Explain about their world and a duel from prince

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The scene start to show Issei siting on his bed, Motohama sit on his chair, Matsuda sit on floor.

An awkward silence cross around the room. Not actually, it was someone leans on wall listen to their conversion. Issei take out a ring in quiet without making noise.

He put it on the floor without making noise. The ring itself emitting a blue,white,yellow energy it covering the wall room make it into soundproof.

Issei: this should help us from those, demon* says with a disbelief* but what the hell are you guy!?*point at Motohama and Matsuda*

Motohama: a jujutsu sorcerer and you are? *point at matsuda*

Matsuda: a shinobi from another world and what about you, Issei

Issei: a former huntsmen in traning from another world

Three:......*silence* We are basically from another world right?

Issei: i think we should explain our world

Matsuda: I will the one explain about my world

He start to explain his world,his team,chakra,element jutsu,Kekkei Genkai,seal,chakra artifact, shinobi world war 1 2 3 4.

Matsuda: I sacrificed myself to save my friend*say with a sad smile* until I meet the god of my world and they giving a second chance to live

Issei and Motohama had disbelief expression on their face. Those shinobi bastard sent child out for world war! Issei eye was dropping tear on floor right now. Motohama feel sorry for him

Issei:*put hand on eyes* I feel sad for you

Motohama:*can't say anything but feel sorry for his life*........

Matsuda: it's not your fault anyway. The past may never die but the future is forward, waiting for me to come.

Motohama: it my turn to explain anyway

He start to explain his world as cursed energy, cursed technique,Innate Techniques, cursed spirit,cursed tool,domain Expansion, his job to Exorcist cursed spirit. His friend,teacher,senpai had a last battle with cursed spirit of their life. Then he got reincarnation into this world after his death

Issei was speechless about his friend world. Matsuda cross arm in silence understand his world a little bit similar to Motohama world but more advance than his Ninja world

Motohama: but I hope they are Rest In Peace.* say with a tear drop*

Issei: yeah I hope your teacher and friend can Rest In Peace for now.* look down a bit*

Matsuda: what about your world, Issei?

Issei:*sigh* you guy gonna mad atme after this anyway

He began to explain his homeworld remmant, darkness creature like Grimm, semblance, aura,crystal dust, weapon transformation, four kingdom, battle of him and queen of Grimm, his former life story till last moment of his life.

Motohama and Matsuda were mad about his former friend. Those scumbag abandoned their friend for a mere paper, literally! Both of them release a massive cursed energy/ chakra around their body.

Motohama: they are BUNCH OF SCUMBAG!!* yell in furious*

Matsuda: yeah, they're abandon him just for a mere paper!*say with disgusting tone*

Issei: don't worry about them from my homeworld . Without Grimm they are nothing but former huntsmen themselves .

Motohama: yeah, let hope they won't come here.

Matsuda: gonna be honest for you. They are bunch of asshole, right issei

Issei: yeah, I know*nod* but we should study for tomorr-*sentence got cut by the two*

Two of them: we know how to do math

Issei: nevermind, I also know how to do maths as well

Timeskip brought you by chibi Motohama and matsuda sleep at chibi issei place

Scene change to kouh academy, issei doing math test with no effort on his brain, while class trading for each other answer expect Motohama and matsuda who still answer on test paper without try effort.

Issei:*done the test in 20 minute*( that was.....Easy)*look around and seeing everyone is trading answer for each other except his friend*(but for them....no...)

Motohama:* just finish the test*( I thought the test was hard but.....)*look around in his class*( they don't know how to solve the questions)*sigh*

Matsuda:*just complete the test*( Thank God, i was able to learn this world so call 'math'. If isn't me to have quick learning mind in 7 month)* breath in relief*

The false preverts of trio stand up, every girl and some boy in class room look the false preverts of trio walk infront the teacher and put the test on her desk and and look at their classmate

Issei: *raise hand in front of classmate and give them a middle and index finger* Peace out *vanish into nothingness*

Matsuda:good luck and smoke bomb!* throw small ball on floor and cover in smoke*

Motohama:*open the door normally* see ya guy later* step out the room and close the door like nothing happen*

Everyone have jaw drop and confuse about how they done their own test while everyone in trading for answer but the trio are the first one to finish their test just in 22 minute

Scene change to Issei, Motohama and Matsuda lying on grass, they look at the cloud. Until someone want to disturb their relax silence.

Issei: what do want*sat up*Kiba.

Look over his shoulder with no emotion on his eyes. These make kiba flinch a bit but he was bored anyway

[ Yuuto kiba]

Kiba: there no one in the academy want a duel with me*sigh* so that why I challenge you Issei Noctis a battle of me and you

Issei: alright let me go take something *stand up and going somewhere*

Motohama and Matsuda:( they're just ignoring us now)

Timeskip brought you by chibi Issei holding a wooden katana while walking

Issei come back with two wooden katana and throw one for kiba. Both of them stand outside the school building. The girl from every class cheering for kiba while the boy bet issei is gonna lose but they don't know much but his preverts acting skill to fool them.

Motohama and Matsuda:( I confuse how he takes the wooden sword out of nowhere now)


Ladies and gentlemen!!


Our battle will start in


Issei: want me go easy on you?*calm expression*


Kiba:*raise eyebrow* uhmm Yeah!


Both of them went into fighting sword stance. Ready for a battle


The two rush at each other with normal human speed. Their sword clash at each other sword

They jump back away and land on their feet distant away from each other. Issei charge toward kiba with a downward slash but the blond prince raise the sword up as he block Issei strike. But that slash was able to push kiba down on one knees but he able push issei back away from him make a distant for kiba to attack.

Kiba quickly got up in right time to launch himself at issei with a upward slash. The false brown one step back away from blonde prince attack. Issei use hand to blade combat as when he use his palm strike to kiba jaw make him fall back abit but another palm strike at chest. This make kiba feel hard to breath and it took him a few step back away.

Round 1 END

Kiba vision slowly got clear and his breathing rate start to return to normal.

Issei: you holding up?*mocking kiba*

Kiba:*close eye and having a flashback*

Kiba flashback about 2 minute ago

Issei: want me go easy on you?

Kiba:*raise eyebrow* uhmm yeah!

Kiba flashback end

Kiba:*shake head* Why did I say that again?

Issei:say what?*wooden sword on shoulder and distant away from kiba*

Kiba:are you going easy on me?

Issei:*smile abit* you did say yes

Kiba:you mean...that wasn't your best?

Issei:*shake head* Oh...no no no no no*raise eyebrow and smile abit* did you want me to go full out?


Issei:*walk to aside* are you sure?

Kiba:*went into fighting stance* yes!

Issei:* stop and get into fighting stance* wish grant

Round 2....BEGIN!!

He launch at kiba with a little bit faster than before. Kiba swing at issei hip, when false preverts slide underneath the slash as he quickly got up and swing the wooden katana behind kiba back. Blond prince turn back but get hit on his hip then kiba try to counter issei as the blond prince use his sword as a shield to block.

Kiba keep pushing back by issei strength. Issei swing his sword straight down make kiba slid back away from him and issei leaps toward kiba.

Kiba quickly raise his above his head as he block issei vertical slash while fallen knight still on mid air.

Kiba:( he can't do anything while still on mid a-)*got kick into the face*

Kiba got sent flying aside and issei land down with his feet, finally the blond prince got roll on surface with few scratch on his body and face.

Issei:*sigh* what a disappointment* put the sword on shoulder*



Scene change to issei's classmate who have disbelief,shock, amaze, stunned expression face.

The kendo captain:( HOW!? That preverts was able hit our prince in total 5 hit!! While we can't even lay a single hit on him before!! And he just simply hit our prince without trying effort!!)

Everyone in each classroom were live streaming about their battle.

Scene change to issei who forgot to watch time until Motohama touch his friend shoulder

Motohama: Issei, you are getting late...* Holding Issei and his bag*

Issei:........FUCK!!*quickly take his bag* SEE YOU LATER!!* Run while wave hand at Motohama*

Matsuda and Motohama:......FUCK WE ARE LATE FOR OUR WORK!!* Rush to their work place*

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