just a|Normal|day for issei noctis

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The scene start to show a brown boy lying on grass field with his pervert friend

Issei or should be call  Jaune. After he enter this world, the portal somehow Infect his body age turning his back to 16. He learn about the world he been got into, he need to find a job and a place to stay but he usually sleep on street because he wasn't had enough money, after that he has enough money to buy apartment for himself.

Also issei work in a cafe shop. He always wear a mask to conceal his face, heck even boss doesn't know how his face look like. After he turn to 17 .He enrolls to Kuoh Academy but he gonna be honest about one thing, this academy is full of the simp....literally.

Issei:(😐 I'm wonder why I enroll into this academy?).....( oh right, I have to get that graduation and I need act like a pervert making me distant away from them).....

Matsuda and Motohama talk about their pervert habit thing but they notice their friend issei was quiet from the start of their conversation.

Motohama: issei?Issei?ISSEI?!

Issei: HUH?!* Almost have heart attack*MOTOHAMA!*sat up and grab by collar*WHAT THE HELL MEN!?

He yell at him with furious expression on his face. Motohama raise two of his hand up infront of him try to calm Issei down

Motohama: you were silence about our conversation.

Issei let go off him. He take a deep breath then let it out and composed himself

Issei: don't even do that again

Time skip brought to you by emotionless chibi issei fishing along with chibi Motohama and chibi Matsuda

Issei/Jaune stood on middle of the bridge, he let out a boring signs.

Issei: why do I have to enter that academy? Oh right they are bunch of simp for a prince

He says with no emotion on those word. He just act like a pervert to make sure they stay away from him. He has a trust issue about one of them not being a normal human. He take a ring out of his pocket

Issei: sans told me this able to hide my pressure and aura.* he pull it into his middle finger* so it did fit for me

He hear a step to his side. Issei look at person who stand infront him.

???:excuse me? You're issei noctis from kuoh academy,right?or am I wrong

The girl ask but for Issei he smell some bullshit here

Issei: yeah

He replied to her but issei noticed the uniform she wears was not around here

Issei:(wait that uniform. It isn't the old design of kuoh uniform?)

Thankfully he did see the original one but it was never release before they change their uniform design.

???: Hi! I uh-

Issei look at her. She try just to acting shy but the brown boy can see through it, he has a trust issue about that.

Issei: if there's anything I can help you with?...

???: sort of

???: I just wanted to ask you a quick question: are you seeing anyone right now?

Issei:*raise brow* now? no...( yeah something not right here... first she act like she knew me before and second why did wear the old design uniform)

She was relief about his answer

???: that's wonderful! My name is Yuma Amano

Issei: is that it?

Yuma: Uh... In that case... Since you're single...do you think you'd like to go out with me?

Issei:( okay only idiot fall for that bullshit! We just meet each other and she wants me hang out with her! ) go out with you..?Um,I...

Yuma:I've been watching you

Issei:( that sound like stalker to me )

Yuma: you pass by here a lot and you seem so....

Issei:( technically, this is my first time bitch!)

Yuma: I don't know...gentle...and very handsome and I-

Issei:( like I believe that crap and when did I become handsome to you again?)

Yuma: see...the thing is—* look up at him with little red check on face*I'd like for you to be  my boyfriend!

Issei:( act dumb issei )when will we go out?( Not that dumb! )

Yuma: next Sunday afternoon...can you do it?!

Yuma: sure? That sound fine...Any time you want?

Yuma: it's a date then...night

Issei: yeah,you too ( I did not even expect my acting skill will work against her)

The girl turn around run away while wave to his.

Yuma: See you tomorrow,Issei!

He also wave at her as she runs far away from him. His pervert smile fade away leaving expressionless face.he puts his hand into pocket.

Issei: try to make me a fool, huh? Let see how long will you still acting.....Yuma

He say in cold voice. He felt someone was watching him, he reform a weapon in white,yellow,blue aura. He turn back with destiny wrath on his hand and point at someone. He fired a bullet make from aura but it already escape the scene.

Issei: Tch! I shouldn't take the ring off. What a misfortune

He tossed destiny wrath to aside make it disappear in glass. He sigh and walk back to his apartment,

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