chapter 12, unknown crime arc: find clue and beat

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Issei is in school's library. He searching about unknown crime on computer.

The unknown crime was stupid name but also reasonable because someone Decide to slaughter 20 children without witness.

People Like reader you guy are wonder why police don't call the greatest detective like Shinichi kudo or Batman from gotha ko 6 kom.

Let remind you that they are normal being not supernatural hero.

They didn't knew who was the murder

'damm those internet news! Giving useless information than certain information' issei said in his mind as he remove those eyeglasses from his sigh.

Issei rub his eye. ' I suddenly start having blindess after I fight that damm kraken but my sight start having problem after that but also my hand is also a big problem too...'

He look at empty hole on his palm,Warping by bandage

'first problem gonna be everyone would be call nerd if wear glass. Then second problem is gonna be my hand, they would ask me if I did anything stupid'

He put the hand, that have a hole on it. Into his pocket.

Issei hid the eyeglasses away, just in case if someone see him wearing it.

Issei walk out the library with a sigh.

Meanwhile in library, aika was watching issei from her hidding spot


'come are aika of this world. You use to be a nerd boy before reincarnate into this universe!'

At somewhere. A short blond hair girl got sent to the wall.

"W-wait moto-" before she could finish her sentences.

Motohama dash infront her with a straight punch at rate of high speed.

Kushida immediately recive a punch into her gut. The punch was too much for her to take. Kushida fall unconscious

"You should have end me at the head" motohama whisper those cold word out from his mouth.

"HOW DARE ATTACK MY RA-" A woman with long blue hair wearing red suit.

The only thing she get from him is a kick for every falling angel.

Every fallen angel gather into army.

"What are you waiting for! FIRE ALL HOLY SPEAR".that one fallen angel said.

They gather their holy power to form a spear.

Art of domain

The fallen angel throw holy spear at motohama.


Those holy spear make on contact as dust smoke cover motohama's standing area.

Those arrogant angel thought they kill a human but nope!

But once the smoke dust settle, it reveal to be that their attack only scratch motohama's shirt and pant.

The technique need the user to release their spiritual energy out to the material world.

By doing that, the user can form a domain to reducing the power of those spear.

On motohama's hand isa short blunt sword with a wooden handle and a blade wrapped in a cloth with a splattered black dot design.

He fix his eyeglasses position.

Side mission: revenge of betrayed love

Motohama quickly rush at them.

The male fallen angel quickly form a holy sword to make a horizontal slash.

It was only make more colorful for motohama dodge underneath the slash.

Motohama's sight right now is target's body with lines divided into tenths.

The blunt sword might look like harmless from the outside.

But the weapon had been infuse with a legendary fighter's techniques call ratio.

The name might sound lame but techniques isn't lame

The techniques grants him the ability to divide his target with lines and forcibly create a weak spot at the ratio point of seven to three

If he is able to strike one of these lines on exactly the seven-to-three ratio point, he could deliver a critical hit to the subject

He strike with blunt sword at knee's location. Then he went past male fallen angel and stand up to turn around to strike at the head spot.

The male fallen angel fall into three part.

The fallen gang were terrified. Their comrades were alive from 5 second ago.

Motohama look at them with unnatural atmosphere.

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