devil encounter fallen knight before

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The scene start kiba wake up in immediately after got kick by the false preverts.

????: it seem you got beat by a preverts.

Kiba look after source of the voice. His head turn left side seeing his president string infront of 'him'. She has long crimson hair with blue eyes and is wearing kuoh uniform.

[ rias gremory]

?????: ara ara~ it seem Yumi Chan had been hit by that preverts in 5 time after all~ *teasing*

The girl was standing beside rias ,she has long pony black hair with Violet eye and she also wear kouh uniform like rias.

Scene change to issei who still working and wearing mask concealing nose and mouth from everyone trying to see his face

Issei:*feeling someone talking about*( I have a bad feeling about someone talking about me)

Scene change back to kiba just done shower and have towel over 'his' hair. Soon start to dry and it reveal that prince of kouh academy a girl.

[ Yumi Kiba]


Rias: even since we encounter that unknown sacred gear user 6 month ago

Flashback about 6 month before Jaune use his fake name and enroll to kouh academy

Rias ,Yumi and akeno were still second year high schools, they have a mission about extermination a stray devil and it was giving by rias brother, they did found the stray devil in old warehouse but it was already overpower by it own power and they try their best to defeat it but it overpass their power. Until someone break through the rooftop.

An unknown figures land safely on it feet and his head was conceal by his hood. He wears a black hoodie jacket with short sleeve and underneath is a gray shirt. Below,he wears blue jean and black sneaker on his feet.

Jaune-age16: what the hell is this?

Stray devil:( wait this scent. HE IS A HUMAN!!) it Unfortunately day for you human!

This make rias peerage shock and terrified about Jaune-age16 being human. They cannot let him knows about supernatural world but they a can't even stand on their leg as they watch jaune-age16 about to die.

Jaune-age16: what are you?


Fallen knight launch at stray devil with high movement speed. He pull back his left fist ready to do his attack.

Jaune-age16: White!*charging aura into the fist*Flash!*slam the punch into stray devil gut*

Space got distortion and the floor slowly breaking apart as when a white electric got release out from his punch . Stray devil upper body got destroy and his punch create a big crack over stray devil missing upper body.

Jaune-age16: what a dumbass.* look at rias peerage with unimpressed face* your welcome about that*about to leave*

Yumi finally had enough strength to stand up and she rushes at blond boy

Yumi:WHERE DO YOU THINK YOUR GOING?!*Preform a upward slash at him with high speed*

Jaune-age16 simply one step back away from kiba slash then he used hand to blade combat as his palm strike to blondie jaw make fall back abit and she got another strike into her chest. Kiba was stunned and  she one step back away from Jaune-age16 attack as when he summon destiny wrath on his hand. But a yellow lightning fly pass near Jaune-age16 head then he look at Akeno with no emotion on his face.

He throws his weapon at between Akeno and Rias standing then he disappear in white,blue glass. Jaune-age16 reappear with destiny wrath which in sword mode pointing at Akeno neck and for the other hand was holding jumonji yuri in sword mode, it was near rias neck

Jaune-age16: this is how you thank me about saving your life *was ready to kill them but* try again your Death in next time*two weapon turn into white,yellow,blue glass*

He turn back walking away from this place. Rias had other ideal to use Jaune-age16 but...

Jaune-age16: it you think I will join your stupid group then *still walking* sorry to break but I won't join who I don't know*summon dragger of knight* later Devil!

He then throws the dragger up to the broken rooftop and disappear in white,blue glass. Leaving rias peerage behind.

Akeno: that person was sacred gear user

Flashback end

Kiba:( issei combat style was Similar to that unknown sacred gear user fighting style) *close eyes and remember their fighting style* ( both of them use hand and sword to fight. But issei uses his sword fighting first then after his hand combat and that unknown sacred gear user used his hand to fight first then later for the sword)* open the eye*( their appearance are different from each other, their look almost resemble each other but issei had brown hair and red eyes while that unknown sacred gear user had yellow hair and dark blue eyes)

Then there are 4 figure enter old schoolhouse.

[ Issac Hyoudo]

[ Nanami Hyoudo]

[Koneko Toujou]

[ Aisa Argento]

Nanami: Why did president want us here?!

Issac:*roll eye*stop complaining about it, Nanami

They open the door and enter the room, rias siting infront them and behind crimson devil was Yumi, her knight and Akeno,her queen.

Rias: it seem you guy just got right here on time

Issac: let us guess? It about that unknown sacred gear user isn't?

Rias:*nod in confirm* yes, there is something more about that,Koneko

Koneko:yes president, I have been spy Issei pass 1 month now and I can confirm that Issei is unknown sacred gear user but he was able to sense me behind.

Nanami: where is the proof

Koneko take out the smartphone and press start to show them a video about issei create destiny wrath from blue,white,yellow energy on his hand and he shot koneko hiding place

Issac: that is the proof, Nanami

Yumi: i also notices the way he fight. Issei used hand combat and sword fighting as an combine style. 

Aisa: even the way how issei and his friend talk about normal thing but they don't even talk about preverts thing. 

Rias: I think issac should invites him tomorrow.

Issac:WHAT!! WHY ME!?

Rias: because you are in the same class as him.

Issac:*about to replies but rias got a point*danmit!

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