S2:quick battle and...Kind first son of night sky

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The scene start to show Rin jump back away from irina slash at Rin bandage chest

Rin:*land down*Are you trying to kill me!

Irina:Oh, I have to kill my friend in my hometown!*shake her body*What a cruel fate!

Rias: Rin, avoid direct attack!*warn her*

Rin: I already knew it!*go into stance and charge*

Xenovia look at Rin Sacred gear, Sode no Shirayuki also know as the first ice type sacred gear in supernatural world but this is the first time for her saw it

Xenovia: The first ice type sword? With Asia Argento Twilight healing and your sacred gear, Sword birth, You have got a lot of the pagan sacred treasures

Yumi: my power is come from the resentment of my fallen comrades*grab Holy Eraser*the one killed who died with regret!

She charge toward god follower without thinking any plan. Then both female weapon meet each other in a clash

Yumi: With this power, I will destroy the Excalibur with their wielder!

Scene change to Sans and Shirou watching this season 2 story verse

Shirou Mori:*spit out Banana*FOR THE LAST TIME! THAT IS NOT A REAL EXCALIBUR!!*yell*

Sans Gojo : that just gonna bullshit right now*facepalm*




Sans: don't you think he's already OP?

Shirou: What make you think that?

Sans: He can teleport with his weapon and he also have time and space dust inside his blood remenber? He still haven't show any technique than 3

Shirou: damm you right

Scene change back Issei, who was laying grass, sleeping peacefully then Matsuda slap issei face

Issei:*got slap and wake up in confuse* Next chapter already?

Matsuda: yeah...*nod slowly*

Since Rin and Yumi are both rias knight, their speed can match at both god follower. They were trading blow from their blade but Yumi sword fighting style seen to be more aggressive than Issei style.

Xenovia and Yumi done trading blow on mid air as they back away. blondie swordwomen land back to Magic sword surface as she grab both Flame Delete and Fire Sword up before holy eraser land behind her.

Xenovia land down on grass surface as when she take a stance with her Dil-ahem I mean Excalibur Destruction

Yumi: Burn! And then freeze!*activive the magic inside the sword*

She charge toward the god follower again but she didn't notice a small black and red spark coming off from her body.

(Yami:yes yes YES YESS!*excited* LET YOUR HATRED RELEASE!! )

Her stray devil side? Was ready to take over her host body. But issei notices something was off here, his senses keep telling him to stop her before bad thing that gonna happen.

Yumi leap toward xenovia as she swing both of her Sword at God follower but xenovia quickly stop the slash by using holy sword as a shield. Yumi was on mid air as when Xenovia push blondie back away, she took the chance to attack blondie sword

Xenovia: You're being aggressive!*swung at Flame delete and fire sword*

She completely destroy two magic sword but when Xenovia raise holy sword while holding it in upside down position. Yumi quick make a distant between them

At the moment, Matsuda,Motohama and issei was playing UNO! Then an earthquake interrupted their game as the trio and rias peerage look at the. One who cause it

Xenovia standing at center of crater with no scratch on her battlesuit. The holy was stab on ground

Xenovia: The Holy Sword of Destruction, Excalibur Destruction*pull it up*it name is not just for show!

Yumi:Even after being split into seven, it still has much destruction power *stammer*then there's going to be a lot of carnage to destroy all seven sword *eye become sharp*

Rin: Kiba, you-

Yumi:*slowly stand and sweep dust off*Aw, Xenovia, Why did you have to destroy the ground suddenly?*grab Excalibur mimic up*Now then, it about time to decide thing

Rin:...Dance, Sode no Shirayuki: Some no mai, Tsukishiro

She holding her sacred gear upside down, making the blade glows. A circle was appear under irina feet. Rin slash at the target in that circle space but irina dodge that attack away as Rin creating an extending pillar of light which freezes everything within the circle

Irina dash past Rin with a slash on her gut. ice swordwomen fell down with demonic energy smoke come out from her injure as her sacred gear shatter into ice

Nanami: SIS!*run to her sister*

Nanami help her sister and look at irina with furious. She really want to kill irina even if she was her childhood friend

Irina: It's over* holy sword turn back into string tied*

Rias: it can't be helped. Shido Irina, I acknowledge your win

Yumi gather destruction power into the sword, making destruction sword which look like two gigantic sword

Yumi: Let see which of our destruction power are Better!*charge*

When she rush toward xenovia but a big buster sword stop infront of her sight. Issei land onto hilt with his hand in pocket

issei: sorry to interrupt but you can stop fight now,girl

Xenovia: that can't be...*surprise*How did You attain that sword!

Issei: and here I thought you not that dumb?*handclap* you should know me with a small detail on it*smirk*


Issei land on surface with his feet. Making buster sword shatter in glass. The moment he extend toward. Xenovia quickly went into fighting stance

Issei: foolishness...girl

He create 9 projection phantom weapon at Xenovia, surrounding her was 9 projection make out from his aura

Issei: I AM the fallen knight

This make two of them shock

Story tale

in supernatural world, there were a rumor about a Human having an unknown sacred gear that happen to 8 weapon that floating around their host but someone from Youkai Faction, had been save by him.

When the Youkai ask the unknown sacred gear wielder, who had save him from stray devil

Youkai: W-ho... Are...You?

The Youkai ask the stranger infront of him, his tone can be seen scared,shake in fear. The stranger just look at the Youkai male with nothing but emotionless eye

?????: I am the fallen knight of broken moon

The stranger did not say out his name but only his title name from his homeworld. The Youkai bow down on it knee, thanking the stranger but when the youkai look up. He only see empty spot that.

The youkai stell his friend about the fallen knight have save his life. So rumor start as the fallen knight become more famous, they start to think that the fallen knight was a fallen angle but The fallen angel faction deny that rumor because there No way a fallen can create 8 different projection holy magic, that would in possible for create it in instant

The youkai happen to be draw how fallen knight look like, the face was not clear because the youkai didn't remember what his face look like but his cloth and weapon was still remember. he show to his art to everyone in every faction

Story tale end

Irina: All this time, The fallen knight was A human!*was shock*

Issei: I can end you right here and right now

Xenovia may destroy issei phantom weapon but he could kill her in less second

Issei: I give you two choice, Give up or dead here *Dead serious*

Xenovia:( he is serious)*lower down her sword* I yield

Issei: good choice

He simply make phantom weapon disappear in crystal.

Yumi:Why? Why Did you stop our fight!WH-*got hand chop on head*Ouch!

Issei: if you think I'm dumb enough not notice your hatred

Yumi: WHY DO YOU CARE HUH!!*yell*

Issei: I'm used to have a hatred feeling like you...


Issei: if you want yourself to be get damage by that sword*point at holy sword*Tell me kiba, what would you do when you achieve it?

Yumi was awkward silent after issei say it.

Issei: look, revenge only leave you when you're done but when it done what would you do?

Issei: revenge mean nothing




Issei: Good, you should glad about not dealt the final blow from that sword*point at holy sword*

Xenovia Grab white robe and put it on her

Xenovia: look like this is it. Is that all right Rias gremory?

Rias: Yes, as their master, I'm glad

Xenovia: Well then, please remember what we talked about before.*about to walk away*

Rias: just out of curiosity. Did you ever find out which fallen angle stole the holy sword?

Xenovia:*stop and look at her* the one who actually did it was the leader of the Grigori,Kokabiel.

Motohama:Who?*tilt head in confuse*

Akeno: a group of fallen angle also known as the One Who Watch Over the children of god

Rias: You're taking on a leader class with only the two you? Are you planing on dying?

[ Sans Gojo: Yes, Yes they are]

[Shirou Mori:He~ Dumbass]

Xenovia: if it to keep the fallen angle from using the holy sword, I will trade my life to annihilate them.

Irina: we understand the danger. Someone's already died.

Irina: A priest who came to this town to check out ahead of time

Yumi: The one who did it was Freed Sellzen.

That make Asia, Nanami and Rin eye widen in shock

Rias: that stray priest?

Yumi: I happen to be there when he died.

Issei: so he is the one that had a holy sword?

Xenovia: A stray priest, Huh? I see, so that how it is. I appreciate the information But don't involve yourself further in our problem.*turn back* we will take our leave now*walking away*

Irina: Wait for me, Xenovia!*goes after her*

Timeskip brought you by chibi issei holding true Excalibur in confuse while chibi Xenovia and Chiba Irina jaw drop

It was midnight outside, issei in his apartment, fixing his combat cloth. It got torn and scratch last time on remnant

Issei: almost don-*feel a familiar aura energy*Huh? Wait this aura!

He open the window and jump out the window. Follow that aura coming from

Issei:(I need to get there fast!)*materialize jet sword on under feet*

He activate the jet from the hilt as it release out white,yellow flame. He fly toward the aura that been release from there.
Scene change to abandon warehouse, a black hair kid was crawling in pain. The kid having wound and scar on little boy body. A stray devil slowly approaching The little boy

Stray devil: He~he~he~he~*psychopath laugh* it was fun to play my meal~

Black hair kid:(dad...anyone...please...help...me...)*vison slowly became blur*

Then someone break past the abandoned warehouse roof. Preform a superhero landing infront the kid

Black hair kid:Da...d?*go into unconsciousness*

Issei look over his shoulder, saw his son bleeding from wound.

Stray devil: Oh my~ it seem like I have another meal~

Issei/Jaune clench his fist in frustrated about the stray devil dare hurt his son, Yuichiro into this state of pain!


Dad knight
Claw stray devil


issei usually holding back in every fight but this time.... Was not

Special attack: Unleash of Noctis

He create 9 projection phantom weapon as issei slowly floating up into the air

The stray was underestimate the power that issei had but soon it will learn it own big mistake when issei grab stray devil face instant

They both fly out the old warehouse with High Hypersonic speed level. Breaking the sound barrier behind them

Issei slam stray devil into grass field as when a big crater was form on surface. Fallen knight disappear in shatter glass

He reappear on sky, sent 9 projection phantom weapon at stray devil

Jaune materialize Destiny wrath in sword mode then he pull the trigger, emitting a yellow,white energy from the blade. He land down with downward slash energy release

He kill the stray devil with a huge energy wave.

The winner is...
Dad knights!

Issei standing there with 9 projection phantom weapon floating around him.

Issei:*look at bare palm*it been while...since I used it

He teleport back to that warehouse in unleash of noctis state as he pick up his injure son, Yuichiro Noctis, his adoption son

Issei teleport back to his apartment

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