S2: A life where no grimm,Curse spirit, Ninja but...that

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Scene start to show Yuichiro laying on his dad bed

Yuichiro slowly open his eye. His vision was blur but it slowly become clear for the fallen knight Son. The little boy raise the upper body of him

Yuichiro: (Where am I?)*confuse*(I saw dad save me before I knock out)

Jaune:*open the door and see his son was awake* hey son...*form a small smile*

Yuichiro:DAD!*leap toward Jaune in happiness*

Jaune:Woah!*got embrace by son and almost lose balance* that was clos-*notices his son tear fall*

Yuichiro:*tear slowly fall down from his eye* I thought *sniff* my *sniff* life *sniff* was over again*cry while hugging his father*

Jaune:there there *pat his son head* your father is here now

The son cry in fear as jaune continue comfort his son. After that

Jaune: son...do you want some pancake?

Yuichiro:*sniff* Yeah*sniff*

Time skip brought you by chibi Yuichiro eating pancake from his Chibi Dad make for

Jaune:(should I make a call?)*look at his son eating pancake happily* (maybe I should) son,I'm gonna make a call okay?

His son just nod and look at his dad walk out the apartment. When he about to make a phone call, suddenly he get a email from kouh academy

Jaune:(strange?Is this master instinct?)*shook head and open email* (announcements kouh student, the school will have a day off today because someone burn the school. Huh? I wonder who)

[sans gojo:*holding lighter* Hope someone not notice]

[shirou mori:*holding fire thrower*yeah hope so*look away*]

Jaune:(well since today is my day off. Maybe I should do some fun for me and Yuichiro I mean I'm on earth, where there no soulless Grimm)

He went back inside his apartment. He see his son was done eating

Jaune:*form a small smile*(i maybe took My son to some place for Fun and cloth too) Yuichiro*kind tone*

Yuichiro:yes dad?

Jaune: Do want go to the zoo?

Yuichiro:*confuse cute expression*Hmm what is a Zoo dad?

Jaune:( My son is a ADORABLE!!) Zoo is where many animal are little resemble of Grimm but have living soul*explain*

Yuichiro:Ohhh*understandable* THEN CAN WE GO THERE!*excited*

Jaune:( still the energies kid) Fine*smile* but~

He used aura dash to take the dishes as he cleaning the dish in 10 second.

Jaune:*grab his key car*okay let go, Yuichiro

Scene change to Parking lot car.Issei taking his son to The fallen knight car.

He was lucky enough to bought this car and having true driver license before enroll to kouh academy. In free time, Jaune was rebuild it to become a convertible to flying model and how did he had so much money? Well he had 2 job than 1 job, my reader! Unlike some random male/reader story suddenly have many money make out of nowhere just appear in their story like seriously?!

Jaune put his son on back seat car while Jaune move to driver seat.

Jaune:alright let go *grab Manual Transmission car* time to go for the ZOO


Jaune:What?*look at Yuichiro with a joking smile*

He quickly drive the car out of the parking lot and was drive to Tokyo. At the same time, Motohama and Matsuda was at restaurant.

Motohama: Tokyo having news about nightmare shadow taking innocent life

Matsuda: Nightmare beast is targeting people life now!*surprise*

Motohama: we need to call issei now because we are the only people that can see those and enter that world

Matsuda: yeah, No need to say more*take out his iPhone*now is our time to hide*calling issei Noctis number*

Issei was focus on driving but his pocket pant feel vibrate from his phone as he take it out and see Matsuda calling him

Issei:*accept the call*Moshi Moshi

Matsuda: Hey coffee maker,wanna hear news?

Issei: what is the news, delivery man?

Matsuda: Nightmare beast

Issei: what about it?

Matsuda: those thing attack people at Tokyo in night And we need to get there before it attack more people life!

Issei: I was about drive to Tokyo with my son anyway.

Matsuda: good because we are needed a drive ther- wait Son?

Issei: yeah like the black hair kid in picture when you visit me at my apartment remenber?

Matsuda:Oh~ I forgot about that....but anyway we need to get there

Issei: who with you now?

Matsuda: Motohama

Time skip brought you by Chibi Yuichiro and chibi Issei pickup his chibi friend to Tokyo

Issei, his son, matsuda and Motohama were in his car. They were on their way to Tokyo

Motohama: this will take more time than I thought*facepalm*

Issei:wanna see something else?

Motohama: sure I guess?

He press a button and issei car Transform into a fly model

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Yuichiro: WOW!!*eye sparkling* WE ARE FLYING, UNCLE MATSUDA!

Matsuda: yes, yes, yes we are, my nephew *pat his nephew head*

Motohama:How many Job did you even have enough bought this car!

Issei: I have about like 2 job and I rebuild this car into a flying model

Matsuda: wait you rebuilt this?!*surprise* I impress about how you rebuilt this car

Issei: you guy may wanna get prepare your seatbelt

Motohama and matsuda: why?

Issei: A sonic boom gonna blow your face

Without any word, they prepare seatbelt as Motohama,Matsuda clap their hand together, pray for their life to be save

Yuichiro was confuse about his uncle action. The car create A sonic Boom, blow the cloud out of the way, breaking the sound barrier at High Hypersonic level speed

Motohama and Matsuda: AAHHHH!!*scream in horror*

Issei:*wearing sunglass* WE WILL BE THERE IN A MINUTE!!*yell with a smile*

One minute later, they arrive at Tokyo

The flying model car slowly land on street as it turn back into a car form

Issei: here we are! Tokyo!

Motohama:I swear I gonna meet my friend in after life by you, Issei!

Matsuda: oh please, we lucky enough about the fact our friends warn us

Issei found a parking car place. Fallen knight come out driver side, Motohama come out passenger side,Matsuda and Yuichiro come out back seat.

Yuichiro: LET GO, DAD!*excited*

Issei:Yeah *grab his son hand* let go

Motohama:can't believe about the fact that we just become uncle in 20 minute just now*mumble*

Matsuda: he did mention about his son once before so yeahhh~

Motohama: while issei doing his duty as a dad, we need to find that nightmare Beast

Matsuda nod as he body flicker away. Matsuda activate his curse technique, thunderstorm to increase his speed, leaving black and red trail behind

Location: Ueno zoo

Issei:*looking at Uneo Zoo map* this feel large than I expect

Yuichiro:COME ON, DAD*drag issei hand* WE NEED TO GO!!*excited*

Issei:okay, okay*got drag by his son*

Random: is boy that too young to a father?*whisper to her friend*

Issei:( I'm literally 22 year old, dumb woman!) I can still hear conversation in this distant

Scene change to Motohama in alleyway, checking claw mark on wall

Motohama:*take some photo* I will send this photo to them before worse thing can happen*put the phone back in pocket pant*

His body was envelop in red and black spark as he dash on wall and jump on this building to another building. Someone watching Shadow sorcerer jump away in black and red spark trait

Scene change change to Matsuda using his kekkei genkai,byakugan, seeing nightmare beast footprints.

Motohama: those thing have seem to be finding prey*take out his iPhone*


Team MIM group chat

Ninja white eye: those nightmare beast are looking for prey

Shadow sorcerer: good to hear *sent a photo*

Fallen knight:those claw seem to be sharper than I thought

Shadow sorcerer: if I was a prey, I would be death by those now


Motohama stop at a abandon building with motohama body flicker right next to him.


Matsuda: yeah*nod*

Motohama: Good*take out iPhone*

He press the app call "Ankoku jigen" and The space Surrounded them got bent as they disappear

Author note:
-sorry to left a cliffhanger
- I was gonna write more but got busy in real life
-nightmare beast was gonna originally call nightmare shadow but I feel lame about the creature type name that I just call
-I plan was plan to make issei as father but I'm bad  about how to write the dad part
-next chapter will be only Motohama and Matsuda since this story only focus a little about how to live a normal

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