, and we were helpless to change it. Originally, Eren intended to shield me from the bullet since he's a Titan shifter and could have survived. However, Captain Levi intervened, preventing him from intervening, making my death inevitable."

Connie's expression tightens into a frown as he contemplates Eren's actions. "I harbored resentment toward him for laughing at your death, Sasha. But I didn't comprehend the depth of anguish he carried... It wasn't until I took the lives of Samuel and Daz with my own hands that I began to understand his pain. And despite everything, Eren managed to restore my mother to normalcy."

Akira interjects gently, "Eren didn't hold the same animosity toward you as he did toward Reiner or those from Marley. He comprehended and deliberately portrayed himself as the antagonist, hoping you would be the one to end him. Although his plan didn't work out as intended with Mikasa. You, Connie, unwittingly played into Eren's scheme."

"Are you suggesting that I fell right into his trap?" Connie retorts, his frustration evident as he rolls his eyes.

"Calm down, Connie. That's not what I meant," Akira replies, attempting to diffuse the tension in the conversation.

"Connie, I heard you're one of the ambassadors for Paradis Island along with Armin and Jean. This morning, we encountered a Zweiflusse survey ship attempting to attack our island. Can you provide us with information on the Zweiflusse nation's situation so that we can prepare for any potential attacks?" Sasha inquires, concern evident in her voice.

Connie nods thoughtfully, acknowledging the gravity of the situation. "I'll assist. Though Armin might be more suited for this role..."

"Armin's actions have led to a breach of trust with Eren. He doesn't feel he can rely on Armin anymore. Jean's already aiding us, but he needs support, and that's where you come in, Connie," Akira explains, emphasizing the importance of Connie's involvement.

"I'm honored that Eren trusts me more than Armin in this regard. If it's for our island's safety, I'll lend my hand," Connie agrees, a sense of determination coloring his words.

"But keep this confidential," Akira adds with a hint of warning. "If word gets out, we'll be sure to track you down."

Connie swallows hard, acknowledging the seriousness of the situation, and agrees to maintain secrecy. After he departs, Sasha and Akira make their way back to their farm, deciding to contribute their efforts for the remainder of the day.

In the courtroom, Eren and the assembled group engage in discussion. Peter speaks up, "Through interrogation, we've learned that several nations beyond Paradis Island are gearing up for an attack. They're waiting for a signal to strike when a majority of our soldiers are incapacitated due to poisoning."

Katrina adds gravely, "Marley is among the aggressors. Survivors from the Rumbling in Fort Salta were mainly Marleyans. They supplied the virus to Zweiflusse and disclosed that Porzellan, Indien, Irak, and Schonheit are also involved."

Historia turns to Jean, querying, "And what about the other nations?"

Jean responds, "Hizuru, Stamer, Engel, and Vilij have strong affiliations with Eldia, especially given our assistance in their reconstruction efforts. They won't likely instigate an attack while in the midst of rebuilding. However, the actions of the remaining nations lie outside my jurisdiction."

"In that case, it might be prudent for us to investigate the situation in Marley. I have extensive knowledge about Marley and its military from my time as a member of the Tybur Family," Gloria proposes.

"Agreed. We'll dispatch a team to Marley," Eren decides. "I'll accompany the group, as my past experience in Marley and knowledge of its geography could be valuable."

Erwin chimes in, "Then I propose Eren, Aya, Gloria, Petra, Mikasa, Katrina, and Odom go to Marley with a select number of soldiers. Meanwhile, the rest will remain on the island to safeguard it."

With a unanimous nod, the meeting concludes, and plans are set in motion for the group's departure to Marley while others remain behind to fortify and protect the island.

"Did you hear the news? We're heading to Marley tomorrow!" Erich exclaims joyfully to Carla and Fay.

"Absolutely! I'm excited to go back," Fay responds, enthusiasm lacing her words.

"But do you think the soldiers will allow us to go? What if something happens?" Carla expresses her concern.

"We're just kids, they wouldn't harm us, right?" Fay reassures, hoping for the best.

"Considering what happened to your great-aunt at a young age, I'm not so certain..." Erich murmurs thoughtfully. "But don't worry. I'll protect both of you. Besides, I'm going to join the National Military."

At that moment, Eren and Aya approach the children. "You're incredibly brave, Erich, wanting to protect your sister and Carla. But remember, you've got us too," Eren remarks.

Aya adds with a gentle smile, "We'll ensure the safety of all our children. You don't need to worry."

The children giggle and embrace their parents tightly. Carla watches with a small smile, reassured by the love and unity within their family despite the uncertain circumstances ahead.

"Wait, Eren and some soldiers are heading to Marley?" Armin questions Connie, his shock palpable.

"That's the word from Jean," Connie replies grimly. "They intercepted a survey ship from Zweiflusse and extracted information through interrogation. It seems Marley was involved in poisoning the island's food supply. Gloria's ties to the Tybur Family might help them navigate safer routes to avoid detection."

Armin's expression darkens with concern. "This echoes what happened before, leading to the attack on Liberio. We have to inform Reiner and the others. This is their hometown."

"But what's your stance? Whose side are you on if Marley decides to strike the island?" Connie presses, seeking clarity.

Armin hesitates, uncertain about his response, before deciding to prioritize informing Reiner and the others about the impending situation. Together, they hurry to relay the urgent news, grappling with the weight of potential repercussions and the looming threat to both sides of the conflict.

In this latest chapter, Eren and his closest allies are gearing up for a pivotal journey to Marley, aiming to unravel the mysteries surrounding the other nations' activities. Amidst this, Sasha finds an opportunity to have a conversation with Connie, fostering a crucial connection. Additionally, Connie reaches a pivotal decision to stand in solidarity with Paradis Island. However, the stance of the remaining members of the Alliance remains uncertain. The chapter delves into these developments, paving the way for complex decisions and looming confrontations. I hope you enjoy this chapter as the story continues to unfold.

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