here your answer

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Motohama: Alright our first question

My Question: issei how do you feel about your former friends and will you ever forgive them?

Issei: how do I feel about them? I'm feel rage,broken and lastly betray. Will I gonna forgive them? Hear my straight answer...No

Issei, is it true that in your past life you promise your sister that will be home with her

Matsuda: wait you had a past life?

Issei: I... don't know like even since I come to earth. I saw some memory that I don't had back on remnant before

Matsuda: what did you remember?

Issei: I remember about twin sister that had brown hair and is about 10 or 12 year old I think?

If you were somehow able to return back to your homeworld, what would you do?

Issei: I don't know. Maybe visit my family and beat racsit people I guess?

For the three of you if you could 'smash' and date a video game charater Who would it be? I would like see each of your respective answer

Issei: Woah Woah!*suprise*

Matsuda: look buddy, we respect your question but we are too old for dating someone

Motohama: we are not 'smashing' Someone we Don't know!

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