chapter 7:still train but in secret

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The class has passed 3 subjects. Issei look on flip phone.'30 minute break huh? Guess I can study other form of basic with water style' issei said in his mental.

He took out a book from his bag. The title is call "art of Blade". It just random reward after he complete his daily mission.

But this book giving issei's knowledge about swordmenship. He still learning the basic form before he use unique form like last night.

The news were reporting about a strange phenomenon. Several building got a hole. Street floor got small crater with big crack on it.

'let see here....ah! the second form, water wheel. From the description itself. The user must leaps forward into the air and performs a front flip, releasing a singular vertical slash in a circular motion' he said in his mental as he looking at illustration perform . 'guess I can practice flip later'

'is there any form of speed.' he turn each page.'ah!there is it,the Seventh Form Drop Ripple Thrust. Let see what it describe about. The user must performs a precise, fast and accurate thrust with their blade'

'there also a modifies version too. Drop Ripple Thrust,curve. modified strike that hits from a specific angle corresponding to the sword's structure which nearly nullifies the impact and momentum of a moving object'

He close the book.' that's all I need to use against those akuryo'

Issei stand up from the school grassy field. I know you asking. Why is he carry a schoolbag. Then let me ask you this.

What level of an idiot would you be if you left your schoolbag at class just to let everyone read out your own damm secret!

Also the grassy field did appear in episode 1 of DXD. I'm saying this just in case if everyone doesn't watch the anime and asked me there no grass field in wiki fandom or google .So be thankful.

'i wonder where motohama and matsuda are' issei scratch his head in annoying 'let hope they don't do anything stupid'

He hear then fast step. Motohama and matsuda ran past him. Wind blow through his hair.

"SORRY ISSEI!" They apologize as they ran for their life. Issei was confuse about what they are running from.

"EAT THIS PERV!" Murayama shout in anger as she was about to attack issei with kendo wooden sword.

In a blink, he block the vertical downward attack with his hand. "The fuck is wrong with you!" Issei simply push murayama's shinai aside then punch her right into the gut.

Murayama cough out saliva as she feel impact of the punch. She fall down on her knee. Issei point at her face "next time, don't ever attack me" he make a clear warning. Katase is mad about issei's action.

"HOW DARE YOU ATTACK MY FREIND!!" Katase shout infront of issei's face as she charge toward him.

In issei's vision, she moving very slow for a human. When she preform vertical downward attack. Issei kick the weapon out of Katase's hand.

The other kendo girl look at it flying upward before issei catch on his hand while on mid air. They can't believe what can a pervert like him can do. Issei look down on kendo duo with disappoint.

Katase is defenseless without her shinai. Murayama quickly recover step out to fend The attack for her friend. Issei land down with vertical slash.....They hear a crack sound as both of their shinai shatter.

The menber of kendo club were disbelief. Issei look at the shinai on his hand with empty emotion. He toss the broken weapon away as he walk past them. They would look at him in fear than angry.

From the begin, they weren't match to his current potential. Murayama fall down on her knee, she train and practice her technique for one whole freaking year with her friend and yet. They lose to a fucking perverts, who got discharge from the hospital.

Before issei could fully leave. He look over his shoulder "Hey kendo club" he said.

All kendo menber turn to look at him.

"Don't tell everyone that I beat your kendo president. It will make them look weak in everyone's eye" that's all what issei said before he walk toward to class. Those word make both girl motivate to defeat issei. For them, getting beaten by a preverts like him is a humiliate

'I should be thankful about the fact the that almost everyone are already in cafeteria' he said in mental mind. He still chilling. ' I wonder why they got chase by kendo club?Nah~ I guess they are still choose to peek at them'

The end.

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