chapter 6: back to school after discharge

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Kouh academy, it was originally an all-girls private school. Before it changed into a co-ed school and the new school building was constructed, although there are still more girls than boys studying at the school.......

In issei's class

Everyone doing there shit. The boy side is talking about how pretty and size of pair water melon about their queen in school. Expect motohama and matsuda, they wouldn't give a talking about the queen in this school

In the duo mind, they were questioning about Daniel Park's second body potential. Imagine yuichiro hamma vs Gun Yamazaki, who would win in XXX battle.

"Wait that feel so wrong!"sanzu interrupt the narrative

Their homeroom teacher enter the class.everyone went back to their seat. The girl still talking about their activities and imagine shit even author won't write it.

"Alright class, may I get your attention?" Teacher ask. Everyone stop talking

"There's a old student of our just got discharge from hospital" teacher said before fix his eyeglass position.

The door open revealing to be Issei step into the class with a wave. "Hi guy"

Everyone look at him with disgust. They still remenber about the old version, where he is still peek at those girl chest and peach.

His left hand got wrap in bandaged. "What happen to your hand?"motohama said with a dry voice.

"You could said I help someone before get punch by someone" issei said.

"Alright Issei. Go back to your seat" teacher said as he look at his student walk to his seat.

The class began with the math lesson

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