|normal| student meet another scrow

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The scene start to show issei/Jaune is listening to music while still wearing his IPod, Matsuda/Neji leans on wall with arm cross, Motohama/megumi sits on stair thinking something just happen about yesterday.

As they can sill hear about the girl saying something but Issei and Matsuda look up at the stair. Rias was standing infront their sight. She looks down on the trio. False brown boy took off his earphone and put into to his pocket pant

Matsuda: red hair, twelve o'clock* warn his glass friends*

This got Motohama attention and he looks up at the stair. He feel something off about rias. Issei looks at Matsuda with a surprise face, he knews his 'prevert' friend will says something about the 'watermelon' or the thick part but he was not except about his word coming out from his mouths.

Motohama: Rias?*mutter*

The girl behind redhead praise about how amazing,awesome,gorgeous she is. Rias walk down the stair passing the false prevert trio. She open her eye to a side look them in underestimate but they was her worse choice about her action as they give her a death glaze. Outside rias act like it was fine but inside her mind was terrified about the deadly aura cover around the trio. She still walking down stair and act nothing happen. The false prevert trio look at her walking away.

Issei: it kind the weird for someone who have a weird name.

Motohama: i mean her name in Spanish mean 'Laugh'*push his glass up a little*

[ author: yes, I did read highschool DXD fanfic in Spanish language and it translate rias in Spanish mean laugh ]

Matsuda: yeah. It's weird anyways but I think we should study math for exam tomorrow

Both shadow glass and fallen knight nod in agree but three of them know how to do math but they don't want any attention from school. So yeah! They always had low score in each subjects just to make sure every girl in this academy won't make them doing the girl homework.

Issei: I swear(to Monty Oum), I dream about a girl who grow black feather behind her back

Motohama: same but she throw a light weapon at me in my dream.(literally)

Matsuda: wait you guy dream about crow being a human girl?*confuse*

Both of them: yes!*look at each other then look at matsuda* what about you?

Matsuda: me? Well, I did have a same dream but she teases me in my dream and try to kill me after.

Three:*sigh*( I swear that I will kill that damn bird!)

Issei: alright, where were we? Ah Right! Exam!

Matsuda: yeah, Motohama and Me will come to your place for study.

Issei:*nod* got it study for the exam tomorrow.

The bell school ring. They on their way to classroom as Motohama open the door and chalk eraser was about to drop on him but issei quickly slap the chalk eraser out of the way.

Issei: that's not how treat your classmate!*point at kendo captain*

As kendo captain look at them with confuse but his prevert friend always knew their prank with same trick

[ Murayama Ishihara]

[Katase Ogura]

Issei:*narrow at them* don't try to fool us like time!

Murayama: how come you know that's is us?!* feel something about pierce her throat*

Motohama hold a pen infront her and it was prepared for her neck

Motohama:* look at her with anger expression* try.again.you.will.be.death!*release killing intent*

Murayama step back look at the glass 'preverts' with fear expression on her face but matsuda was beside his friend. He hold Motohama wrist as he stop his friend action was prepare to do.

Motohama:*pull back his hand* tch. What a annoying day* look at her then walk to his seat*

Issei let out a heavy sigh. He walk to his seat

Matsuda: you should be relief about me stopping him*look at her with cold eye and walk to his seat*

Katase touch her friend shoulder making Murayama snap out of her fear. They went into their seat but Murayama will get nightmare after her action

Time skip brought you by chibi Issei teleport by throwing weapon while chibi Ken use flash dash chase after.

After school, every student walk out the gate. Matsuda,Motohama,Issei was passing fountain in park and they holding a book name' strongest swordsmen of dual flame'. It already night as two 'prevert' friend of his was going to his apartment to study overnight

???: so you kid are the one that who they talk about?

The false preverts of trio turn back at the source of voice. The person infront of them was a middle age looking man with short hair and dark blue eyes . The clothes he was wearing a pale gray trench coat over a white dress shirt with a matching ascot,black pants and shoes,a pair of gloves,and a black fendora.

Issei:*feel a similar aura surrounding him*( so they are.....Amano comrade. Heh)

Motohama and matsuda had a same feeling about this man as they remember about their ex also giving out a similar energy from them.

Motohama:*look up and see the night sky was different from before*( heh, it happened like last time eh?)

Matsuda:( it seem I don't any choice but to do it)*prepare for a fighting stance*

Issei and Motohama look at their friend. He releases the jutsu , creating the smoke around his body. when the bald 'preverts' swing his open palm, blow the smoke away when he reveal his true apparence then he went into his fighting stance

Neji/matsuda: I will explain later!*ready to fight*

Motohama take off his glass then put his hand on hair. He stroked his hair making it back to long spiky hair style

Megumi/Motohama: your not the only to explain

Something coming out from his shadow then he grab it without hesitation. It reveal to a black sword and ready for the battle

Issei: don't leave me behind!*summon phantom*

He create his weapon 8 weapon make from his aura. It float around him as projection but when he grab them, they will turn into real material weapon

Issei/Jaune: Now,let dance*grab destiny wrath* Before we fight, we should introduce ourselves first*point the weapon in gun mode at the crow*

Matsuda and Motohama:*deadpan expression* you serious right now?

The man put his hand on under chin and thinking something on his head but then he pull his hand down.

???: you right, where is manner, my name is Dohnaseek, I'm a fallen angel and I here to get rid off your head, sacred gear user

False preverts trio: our name is Issei Noctis/Motohama Fushiguro /Matsuda Hyuga.* get ready for a battle*

Ladies and gentlemen!!

The false trio perverts vs Fallen Angel!!

Our Battle will began in


Dohnaseek create a light spear and spin it around in circle


Issei change his weapon into sword mode, Matsuda active byakugan, Motohama spin his black sword in circle manner


The trio ready for a fight as well for the fallen angel.


The fallen angel spreads his wings as he flys at them. He throws destiny wrath at him and in 1 second, Issei appears in front of the fallen angel with his eyes was wide . Issei swing his blade in vertical manner but the fallen angel quickly use his spear as a shield to block . Brown 'preverts' try to used more force to push. Until Matsuda warn him about an up coming attack.

Matsuda: Issei! dodge!

Issei successfully to push back the fallen angel and he quickly equip dragged of knight, then he throw it up on high air, he disappear and reappear on high air. But the fallen angel just slide back a little not until

Matsuda: Eight Trigrams Vacuum Palm!

He releases a high-speed palm thrust into the air . He attack the fallen vitals from a distance. He blowing Dohnaseek off his feet with tremendous force before he even notice he was hit.

Dohnaseek feel the air hit him and the fallen angel was sent flying . Cough out saliva but Fushiguro would run pass over Dohnaseek and he stop infront the flying fallen angel until he preform a upper kick on head.

Fallen angel was on mid air and fall on ground still had his consciousness but his body was hurt and motionless. Matsuda and Motohama were distant away from Dohnaseek body. Issei was still on high air then he change two weapon on his hand into hammer of war.

Matsuda was ready to used bottom palm and Motohama black sword start to cover in cursed energy , both of them leap at fallen angel. Issei was falling on high air with hammer of war behind his back and prepare to strike his hammer down.

In slow motiom, a magic circle appear under fallen anger and it take Dohnaseek away from their attack.


Their attack create an major impact and dust was everywhere, it cover the trio in cloud of smoke. Soon it start to disappear revealing the trio. Matsuda palm was on ground with a big crack. Motohama sword break the surface and issei hammer create a big crack on surface.

The false trio perverts!!

They slowly stand up with no injure on them but the park?

Issei: I think we should leave before anyone come nearby*suggest*

Motohama:*understand* we should go to your apartment?

Matsuda:*nod in agree* yeah, let go to your apartment.

Issei: yeah, let go and we should ourselves at my apartment

They left the scene leaving a big broken surface and some destroy tree there.

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