chapter 13, unknown crime arc: you know me?

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Issei standing bridge. His eye is squinting because he can't see clearly right now.

The girl infront of him is abit blurred.

" I accept to be your girlfriend?" The girl said

"I'm sorry to have to say this but we barely even knew each other name and also do you mind if I wear something on?" Issei said

"Umm sure" the girl said it softly

Issei take out eyeglasses and put them on.

The girl is blush about issei's sudden handsome. The most pervert of big three is freaking handsome with eyeglasses.

"Alright I can see you clearly now" Issei said as he look at the girl standing in front of his face

"Who are you again?" Issei asked

"I literally just told you my name 10 seconds ago" the girl said.

" My name is Yuuma Amano" the girl name Yuuma introduce herself.

"So you are new?" Issei ask with a question mark on his head

"What?NO!" Yuuma answer with a shout

"That's strange because from what I remember correctly. There shouldn't be another school in this town and you wearing different school uniform from here" Issei explain

"And you act like you knew me from somewhere. " Issei then began to connect dot

Yuuma's eye immediately wide about Issei's knowledge

'I thought he was stupid and also pervert to fall in love with me immediately without wasting more of my time' Yuuma? Thought her plan can go smoothly but she didn't made a plan B for this situation.

"is it because I'm resemblance of your ex boyfriend from your old place!"

" Eh?" Yuuma's brain had stop working after Issei conclusion that shit

"So you went back to this town is because of your boyfriend. Because you still remember him and make a mistake between me and him"

Sanzu after reading this shit.

" The duck is this?"

Sans gojo: don't know

' is this human stupid to think that I had ex? I'm still single and also a virgin' Yuuma said in her mind as she let out a sweat

" I'm sorry to said this Amano chan but I'm can't be your boyfriend because one day you will mistake between him and me" Issei said as he walk past Yuuma.

While Yuuma still processing about WTF just happen.

Meanwhile koneko is confusing about the shit just happen right.

Meanwhile at somewhere in the church.

On surface are many feather. Motohama look at the remaining fallen angel including kushida.

" Be lucky because if I see of you again then be ready to get kill" motohama said before he disappear in high speed movement.

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