Chapter 18

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As Eren and his companions journey towards Marley, the anticipation of their arrival hangs heavy in the air. With Carla joining them on the ship, Historia grants permission for Jean to accompany the expedition as well.

"We've left the Beast, Colossal, and the Jaws back on the island while five Titans venture to Marley," Aya observes.

"Indeed. So, Gloria, what's the plan?" Eren inquires, his gaze shifting to the War Hammer Titan shifter who leans against the bars.

"Our priority is securing our accommodations first. Then, we'll proceed to Fort Salta to assess their strategies," Gloria explains, her tone measured. "And we must minimize drawing attention. Marleyans still remember the catalyst of the Rumbling: Eren Yeager."

Eren redirects his attention to Jean and Mikasa. "Did Armin or the Alliance receive information about our imminent arrival in Marley?"

"I've informed them of our plans to journey to Marley. I need them to engage with the Zweiflusse Nation to grasp the situation," Jean responds.

"I might not place the same level of trust in Armin, Reiner, or the others as you do, but it's imperative to seek their assistance," Eren remarks thoughtfully.

As the ship docks in Marley and the group disembarks, a lingering tension remains palpable among them. Eren's reluctance to forgive Armin and the others casts a shadow over their interactions. Eventually, they reach Marley and make their way to Liberio, aiming for the Tybur residence.

"Marley! It looks so different..." Fay remarks, her eyes filled with curiosity.

Aya, quick to caution, adds, "Fay, Erich, be mindful. The people here harbor animosity toward Paradis Island. It's best not to voice such thoughts openly."

"We understand," Erich assures her.

Eren takes a moment to brief them, saying, "Remember, if anyone asks, you're Erich Kruger and Fay Kruger. Stick to those names, alright?"

"We've been using those names for a while now. We understand," Fay confirms.

"One more thing," Eren continues, addressing the adults, "refrain from calling me Eren. Call me Grey instead." The adults nod in acknowledgment, complying with Eren's request.

As they settle their belongings in the house, the group decides to venture out for a stroll. Eren's family and Mikasa's family walk together, accompanied by the children. At the harbor, amidst the serene setting, Eren's expression darkens, prompting Aya to inquire.

"What's on your mind, Grey?" Aya asks, concern etched in her voice.

Reflecting on the past, Eren speaks somberly, "The first time I set foot in this nation, I walked these streets alone, contemplating the looming threat of the Rumbling. Later, in an indeterminate future, I become the harbinger of their destruction. It's predetermined that I'll be the one to cause their demise. I envision a world where we couldn't secure Paradis Island's survival. Everything here—homes, lives, dreams—will vanish. They'll all perish by my hand."

Jean, Aya, and Mikasa wear furrowed brows, visibly affected by Eren's contemplations. Eren continues, wrestling with the weight of his thoughts, "And then I think of my mother. Shouldn't Eldians be the ones to face this fate? Just as the King of the Walls chose a path that led to death? It's true, if Eldians were to vanish completely, the Titan predicament would cease. But having learned the true history, I can't accept such an outcome."

"Eren..." Mikasa frowns.

Suddenly, Eren halts, his gaze fixating on the alleyway. "This alley... I remember encountering the same pickpocket who was being assaulted by others."

"The one who took Captain's wallet?" Jean queries.

"At first, I considered ignoring him, hoping it would alter the course of events, prevent the Rumbling. But my conscience couldn't bear leaving him defenseless. So, I intervened, bringing him back to the refugee camp," Eren recounts.

Mikasa recalls, "I remember. You were emotional, telling me about how the ravages of war had impacted their lives."

"I knew they'd become victims of the Rumbling. I feel lost, unsure of what else to do except apologize and seek forgiveness," Eren admits, shaking his head in distress.

As the somber mood envelops them, Aya notices something amiss. "Hey, where are Fay and Erich?"

Mikasa gasps, "Carla is missing too! Where could they have gone?"

Eren, feeling a pang of worry, groans softly before initiating a search for the missing children.

Meanwhile, the three children find themselves separated from their parents. Carla voices her concern, "We're not with Mama and Papa... What do we do now?"

"Don't worry, they'll find us if we stay here. Nothing bad will happen," Fay reassures her younger sibling.

"And if something does happen, I'll protect you," Erich declares, causing Carla to blush, which she tries to conceal using her green scarf.

"But what if they can't find us?" Fay worries aloud.

"We might have to ask for directions," Erich suggests.

With determination, they approach some locals to seek guidance. However, their attempts are met with indifference and hostility. Some people rudely dismiss them, while others simply ignore their pleas for help. The children find themselves facing a lack of assistance from the unfriendly crowd.

"Seems like no one wants to lend a hand," Erich mutters in frustration.

Anxiety flickers in Carla's voice as she asks, "What do we do now?"

Suddenly, a man and a woman approach them, causing the children to instinctively step back, wary of strangers. The man reassures them, "We won't harm you."

Fay gathers her courage and explains, "We're lost. We have an address but don't know how to get there."

After showing the couple the address, the woman offers, "I know that place. How about we take you there?"

"Thank you so much," Carla expresses her gratitude. "Um... we haven't asked for your names..."

"I'm Falco, and this is my wife Gabi. We work at the nearby health care center," Falco introduces themselves. "What are your names?"

Recalling his father's advice, Erich responds, "I'm Erich, and this is my sister Fay. And she's Carla."

"Alright, Erich, Fay, and Carla," Gabi acknowledges as they begin walking toward the Tybur residence.

As the adults, including Eren, struggle to locate the missing children, frustration simmers among them. "This is frustrating... what's the next move?" Eren questions, his worry evident.

Aya suggests, "Perhaps we should return to the residence and wait for them there. After all, we did provide them with the address."

Jean interjects with a hint of concern, "They'll need more than luck to find their way. If anything happens to my daughter, it's on you."

"Enough," Mikasa intervenes, attempting to diffuse the rising tension between Eren and Jean before it escalates further. She understands the urgency of the situation and attempts to steer their focus toward a solution rather than blame.

As Gabi and Falco accompany the children, they decide to stop by the health care center first. Falco remarks to Carla, "You remind me of a friend we once knew."

Carla responds tentatively, "Really?"

Gabi adds, "Indeed. Though there are falsehoods surrounding her, we know she's the one who halted the Rumbling, the catastrophe that threatened to annihilate our family."

The mention of the Rumbling causes Erich and Fay to flinch. Falco continues, "Everyone here at the health care center endured the horrors of the Rumbling. They lost loved ones and barely survived the catastrophe."

Curious, Fay asks, "Do you hate the Rumbling?"

Falco reflects, "Honestly, I don't like it, but I don't entirely hate it either. Gabi and I were Eldians, subjected to discrimination by the world. All we desired was to prove that we meant no harm and simply wanted to live peacefully. While we despised the Rumbling for destroying our home, upon arriving at Paradis Island, we realized that the truth was more complex. Surprisingly, it was through the Rumbling that people here learned the importance of unity and cooperation."

"Oi! Who are these brats?" A gruff voice interrupts their conversation, drawing their attention to a man seated in a wheelchair.

"Mr. Levi, what brings you here? Shouldn't you be resting?" Gabi questions.

"How am I supposed to sleep with all this racket?" Levi grumbles.

The children exchange hushed whispers. Fay leans in, commenting, "Gabi called him Levi... could he be the Levi Ackermann Dad told us about?"

"If that's the case, these people might know our father and potentially the alliance as well," Erich deduces. "It means we can't ask them for directions; otherwise, they might recognize us."

"We apologize for the disturbance; it's probably best if we leave," Erich expresses, sensing the need to depart.

Falco interjects, "But we haven't shown you the address yet."

"It's alright, we'll manage," Carla insists as they make a swift exit from the health care center. Levi, curious, questions, "What's the deal with those kids?"

"They were asking about an address, and we thought of showing them around the health care center before directing them," Falco explains.

Gabi, sensing something amiss, remarks, "I still find those three rather mysterious. We should investigate further."

With Levi's insistence, the trio decides to trail after the children, leaving the care center to unravel the mystery surrounding Erich, Fay, and Carla.

As Erich, Fay, and Carla dash out of the center, Fay queries, "What now?"

Their worries vanish as they hear familiar voices calling out their names. Eren, Mikasa, Aya, and Jean rush toward them. "Erich! Fay! Carla!" Eren exclaims with relief, enveloping them in a tight embrace.

"Mama! Papa!" The children return the hug, feeling comforted by their parents' presence.

Eren's concern emerges, "Why did you three run off like that? Do you realize how worried we were?"

"We're sorry..." the children apologize in unison.

"It's alright. The important thing is that you're safe," Mikasa reassures them. "Let's head back before the others become anxious."

Agreeing with Mikasa, the children nod, ready to depart. But just as they prepare to leave, a voice calls out, "Jean, Mikasa, is that you?"

Startled, everyone turns around. It's Levi, accompanied by Gabi and Falco, standing behind him. The unexpected encounter leaves the group in a tense and uncertain situation.

"Captain Levi, it's been a long time," Jean greets him with a hint of nostalgia.

Levi's gaze shifts to Mikasa. "So you decided to reappear. I thought you were intent on leading a solitary life on Paradis Island."

"I may have chosen solitude, but it doesn't mean I can't visit here on my own terms. As much as we'd like to catch up, we really must be on our way," Mikasa responds, her tone holding a firmness tinged with regret.

Falco, inquisitive, addresses Jean and Mikasa, "And who might these two be? Are they the children's parents?"

Sharing a glance, Jean steps in, "Yes, they are. Our daughter has formed a close bond with their children, so we thought a vacation together would be nice."

"I see," Gabi acknowledges.

Levi gazes intently at the pair. He feels a strange familiarity—the man eerily resembling Eren Yeager, the so-called devil who orchestrated the Rumbling, and the woman bearing a resemblance to someone from his past, one of his former comrades. The recognition sparks a sense of unease within him.

Eren takes the initiative, stating firmly, "We need to leave now; we can't keep others waiting."

"Apologies," Mikasa adds before they swiftly depart. Falco, trying to ease the situation, remarks, "Looks like they're here for a vacation. Perhaps it's best if we don't bother them."

However, Levi's curiosity isn't satiated. "I'm sorry, but I have more questions that need answering. Assist me; we're following them."

Confusion clouds Gabi and Falco's expressions as they wonder about Levi's interest in tailing the group. Nevertheless, feeling compelled to assist their captain, they agree to accompany Levi in pursuit of Jean, Mikasa, and the children, intending to unravel the mysteries that seem to shroud the newcomers.

In this new chapter, Captain Levi, Gabi, and Falco make an appearance, encountering Carla, Erich, and Fay without recognizing their true identities. However, they harbor suspicions not only about Eren and Aya but also about the newcomers. The chapter delves into their intrigue and the looming question of whether they will uncover the truth. I hope you enjoy this chapter.

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